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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 12-18-2011


[font=Impact]SOURCE:[color=#FFFFFF]Battleship Straussberg New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: High, port RM-CH-MC-Pzkpfw-VI


[Image: Marseille-1.jpg]

[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Leutnant Viktor Amott, Rheinland Military
RECIPIENT: Rheinland Military Patrol Database
SUBJECT: Hessians and Outcasts

Patrol report,

Frankfurt again. I was ordered to help the Hauptflotte units in Frankfurt, particularly the Flieger, who was under fire by Hessians there. Two Hessians were found, one of them escaped but I were able to intercept the other and fire on him as the Admiral ordered. That bomber was an easy target, it didn't take too long to blow it up.

After that, we were moved to Mainz, where Admiral Rall fought with a pirate fighter, don't have to say, Rall won. An emergency call was received about Outcast units near Planet New Berlin. We were engaged them on sight. At this point I have to say that some of the captains of the cruisers are not educated enough to be able to understand what "order" means. I've signed out of duty at Planet New Berlin.

Attachments: 1 2 3 4


Leutnant Viktor Amott,
Rheinland Hauptflotte.


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 12-18-2011

[Image: Sitttrans-1.gif]

FROM: [color=#FFCC00]Leutnant Theodor von Sittlingen
TO: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
SUBJECT: Patrol Report

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

I am reporting in after todays patrol with Admiral Rall.
I joined up with him in the orbit of Planet Stuttgart, at which point the Admiral already had Leutnant Schmitt and Flieger Engel with him. From there we wanted to proceed to the Omega-7 system but a suspicious vessel, hauling copper ore, crossed our path. Said vessel was an IMG transport with Kruger papers, I did not inquire how the Kapitän got that particular vessel but after we escorted him to Stuttgart he changed crafts and was in orbit in a newly purchased Behemoth in no time. However, the issue with the copper ore was still standing, the Kapitän claimed he was planning to sell it somewhere in Rheinland. He, beeing a Kruger employee, was granted permission to proceed - a dire mistake as later events will show.

With that all covered up we moved to Omega-7. Well, nothing big to report here. We met some miners and inquired how things were going on their part. They seemed quite glad to have us around. Here it was that Flieger Engel received a transmission from that Kruger employee we met earlier. Seemed like he was requesting help because one of our border patrols caught him in Hamburg. Shocking that someone working for Kruger lacks so much patriotism to even consider shipping anything to Liberty...probably an Ausländer. However, our guys on the frontlines succeeded were we failed - they made sure that his cargo won't fall into Libertonian hands.

After a full sweep showed no contacts we took our leave and headed back to Stuttgart. Here we met a Hessian vessel affiliated with the group that calls themself the "Rotfront". And unfortunately my report ends here - that bugger caught Flieger Engel and me with our pants down and sent us flying in our pods.
Guncam Image: 1

[color=#009900]Leutnant von Sittlingen

Rheinland Military Message Dump - (ツ) - 12-18-2011

>>>Übertragung empfangen<<<

[Image: 1566808.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Gabriel Engel
SOURCE: Planet Stuttgart
SUBJECT: Re: Patrol report 1

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

this is my very first report in this channels, since I joined the ranks of the glorious Rheinland Militär two days ago.

In the following, I will describe the events of the first patroll as closely and detailled as possible.

After obtaining all the necessary equipment to finish outfitting my new Wraith, I've been participating some simulated sparring fights with supervisors. Learning the very basics of modern era space combat is essential to survive in the vast space. Lacking that training, one would not last longer in a battle then Rheinland Kräuterbutter on a hotplate. Thankfully, some of the best pilotes in the army, volunteered to train me for a while. The exact content of my lessons shall not be included in this very report and remains confidential.

My first task on regular duty was to take a solo Patrol through our beloved Vaterland.
Without hesitation, I jumped to our coresystem to begin my Inspektion with the Berlin system. For a while I encountered no other ships except those from registered Rheinland companies.
Then the long range scanners of mein Wrath showed an incoming vessel. Unfortunately it was just entering the lane, so I had to follow him to Frankfurt before I managed to get a better view on that ship.

Cargo Scan "dimakis1"

Seeing that his Cargo was full of creeps, I ordered him to a full stop.

