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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-12-2014

- Incoming Message -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: BAF High Command
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H. M. S. Thunderer, Cambridge System
Subject: Headquarters Transfer Request

Salutations, honourable Bretonian Armed Forces.

I trust that I have done enough on the northern front, my belief being supported by my submitted reports. I will also mention a recent Leeds sally, a report of which has not yet been submitted -- not yet because data is still being gathered -- paid with two Dunkirks, HMS-Argosax and BAF|HMS-Thunderer, while it cost the Gauls four Valors, the guerre.marteau, the SKYLINE_III, RNS-Tonnant, RNS-Obelix and an Obstinate, the Varlek.
Bretonia claimed a victory that day, disabling 125% more Gallic forces than it lost. I, however, had my ship disabled, while the Juggernaut emerged victorious.
Thus, I would like to entrust the role of command over the largest fleet in Bretonia, situated in our most northern system, perhaps a major frontline in the future -- the Ark Royal -- to the lady in charge of the Juggernaut, Commodore Natalie Reaser.
As a part of the substitution, I would, if You honourable Ladies and Gentlemen allow it to happen, take command over the Norfolk. I always preferred dealing with wicked and corrupt pirates over battling an organized and united company as a navy. I know the scum's lusts and vices, as well as weaknesses, if those are not, while I would not want to entangle a lady so young and talented as Commodore Reaser, into that sort of business. I believe that she might become a great person in the future, perhaps crucial in leading us out of this disaster that has struck us so harshly and suddenly.
Although I possess less ambition than Commodore Reaser, as my life has certainly crossed its half, I would greet any plan of spreading our claims into the near Omegas, if fortune allows such to come any time soon, with absolute approval and utmost pleasure -- and do my best to successfully accomplish it.

Signed: Admiral George R. Hall

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 07-16-2014

Incoming Transmission
Subject:Commander Bates Missing In Action

This here is the report on our investigation into the whereabouts of Commander Bates.

If you didn't know already (and are too stupid to have realized by the time you've read up to here) another bloke has been seemingly lost to the war; commander Osmand Bates this time.

Camera footage from the New London orbital entry rings shows us Mr Bates leaving to patrol at 15:00 on Saturday. A report from a Bowex convoy tells us he was last seen heading towards the Southampton debris field, but that was the last report of him.

As with any investigation we partake, we can assure you that we did everything we are paid to do to find him, we made a thorough investigation of his fridge, and we even considered going into the field ourselves to search for him.

In the end we decided he's probably alive and so there's no point looking for him. Or he's dead. Either way, there's a high probability that he is dead or alive, and that he still exists. I'd even go so far as to say that he has a 100% chance of being dead (or alive).

I'm sure those statistics are all you need,
Yours Sincerely,
Investigations Officer Pete

PS. Can I have a raise? This is the second hardest investigation I've carried out in my career, and I've carried out 2 investigations! Surely I deserve a little more love?

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 07-20-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Commander Charlotte Brooks
Location: Birmingham Station
Subject: The Watchers

Good day,

Yesterday myself and Ensign Montgomery came across two Watchers on the lane to Birmingham Station from the New London Gate. We were just about to finish our patrol until this happened, they were flying 'Chameleon' fighters and seemed very mouthy. We weren't messing around. We targetted the one that seemed to mouth us off the most. After some fighting I managed to detonate his own mine with my mine causing him to instantly blow up. Seems his friend wasn't too brave and made his way to their FoB. We fought around the base until we damged him so much that he had to dock. That's all.

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sparx - 07-20-2014

Incoming Transmission
SubjectTongueatrol #1147892

Good day,

This is a report detailing the events that occurred on Patrol #1147892.
First of all it was a patrol between me Ens.C.Montomgery and Cdr.Brooks we were patrolling the dreaded the Southampton Debris field of doom. We quickly encountered a gargantuan Outcast destroyer trying to travel to Leeds. Cdr.Brooks was quick to provoke the vessel when he ordered the beast to "halty". The Outcast launched a vicious attack and shot Cdr.Brooks fuel tank, she had to retreat to the Shipyard whilst the HMS|A-Sentinel came to reinforce me; whilst Cdr.Brooks refuelled and thought about how she handled the scenario.

