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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 05-18-2014

[Image: ZSx0wFN.jpg]

Officers, Defense Intelligence Staff, Fellows of the Board,

I hereby bring you my verdict on the Armed Forces Carrier Mk III, the "Invincible" class. The vessel is initially quite large. This is due to the extended hangar and storage capabilities. This extended space allows for more wings of bombers and fighters to be used in conjunction with the remaining capital assets. The vessel is well armoured, and armed to the teeth. Definitely able to hold her own if the need arises. I would, however, still classify her as a support only vessel, not for front line engagements, but supporting with its bomber wing complements and covering, long range, fire.

Weapon discharge tests came back green. Engine levels help up exceptionally well, beyond my expectations. With what i have found in mind, i'm hereby filing for a maiden voyage, to show her off to the troops, the public, and perhaps our allies the Libertonians, in the hopes we one day repay the favour they gave us in the form of their two carriers.

This concludes my initial report. Awaiting approval for long range stress testing.

Admiral Michelle O'Brian
Commanding Officer of the 1st New London Fleet, and the 5th Suffolk Defence Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 05-20-2014

:::INCOMING Transmission:::

Comm ID: Commodore Natalie Reaser
Location: H.M.S Norfolk
Priority: High
To: Bretonian Armed forces Defense Intelligence staff
Subject: Battle with the Corsairs

Good Evening,

Yesterday's night, a battle group was issued by Fleet Admiral Wildcat, to form a raid on Leeds system, once there, the group has reached the vicinity of Planet Leeds, we only encountered minor resistance, nothing to be reported about that, The Fleet Admiral on-board the H.M.S Loxely, ordered us to head to Edinburgh then to the Dundee system, where we formed a defense line there in case of a Gallic invasion, After a short while, H.M.S Juggernaut received a report about multiple corsair capital ships in Omega-3 system, terrorizing the civilians there, The Battlegroup consisting of H.M.S Loxely, H.M.S Juggernaut, H.M.S Sentinel. And Lieutenant Angus Graham, responded to the report, and set course to Omega-3 to stand against those corsairs.

Once the group reached the destination, H.M.S Loxely received the first shots by a corsair Osiris, H.M.S Sentinel as well as the Loxely opened fire on the Osiris, while H.M.S Juggernaut was falling behind due to engine difficulties, As soon as The Juggernaut arrived to the battle scene, I found the Osiris fighting, without hesitation, The conclusion of a trap crossed my mind, And I was right, Suddenly when the Juggernaut was about to fire at the Osiris, a Light Corsair Battleship Un-cloaked and fired towards the Loxely, The Juggernaut focused on the Osiris, providing The Loxely covering fire, The Corsair Osiris was the first to be neutralized, followed by the fall of the Light Corsair battleship. Sadly, We were too late, H.M.S Loxely has already taken heavy damage, thus it got neutralized, The Fleet Admiral's Pod was recovered with the surviving crew, and headed back to Norfolk, Maintenance works are on he clock, repairing the Juggernaut engines in order to avoid such bad moments.

:::Uploading Attachments:::

Osiris Destroyed -[X]-
Corsair Light Battleship Destroyed -[X]-
The Loss of H.M.S Loxely -[X]-

:::Attachments Uploaded:::

[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Carina, Regina, Imparetix

Signed: Commodore Natalie Reaser
Commanding officer of the 3rd Norfolk and 4th Cambridge fleets
CO of the Bretonian Auxiliary Fleet.


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - 7AlphaOne1 - 05-22-2014

Incoming Transmission

Comm id:Ensign James Peterson.
Location:Battleship Norfolk Military medical Wing,Cambridge system
SubjectBig Grinistress signal in the Cambridge System

Good day,

Straight to the facts then. I have been and will be off duty from May 1st 821 A.S to June 10th 821 A.S. This is on account that I have suffered degree 4 burns and multiple fractures and sprains in various parts of the body.

although off duty, I have been monitoring the Neural net, for updates on the current situation. in this course of probing, I have found a distress signal originating in the Cambridge system. It can be found here

the encryption, comm device and vessel signal seems to be of very old origins. since I am currently off-duty, I request the Board to assign other Officers to the rescue task.

That is all.


Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 05-28-2014

Incoming Transmission from:
Bridge Officer Ross Hughes
[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Subject: What happened yesterday

Good day Admirals,
the reason why I send this report today and not yesterday is easy, exhaustion. After 6 hours firing Cerbs at the station I did not had the power to writte the report.
Anyways I arrived at the station after Lieutenant Robson called me and my crew for support. A Colonial Cruiser was already engaging the station so I joined him. Time passed and 2 Dunkirks, 1 Council Redemption and 2 Bretonian Carrier arrived. We were firing all our guns onto the station but it didnt even got a crack.
Then a BMF Shetland arrived and thought that he had to disturb our operation and doubt the commands we got from the HC to remove the base. So I called the BPA and let them take him away.
More time passed and more and more allied capital ships joined us, both Council and Liberty Navy ships. Even Fleet Admiral Evyn Wildcat joined us. In the end we were so many that I did not bother to count anymore. Together we were able to put many holes into the station but then, like a blessing from the gods, the allied ships had to return immediately and we did not had the firepower to put more holes into the station anymore.
The Admiral abort the operation and we returned back to Southampton, exhausted and downhearted. But at least it was not everything a disappointment.
At least thats what my Executive Officer is thinking. I think he likes one of the Council captains and they are now going out for a drink. May the Blessing of the Lord be with him
Thats all I can report from yesterday, I will go back to my duties now
Bridge Officer Hughes out.

Opening Attachments.....

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - 7AlphaOne1 - 06-11-2014

Incoming Transmission

Comm id:Ensign James Peterson.
Location:Battleship Norfolk Military medical Wing,Cambridge system
SubjectBig Grinistress signal in the Cambridge System

Good day,

Today, I was patrolling leeds. Might I mention that I am back in duty, and am actively participating in the war front.Today, I received an alert that a large radar signal was being emitted by a vessel travelling through Leeds , and before Magellan. It was determined as to be either of transport or cruiser class. Encountering it, I had only an opputunity to scan it, before he escaped my grasp., in Dublin, near the Molly inhabited field.

Scanner reports are as follows:

Ship name: [OPG]Andre.
Ship type: 'Essedarius' Corsair train[?]
Class: transport
cargo: Large amount of Black Market Munitions.
Notes: corsair did not employ defences, possibly in a hurry.

That is all.


Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 06-11-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

Commander Charlotte Brooks

Today the BAF|HMS-Vengence set out on her maiden flight. We were called out to see to frogs in New London. We fought them off with the Fleet Admiral getting the final kill on the slippery buggers.

Reports of Coalition vessels in Cambridge got us caught up in a fight there. We managed to eliminate 2 of their 4 bombers, the remaining two fled. One fled home, the other fled to a gunboat on it's way to assist. HMS - Antioch was put out of action by the Coalition Gunboat. We were left with our solaris cannons which are built for eliminating fighters and bombers, however we took it down to half hull and no nano bots, which were being supplied I suspect. I ordered the evacuation of the 'Vengence' and it seems to be being repaired as I speak. A major hull breach but that is all.

Long live the Queen!

Commander Charlotte Brooks signing off

-=Connection lost=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Singularity - 06-13-2014

Quote:ID: Captain Royston Farrell
Source: Southampton Shipyard, New London
Ship: BRF|HMS-Vanguard
To: Bretonian Armed forces Defense Intelligence staff
Subject: Patrol Report

A very good day sir,

This official report is submitted about the ongoing patrol missions by the Vanguard and its crew.
Vanguard has been a part of the Bretonian Royal Fleet and is among the Heavy Patrol groups originating from London. Lately, I have been on two investigative teams and the reports are henceforth submitted.

Three days prior, While I, along with with crew, got a call from Headquarters to investigate a distress call at Dublin. It seemed Headquarters had managed to intercept some interference in the specified channels.
Heavy Patrol Group was assigned, to the fact, that the threat level was significantly higher. The Patrol consisted of BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel and my ship and we moved to Dublin with few minutes of the order.