[Image: 24097258.jpg]
Suspect dropping Conterband Cargo

[Image: 83791943.jpg]

Shortly after the destruction of the conterband cargo, we got some visitors from the Border worlds.
Three fighterscrafts of the Red Hessian Army jumped out of the lane. I ordered the trader to dock, to avoid beeing attacked by the hostiles. One Hessian Pilot with a Barghest registered under the name of [color=#FFFFFF][RHA]K-141 quickly launched his torpedoes, trying to kill the trader before he was able to react.

However his miscalculated the blast radius of his Nova Torpedos and ended up blowing his own ship to bits and pieces. The other Hessian traitors were enfuried by their loss and fired their weapons on my ship.

[Image: 13008205.jpg]

With the combined efforts of the towergunners of the nearby stations, I managed to strip one of their more heavier vessels of their shields and damaged the exterior hull with my Hornvipers, forcing him to retreat.

Nevertheless my ship has suffered substancial damage so far, that I took the decision to dock. The dockmaster let me know that I had to wait at least 24 hours until I could continue with my Patroll, due to the extensive damage to the quantum multiplexors and the tertiary cooling system. Sadly, I realized that his engineers were not very smart ones, so I decided to help them with the repairs. Together we managed to get the restore the ships functionality in just 4 hours!

The conclusion of my Patroll was rather unspectacular until I recieved a distress call from one of my supervisors:

[Image: 27309299.png]

(... END OF PART 1 - will be concluded in the next report...)

Flieger Gabriel Engel

[color=#33FF33]For our Vaterland!

[color=#006600]>[color=#009900]>>Übertragung beendet<<<

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 12-20-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Feldwebel Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 015

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Hail Mein Kameraden!

A Glouriest battle was held in Frankfurt eariler today! It was a ruthless battle against the Rheinland Military and the Bundschuh along side with Unioners! The battle raged for over half an hour; we took causalities but so did they. What was even more interesting in the battle was when our enemies were fleeing from us they jumped into an unknown system, we followed and found they had reinforcements waiting for us. We were able to hold our ground as they took losses against us but to no avail! But Our commanding officer of the patrol group decided we should retreat because of their greater numbers and us fighting in a system we don't know. We moved back to Frankfurt but interestingly enough the enemy did not peruse us. It seems clear that the battle was a draw, but we must increase our patrols in the system! With a force of their size unchecked the entire system can be sent into chaos! I will increase my own patrols in the system as well. That's All.

<div align="right] Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image (Unknown System)

Confirmed Kills
Unioner Fighter Killed By Lt.Theo.Sittlingen
Unioner Fighter Killed By Lt.Viktor.Amott

Confirmed Causalities
Ge.Niklas.Vogts (Pod Recovered)

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Narcotic - 12-20-2011

***Incoming Transmission***

[color=#006600]SHIP ID:
LOCATION: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig
FROM: Sarah Simone Braun
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #7

Patrol Report Description:

Guten Tag,

Time for another patrol report. Well actually this one includes about 10+ patrols, but as you can imagine, I "had no time" to handle all that stuff. So I'll just stick all the stuff together in one. Gut so far.

First mentionable incident was that huge battle, which started in Omega-7 and got disturbed by some annoying Vidar in Omega-11 [Screen].

The same day, later. I'd meet some lonesome Liberty scum in Dresden [Screen]. He wasn't really talkactive, unfortunately. And unluckily, he decided to attack me, which result in his ship being scrapped pretty much.

Just after that, I meet two of those Hessians who we're searching for their brains in open space. Apparently they took my ship for their brains and tried blow it up - ja, mein Schiff, not their brains - whatever. I guess they've been drunk [Screen]. Nevertheless, when the Thor ran out of supplies, he seemed to notice, that my ship wasn't a flying brain, and they decided to run. Anyways, I didn't chased them, so they can proceed on their "search".

On the next day, there was planned an invasion at Liberty. I won't talk much about it, since everyone heard of it. Ja... here's just some little group of our glorious... *coughs* - Entschuldigung, I've got a cold today... Capital Vessel Fleet, the RNC [Screen].

Soo, some other day, we recieved an emergency call from Omega-7, that some "alien infected" vessels got sighted. "It's quite obvious, that they're aliens." - they'd said. And they we're correct. Und, we took care of that "problem", nothing more to say [Screen]. *frowns*

A few days later, I lead a small patrol in Omega-7, after I recieved a call from some miners who were in case of getting robbed. Nun, I didn't had much to do when I arrived there [Screen].
Some unmanned Corsair attracted my attention, when it started shooting at me [Screen]. There was no other way than eliminating it. Not a great loss for them though [Screen].