After the tragic fight had ended with the death of a Outcast Destroyer Cdr.Brooks refuelled and continued to patrol Southampton Shipyard. We discovered yet another disaster waiting to happen. A badly painted Pirate Transport, which had incorrect papers (Freelancer ID/IFF). He seemed to not understand what was happening when we asked him pay the queens fine. 3 Minutes later Cmdr.Natalie.Reaser joined us and took control of the situation with her superior cunning. where she ordered us to enact the Queens justice (Lots of lazors). He quickly begged for his life and mysteriously found enough money to pay the Fine we had ordered to earlier.

We continued our patrol where we found the fugitive pilot Diana.McMilan clumsily firing Nuclear Mines at innocent transports. We where quick to engage the drunken wreck we quickly deemed her a person of low cunning after she managed to suffer 24 self administrated loudout errors in the first 18 seconds of combat. Me and Cdr.Brooks quickly mopped up the fight wondering if that was the same pilot that escaped the New London mental institution 2 days prior.

On our final stretch of our patrol we encountered 2 more opponents of lesser cunning. Members of the Sirius Coalition Revolution Army. A Destroyer with a anti-fighter loud out and a Gunboat the names where of unidentified Coalition markings. They where aggressive and quickly ceased the opportunity to engage me whilst Cmdr.Natalie.Reaser and Cdr.Brooks where having a tea break. They saw my dire situation and pitied me sending a HMS|Juggernaut and HMS|A-Sentinel was called out again. We quickly dispatched of the Coalition Destroyer and hunted the hostile Gunboat down eventually killing him like drowning a sack of dumb puppies slowly and with pity.
This concluded our patrol which had a length of about 3:48 hours.
Ships Engaged: 4
Ships Killed: 3
Ships subdued: 1
Fines: 1
Patrol Attendees: 5

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 07-23-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Flag Officer Luke Miller
To: Admiralty Board
Subject: We got battered

Good evening,

Well today can't be better explained than in these words. We got thrashed. Literally we were outnumbered, out gunned and out organised. We stood little chance whatsoever, I was surprised as to how little units were sent out to assist us. We were driven back to New London and only a few more units were dispatched! We had to contact the 5th fleet to send relief. They came all the way from Liberty! I'm lost for words... It's not like we don't have any forces! *He smashes his tea pot* God damn it! This is ridiculous! Many lives could have been saved. *He turns the comms off in anger*

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-24-2014

- Incoming Message -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Cambridge System
Subject: Combat Report

Salutations, Armed Forces.

