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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 01-08-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Lieutenant-Colonel Lukas Wexler
Message Begins;

[font=Palatino Linotype]I appreciate the kind words, although I feel you speak too highly of me... no disrespect of course.

But I come with more news. Today myself, Joshua Jimenez and Orca-6 assaulted the Omega-5 system in an attempt to retaliate a possible advance made by a Corsair-wing. Orca-6 demanded to be left alone in order to tackle a single Corsair foe and so the remaining two of us decided to track down the remaining Corsair-pilots. It didn't took long before they were spotted and in the end, all of us managed to do our part of the job. All hostile forces were eliminated and we travelled back to a safe-point for repairs.

Victory was ours Comrades.
[font=Palatino Linotype]Message Ends;

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-11-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Junior Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Omega 52

A small patrol report for today Comrades.
I left Omega 52 into direction of Omega 7, where I told a few Miner about us and our fight. While returning to Omega 5 my scanners picked a Corsair vessel up, a Decurion class light fighter. They seem to be rather rare, which is a good thing. I had problems to destroy this small and agile vessel in my Insurgent.

I will upload the audio log as well as the guncam shots now.

SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Hola...
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: Damn
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: What are you doing there?
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Shooting Hessians... killing innocents?
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: i may ask the same
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: *laughs* Im here to protect the innocents...
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: where are they?
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Those Hessians are... compared to you very innocent...
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: yes....sure...
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: *laughs* I have been like you... a while ago...
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: A murder... not caring about others...
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: But things change...
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: So... why are you doing this?
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: yes,now you are a creazy
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Answer my question...
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Why are you doing this?
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: hummm..lets me think...i dont will do that
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: Then I will remove you from here...
HAF|V.Adm-Aldebaran[LF]: try then
SCRA|MIL-Vargas: There is no need for you to stay alive just to harm others...

[Image: screen1.gif]

[Image: screen4.gif]
[Image: screen6.gif]

That is all for now.

For the Revolution.

Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-11-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: The Giant Iron Coffins
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

Behold, Comrades. Today, we turned no less then four capital vessels into flying coffins for their crew. One dreadnought was taken in Omega-52 before my arrival, somehow it came back and engaged me in Omega-50.

We'd have none of that, the Trotsky laid down enough fire to keep the Battleship at bay while the rest of our comrades arrived from O-52. The Dreadnought never stood a chance against our might, the Karl Marx proving her prowess, with the Trotsky laying down Mortar firing from behind. It was demolished with no losses.

We were wrong to think the situation was over, however. A Hessian Cruiser contacted us requesting immediate aid in O-47. The contacts? Two Mako Battleships. We jumped at the opportunity, the Marx was moored as was the Trotsky. I mounted my personal Bomber as it'd be more effective given the situation. When we arrived, one of the Battleships fled to Omega-49, Comrade Dimitrov pursued it.

That Mako still in O-47 was mopped up by our combined might before we headed to Omega-49 to help support our comrades there. The Mako was attempting to flee, and a Bounty Hunter Gunship arrived to aid it.

The Fighters made short work of the Gunship while our heavy fire turned the second Mako into a cloud of scrap.

Finally, after much bloodshed, with no losses, I might add, we returned to Omega-52 to celebrate.

Victory is simply the prelude to another battle!

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Kriss92 - 01-12-2011

...incoming transmission...
CommID: Junior Lieutenant Alexander Vorobiev
Location: omega *static*.
Subject: *static* trip.

Priviet, comrades.
It was my time to go, visit the Hispania, and since i was in Omega space, I started up my engines and began my trip there.
[Image: th_screen101-1.jpg]
Some corsair rookies saw me entering omicron Eta, and called an osiris, but i managed to escape them before they got full scans. Now, there was a minefield in front of me, but my scanners detected a narrow passage, so i decided to go through there.
[Image: th_screen102-1.jpg]
That went well, so i proceed further into Omicron Eta. A couple of Outcasts tried to stop me, but I got the location of omicron alpha jump hole out of them and killed them afterwards. A bunch of the Maltese people were alerted, so they sent two destroyers and two fighter wings after me.
[Image: th_screen103.jpg]
I managed to escape and soon arrived at the Hispania wreck.
[Image: th_screen104.jpg]
Trying not to scratch it, i flew inside.
[Image: th_screen105.jpg]
Perfect! I had arrived, now just had to update the lists with my name.
[Image: th_screen106-1.jpg]
After doing that, i saw that my scanners had picked up some ships outside. Since they were busy killing each other, i flew past silently, and proceeded to the exit. When i was almost at the exit of Omicron Alpha, I accidentally plaid this over the system comms, but nobody saw me, so i guess I just confused the Outcasts.

