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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-31-2010

Name: Chun Ki Ling
Rank: Junior Lieutenant
Location: Battleship Hood, Dublin
Subject: Recon

Ni Hao sirs,

This morning I have been doing extensive recon sweeps of the Bretonia systems. I started off patrolling in Ontario, however only found a lowly secondary fleet pilot taking on missions for the Liberty Navy. Since he was so pathetic, I left him be. I then started my sweeps of the California, Cortez, Coronado, Baffin, Dundee, Edinburgh and Chester systems - locating the jumpholes that will serve us well for disappearing from the Alliance pests. I am currently docked on the Hood, no other issues currently to report.

For the revolution!

Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vladimir - 12-31-2010

Transmit to: SCRA
Comm ID: Junior Lieutenant Vilen Helbrecht

Message Begins//

The orders were to arrive to Ontario and start patrolling and upholding the Coalition law. Comrade Rhade started to gather the Militsya and so i began moving to the RV point in Dresden. However, in omega-11 my radar has detected a strange ship jumping in from the Stuttgart system.

I moved to intercept and as soon as it came into the scanner range, i have detected more than two thousand slaves onboard. Obviously, it was a damned slaver, one of those who hold no regard for human lives, rights or freedoms.


The foolish slaver, however, wasn't too dumb, he realized what the ship with the Red Star moving in his direction meant, and as soon as his jump-drive recharged, he jumped back to Stuttgart. I was quick enough to follow and witness the activation of the cloaking device. He had his chance, now it was the chance for my guns. After the termination we called for Hessian transport to pick up the slaves and liberate them and moved on.

[Image:] [Image:]

In Dresden, we have encountered a RM cruiser and it's fighter escort, but they were flying around the battleship Altenburg and docked as soon as we came in the sensors range. Cowards, all of them.


On our way to Ontario we have encountered a few more Rheinland Military vessels, but they decided they'd prefer to have the chance to spend the New Year alive and have another beer, so we left them alone in return. However, one of them, call-sign Lana Strahl, proceeded to follow us into the Libertonian core systems. Funny, when we met her in New Berlin, she had a RM-V callsign and a Valkyre, but it changed when she appeared on out scanners in Texas.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

She didn't have a TCD and she was so pathetic we decided to let her live. However, she didn't want to stop following us, so we used a few trade lanes to make her lose us. She probably ended up in hands of some LN patrol.

Then the actual patrol started. I'm pleased to report that no Coalition law breakers were detected on my watch. I've got a few trading vessels, moving primarily Basic Alloys to Fort Seven and from there - Military Vehicles to New Hampshire. Funny, one of the traders liked my Insurgent so much he asked how much should he pay for one. Little did he realize that this ship is payed for with blood and sweat, no some pathetic credits.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] 1/2

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vladimir - 12-31-2010 2 of 2

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

Other notable encounters were a Lane Hackers gunship who moved along without doing anything prohibited and a Freelancer Kusari Explorer who tried to pirate a civilian vessel but did, in fact, listen to me telling him not to and soon left the system.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

I think that shows clearly enough that no Libertonian dare to move here, to the system they refuse to admin is Coalition space, even to protect their own traders, and as long as we are doing their protection around here, people will support us, not them.

Actually, the gunboat was the one who told the comrade Rhade while he was commanding a Trotzky that he did uphold a SCRA order: [Image: Retribution7.jpg]
He did, indeed. It just looks like he did it a bit too late for him to live well.

- Slaver terminated
- RM tail lost on the way to Ontario
- Encountered ships were reminded of the Coalition Law in our space
- Prevented the piracy of the civilian vessel
- No other incidents in Ontario on my watch

Helbrecht out.

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-31-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52


[Image: premcom2.png]

Today, I would like to promote a member of the revolution who has shown dedication above and beyond the call of duty. This man has won victories in space, on the space lanes, and in the hearts and minds of of Allies this day.

He has shown that the Revolution is for the people, and given many new hope. He has given the Fighter Corps cause to hold thier heads high with pride.

He has, in short, become the epitome of the SCRA.

Colonel Rhade, you are hereby promoted!

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Don't slide now.

Major Dimitriov, for valour, dedication and loyalty you are here by promoted as well!