Roughly at the same time, two days ago, my fifth tea break was interrupted due to two Corsair capital ships which had invaded Cambridge system. I hastily finished the cup and ordered the crew to start the Thunderer's engines. We were at battleship Norfolk at that time. We docked with the trade lane leading to planet Cambridge and, at about its middle, stumbled upon a Murmillo named Ares. The Thunderer fired her Heavy Mortar when we were in range. It hit, which proved that the Corsair captain was not excessively experienced, allowing us to apply the strategy of attrition, which enables us to inflict maximum damage and receive minimum, although after a relatively long period of time. However, as I wrote in the beginning, the system was invaded by two Corsair capital ships, which meant that the first one should be dealt with quickly, before they group together. I spotted the second one, a Legate named Atrahasis, shortly after the Ares started receiving damage. I furthered the Thunderer away from the trade lane at the beginning, in order to prevent their ships from approaching us too close, but the Legate came cruising from the direction of the Norfolk, wherever they were before and whatever they were doing there. In order to prevent them from using engine kill to close up to us, I turned the Thunderer 90° upwards. It seems that they were not attempting that at the first place, as they grouped with the Ares. The Thunderer fired at the Atrahasis, them being the priority. Their grouping of all turrets together did reduce their energy effectiveness, but it also caused some of their shots to hit the Thunderer and even damage her hull. We damaged the Legate a lot more though, and they could not take more, resulting in their ship bursting into flames.
The main danger being reduced to a field of scrap metal, handling the Ares was equal to playing. I artistically disabled the Murmillo, finishing her off with a Heavy Mortar.
The captain of the Nottingham, a destroyer which was in New London at that time, proposed a raid of Leeds. I reluctantly accepted, cancelling the resumption of my tea break.
On my way there, I received a notification from the Red Hessian Army, about a Zoner battleship class vessel intruding Cambridge, with a cargo of artifacts. As I was turning around, the Nottingham, which had already arrived in Leeds, spotted a Gallic cruiser, named Le Amant (which I do not believe is correct to say in French, but I am no Gaul). I concluded that aiding the Nottingham in case more Gallic ships appear, which did happen, was more important.
Shortly after the Thunderer arrived close to planet Leeds, we spotted a Valor named Ultima Ratio Regnum, coming to reinforce the cruiser, which was not engaged yet. That changed quickly. I ordered the Nottingham to engage the cruiser and keep them occupied, as they had more firepower and would produce a greater effect engaging the Thunderer, than the Nottingham would if they attacked the Valor. The cruiser, however, kept hugging the Valor, so the Nottingham switched targets. I made a mistake, being too certain in our victory and due to that not concentrated. I was a bit late with turning the Thunderer away from the Valor, doing it at less than 2.5K, which resulted in final distance being as close as 1.5K. The Valor seemed to group all guns together as well, resulting in the above mentioned effect. Their powerplant, it seemed, was quickly emptied, or they did not like the amount of damage they had until then received, so they stopped their engines, allowing the Thunderer to engage them from comfortable 2.5K. From there, the Ultima Ratio Regnum was easily defeated. After that, the remaining cruiser was shot down without any difficulty.
It seems that this had, however, only warned and angered the Leeds garrison, as we were reading three more Valors and a snub on our long range scanners. We did receive some additional forces, in form of a Council Redemption, the Charles de Gaule. They were arriving from Magellan, so we grouped at Magellan jump hole. We were back to planet Leeds in a few minutes and spotted the GRN|RNS-Acheron, the GRN|RNS-Saint-Nazaire and the (GRN)Vigilant, all Valors. There also appeared a bomber, piloted by certain Chilperic of Burgundy, which prevented us to cruise and retreat. The plan was that the Nottingham engages the Vigilant, which I thought would be easy to separate from their main fleet, being a secondary -- leaving only two Valors against the Charles de Gaule and the Thunderer. The Thunderer was supposed to be their first target, her being smaller and nimbler and thus harder to hit. The Vigilant appeared to be vigilant indeed, for they did not separate from the fleet. At that point I was certain that we would suffer losses, but I still had hope. The Thunderer managed to lure the Valors out of range of the Oubli, providing them a bait to waste their damage potential on, while they would be pounded by five Cerberus turrets of the Charles de Gaule, which would be absolutely unhindered. The Charles de Gaule, however, was not firing anything, at all, or so it seemed, so I took a bit of time to see what is happening. That time, however, proved to be crucial, as I committed the same mistake as with the first Valor, but now fighting against three. Being bombarded with Novas. Being flanked by a cruiser patrol. The Thunderer was quickly overpowered. It seemed that at least one of the Valors was using a technique popularly called blindfire, which made the Thunderer really difficult to outstrafe all three's fire. The Charles de Gaule managed to cruise away, while the Nottingham was not allowed by their bomber. They did not make it out.
On one of the satellite camera shots, you can see that the Charles de Gaule in fact probably has either too few or none Cerberus turrets at all, her being a support battleship, equipping missiles. You can see two of them flying towards the Valors.
Thus, I had absolutely no tea breaks until two hours ago, when the Thunderer was finally tugged to Southampton. Oh, my dear Devonshire cream.

