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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 01-16-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comms ID: Commandante Sasha Orlov

Priviet Comrades!

We have received good news from the Rheinland Border of the Omega Systems. A group of Daumann Workers have made an official statement which seems to be some form of defiance or complaint against the actions or, inactions of the Rheinland Government. They have also been found supporting the Hessian Cause via donations and supplies. There might be a chance that the fascist Rheinland Military will send forces down to the mining operations of Omega-7 to silence the roaring crowd, yearning for a revolution in their house.

Mutiny is at hand Comrades, and these men and women have finally unmasked the true evil. The time for oppressiveness in Rheinland is about to end. We will make them stronger, reinforce their courage to speak out when nobody else does and be the flag, that leads them to a better life. For the revolution, for our Rheinland friends, and for the Final Victory!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-19-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Omega 52

I have been flying through the Omegas today, to see if I could bring some of the Miners away from Rheinland, away from the oppression. A few Miners in Omega 7 listened carefully, but decided to stay where they are. They were afraid of loosing their wealth, even though I can not imagine which wealth one could expect on a Mining ship.
The situation in Omega 11 was different, I met a Daumann Miner there, which listened and seemed to understand, even to believe in what I told him, at least to certain point. A bit later the Military arrived with a gunboat and a bit later two of them. They stayed there and ignored the Miners wish to move away from the mining operations. I guess that this Miner did not like the Militarys control attitude. After a few Minutes the gunboat started shooting and called for reinforcements because it was not able to damage my vessel, but I was lucky and a Hessian wing came to my assistance, as well as the Daumann Miner.
Maybe that was another step towards an uprising in Rheinland. We should try to find a place for this Miner if he gets into trouble because of his actions.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-20-20-20.gif]

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-25-50-71.gif]

Those guncam shots show the Miner while helping us, as well as the Military vessels opening fire on said Miner, an innocent civilian. Maybe something we could use in the future.

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-27-00-97.gif]

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-34-02-41.gif]
[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-39-52-29.gif]

[Image: Freelancer_2011-01-19_14-42-23-79.gif]

The fight left my ship slightly damaged, but without any equipment, all guns as well as the thruster and the shield were destroyed by the radiation and the gunboats missles.

For the Revolution.

Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 01-20-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Lieutenant Alla Alesky
Location: Arranmore Base, Dublin
Subject: Defense of Dublin

While en route to Omega-52 for briefing on fleet movements and my new assignment I noticed a lot of chatter and screaming about Indians. It time to as Lieutenant Colonel Rhade would say, '€œInvestigate,'€ so I did just that. What I saw was about ten hostile pirate craft assaulting two Mollies that were defending miners from the greedy delinquents. Naturally I joined the fray to even the odds, with Commandante Orlov coming to support us soon after.

With numbers heavily outside our favor we began to quickly get to work, with Orlov'€™s aim clicking on all cylinders we were able to down two enemies quickly, before the Indians and their comrades turned their attention to us, forcing a slower pace for a while. It was quite odd, there was even an Outcast helping them against the Mollys, one of the two to fall quickly to Orlov.

Enemy Down

Second Enemy Down

After a bit of evading between Orlov and I the Indians opted to return to the Mollys were one of their ships were down along with an Indian. I took the opportunity to shoot down a vessel of my choosing in the midst of their inability to find a suitable target, just as the other Molly fell.

Target of Opportunity

Not soon after tragedy struck as Orlov'€™s vessel was struck by an anti-matter cannon of a hostile mafic working along with the Indians. That left me alone with five snub craft, until one of the bombers gave up and fled, and I began to deal with the Mafic, avenging my fallen comrade in a swift fashion. Now only three hostiles left to go and my ship in good shape. Things got a bit odd however, with a Corsair Osiris coming into assist the Indians with its anti-fighter load out.

Swift Vengeance

Surprise Alliance

Soon after the Marx arrived, coming to my aid and quickly forcing the enemy Osiris to retreat, along with two Indian bombers while a lone Indian fighter stayed to try its luck with me. Needless to say, he failed to do on his own what he could not do with nine others. With everything in order, I transported Orlov'€™s and the two Molly'€™s pods back to Arranmore where I will remain for the time being with the High Command'€™s blessing.