Nun gut, one last thing, from today patrol: I've got called to Frankfurt to assist against some Unioners.
I won't go into details, since others already did. *looks at Dermen and rolls her eyes* "Grind!" *harrumphs*
Ah well, here are some onboard camera shoots: [Screen] and [Screen].

*takes a deep breath* Ja, das war alles.

[color=#006600]Additional Info:
  • Patrol lenght: Days, hours.
  • Participants: Several.
  • Scaned ships: A lot. Stopped counting.
  • Found contraband: Copper Ore, Blood Diamonds
  • Hostile sightings: Quite a lot. Around 20-30 maybe.
  • Killed hostiles: About the half.
  • Kills by me: 3 (1 transport kills.)
That was all. Danke for your attention.

Viele Grüße,

Sarah Braun

***Transmission terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Pacific - 12-21-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Low, port RM-KV-MC-PN-7638


[Image: 500full2.jpg]
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00] Flieger Barent Adalbert, Rheinland Military

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinlader
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol


Guten Abent herr's. Today vas my first patrol as a member of the Primary Rheinlander fleet. I started from ze new Berlin system vere everything vas calm till I entered ze Stuttgart system vhere a DSE miner vas trying to run from ze local rheinland patrols he tryed to run from me but I got him at ze Omega-7 gate vhere I tryed to arrest him by ze time he reached ze republican station he tryed to escape and by that action he sighed his own death warrant. The Libretonian miner vas destroyed with the ze help of a Rheinland Gunboat.

Ve received a distress call from ze omga-7 system zhat there vas a hessian raiding party. Vell it vas only one fighter but a college managed to handle him. Zhen ve vere lead by Major EINAR HARKONNEN. Ve patrol ze Kruger mine fields and found a IMG Mining vessel and a Orbital Spa and cruise ship zhat pissed ze major ve had a long conversation before Admiral Lenders arrived. We left for ze omega-11 system to conduct training with ze major.

But zhat oribital spa and cruise liner decided to pirate after a long conversation vith ze captain of the vessel and numerous requests to leave Rheinland space it refused so we destroyed in ze name of the Vatherland. The admiral re directed us back to ze Kruger mine field where zere was a Outcast gunship vith a ALG IFF to fool ze other miners vell it didn't fool us. Ze admiral told us to destroy it and it was on fire before ve even started. Ze outcast died from a horrible death.

[color=#FFFFFF]Attached files : 14

Flieger Barent Adalbert
22th Training Force


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - (ツ) - 12-21-2011

>[color=#009900]>>Übertragung empfangen<<<

[Image: 1566808.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Gabriel Engel
SOURCE: Planet Stuttgart
SUBJECT: Re: Patrol report 2

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

time for another Report, I guess:

Several Days have passed since I joined the Rheinwehr and my experience keeps growing gradually.
The solo patrols are getting more easier each time, as I became familiar with the routine. Nevetheless it seems I will never grow bored of it. One reason, but not the only one are the puny but entertaining excuses, one gets to hear from Traders, that are holding conterband:

Most recently I saw a Freelance that tried to cross Rheinland borders with Military Vehicles. He prepared one of the most ridiculous pretexts. He seriously tried to convince me, that the tanks were mere toys for children. Well, guessing from my perspective, when I blew them apart, they looked pretty real. If that's the toy of choice for Libertonian kids, not to wonder that they all grow into triggerhappy morons!

Today I was summoned by my officers to Patroll the Omega 7 systems. Beeing at the very border of our beloved Vaterland, it is restricted for Rekruten and Flieger to enter it alone. After performing the Hyperspace jump, I was flabbergasted. All I saw. was a gargantuan Yellow Nebular filled with sharp-edged asteroids that could shred ones hull into pieces. The monotonous stomping of mining satellites, was coming to the ear. Not far away from my portside wing, a vicious gascloud blew up and let mein Vessel, shaking from the shock wave.

The impressions of that hostile environment, were distracting from my duty, but only until the supervisors arrived.
On that mission, me and Flieger Barent Adalbert were accompaigned by Major Harkonnen and Admiral Rall himself. We expected to see some Hessian activity in that area, but we got disappointed in that matter. However we encountered a foul mouthed brothel ship [color=#FFFFFF]"Spagna". Foolishly the Kapitän of the Liner shouted threats through the intercom, pretending as is he was going to rob someone. Ordering a lockdown on Freistadt, where the vessel was roaming, was my first action. As our pack was drawing our circles closer and closer around the haples brothel, the Kapitän remained incooperaive. He did not consent with a relocation of the "Spagna" to Omega 3.
Not very much later, the limitied patience of Major Harkonnen had ran off completely and he ordered the ships destruction.


