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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 01-02-2011

COMM ID: Provost Marshal Col. Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Ho Chi Minh, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

Further to my previous message, it is my duty to reward the vigilance, courage and skill of those who assisted in the retaking of Zvezdny Gorodok from the traitor Ethan Scott.

On my authority and on behalf of the Commissariat, I award the Grey Star of the Coalition to Junior Lieutenant Chun Ki Ling and Captain Enrico Alvarez. They distinguished themselves admirably in guerrilla warfare against the snake's forces. Well done to both of you.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pjotr - 01-02-2011

[Image: pjotr.png]

<< Comm ID: Pjotr Pjotr Смирнóв >>
<<Location: Omega 52 >>

<< Starting Message >>

Comrads, I am reporting for duty,
and ofcourse my congratulations
to those who've been promoted.

For the Revolution!, Pjotr Смирнóв

<< End of message >>

<< Terminating transmission >>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-03-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Dublin Massacre
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

Today, our comrades seized another decisive victory. This battle was a testament to the strength and resolve of the Coalition. Under my command, we proceeded to Dublin, where we lay in wait. We knew that the Bretonians had called for assistance and we were ready for it.

We waited, the enemy taunting us, claiming we were hiding. It took them a while to find us, though we weren't in a particularly secretive location, being just 27.5k due west of the Battleship Hood. The first wave contained a Destroyer, and several fighters. They asked what we were doing, I answered truthfully. I told them we were here to kill them.

I gave the order to engage the Destroyer, our comrades acting swiftly, the Bretonians were in dis-array for a little bit, giving us time. The Destroyer didn't stand a chance, it was destroyed swiftly. We turned to engage the fighters, each one we downed was unfortunately replaced with another. We lost Dimitrov and Robert Miller at the beginning, but never lost another after that.

Unexpectedly, a squadron of Indians arrived. Both the Coalition and Bretonians knew they'd simply wait until one side finished each other, then attack. We decided to have a short-lived truce to destroy the Indians. At least, that was the official story. In reality, we simply wanted to buy some time to regroup, repair, scan the enemy, and allow the Bretonians to weaken. Once the Indians had been either terminated or dead, I gave the order to terminate a Light Fighter that was sitting still. This restarted the fighting between us.

Another capital ship arrived, I mistakenly thought it was a Destroyer, but to my relief, it was merely a Gunboat. It never really stood a chance. Suddenly, a Molly decided to ask the Bretonians if they needed help against us. I gave the order to attack it, while we were moving towards it we spotted a Rheinland Gunboat, of all things, in Dublin. Both were destroyed before we turned our attention to a Bottlenose that had arrived as well.

Once we destroyed the Bottlenose, the Bretonians gave up. They ran to Essex, we managed to heavily damage them, but not destroy any more vessels. They kept coming away from the Essex and then running back when we shot at them, so I ordered us to fall back. We returned home without further incident.

My commendations to everyone involved, you all performed extremely well, working together to decisively crush the opposition.

For the Revolution, For the People, For the Party, For the Premier. United, we are unstoppable.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 01-03-2011

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: VCoalitionC5.gif]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Captain Sean Lee, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Christening of the Tianjin


Commissarats and High Command,

I am honoured that I have been given the permission to fly the glorious Storm. I proudly announce that the CPW Tianjin has just finished final preperations and was removed from drydock on it's first maiden voyage in Omega 52. I am still in the process of obtaining proper weaponary, and it will be combat-ready soon to protect the people and to fuel the Revolution.

[Image: screen856.jpg]
The Glorious SCRA|CPW-Tianjin

[font=Georgia]Captain Sean Lee signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 01-04-2011

From: Pope Tyler Jones, [TAZ]Nasrudins.Donkey.2
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52, Sirius Coalition

To: The Coalition government

[Image: HFM3.jpg]
'Allo there, ol' chaps! I hope yer day is goin' as well as mine. I'm gettin' in touch with ye fer a couple reasons. First off, I delivered a fresh load of refugees lookin' fer a new life to Zhukovsky. There's 1,250 of 'em. Do treat 'em well, would ye?

Now, on to the other matter. Fer some time, I've been datin' a woman from here in the Coalition. Her name's Katerina Tarasova and she's workin' in the cargo office here on Zhukovsky. Anyway, me Katen'ka is ready fer me to meet her family on Volgograd. Me travel papers don't allow me to go beyond the public areas of yer space facilities, so I think ye can see me problem. Would ye be so kind as to issue me the appropriate travel documents? It would mean so much to me.