Honorable Downfall

After this hopefully the Mollys will be a bit warmer towards us and our cause, whether or not such a thing happens I will keep tabs on. I'€™ll be sure to report anything else noteworthy, for now I'€™ll just hope there isn'€™t any noise for a while.

Lieutenant Alesky signing off,

Transmission ceased...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-20-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Indian Massacre
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

Acta, Non Verba.

This is the motto we, the Coalition, live by. It is what makes us superior to the Indians, Bretonians and Corsairs. They are nothing more then talkers, when push comes to shove, they not only get shoved, but beaten to a creamy paste. Today, I bring you all the evidence of our superiority. Of the might of the Coalition. I'll let the Guncam's speak for themselves.

For the Red Dawn. Might makes right.

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-21-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Fighter Corps Members
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: We're Watching

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!
I am pleased by the revolutionary efforts in Dublin and other areas.

Driving back the pirate scourge is great for our PR efforts, even Mendel, that soggy old Bastard, is actually amused by all the positive work you are doing.

Si hermanos, keep up the pressure.

I would ask, that you look after the Order when you see and hear from them. Mi hermanos, I cannot explain to you why, at this time, the Order are important, but you should know that we need them. See to it that know how valuable we consider them.

Make is so

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-24-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Omega 52

While patrolling the Omega systems in my Revolution Bomber I had a short talk with a Hessian, as it seems their fight against Rheinland is successful. On the way back home I encountered an Outcast. He came out of the direction of our beloved home, heavily damaged. After asking a few questions I had no doubts. This one was not different from all the others, just a simple murder and thief. I wanted to show this person that we, the ones he would fight without mercy, are different and gave him enough Nanobots to repair the ship. They didnt save his life.

[Image: freelancer2011012413122.gif]

Quote:SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Stay there.
Salvatore_Rina: mah
Salvatore_Rina: staying
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Where did you come from?
Salvatore_Rina: eee omg 47
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: I doubt it...
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Your direction say different...
Salvatore_Rina: fighting with my hispanian brothers
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Oh? Against whom?
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Against innocent civilians?
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Si... thats what you do...
Salvatore_Rina: no
Salvatore_Rina: i dont do that
Salvatore_Rina: i am heading to bretonia
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: So... against what are you fighting then?
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: No answer... that means innocents.
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Now tell me... why shouldnt I kill you right now?
Salvatore_Rina: hmmm first
Salvatore_Rina: i u wanna fight
Salvatore_Rina: give me chance
Salvatore_Rina: to repair myself
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: *giggles* Do you give your victims chances?
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: But I am not like you...
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: I might give you a slight chance...
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Be careful with them you wont have more...
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: Now... you still should give me a reason not to kill you.
Salvatore_Rina: i am a comunist in my soul as u *smile*
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: *sighs* So be it... You are to die...
Death: Salvatore_Rina was put out of action by SCRA|Marcia:Vargas (Gun).
SCRA|Marcia:Vargas: And there you go.

Another glorious victory.

For the Revolution.

Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jansen - 01-25-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Lieutenant Marcia Vargas
Location: Omega 52

Another patrol of th Omega systems, this time I met a Corsair Centurion right after I moved away from Omega 52. I tried to talk to this person to find out why he kills, if he does it out of the same reasons I did before. But this one was nothing more then a simple thief. I removed it after it attacked me.

[Image: freelancer2011012518314.gif]