Oh, and I also wanted to attach some kills from our previous attacks:
A corsair jumped me in New Berlin. Needless to say how it ended for him.
[Image: th_screen120-1.jpg]
A Military Mjolnir was looking for a fight in Omega-11, too bad he picked the wrong opponents:
[Image: th_screen32-2.jpg]
Our Gamma trip, and the missile-titan in there, his missiles didn't help:
[Image: th_screen33-1.jpg]
And while I was helping the Hessians in Omega 11 with some Bounty Hunters, a Wilde Katana jumped me. Not a problem for the Insurgent:
[Image: th_screen35-1.jpg]
That would be all.
For the Revolution!
...transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-12-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Nuggets!
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]


Comrades Helbrecht, Jovanovic, Kir, Ling, Pieck, Vargas and Vorobiev, you are hereby Nuggets no more! I am pleased to inform you all that you have all been promoted to the rank of Full Lieutenants! You are part of the Militsitya no more, and have been assigned to General Alvarez's Combat Squadron, do us proud.

I am also pleased to award you all the Hispania Memorium, remember our heritage Comrades, and never forget the sacrifices your brothers and sisters have made for us all.

With this promotion, you have been granted the following privileges AND responsibilities.

1. You are now REQUIRED to own and maintain your very own Revolution Bomber
2. You now have a choice between using the Insurgent OR a Hybrid Odin as your Fighter of choice.
3. You are no longer under threat of death every waking moment.
4. More will be expected of you, however, do not fail us.

Congratulations Comrades, I'm proud of each and every one of you, go forth now, and bring the Red Dawn closer to reality!

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 01-12-2011

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: VCoalitionC5.gif]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Captain Sean Lee, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: The new Coalition Pilots

Subject: Promotions


To the pilots who were promoted,

I would like to be one of the first to congradulate you all of your promotions. One more step in the Fleet means one more step towards victory for the cause. I am looking forward to flying with you all, and it would be an honour to look upon you all as not just new recruits, but as loyal comrades. Keep in mind that this new stage for you all will mean harder work and harder dedication to the Revolution, and I have full confidence that none of you will fail us.

For the Coalition!

[font=Georgia]Captain Sean Lee signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-12-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: The Hunt
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

An eventful day, very eventful indeed.

It began when we organized into a strike-force to terminate some Indians. As expected, they were cowards, but we did manage to nail a few. The first one tried docking, but was quite unsuccessful, then another ate his own mine. That left the Mohican, which we allowed Lukas to duel while we went off in search of Bounty Hunters.

We received a distress call from Lukas saying that an Indian Gunboat had arrived, and was attacking him. We arrived, and forced both the Gunboat and the Mohican to run with their tails between their legs. It should be noted, that Indians only care about "fairness" and "duels" when they're outnumbered. If they outnumber you, they'll use all their forces against you. So show them no mercy.

We proceeded to Dublin, while waiting for all of our forces to assemble, we spotted a Freelancer giving away our location. The chase was long, but finally we caught him. He was, of course, destroyed.

Before long, we had an extremely size-able force. We received orders to proceed to Omicron Alpha, and caused some havoc. Surprisingly, there was little to destroy. Apart from a Destroyer and two Fighters, Alpha was empty. We took down the Destroyer, one of the fighters crashed into Malta, and another docked on Valletta. Seeing no other targets, the majority of us proceeded to Omega-52 and docked.

Not long after, we received a distress call from Comrade Kir, he was under attack by Bretonians. Myself, Vorobiev and Alesky responded to the call. We encountered several vessels, and we engaged. With no losses, we took down a Challenger, and three Templars. One of the Templars was that of Fleet Admiral, so this victory was extra nice.

With Kir safe, Vorobiev returned home. Myself, Alesky and Kir encountered a Bounty Hunter Bottlenose, however. The pilot was reasonable enough, so we gave him a tip. We advised him to eject from his vessel as we were going to blow it up. The pilot tried running, but was ultimately no match for us.

With that problem solved, Kir returned home as well, leaving only myself and Alesky. We encountered a suspicious vessel named "Ceridwen". We let it go at first, but that proved to be a mistake. We encountered it pirating a Tanker, not long after. I'm pleased to say that we managed to destroy him before he destroyed the Trader.

