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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 08-31-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
Location: H.M.S Ark Royal
Priority: Low
Subject: An impressive Ensign

Good day Admirals,

Over the last few weeks I have had one of our new Ensigns assigned to my patrol wing. Ensign Montgomery to be exact. I have to say his combat skills are most impressive, especially being so soon out of initial training. He dealt with all situations with a level head and intelligence. I am pleased to have such a competent pilot flying with me. Regarding recent patrols, I'm sure the Ensign has sent you the relevant information.

Carina Regina Imperatix

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of the Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sparx - 09-03-2014

::Incoming Transmission::
Medium Encryption

Subject: Flight Report
This report entails the events that happened in my Patrol.
The patrol consisted of me Ens.C.Montgomery and Cpt.Brooks. We where patrolling the New London system after a small Gallic force entered the system they ended up leaving scouts no doubts, but anyway we searched for any remnants. There was no sign of any Gauls until we got to Kensington station where we encountered the Gallic Ace Jean-Paul.Bourdeau, I was ordered to engage the craft where we pummelled the Gallic Ace. He quickly realised his mistake and started running no doubt to call in backup. This backup was no other than the Gallias most skilled fighter pilot; Maurice.Cornett. As he arrived our own Ensign also arrived Ens.T.Alexander. Unlucky for us it seems Ens.Alexander has had close to no combat training or experience but shows potential. Fighting quickly broke out and we targeted Maurice. They targeted Ens.Alexander and quickly shot him down. I tractored in his escape pod. As the fighting intensified Cpt.Brooks took fire not without dealing large amounts to Maurice. Then the 3rd Gallic fighter showed up. From this point we decided it was best to flee. But Gallic technology disrupted our Cruise Engines the only course of action was to as much damage before ejecting. In the end we took Maurice.Cornett to critical damage with less than 15 "nanobots" left and no shield reserves and ejected near Kensington to get our pods retrieved. The patrol from there ended. With valuable information on Maurice.Cornett strategies and serious damage to all 3 of the Gallic fighters.
Ships Engaged: 3
Ships Killed: 0
Ships Subdued: 0
Ships Lost: 3
Fines: 0

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 09-03-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
Location: H.M.S Sentinel
Priority: Medium
Subject: Battle Report

Good evening Admirals,

Today I was involved in a small skirmish in Leeds. In the H.M.S Sentinel I responded to Admiral Hall's call for capital vessels. We hastily made for Leeds with the Admiral piloting the H.M.S Dauntless, Commander Graham piloting a Challenger followed by Ensign Sharpe in his newly issued Challenger and lastly Ensign Montgomery providing the anti fighter support in his Templar. We also had support from C.L.N Strasburg, a Redemption Battleship. Once we arrived at the Planet, a Gallic Obstinate lurked around the now well known Oubli. We chattered for a while, the Admiral obviously lost his mercy and ordered a long range bombardment. In short, the Obstinate went 'boom'. A small fighter battle was going on so our Ensign Montgomery skilfully drove them away and we returned to the safety of New London.

Carina, Regina, Imperatix

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of the Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Smokingbarrels - 09-04-2014

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Pilot ID: Ens.Richard Sharpe
Location:Planet Cambridge
Subject: Patrol and combat report

Good evening
I started my patrol from planet New London and continued into the Cambridge system. Cambridge was clear from any hostiles, at least this time.
I then went into the New London system and continued to Manchester system, where i was contacted by an BMM trader that he had been pirated, however, this had happend in Liberty space and was thus out of my hands, unfortunatly.
Rest of the patrol in the system went well and i then headed for Dublin.
It was suprisingly quiet there, wonder why. Still the patrol went well and i headed back for Planet Cambridge and docked there.

Moments after i had docked an emergency came that requested all able bodies to assemble at southhampton shipyard. I switched from my Templar and got into my Challenger bomber and headed for southhampton.
Our fleet was consisting of:

HMS-Dauntless - Battleship
HMS-Sentinel - Destroyer
CLN-Strasburg - Battleship
Cdr.Angus Graham - Challenger Bomber
Ens.C. Montgomery - Templar VHF
Me - Challenger Bomber

As we moved into position below battleship Oubli. We came into contact with the enemy. Enemy fleet consisted of:
Dauphine - Destroyer
Jean Dupont - Lynx VHF
Chilperic De Bourgogne - Lynx VHF

Me and Mr Graham opened fire on the Dauphine using torpedos in max range while our capital ships moved in closer to finish him off.
After some moments the Dauphine was destroyed, as well as Jean Dupont.
Chilperic managed to get away from the fight. After this it was decided that we pull back to the New London system. I then docked at the Southhampton shipyard.

#1 Cambridge
#2 New London - Southhampton
#3 Dublin
#4 Fleet moving to Leeds
#5 Fleet in action

Signed:Richard Sharpe

*** End of transmission ***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Smokingbarrels - 09-08-2014

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[Image: sharpe_zps7ab43b6c.jpg]
Pilot ID: Ens.Richard Sharpe
Location:Battleship Ark Royal
Subject: Patrol report and combat training

Good day.

I started by going to Salisbury for combat training along with Captain Brooks and ensign O'mulligan, even admiral Hall showed up, fancy that.
After the combat training me and ensign O'mulligan headed out on an routine patrol.

We started with the Cambridge system wich was clear of any immediate threats to the people in the system.

We then headed back to the New London system and decided to check on Manchester system, since the system is heavy on traders we must keep our presence there. And after checking all the lanes, we deemed the system clear and moved once again to New London.