PS: I am still waiting for the high command's decision whether or not I may substitute fleets under command with Commodore Natalie Reaser.


Place of Event:
1) Cambridge system, roughly the middle of Battleship Norfolk - Planet Cambridge trade lane;
2) Leeds system, west from planet Leeds;
3) Leeds system, north from planet Leeds.

First Event:

Allied Ships Involved:
1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk; 4/5 hull integrity, full nanobot/shield battery capacity).

Allied Losses:
- None

Enemy Ships Involved:

1) <)CsF(>Ares (Murmillo; disabled);
2) <)CsF(>Atrahasis (Legate; disabled).

Enemy Losses:
1) <)CsF(>Ares (Murmillo);
2) <)CsF(>Atrahasis (Legate).

Second Event:

Allied Ships Involved:
1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk; 15/16 hull integrity, 934 nanobots and 1600 shield batteries);
2) HMS-Nottingham (Crecy; undamaged, full nanobot/shield battery capacity).

Allied Losses:
- None

Enemy Ships Involved:

1) RNS-Untima´Ratio´Regnum (Valor; disabled);
2) RNS-Le.Amant (Obstinate; disabled).

Enemy Losses:
1) RNS-Untima´Ratio´Regnum (Valor; disabled);
2) RNS-Le.Amant (Obstinate; disabled).

Third Event:

Allied Ships Involved:
1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk; disabled);
2) HMS-Nottingham (disabled);
3) (Redemption; escaped, damage unknown)

Allied Losses:
1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk);
2) HMS-Nottingham (Crecy).

Enemy Ships Involved:

1) GRN|RNS-Acheron (Valor; lightly damaged, nanobot and shield battery capacity nearly or entirely emptied);
2) GRN|RNS-Saint-Nazaire (Valor; presumed undamaged);
3) (GRN)Vigilant (Valor; light or no damage);
4) (Couguar; presumed undamaged);
5) (Couguar; presumed undamaged).

Enemy Losses:
- None

Signed: Admiral George R. Hall

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 07-30-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Commander Charlotte Brooks
To: The Admiralty Board
Subject: Royal Navy Scattered

*She seems happy when she turns on the camera*

Good day Admirals,

Today I am happy to announce we have, along with the Liberty Forces, scattered the Royal Navy outside Planet Leeds today. Eliminating two Valors and several fighters. I myself took a kill while being shot at by three enemy fighters. *She seems proud* I can confirm the pilot did not eject in time to live. Our losses were, one 'Dunkirk', one Liberty Battle cruiser and a Liberty Upholder Bomber. Overall a good turn out and I am pleased with the result. A shame that we couldn't dispatch more vessels to experience the victory...

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 08-12-2014

[Image: ZSx0wFN.jpg]

Ladies, Gentlemen, fellow Officers of the Armed Forces,

I come to you with some news. To begin, our beloved Fleet Admiral Evyn Wildcat has been taken severely ill. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her the best, and a speedy recovery. During this time, I will be stepping up, as her protogé, to the position of acting Fleet Admiral. I will continue to fight by your side Ladies and Gentlemen in our ever lasting plight to push the Gallic menace from our homes. But enough of me, my true purpose is not my own promotion, but the promotions of officers who have, in the eyes of the board, stood out during this time.

The Officers are:
  • Ensign Peterson, James - The board have found your patrols to be excellent, and your reports detailed. You are awarded the rank of Lieutenant for your extended service.
  • Lieutenant Commander Graham, Angus - You have proved a capable Officer. As such, the board sees fit to promote you to the rank of Commander.
  • Lieutenant Commander Briggs, Jack - As the CO of an operational flight wing, we believed it time you wore some brass. Chin up, act responsible, and keep hitting hard. The rank of Commander is awarded.
  • Commander Brooks, Charlotte - As acting CO of the Merchant Navy, the board has kept a close eye on you. You have gained our trust, and as such, we see fit to allow you to operate almost autonomously. The rank of Captain is awarded. You are also transferred to the Ark Royal fleet by direct request from Admiral Reaser, as her personal subordinate, Don't disappoint either of us, Captain Brooks.
  • Commodore Reaser, Natalie - I have worked alongside you on many occasions, and we meet often in the board. With you and Admiral Hall requesting to swap fleets, we see only fit you be awarded a suitable rank for the largest fleet. The rank of Admiral is awarded for extended service to the crown, and the responsibility of the Ark Royal fleet awarded.