Finally, with all that done, we headed home. I encountered an intruder in Omega-52. He said he was "exploring". I tricked him by offering to be a tour guide, and he gave me his location. I destroyed him, and he decided to say a not so polite word before his destruction.

That is all for now, Comrades.

Acta, Non Verba. Deeds, not words.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-15-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Omega 52

I moved to the Omicrons, especially to Omicron lost today, to take part in the training program we have been doing with the Order, I had been able to do 2 simulated fights and both of them would have been victories.
On another note, my Revolution seems to be ready to be used from now on.

[Image: screen8.gif]

For the Revolution.

Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 01-16-2011

COMM ID: Provost Marshal Col. Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Ho Chi Minh, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

It has come to my attention that some of our more... spirited Fighter Corps officers have taken to conduct unbefitting a Soldier of the Revolution. As such, I have compiled this list of 45 things nobody is allowed to do in the Coalition, and I expect all members of the Fighter Corps to read, memorise and abide by it.

The List Wrote:1. Zvezdny Gorodok is both a moon AND a space station.
2. I will not tell recruits that there is a small exhaust port which will blow up the whole station if it is shot.
3. Especially if I actually find one.
4. The Chamber is not a venue for BDSM.
5. Even if she's into it.
6. Boris Yeltsin is not and was never a Hero of the Revolution.
7. Comrade General Alvarez and Provost Marshal Gonzalez would not have more fulfilling lives if they "just got a room already".
8. I will not program Viatcheslav to say "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that".
9. I will not let Corsairs go if they give me all their tequila.
10. Should Provost Marshal Gonzalez die, "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" will be strictly forbidden at her funeral and all occasions afterwards.
11. Even though it was invented in the glorious Soviet Union and is a paragon of Communist invention, I will not use the computer in any ship to play Tetris.
12. Especially in a firefight.
13. Our gunboat is the Storm. Our destroyer is not the "Wolverine".
14. The Silver Crossbow Bolt is a punishment. I will not have mine attached to a ribbon and wear it proudly on my uniform.
15. Yes, ABBA's "Fernando" is about a revolution. No, it is not appropriate as a battle song.
16. Nor is the Beatles song "Revolution".
17. Especially not "Revolution 9".
18. I will not instruct Rheinland operatives "not to mention the war".
19. I will not tell our Order allies that the jelly they are eating "contains real Nomad!"
20. Working behind a counter does not make one a "counter revolutionary", and I will stop referring to the bartender as such.
21. I will not walk around my quarters naked in an attempt to dissuade the Commissariat’s surveillance.
22. Even when I know they're watching.
23. Especially when I know they're watching.
24. I will not ask His Watchful Eye if he needs Visine.
25. Commissar Mendel has never experimented on peas.
26. I will not accuse every female Chinese officer of being Yue Fei.
27. The Coalition is famous for its Vodka. That having been said, the practice of "Icing" is never appropriate.
28. Especially right before a mission.
29. The phrase "Get Some!" is a battle cry, not a mating call.
30. I will not ask Provost Marshal Gonzalez if she "likes it kinky".
31. She can "get off" perfectly fine without impaling someone on a forklift, thank you.
32. Not that that is any of my business.
33. I will stop attempting to "bring the Premier back to the home team".
34. By any and all means.
35. There is no "Premier's Shilling", and I will stop giving it to civilians and telling them they're in the Fighter Corps now.
36. I will stop telling recruits that the jump hole near Mykolaiv leads to a "vodka cloud".
37. I will not name my capital ship the CPW-Smirnoff.
38. Grand Admiral McIntosh is not an Emperor of anything, and I will stop calling his casket "The Golden Throne".
39. I will stop trying to set up Lt. Colonel Broch and Provost Marshal Gonzalez on dates.
40. No matter how "hot" I think the outcome would be.
41. I will not speculate on the outcome.
42. I will not pay female recruits to enact the outcome and distribute the recording as "Commissars Gone Wild!"
43. Whoever did that will be shot.
44. The Phantoms do not wear skull rings and purple spandex.
45. This list is not a challenge, and I will not treat it as such.

Any questions? No? Good.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-16-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Fighter Corps Members
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Commissars Gone Wild

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

Quote:43. Whoever did that will be shot.

Indeed, highly inappropriate photography... I mean too many close ups mi hermana... besides the women do not even look like you and Col. Broch... well, the hologrphic remastered edition where they used your archived stock footage to digitally overlay... well... *ahem*...

yes, very bad.

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--