In Dublin, we managed to get a F.H.I about the scene from a police "Bowex" about a possible Molly intruder with a destroyer class ship. After an entire round-up, the threat was levelled and the Heavy patrol group returned their way back.
BRF|HMS-Vanguard: farrel: Good day Captain !
[08.06.2014 18:00:26] Gateway|-GSE-Talon: Smithy: Good day sir
[08.06.2014 18:02:57] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: This is Vangueard to HQ, Heavy Patrol Group on route to location.
[08.06.2014 18:03:38] [M]-Blodwyn.O'Driscoll: dhis is d'Republic patrol, unknows vessels please idenfoy yersel'
[08.06.2014 18:03:40] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Patrol Group identify Omega-six heading waypoint one.
[08.06.2014 18:03:47] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: Echo 4 enroute. Full steam ahead lads.
[08.06.2014 18:04:15] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: farrel: To HQ, we are receiving chattering signals from a source. Request to investigate
[08.06.2014 18:05:00] Bower: Greetings
[08.06.2014 18:05:02] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: Good day.
[08.06.2014 18:05:19] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrel: Greetings officer.
[08.06.2014 18:05:51] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Officer, Do you have any information about the distressed call over here
[08.06.2014 18:06:04] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: This is the 'Sentinel', we are proceeding to investigate.
[08.06.2014 18:06:12] Bower: It was a Bounty Hunter doing his missions here
[08.06.2014 18:06:21] Bower: He got interruped during it by a destroyer
[08.06.2014 18:06:31] Bower: A Molly Scylla
[08.06.2014 18:06:44] [M]-Blodwyn.O'Driscoll: oy do repeat, unknown vessels please identifoy ye'sel'
[08.06.2014 18:06:46] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Receiving First hand report from the on scene police officer.
[08.06.2014 18:06:59] Bower: That all I know
[08.06.2014 18:07:22] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: *checks* To Onboard ship Sentinel, Are you getting those weird identification transmissions ?
[08.06.2014 18:07:38] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: Aye.. *He sips some tea*
[08.06.2014 18:08:12] Bower: Gunboat approaching
[08.06.2014 18:08:30] Death: Maledictis was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.06.2014 18:09:38] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: *chuckles* Easy lads, just a petty Molly Gunboat and his crew.
[08.06.2014 18:09:59] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: We have arived at a Molly Outpost, transponders call it 'Goldern Coin'.
[08.06.2014 18:10:54] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrel: Shall we investigate, Captain ??
[08.06.2014 18:11:12] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: Aye.
[08.06.2014 18:11:53] BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel: Miller: All seems clear, returning to New London.
[08.06.2014 18:13:13] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: This is Vanguard to HQ, Heavy Patrol group returning to base. Systems secured. Threats leveled. Information on way.

Yesterday, early at work life, I managed to get a support call from BAF|A-HMS-Matilda. The Captain being a dear friend of mine, I went off along with the crew and full support necessities as it was long way back into Leeds. The Captain of Matilda was investigating a Gau .. ahh... sorry, formal use... Gallic transport which was carrying some suspicious materials. Needn't say, he wasn't engaged as we took time to be under cover with the cloud. After a brief time, we met with a friendly Cruiser class ship named "CSV-Poseidon" who opted to be our helping hand as we came out of cover on open grounds. A Gallic Patrol was encountered soon and alas, all of the so-called patrol vanished in air... except their captains who are spending some "nice time" in Southampton. We met a lone gallic bomber but he was so scared that he didn't even leave the hangar of the Oubli.
[11.06.2014 18:53:54] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Good day, Captain *smiles*
[11.06.2014 19:02:15] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : greeting sir
[11.06.2014 19:02:29] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: ... Ahh.. Hello there, Captain of Poseidon *waves*
[11.06.2014 19:03:07] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Its nice to have you on our sides *smiles*
[11.06.2014 19:03:10] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : not really a wise idea to be broadcasting on the open channel
[11.06.2014 19:03:41] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Good day Colonial pilot
[11.06.2014 19:03:58] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: I feel its time I need the Gauls to send someone so, that I can feast upon their ship's hull.
[11.06.2014 19:04:25] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : Hail britonia captin
[11.06.2014 19:04:56] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : it is because of the Gale my people where forced out of our home mind if i join you to settle the score
[11.06.2014 19:05:33] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: You are more than welcome, dear friend. We need to settle this *smiles*
[11.06.2014 19:06:03] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : thank you commander i will follow your lead
[11.06.2014 19:06:20] Dekeverestale: Sounds like a plan
[11.06.2014 19:06:30] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: looks like a Gallic has show himself
[11.06.2014 19:06:39] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: It seems the Gaul have managed to send someone. Puty, they don't think of him highly.
[11.06.2014 19:06:55] Dekeverestale: Yeah yeah that makes sense
[11.06.2014 19:07:17] Dekeverestale: I will just lean back and watch you people for a little while
[11.06.2014 19:07:57] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Really, we were planning to do that for you, watch you scrimble and crawl to us to show some skills if you gauls have*
[11.06.2014 19:08:10] Dekeverestale: Nope
[11.06.2014 19:08:10] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: any..
[11.06.2014 19:08:11] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: You can watch my bl00dy arse frog
[11.06.2014 19:08:31] Dekeverestale: Your arse? You are welcome.
[11.06.2014 19:08:54] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Wants some aroma to go with it? i just had beans
[11.06.2014 19:08:56] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: I know he is down to his worst fears. I bet he couldn't even steer his pedals down to bring his ship *laughs*
[11.06.2014 19:08:59] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: *laughs*
[11.06.2014 19:09:09] Dekeverestale: *yawns*
[11.06.2014 19:09:33] Dekeverestale: Oh dear you sound quite mad, are you mad?
[11.06.2014 19:10:31] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: He is scared for sure. He is no good to me than dead pilots lying around here.
[11.06.2014 19:10:44] Dekeverestale: Yeah yeah pretty much
[11.06.2014 19:11:02] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Go back to mummy frog
[11.06.2014 19:11:03] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: The Gaul even admits that *laughs out hard*
[11.06.2014 19:11:15] Dekeverestale: Yup yup
[11.06.2014 19:11:26] Dekeverestale: I'll wait for a little longer
[11.06.2014 19:12:11] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Seems the Gauls are recruiting petty workers down there aisle. Seems those who don't even use official Jargon !!
[11.06.2014 19:12:41] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Seems he is no good, brothers. Might as well we head back .. (??)
[11.06.2014 19:12:53] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Aye
[11.06.2014 19:13:39] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: On your command. We got what we wanted. In our cargos. Moving to HQ.
[11.06.2014 19:14:21] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Well these pilots are surely gonna spill the beans *laughs*
[11.06.2014 19:14:36] Dekeverestale: *shrugs*
[11.06.2014 19:14:53] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : Requesting perission to enter britonia space with my war ship
[11.06.2014 19:15:05] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: farrell: The Captives will be having some nice time here *smiles*
[11.06.2014 19:15:10] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: *to captured pilots* See your friend, not even lifting a finger to help you
[11.06.2014 19:15:29] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Captives: *wails*
[11.06.2014 19:16:10] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: From HQ, your access to Bretonian space is done. Make sure you obey our rules and stay out from causing Troubles.
[11.06.2014 19:17:10] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : my weapon system will be offline upon entering your house your house your rules
[11.06.2014 19:17:51] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: After you Friend *smiles*
[11.06.2014 19:18:56] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : weapons system offline
[11.06.2014 19:20:19] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: To friendly ship, Poseidon. We will be escorting you to Southampton. You are on your own then. Just keep in mind with.
[11.06.2014 19:21:22] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Farrell: Good Luck, Poseidon.
[11.06.2014 19:21:29] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: Ok.
[11.06.2014 19:21:33] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Good luck
[11.06.2014 19:21:35] CSV-Poseidon: Smithy : thank you Britonia pilots i will respply and leave for cortez ASAP
[11.06.2014 19:21:47] BAF|A-HMS-Matilda.: Adams: Safe flight
[11.06.2014 19:21:55] BRF|HMS-Vanguard: farrell: DO have a drink at the local bar *smiles*