If ye need me, ye can find me here on Zhukovsky. I'll remain as long as ye need me.

Hail Eris! -><- καλλιστι -><- All Hail Discordia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-04-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Junior Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Freeport 10; Tau 37

Good news comrades, I finished the scouting mission to Alpha, which I had been assigned to. I entered Alpha from the Tau 37 jumphole, which I already used on my first journey up there. The jumphole is guarded by 2 weapon platforms.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-38-38-67.gif]

After taking the necessary scans I proceeded to the planets Mallorca and Prenta, which had a base nearby.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-41-51-01.gif]

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-42-48-90.gif]

Ibiza base was heavily guarded when I arrived there, I had been greeted by 3 Outcast Destroyers, but as it seemed the gunners had a bit too much of their drugs. They werent able to hit anything.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-43-11-49.gif]

I proceeded to the Siniestre Nebula, where I had been able to spot 3 jumpholes.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-44-28-70.gif]

After moving further into the cloud I found another hole with lots of Sabres around it, maybe some kind of graveyard like the one in Gamma.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-45-42-73.gif]

Upon proceeding even further into the nebula I discovered another planet, which I dont have any informations about.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-46-38-08.gif]

While I moved on to leave the Cloud, the Outcasts brought a Dreadnaught to destroy my vessel and kill me. But fortunately the Battleships gunners were not able to land a single hit.

[Image: Freelancer_2010-12-30_14-25-32-78.gif]

I made sure that the Battleship wouldnt be following me and then moved back into direction of Malta, to get a few scans on the Outcasts shipyard.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-50-08-15.gif]

Some of the locals still tried to chase me, but they werent successful, again something I would blame their drug consume for.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_14-50-38-12.gif]

And finally I have an overview of the System.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-04_15-20-50-10.gif]

I hope I finished this task as you wanted to have it finished.

For the Revolution.
Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-07-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Leeds Assault
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

First, I have to say that everyone performed extremely well under the circumstances.

Now, we assembled a massive strike force to move into Leeds. Things didn't go according to plan, but we managed. We encountered Outcasts, Bretonians and Kusarians, all fighting each other. I ordered them all killed.

We downed an Outcast, a few Kusarians, but no Templars. We eventually became over-run by hostile forces. Of special note, we managed to down a Kusari Destroyer and seriously cripple another. Unfortunately, the Kusari Forces kept receiving reinforcements in the form of Chimera Fighters, I ordered a retreat but unfortunately a few of us were downed in the escape.

Of special note is Sean Lee, who's valiant efforts in keeping the enemies busy bought enough time for the majority of us to escape. I'm proud of you, Comrade. Hell, I'm proud of all of you.

Unfortunately, my Guncam was inoperative during this operation.

For the Revolution! We live to fight another day!

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-07-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Lt.Colonel, CPW Lithuania

"Good day Comrades, today after the raid in Leeds I took a shuttle to Tau-23 and re-assumed command of the Lithuania, we encountered and destroyed a Kusari Destroyer in Kyushu, another Sword from an inept Commander now decorates my wall beside my personal collection of Arms."

===Guncam=== (Kusari Destroyer, Visually Identified) (Kusari Destroyer, Terminated)

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 01-07-2011

COMM ID: Commissar-Colonel Ulrich Eichel
TARGET: Politburo


I have reviewed the situation within the Fighter Corps and purged the necessary elements out of the equation. It is my firm belief that the situation is well under control, and command of the Fighter Corps can be assigned to the next ranking officer.

It is my recommendation that the position of Commandant of the Fighter Corps be given to Colonel Sasha Orlov. Assigning leadership of red wing should be his top priority.

Eichel out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 01-08-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comms ID: Commandante Sasha Orlov

Priviet Comrades!

Commandante Ethan Scott has stepped down as the second commanding officer and given me the honour to take his seat as the new Commandante, I can only hope to fulfill his expectations. Due to this change of leadership I will be forced to leave my position as the leader of the Red-Wing and hand it over to someone who has shown promise in both as a combatant and as a wing-leader. Major Lukas Wexler is hereby promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel effective immeadiatly and will be supervising the Red-Wing both as a field-commander as well as the head training officer of said wing.

- Sasha Orlov