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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-05-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Karlsruhe
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 003

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Normal patrol route that spanned across half of Rheinland. The route started at Omega-7 near the IMG station. We sweeped Omega-7 and it was clear. On towards Stuttgart we found a Transport hauling military goods illegally it refused to drop the cargo and pay the fine so Major Landers said the kill order, and I managed to get my first Transport kill. Then in Berlin we found a pirate ships near the Frankfurt jumpgate, sadly he was expecting us and fled before we could disrupt and terminate him. But Fahnrich Sittingen was able to scan the vessel and log it before it fled. From Mainz Storage Facility we patrolled all the way to Omega-11 and the system itself. There were no other hostile contacts. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images

Confirmed Kills
Freelance Transport Killed By Fl.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 11-10-2011

[Image: Sitttrans.gif]

[font=Lucida Console]Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

Today I bring you both good but also disturbing news.

I received a distress call from Leutnant Austerlitz, who apparently was under heavy fire from a small strike group belonging to the infamous Renegades that have plagued Rheinland times beyond counting. I moved in to assist as fast as possible. Reaching the destination of the distress call, the lane from Bonn to the Stuttgart Jump Gate, I picked up the Leutnant and several other contacts on scanners. I moved in immediately to render support but we were severely outgunned by the enemy force, which consisted of two bombers and a gunboat at that time.

Luckily Major Landers and Hauptmann Sulzer received the signal as well, a member of the Bundespolizei that happened to patrol the area also moved in. The ensuing fight was ferocious, another contact showed up presumably belonging to the Renegades. However, I was not able to get any usable scans on that ship. We gained the upper hand and successfully hammered their gunboat into oblivion. One of their bombers met the same faith while the others fled.

Well, we emerged victorious but unfortunately the story does not end here but let me provide some guncam footage first before I proceed with my report:

[Image: screen36.jpg]

The disturbing news are about the behaviour of a member of the Westliche Rheinlandflotte.

Said member, bearing the codename "Tau.Wing-3" showed up halfway into the battle and offered assistance. We pretty much had the situation under control already, so Major Landers ordered him to stand down. However, it seems like the Kamerad took that only as a friendly suggestion rather than a direct order. Despite being repeatedly ordered by the Major to stand down he charged his weapons and jumped in anyway.

As a response the Major told us to treat him as a hostile, so we opened fire and got some warning shots in his shields. Well, after those shots the Major ordered us to cease fire again and stopped the Kamerad, demanding an explanation of his prior disobedience, which he was quite hesitant to give.

With his patience already put to the test more than enough Major Landers offered him a simple choice: Either coming to Vierlande with us or "resolving" that matter directly in space.
He refused to come with us, questioning the Major's authority whenever he could. So we took harsher measures. His vessel was disabled and the escape pod tractored and then brought to Vierlande by the Major and myself.

[Image: screen43-1.jpg]
[Image: screen800.jpg]

Well, further explanation of the situation should not be necessary, the bits of the communication that I managed to record attached here speak for themselves:


Gut, that is all for now, von Sittlingen signing out.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#009900]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-11-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Planet New Berlin
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 004

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag.

Another normal sweep patrol that turned out somewhat interesting, the patrol started from Bonn Station to Planet New Berlin. Once plantside I was encountered By a pirate bomber and a Bundschuh fighter who most certainly were looking for a fight. I gave them one. During the battle the Bundshuh foolish tried to make a hard right to avoid oncoming fire and flew headfirst into his own mine and killed himself. So as the pirate bomber took a large amount of heavy damage he decided to commit suicide by ramming into a IMG miner vessel that was watching the battle from a distance. So I'am proud to say the Berlin is clear from pirate scum for the time being.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image

Confirmed Kills
Bundshuh Figher Killed By Himself
Pirate Bomber Killed By Himself

Confirmed Causalities

{Error with Images, just zoom in on them to see the pictures}

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Havok - 11-11-2011

***Incoming Transmission
*** Source: Battleship Altenburg , Dresden System
***ID : Flieger Vogts
***Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Vogts
Recipient: Military High Command
Subject: Patrol Report - 3

My Patrol Once again started in Altenburg , after a Clean Sweep of Dresden i moved on to New Berlin , sweeping the lanes and stations , i finished my patrol with a sweep of Frankfurt. Nothing Major to Report.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Havok - 11-14-2011

***Incoming Transmission
*** Source: Battleship Altenburg , Dresden System
***ID : Flieger Vogts
***Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Vogts
Recipient: Military High Command
Subject: Patrol Report - 4

Guten Tage Mein Herren!