Quote:Vito'|Sails: hello commie
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Mh... Hola thief...
Vito'|Sails: were you looking for me?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: No.
Vito'|Sails: really?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: If I would have been looking for you... I wouldnt have passed by when you were at Cadiz... or?
Vito'|Sails: ye, whatever...
Vito'|Sails: what I don;t understant is why are you still here
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Am I in your way?
Vito'|Sails: not yet
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Stopping your attacks on innocents?
Vito'|Sails: nobody is innocent, amigo... nobody...
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Some are more guilty then others...
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: You are one of those.
Vito'|Sails: said the one whos ancestors left my people to die
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Oh? My ancestors could have been the neighbors of yours...
Vito'|Sails: what could had happened is irrelevant
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Si...
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: So tell me... why do you kill people?
Vito'|Sails: because they refuse to give me what is mine
Vito'|Sails: what about you?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Did you work for the things you kill for?
Vito'|Sails: did any of you felt hunger like the corsairs did?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: I did.
Vito'|Sails: lies
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: *laughs* I was born at Crete... so si... I know how hunger feels.
Vito'|Sails: again, lies
Vito'|Sails: if you would feel that way you would be fighting on my wing
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: No... the things you fight for are wrong...
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: There are other ways... you just refuse to see them.
Vito'|Sails: I suggest you stop talking and go away
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: The truth hurts?
Vito'|Sails: you are pushing your luck, Marcia
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Am I? Maybe I still have that hope that you start to listen...
Vito'|Sails: it seems you forgot who owns this part of space
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Everyone does.
Vito'|Sails: can I remind you?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: If you think that you can...
Vito'|Sails: did it work?
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: And again... violence out of the wrong reasons...
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: You dont understand... you never will...
Vito'|Sails: you are weak
Vito'|Sails: very weak
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Am I?
Vito'|Sails: you made the Empire a favor by leaving
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Maybe... your empire is nothing... but a way to abuse people for the selfish goals of a few.
Vito'|Sails: defend yourself
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: Nothing would change if you do this...
Vito'|Sails: i'll take my chances
[Image: freelancer2011012518453.gif]
SCRA|Marcia.Vargas: You started... I answered...

It is sad to see that those people do not care for anything else then their own profit. After the ships destruction I finished the patrol and moved back home.

For the Revolution.

Vargas out.

Transmission end...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-26-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Fighter Corps Members
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: The Libertonian Blitz

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

For too long our enemies have heard our silence, now they must learn to tremble at the sound of our guns! We have felled three of their precious Capital ships...

Two of which fell to the Havana herself!

No more will they sit in silence, no more, mi hermanos! We shall show them that New Cuba, as Manhattan shall here after be known, is ours and we shall claim its virtuous freedom.

I have mounted pieces of the three fallen warships, the Dreadnought, the Carrier and the Siege Cruiser to the trophy wall in the Havana's bar. I am looking for more fine additions to her kill list, see to it that we have opportunity, men!

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-26-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Liberation's Blitzkrieg
[Image: Rhade.png]
[Message Begins]

Today is a proud day. Today, we stand victorious, we stand undefeated. We stand, watching our enemies crumble at our feet.

Today, under the Command of General Alvarez, a strike-force deployed. This strike-force went into the foul, and black heart of Capitalism itself. New York.

We struck, lightning fast, or as the Rhinelander's would say it "Blitzkrieg". Lightning War. We struck, downing three ships of the line, and an Outcast Sabre foolish enough to oppose us.

It was perfectly co-ordinated, While the Bombers swept forth on wings of fire, and wrought hell upon their hulls, our Fighters took on any smaller resistance rending them asunder, and the Havana, alongside an Order Warship brought forth the righteous fury of the Coalition, in the form of a mighty Mortar Barrage.

We were unstoppable. We crushed them. We faded into the shadows. Our enemies reeling in confusion, not sure what just happened. We struck, and left, before they could form any form of Counter-Attack. Now, we lay in wait, ready to strike once more, to rend the sword of the Coalition through the fragile, and black hearts of the Capitalists.

Acta non Verba.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^]

[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 01-31-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Lieutenant Alla Alesky
Subject: Gaian Intelligence Report
To: Commissar-General Ulrich Eleich

I'€™ve spent the last couple weeks in Dublin and Edinburgh gathering information as requested, and have finally decided I have enough to file in. I'€™ve divided in info into sections for the sake of organization which include; bases, relations, goals, behavior, and tendencies.

As they say, it'€™s all about location, location, location. So for starters, we'€™ll look into where the Gaians hang out. Islay base has been mentioned from time to time as far as I know, but we'€™ve never actively searched for her. It was probably the only piece of information that was actually fought over, however with a bit of assistance a gunship was tricked into revealing its location. The second base in question I was willingly led to, Skye Base I believe it was.

