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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-08-2019

Your name: Ghost.Train

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: S``ensor


A junker with Black Market Munitions visited us from Rheinland. He was greeted and ordered to stop for cargo scanning and then ordered to submit his contraband, but he tried to escape twice and was silent all the time. Neutralizer and Scorcher bombs did a dent in his Salvager hull in a few seconds, as he had no armor at all, even the cheapest one.

Violated laws of liberty by S``ensor:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.


Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler(LPI-doubles)

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-08-2019

Your name: Ghost.Train

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: Moub`ta`


Freelancer carrying a lot of Counterfeit Software was intercepted in Colorado. I tried to fine him for 4'000'000 since he had enough contraband to deserve it. But he refused to meet my orders and decided to jettison himself in an escape pod. His ship was quickly disabled after that.

Violated laws of liberty by Moub`ta`:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.


Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler(LPI-doubles)

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-08-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: TheCardamineRunner


At the west point academy I was able to meet already... very familiar ship name. The CardamineRunner. I met him already third time and he certainly starts to look familiar. Once again he has a new ship, and this time everything was photoed. He decided to change for Raven's Talon freelancer VHF. At first, he tried to test my armor but saw that it's useless and tried to run away. I chased him for half of the badlands before he decided to meet his fate.

As an interesting note, I tried to call for help from nearby Freelancer, also known as the leader of DSS or some high person in their hierarchy. While she had VHF and possibility to hold the criminal enough to arrest, she doubted every word, refused to see him as criminal even mistaking for Freelancer. Words about him being a pirate and having a lot of drugs in his cargo fall deaf to her ears. She refused to cooperate since her company had problems with police before, regarding multiple breaking of Embargo law to Vespucci.

Violated laws of liberty by TheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.7 Known criminals

Payment owed:
10mln for known criminal and smuggler at the same time(LPI-doubles)

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-08-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-Fort.Dix

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: technically no one


Well it was a really difficult situation. Solano was intercepted carrying more than 3 thousand passengers in improper conditions. The difficulty was in him not speaking Liberty language almost. The situation was resolved with success because of the help from Medical.Liner.Panacea. He helped with medical and transporting issues. More than 3 thousand were saved.

Medical Liner said that he has difficulty in carrying medical substances though because he doesn't belong to Cryer corporation. I think he deserves to have the license. He clearly showed his Hippocratic Oath (in Dialog attachments), helping any people he can.

Violated laws of liberty by Solano:
  • 1.4 Improper passenger conditions.

Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler(LPI-doubles) //If rescue operation instead of shooting smuggler(with danger to passengers!) can be counted as resolving smuggling case.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Kalhmera - 11-11-2019

Your name: LPI-J.Holiday[C]

Where the money is going: LPI-Bank

Kills: "Abbondanza"
Circumstances:Seems this Outcast with Lane Hacker Technology decided it was a good idea to exist. They are criminals in Liberty and are to be arrested on sight and thats what one of my Officers attempted to do. His ship was critically damaged so I had to take over.

Payment owed: 10.000.000 : 5.000.000 Base Rate, LPI- Double Bonus

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-11-2019

Your name: Edison.Trend

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: Bulli


Intercepted civilian gunboat coming from Magellan with Ageira White Boxes. There was a lot of misunderstanding because his language skills are very poor. I tried to interrogate, to reason, to question him, because how.. unclear he answered I thought he destroyed some transport and stole the white boxes from it, but later it was decided that he just found the wreck. And when I asked him to drop boxes, he decided to be deaf multiple times my calls so I was forced to stop him for good.

Violated laws of liberty by Bulli:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.

Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler(LPI-doubles)

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-11-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: Floyd.Bonney


I received a call for help from my friend Jeremiah Sawyer about a pirate located in NY at Texas Jumpgate. Coming on my ship as fast as I can, I saw how they started to fight with each other. I thought to watch as first thought. Identified the pirate ship as a bomber.

But the pirate immediately as he saw me decided to attack me with everything available, removing my shield and starting to scratch my hull. Funny enough, he didn't do any evading maneuvers, and even without steering my turrets, I made in less than 10 seconds a lot of holes in his hull for that.

Violated laws of liberty by Floyd.Bonney:
  • 1.3 Assault
  • 1.7 Known criminal


Payment owed:
10mln for generic pirate(LPI-doubles)

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-12-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-San.Quentin, LPI-ADX-Kansas(transport)

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: no one


Today's shift comes with something big. I noticed a signal from TLAGSNET about something fishy coming from Texas. Notified nearby officers about it to investigate.

Doe industries worker has been intercepted at Norfolk shipyard with 3000 slaves being onboard while captain of the ship denied them being slaves and insisted on them being "Unemployed personnel". He also admitted transporting them for GMG company.

Our scanners showed that the personnel had no personal items and had signs of abuse. After that, they were transferred to Bison transport which I delivered to release them on Planet Manhattan.

A black box with the dialog is attached to the report.

Violated laws of liberty by Doe|-UH-1.Iroquois:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.

Payment owed:
10mln for rescuing operation from smuggler(LPI-doubles) //If rescuing operation can be counted.

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-12-2019

Your name: Edison.Trend, LPI-ADX-Kansas(transport)

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: no one


With a big company of Liberty Navy officers, I intercepted a slave driver having 4195 people on board at Norfolk Station. Having no available transport and having a problem that only I could restrict docking access for a slaver, we escorted him to Texas JG and moved 10k to the left for a safe waiting while I changed my ship for police transport and came to rescue all poor people. Everyone was delivered safe and sound later to Fort Bush, including caught transport to release at Fort Bust the rest of the people.

Violated laws of liberty by Sundiver:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Improper passenger conditions.


Payment owed:
10mln for rescuing operation from smuggler(LPI-doubles) //If rescuing operation can be counted.

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-13-2019

Your name: Apple.Pie, Fortuner_teller

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: Cindy, Sir.Goodwill, Carver.Falk

A very tough zoner SHF belonging to a pirate, which I very long tried to break with my VHF. thankfully I did it. He wasn't a very talkative person. Actually I don't remember even one phrase from him. He was intercepted near Planet Houston and chased to badlands were finally received enough holes to his hull.

Violated laws of liberty by Cindy:
  • 1.7 Known criminal.


Sir.Goodwill decided it's good to fly with Artifacts in NY. I with my assistant Unmistakable chased him for half of NY and proved him wrong by blasting to pieces.

Violated laws of liberty by Sir.Goodwill:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.


Core light fighter was intercepted in NY with artifacts and chased to Bretonia for a half of hour. Where I finally gave up, but quickly changed my mind and successfully blasted it to pieces one second later.

Violated laws of liberty by Carver.Falk:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.

Payment owed:
10mln for generice pirate
20mlns for two smugglers

with 30 mlns in total(LPI-doubles)