And thats all for the reports about the recent patrols by the vanguard.
Thanking you.

Royston Farrell

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 06-13-2014

:::INCOMING Transmission:::

[Image: 5rrSWDg.jpg]

Comm ID: Commodore Natalie Reaser
Location: H.M.S Norfolk
To: Captain Royston Farrell
Priority: Medium
Subject: Promotion.

Captain Farrel,

I'm please from your work captain Farrel, Just make sure next time to have a fighter squadron to be dispatched with the H.M.S Vanguard, during a Heavy class patrol.
You are now transferred to the Bretonian Armed Forces Auxiliary Fleet, Under the rank of Flag Officer, I expect more from you Officer Farrel, Congratulations.

Thank you.

[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Carina, Regina, Imparetix

Signed: Commodore Natalie Reaser
Commanding officer of the 3rd Cambridge and 4th Norfolk fleets
CO of the Bretonian Auxiliary Fleet
Bretonia Armed Forces.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 06-19-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

Sender: Commander Charlotte Brooks
From: BAF|HMS-Vengence
To: BAF Admiralty Board

Good day,

This evening a Mastodon class transport was destroyed by myself and my crew. After greeting the captain politely conversation got going and he told me he was going to join the terroists 'The Order'. After this I was shocked so I asked him to move on 6 or 7 times, he refused all of the orders and replied saying he was waiting for his 'friend'. So I told him to wait for him down the lane. He refused, after asking him to move along another 3 times he gave me no choice but to end him. I explained why I was going to destroy his ship, the fact he admitted to me he was going to join 'The Order' was enough in my eyes but to refuse to move after being asked countless times just sealed the deal for me I'm afraid.

Brooks out

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 07-09-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Flag Officer Luke Miller
Location: The Bridge, Deck 8, The 'Sentinel', New London
Subject: Not a lot

Good day Admirals,

We set off on a patrol of the New London system this evening and I have to say nothing happened. Again. There were rumours about some Gaian blokes blowing up the old BMM chaps but I presume it's all poppy cock as I saw nothing. I have to say though space is rather quiet expecially when you get rid of your rowdy Communications Operator.. Blimey he was a nightmare. This new chap though, he seems quite keen after broadcasting across the system that the kitchen staff had burnt my crumpets.. Idiot. Anyway I must be off!

Flag Officer Luke Miller

-=Transmission Stopped=-