While on our way to Newcastle, i received an distress signal from an USI trader in Newcastle. That he was under attack from a junker ( this was however not confirmed) . But as we made our way to his position, it seemed the problem solved it self. The transport captain had managed to scare the attacker away and didnt need any help. As stated, we have no proof of an junker attack except from the transport captains word for it, as a side note, the transport captain seemed trust worthy.

After a small talk with the transport captain, we continued with our patrol. In the end of our patrol i docked on Battleship Ark Royal.


Signed:Richard Sharpe

*** End of transmission ***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Smokingbarrels - 09-10-2014

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[Image: sharpe_zps7ab43b6c.jpg]
Pilot ID: Ens.Richard Sharpe
Location:Planet New London
Subject: Patrol and combat report

Good day.

I started my routine patrol in the Newcastle system and proceeded to New London system. Everything was in order, so i decided to go along the lanes and inspect them.
I found them in good shape. However, while i was at southhampton shipyard, a ship entered my sensor range. First i didnt notice who or what it was, untill i came into contact with the ship again, almost at Newcastle jump gate.
The pilots name was Diana Mcmillan, a freelancer by first glance but flying an Templar VHF. I asked her to explain why a freelancer could have that sort of ship.
She answed that she was once an BAF officer, but had gone rogue. Reasons for that, i didnt ask her. Pobably should have now that i think of it.
However, since i couldnt get her to dock and turn the Templar over, i had to force her. After some fighting i was able to subdue her into surrendering to me. I told her to dock with the Templar, but as i did my ship malfunctioned and shut down. This enabled miss Diana to escape her destiny. I advise cautioun if she are to be encounterd. An armed forces patrol helped me get my ship running so i could dock on Shouthhampton shipyard.

End of report



Signed:Richard Sharpe

*** End of transmission ***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Chrystoph - 09-16-2014

From: Ensign Theodopholus Alexander, Fighter Group, HMS Stirling
To: Defense Intelligence Staff, Bretonian Armed Forces

Subject: After Action Report, Training Simulation 20140916

1. The morning was spent at the Connecticut training facility. Several Ensigns and multiple senior officers conducted Hunter/Killer exercises, culminating in the "loss" of HMS Salford through the combined efforts of myself and Ensigns Halpern & Montgomery.

2. As a technical note, there was some sort of glitch, and HMS Hurricane was very nearly impossible to hit, with sudden lurches and turns moving her a quarter of the way across the screen in instantaneous bounds.

The training then broke up due to other obligations.

/signed/ Ensign T. Alexander

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 09-24-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Patrol Report #1737

Good evening,

Today I embarked on a patrol with Ensigns Sharpe and Montgomery. We covered the whole of Bretonia locating criminals along the way. We dealt with them accordingly and the Ensigns gained some good experience. I can't fault them in any way and am delighted to fly with them. Anyway, we disabled two hostiles in total and two fled. It seems I'm not so rusty behind the wheel as I thought I was after all of the paperwork..

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of Bretonia's Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Smokingbarrels - 09-24-2014

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[Image: sharpe_zps7ab43b6c.jpg]
Pilot ID: Ens.Richard Sharpe
Location:Planet Cambridge
Subject: Patrol and combat report


Todays patrol started in New London and consisted of me, Captain Brooks and Ensign Montgomery.
As i heading towards our meeting point, i saw an Corsair cruiser crossing the lanes. Me and Captain Brooks took up the chase and we caught up with it near Cantebury station, but as we were in two Templar VHF, the only thing we could do was slow it down. Brooks told me to keep him busy while she called the cavalry.
We finally destoyed the cruiser in Cambridge, where Ensign Montgomery was waiting for him.

After this we headed to the Manchester system, where we got into contact with an Gaian gun boat and an BPA as well as an HMS- Dunkirk. We engaged the Gaian with 2 bombers and myself in a templar and the battleship standing by.
Unfortunatly the Gaian got away.

Then me and brooks headed to the Newcastle system while Montgomery continued the patrol in London. After a while we got an emergency call from Montgomery, that he needed assist in Cortez. Me and Brooks raced to the Cortez system. When we got there we found an Liberty rogue there. While Captain Brooks couldnt get anything useful out of him, we got the order to destroy him.
I got him with his own mines in the Coronado system, while he was trying to escape.

Then on our way back to the Manchester system, we encountered one of the Lane hacker assassins, but he fled when it was clear he werent killing anyone today.
After wich i docked to let the tech's refill my Templar.

# Corsair cruiser
#Corsair cruiser - destroyed
#Gaian GB
#Liberty rogue
#Liberty Rogue - Destroyed

Signed:Richard Sharpe

*** End of transmission ***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 09-26-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
To: Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Excursion #1739

Good day,

Today I took command of the H.M.S Dauntless and was ordered to take her into the Leeds System. Our task was to disrupt Gallic activities and patrols. We made our way to the Jump Hole with our orders and safely made the jump into Leeds. There was no resistance and the familiar star pierced the thick smog cloud. I ordered the helmsman to take us into Planet Leeds' orbit but a safe distance from the infamous Oubli. Gallic activity must have been elsewhere because our scanners picked up nothing for the whole time we were in Leeds. We conducted a circular route around Leeds making sure not to fly too close to the Oubli's scanning systems. After completing the circuit, we returned to the New London Hole swiftly. The jump back was not as bumpy which was a good thing. Anyway we flew back to Southampton Shipyard and moored up for damage assessment. That's all for now.

Carina Regina Imperatix

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of Bretonia's Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

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