I will never forget that sound of the panicked geishas that hustled to the escapepods as the ship drew closer to it's demise.

Just about two minutes later, on our way out, we crossed a Outcast Gunboat. Obviously the Capitain tried to fool us with the unsuspicious name [color=#FFFFFF]"HolsteinKiel". Seeing a Tridente without fightersupport the Flieger and Me used that oppurtunity to improve our aims:


Upon conclusion I recieved a message from Headquarters that my brand new Berlgemir has just arrived and is waiting in the Hangars

(...end of Part 2...)
Flieger Gabriel Engel

For our Vaterland!

> [color=#33CC00]>
Übertragung beendet<<<

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 12-22-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Feldwebel Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 016

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag Mein Kameraden!

My First started off at First in the New Berlin where I was in command of a new military recruit Gabriel Engel. We Patrolled near Essen Station where we found a copper runner heading to Liberty. The Vessel refused to comply with my orders and docked with the station. The Vessel was carrying about 630 units of Ore and had employed a ALG Tag which allowed him to dock at the ALG base. This act will not go unpunished! We went on with our patrol where we meet Admiral Gunther Rall and other Military Elements. The Task at hand was simple. Destroy all hostile targets in the Omega-7 system and restore order. No matter the cost. In our superior numbers our enemies fled like the cowards they are, and once more Order has be Restored. After the battle our whole combat strike force redeployed to the Hamburg system were supposedly there were Unioner Pirates terrorizing the outer sectors. When we arrived I lead my patrol group through the the different fields of the system. We found no enemy activity what so ever. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image

Confirmed Kills
Hessain Fighter Killed By Fw.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - saved_the_world - 12-22-2011

***Incomming Transmission***
***Opening Comm Systems***


From: Flieger Alexander Roter
Location: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig
Subject: Patrol Report 03

[Image: alexanderroter.jpg]

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

ze patrol is over for now and so I want to inform you again over ze proceedings in ze Vaterland.
I started at ze Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig with ze view to patrol New Berlin. I arrived at ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin and ze Planet New Berlin, New Berlin. I moved to ze Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin and to ze Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin. Everything was silent. No ship was in sight.
I went back to ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin and Planet New Berlin, New Berlin. Even there was nobody outside.
I decided to have a look on ze area Frankfurt and so I went to ze Mannheim Station, Frankfurt. There I met ze first individual for today.
His papers said that ze ship served for ze Independent Miner's Guild. When I noticed me, he went straight into ze lane and moved back to New Berlin.



I tried to follow him, but ze Jump Gate was overallocated.

[Image: 62387223.png]

I tried to get ze most out of my ship, but I lost to must time anyway. It is most provoking!

[Image: 59796473.png]

After a few minutes of turning my fury on me I deciced to continue my patrol in Frankfurt. Ze area around ze Mannheim Station. Frankfurt and ze Mainz Storage Facility, Frankfurt was clear so far.
I went back to New Berlin with ze aim to arrive Hamburg. So, I passed ze Planet New Berlin, New Berlin, ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin ans arrived at ze Hamburg Gate. Everything was silent. I moved to ze Vierlande Prison to arrest 4 Hessian Pilots.



At ze Jump Gate, I met a Police Officer called Lukas.Adler.


We had a short conversation about ze traffic in Rheinland today and he told me about a smuggler. I wanted to move to Stuttgart where ze smuggler stayed.

[Image: 85768129.png]

[Image: 40017775.png]

At ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin I met ze RM-RNC-Gerechtigkeit. We had also a conversation about ze situation in ze Vaterland. I told him about ze smuggler. He knew him and so he told me more about him. When we wanted to have a look on this guy, he already left ze Vaterland's border.
During this conversation, I scanned an other guy,


We finished our conversation and I moved back to ze Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig.

It seems that today is a high traffic (probably a high smuggler traffic also) in ze Vaterland.

Alexander Roter



Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vahir - 12-22-2011

***Incoming Message***
***Source: Planet Stuggart***

While on patrol through Omega 7, I encountered a large group of Hessians. After giving them the choice to fight or flee, and recieving no answer, I engaged them. This was an unwise move.

[Image: patrol1t.jpg]

Luckily, a passing ship was able to pick me up.

***Hanzel Out***