The Day Started with a Training Session in Braunschweig, Training Shieldruns and Group Simulations Zwei gegen Zwei. The Simulations went well i managed to defeat Leutnant Austerlitz [Evidence] before getting defeated myself [Evidence].

After Training the Leutnant, and myself Started on Patrol Heading to the Omega-7 System when we were , to our suprise, Met by a Libertonian Siege Cruiser in Stuttgart, and to even more of our suprise, It was Loaded with Kusarian Weapons! [Evidence]. After Refusing to stop or Listen to the Leutnant , the order was Given to Engage. We fought the Cruiser to the New Berlin Gate , into which the Cruiser fled, we followed it and did not allow it to escape , the fight continued along the Lanes before we could finally Destroy it. [Evidence]. At the End of the Incident , Faehnrich Sittlingen Joined our patrol, We finally Headed to the Omega-7 System where we met an Interspace Transporter Hauling Cargo for Bonn. [Evidence] [Evidence]. After a Thourough Investigation it was decided to Escort the Transport to Bonn. The Faehnrich and myself Escorted it , while the Leutnant Signed off. Once we got to New Berlin , We were interupted in the Lanes by a Unioner and a Corsair who were batteling a Bounty Hunter, We escorted the Transport to bonn and then went back in to Seek the Trouble Makers , A lenghty fight ensued, in which we were able to deal Hull damage to the Enemies, but my ship was finally Critically damaged by a Mine from the Corsair. [Evidence]. My Pod was tractored in and brought to Bonn where i now signed off to Write this Report.

For the Fatherland!
Flieger Vogts

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ryummel - 11-14-2011

SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-VK-3601
[Image: 2mhargm.png]
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Gefreiter Semir Gerkhan

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Oberkommando der Rheinwehr
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]I <3 REPORT#1

[color=#FFCC00]So I received the distress call from Vizeadmiral Weissman persona, getting myself in my Bergelmir, or better said, 140-ARKM-N58 bomber, and then proceeding at full speed to the Bonn station sector via trade lanes. Due to the fierce nature of my two Nova torpedo launchers, I was able to scare some hostiles off, leaving the Vizeadmiral persona and his Fähnrich wingman persona against a lone Unioner persona.

Given the explosive nature of my vessel, I was tasked to engage and destroy the Unioner persona, thus activating my cruise engines and moving right behind him. The operation was a total success, creating uncountable explosions across the debris field surrounding the Kreuzberg base and forcing this Unioner persona to dock there. Needless to say about the time one of my novas managed to deactivate the shields of the three ships present, namely Weissman's, Unioner's and mine.

Of course, there's no guncams attachment because the camera itself blew up. Risks of Nova torpedoes, I wasn't properly trained for that. Ja.

Gerkhan out.

[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-19-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Karlsruhe
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Ge.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 005

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Hallo Mein Kommandant!

Almost Immediately when I launched to space I contacted by Engelhard.Sulzer to assist him and his comrades in finishing off a pirate force that was threatening the trade lanes I responded and soon entered the fray. The enemy forces consisted of a gunboat and a fighter, but were quickly overwhelmed and destoryed. I even got the chance to finish off the fighter but the commanding officer Sulzer ordered me to strike against the Gunboat (hm.. to bad), but orders are orders and I will follow them to the letter. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image

Confirmed Kills
Confirmed Pirate Fighter Killed By Ge.Helene.Seidel

Confirmed Causalities

{to see the images just zoom in on them}

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-19-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Karlsruhe
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Ge.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 006

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Hail Mein Kommandant!