For the Coalition!
Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-31-2010

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Promotion
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]
Premier Katz, your words honor me, I accept the promotion to Colonel. I'm at a loss for words, so I will simply say that I will strive to further better the Coalition, myself, and to bring the Red Dawn closer to reality.

For the Revolution, For the People, For the Party, For the Premier!
[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 12-31-2010

COMM ID: Major Petko.Dimitrov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command
[Image: botev.png]

I am honored to receive this recommendation and promise I will continue my efforts to better the Coalition and serve its best interests .

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Daedric - 12-31-2010

Looking out the window of the Solar Breeze as it approached Zhukovsky Station, Victor motioned for Lloyd to come over to him. Looking the man in the eyes, he spoke, "Taking company assets and offering them to mercenaries without the consent of the board wasn't the smartest thing you could have done, Sienar." Smiling at the man and turning back to the window, "However, instead of some mercenary answering your call for justice, one of the SCRA's finest did. That is why you still have a job, son."

"While we may not agree with everything the SCRA does, they have assisted us many times in the past and supplying them would be very profitable." Walking over to a view screen on the wall and pushing a few buttons, "Premier Katz and Duma have asked that I award Colonel A. Rhade the Hero of the Revolution for defending your ship and crew."

Pointing at the closing station, "This is the first time we've been allowed to enter this system let alone set foot on one of their stations, and we do so because of your.........thirst for revenge or justice. You've helped us strengthen our relationship with the SCRA where I could not."

Hours later......

Standing on a podium in front of what Victor could only assume to be Coalition Marines, he began his speech, "If someone told me a few months ago that I would be standing here, on this station, in front of men and women who strive to protect the working class; I'd have laughed at them. I am, however, standing here in front of those very men and women. Here at the request of Premier Katz and the Duma," pausing and taking a sip of water.

Victor gestured to a Marine to his left, the marine yelling for everyone to come to attention. Then the marine called Colonel A. Rhade forward. The Colonel approached the podium and turned to face the assembly.

Victor continued, "I have the honor and privilege to award Colonel Aloysius Rhade the Hero of the Revolution medal for defending an OSI vessel and its crew. His defense of the working class serves as inspiration for all. As a token of gratitude, OSI would like to present the Spirit of Valour to the Coalition." Turning to the windows behind him and clicking a button on the podium the covers on the windows withdraw, revealing a Conference gunboat doing a fly-by of the station escorted by wing of Coalition fighters."

Walking around to the Colonel, Victor shakes the man's hands, thanking him before walking out of sight. The marine to the left of the podium orders the assembly to fall out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-02-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Fighter Corps Members
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Revision of Tactics

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

With my promotion to General and CinCEX-F, it falls to me to name my successor for the position of commander for the Expeditionary Strikes against our enemy. That person is Colonel Rhade, look to him for missions, and organized strikes against our enemies from his Command ship the CPW-Trotsky.

I will retain my direct command of the CPW-Havana to over see all major operations.

The new Commandante of the Fighter Corps will address you soon, as usual he has the full supoort of the Fleet and defense forces.

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-02-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: Vicneta Gonzales
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: If I am going up your dragged up with me!

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Hermana!

High Command has seen fit to restore your Provost Marshal's badge, and reinstate you to the head of the Provost Marshal's Commissariat. You are promoted to Colonel, and granted a seat on the Politburo.

Hunt down the traitors, and ensure that the Coalition is stable once more!

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 01-02-2011

COMM ID: Provost Marshal Col. Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Ho Chi Minh, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

I am honoured to accept my promotion to full Colonel and once more take up the duty of defending the People from insurgency, insurrection and counter-revolutionary filth. Rest assured that I will restore order to the Commissariat, discipline to the Provost and safety to the people of the Coalition. I will now reaffirm my Oath of Commitment to the Provost.

I, Vicenta Gonzalez, do solemnly swear to uphold the law and order of the Sirius Coalition, serve the public trust, and defend the People and the Revolution without fear, favour, or thought of personal safety; to pursue criminals and spies and protect the innocent, laying down my life if necessary in the cause of said duty. May the Red Dawn purge the capitalist exploiters and bring glory to the Coalition with its light.

As a side note, I offer my condolences to the family of my predecessor Yoris Beltsin, who has been found dead in his office in a formerly blocked corridor on Zvezdny Gorodok. The body will be released to the Beltsin family once the autopsy has verified his cause of death.

Viva la Revolucion!