Congratulations to all. These officers have proved their worth on the field of battle, and as such, have earned their ranks. Please treat them with the respect they deserve.

To finish, I wish to formailse some Fleet changes. The new fleet listing can be found below.
  • Admiralty Headquaters - Battleship Harlow - (acting) Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
  • 1st Command Fleet - Planet New London - (acting) Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
  • 2nd Resistance Fleet (Planet Leeds) - Admiralty Control Lifted. Ground Forces Resistance Commander Leads
  • 3rd Command Fleet - Planet Cambridge - Admiral Natalie Reaser
  • 4th Assault Fleet - Battleship Norfolk - Admiral George R Hall
  • 5th Defence Fleet - Battleship Suffolk - (acting) Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
  • 6th Counter Fleet - Battleship Essex - Fleet Admiral Evyn Wildcat
  • 7th Defence Fleet - Battleship Derby - DESTROYED
  • 8th Resistance Fleet - Battleship York - Fleet Admiral Evyn Wildcat
  • 9th Mobile Assault Fleet - Battleship Ark Royal - Admiral Natalie Reaser
  • 10th Defence Fleet - Battleship Macduff - Admiral Jeff Bloom
  • 11th Research Fleet - Battleship Grimsby - Admiral Jeff Bloom
  • 12th Exploratory Fleet - Battleship Stirling - Commodore Ryan Williams
To all of the officers who serve the crown, stand strong, stand united, stand with me. We will fight the Gallic menace to our dieing breath, and Bretonia shall not fall so long as one of us still lives.

On behalf of Admiralty Board of Bretonia

Acting Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 08-15-2014

::Incoming Transmission::

Comm ID: Captain Charlotte Brooks
Location: H.M.S Ark Royal
Priority: Medium
Subject: H.M.S Salford


Good evening,

Today H.M.S Vengence was re-christened to H.M.S Salford due to the complete re works and re fitting of armaments and hull plating after being put out of action by the Gallic scum. H.M.S Salford is under the command of myself and has yet to be given an Executive Officer. I hope the recent changes will run smoothly into the archives and the Salford will perform even better than the Vengence.


Captain Charlotte Brooks
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Commanding Officer of the Bretonian Merchant Navy
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 08-16-2014

::Incoming Transmission::

Comm ID: Flag Officer Luke Miller
Location: H.M.S Norfolk
Priority: Low
Subject: Patrol #564


Good day Admirals,

Today we were called out to the Omega 3 system because of some pirates farting about in the lanes. I readied the men and made sure we had plenty of tea to last us the journey to the Freeport -> Aland Shipyard Trade Lane. It was a rather pleasant journey, we met a Junker who seemingly had lost his thruster. He claimed that he had a spare one so we carried on. When we got to the Lane, sure enough there were two pirates making a mess of the place. We had a little chat about the mighty 'Sentinel' and how it would pulverise them both if they didn't shift their bottoms out of Bretonia. They didn't agree though and so I ordered the gunners to target the Pirate Transport, he was tickling us with his cannons and tickling people is rude so.. He went bang first. We then directed our attention to the infamous 'Love.Joy' who has apparently been on a holiday from pirating. Surprisingly he was actually draining our shield so we upped the game and activated the Pulse Cannons. After a good few minutes he decided it was his time to run away. He had obviously picked up some money from somewhere because he cloaked! That concludes my patrol.


Flag Officer Luke Miller
Captain of the H.M.S Sentinel
Bretonian Armed Forces Auxillary Fleet