There are rumors of another base in Manchester, I can'€™t confirm whether or not they were true, nor did I ever ask to avoid being obvious. I'€™ve not actually scouted around Manchester personally either, so it would be something to look into for future information should it be required.

Islay Base '€“ Base in Edinburgh shielded by detection by a cloud known as the '€œIslay Cloud'€ ironically enough. It appears Armed Forces vessels stumble near often, but never actually close enough to locate the base. It seems the surrounding cloud disrupts signals between navigation systems, and occasionally comms systems as I experienced personally.

Skye Base '€“ Located in New Castle, and is virtually in the middle of nowhere amongst an ice cloud that covers it from view from long distances. There doesn'€™t appear to be any system-jamming qualities about the field, nor would their need to be given that the closest hostile environment to the Gaians from Skye is a fair distance away.

Goals: As far what the Nature'€™s Last Hope wishes to achieve, I honestly couldn'€™t tell you. After careful observation all I could gather was that they were in the middle of restructuring some of their relations. Beyond restructuring they appear to have no goals, nothing; no piracy, terrorism, protesting, or anything of that nature.

Relations: The Gaians are rumored to be getting friendly with The Order, I heard it myself, but haven'€™t actually seen any proof of it. There was an Osiris in Edinburgh, but they seemed rather concerned about it. There are also rumors that they wish to break from the Corsairs, at least some of them, and that may or not be true given some of their actions, such as avidly defending myself from Corsairs with implications of force if need be. There also appears to be some friendly relations with the Hogosha and the Colonials, given some of the technology used by the Gaians. It appears that the Gaians have no immediate allies or people to call in within Bretonia, and the closest ones they have seem subject to being cut off soon.

Proof of Relation to Colonials

Proof of Relations to Hogosha

Behavior: From what I can tell, this is a rather peaceful group that only appears to act in self-defense. They also appear to be a rather loyal group as far as I can tell. There were a few instances where I was threatened due to my affiliation, but there was never any time wasted making it known I was to be left alone. I will admit that I can'€™t tell if this is only because some of them have grown fond of me personally, or if the same courtesy would be extended to the rest of the Coalition.

Uploading Audio Recordings....








Quote:Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: isn't that commie swine a little too close?
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: No it ain't...
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Love is thick in the air.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: *Sighs deeply*
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: And I would advise -you- not to insult him as long he is with me...
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: if they don't like being insulted they should have kept their sticky fingers off my yacht
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: I've never touched your yatch.
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: one swine equals another, you're all the same
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Hehehe, I wouldn't be so sure.
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Yeah they should too. But Islay is a "Non-Fire_Zone" as long as my friend stays here.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: The last person to insult me was Jameson.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Ask him how it went.
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: So please shut the blaming...I think he hasn't done anything to you.
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: well Jameson is a wuss
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Indeed.
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: he ain't much of a challenge
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: A wuss with a loud mouth.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: And you are?
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: undefeated
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Well if you keep insulting me, maybe we'll put that record to the test sometime.
Kaizoku|Tengoku: Yuka: didn't you hear the lady? Islay is a NFZ
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: *she looks around...the situation is making her nervous*
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Hence, "sometime."
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Not now, but later.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Somewhere more appropriate.