Another routine patrol in the outlaying stations in the Berlin system that had an interesting twist. I was on patrol with Gefreiter Helene Seidel we were moving from Essen to Bonn and outwards the towards the Stuttgart Jumpgate. At Bonn we found a RHA pilot nearby attacking the tradelanes. Helene Seidel wanted to have a fair 1 on 1 fight against the Hessain pilot, so out of a matter of honor I agreed to it. During the duel not surprising at all another hessian pilot entered the fray, (hm.. not like hessians would fight fair anyway, damn cowards) so I assisted my Comrade counterpart in engaging the the enemy. Funny enough the first Hessain pilot foolish killed himself with his own mine, a shame im sure Seidel would have been happy if she was able to kill the blasted coward. So both Hessian Fighter Targets were successfully annihilated. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image

Confirmed Kills
Confirmed Hessain Fighter Killed By Himself
Confirmed Hessain Fighter By Ge.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

{zoom in on the images to see them}

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-19-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Karlsruhe
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Ge.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 007

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

*Salutes* Kommandant!

A Normal patrol from the Planet Stuttgart to Bonn station that turned out some successful results. Between the tradelane and Bonn there were 2 pirate vessles 1 fighter and 1 bomber that were attacking nearby merchant transports. I arrived just as the pirates were attacking a freelance transports sadly though I was not able to save the transport. But I made sure both pirates payed for their treachery, and so both vessels were destoryed. I can say now that the trade lane to the Stuttgart gate is save for now.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Secon Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image

Confirmed Kills
Confirmed Pirate Fighter Killed By Ge.Alois.Dermen
Confirmed Pirate Bomber Killed By Ge.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

{to see the images you must zoom in on them}

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-21-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Ge.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 008

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

*Saultes* High Command!

As for this 8th patrol report Im proud to say that I commanded my first strike force consisting of Fliegers and other recruits as well. I believe I did a good job in showing Loyalty to the Vaterland but I feel I could have done better. But anyway, we patrolled throughout the Stuttgart and New Berlin system finding numerous pirate activates throughout the sectors. In Suttgart Flieger Alla.Sulzer found an alone Pirate vessel in between the Tradelanes to Omega-7. I gave the orders to attack the vessels and we both did, the poor fool didn't even stand a chance. After the battle we finished our patrol and moved to Strausberg to rearm our fighters and make our reports. But comm reports from the Berlin system read the an old Nemesis of mine was in the System pirating the tradelanes, his vessel name was The.Wailing.Butcher, week ago I encountered him in the Frankfurt system he escaped, and I was determined that he will not get away again and make a mockery of me. Through my zeal and the assistance from my group we punished this enemy of the Reich. But sadly there was also another Pirate Gunboat in the system with The Butcher, (Lord.Of.Water), he escaped during the battle the coward that he is. But no doubt we will find and destroy him, his days are numbers as are all enemies of the Reich! Also there was a hessain vessel in the sector that approached us during the battle with the Butcher, the pilot was asking for directions to the nearest freeport to get a new ship, simply why he came up to us and ask us is something completely random that I cannot answer. He told us that he was not a hessain and they he stole the Mark Thor (prime hessain fighter) from them. I don't know if he was telling the truth or not but it was fully armed to the teeth, I would be a fool if i didn't act on this now. So we opened fire on him he fled into the field just as quickly as he came to us. But the odd thing about this is he didn't even open fire on us, he just tried to do was dodge the oncoming fire, until he sustained enough damage then fled, I don't know if he was telling the truth or trying to pull another lie but I would like to ask the BDM to have an investigation on this pilot, his name is Axel.Parker.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image
Eighth Image
Ninth Image

Confirmed Kills
Confirmed Pirate Bomber Killed By Fl.Alla.Sulzer
Confirmed Pirate Gunboat Killed By Ge.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

{to see the images just zoom on them}