Quote:Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: Well what is this SCRA doing here.
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: I don't think so. Why can't you just be cool with eachother?
Yuka.Kaizoku: Because they nearly destroyed my yacht?!
[NLH]-Sequoia.Hart: I actually see too many people around today. Come on, don't tell me you're all arguing again.
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Don't question my guest Shaulanca..
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: *He looked behind for more of those Coalitions*
[NLH]-Sequoia.Hart: Eh. I already reminded him. *She sighs*
Shaulanca's-Revenge-25: *he lighs his tiggarete*
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: I'm not sure, but it seems he is allone here, and he seems to be friendly...
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Maybe sticking around isn't one of my best ideas.
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: *He gets more and more nervous*
Yuka.Kaizoku: don't be fooled... I saw another one of them in Cambridge...
Shaulanca's-Revenge-25: Martelus: Calm down brother, keep strong in faith
Yuka.Kaizoku: chasing me... I managed to shake him when I jumped to Leeds
[NLH]-Nauticus: So, properly this time...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Well. That is don't dare to touch him aslong as he's at Islay...
[NLH]-Nauticus: I'VE MISSED YA BUGGERS! *he chuckles*
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: And I wouldn't tell you to touch him anyways eh Alla? *she chuckles*
[NLH]-Sequoia.Hart: *Sequoia cough* Don't you like the party we got here, Druce, dear?
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yataka: So, what are doing here Coalition one, I'm very curious, to hear a reason of your meeting here...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: He can be a real beast...*she twinkles*
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Well actually...
[NLH]-Nauticus: Hah, as always, hun'
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Miley took me here.
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: You'd have to ask her.
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Well actually you don't need to care...cultist.
[NLH]-Nauticus: Th' lass an' Miley seem ta know each-other, so I take it she can vouch fer her, aye?
Shaulanca's-Revenge-25: Martelus: Maybe she wants to..."mate"?
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: Come again?
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: Well, if she took you here I dont care about the fact that you are here...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: You should...
[NLH]-Sequoia.Hart: Come on. What Miley does in her... Eh. It's Miley's business. Relax, gentlemen.
[NLH]-Nauticus: Now now, flirts are alright, but sexual implications are a tad off th' line, AMIGOS...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: An' Yuka...we should just all forget from which side we come at Islay okay?
[NLH]-Nauticus: so everyone maintain a normal tone, aye?
SCRA|Alla.Alesky: *Shakes his head* Hopeless...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Would be better...
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: Well, if you want doing something special please search a more hided place I dont want to see it right in front of,
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: me...
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: *she chuckles* Are you kidding me 'sair?
Yuka.Kaizoku: meh... *shrugs*
Shaulanca's-Revenge-25: *He removes his helmet*Martelus: They want to "mate" here?
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: 'sair? You also want kidding me right?
[NLH]-Nauticus: *he whispers to Sequoia, forgetting to switch to private comms* Psst, what's goin' on exactly?
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: You should shut your mouth 'Sair. Before I shut it for you...
Yuka.Kaizoku: told you there's another one around...
[NLH]-Nauticus: oh! another laddie!
[NLH]Miley.McGreave: Alla...who is this?
Shaulanca's-Revenge-2,: Yutaka: Well, I'm not here for trouble...
[NLH]-Nauticus: Cheerio!

Upload Complete. Files Attached.

Based on these past events it helps me confirm to an extent the rumors about Corsairs. Regardless of whether or not their diplomacy is about to change, it is rather obvious their bond is far from that of anything strong. It also appears that Gaians are interested in taking something of a more neutral approach to us, at least from what I can see. It could go beyond that, as I'€™m sure you recall Miley McGreave assisting us during one incident in Dublin, having been there personally.

It appears that the Gaians mostly idle around in Edinburgh doing nothing useful or harmful from what I can tell. Sequoia is the only one that appears to be out and about, probably handling diplomatic talks. From what I hear she'€™s not a stranger in providing '€œbenefits'€ to ease the deals along. Occasionally the Gaians appear to make visits to Kusari and the Taus, straying away from Dublin and the heart of Bretonian.

Conclusion and Analysis:
Personally, I don'€™t find the Gaians to be a thread to us or Bretonia as a whole currently. I doubt they are without goals, but they seem to be too small to accomplish them all their own. Depending on what those goals are, they may prove to be a useful ally for the time being, at least providing a foothold in Bretonia, without fear of being stabbed in the back by the Mollys for example, whom I have found shooting comrade Steiner the day after I save them. The Mollys also appear to be a rather useless bunch when it comes to the Armed Forces guardians, the Outcasts.

However, the Gaians have no such issues dirtying their hands with the likes of the Indians, Outcasts, or Armed Forces. There is also the rumor of that base in Manchester which needs to be confirmed. It would provide a useful staging point between Liberty and Bretonia for smaller projections, and make our heading direction hard to detect.

Regardless of these facts, it is kind of common knowledge that we can'€™t dig for enemies in this area. Especially those who will not act as the aggressors and the point stands they are not without their uses. As they lack an immediate ally in the area, it is also likely we could get them to agree to our terms, with little resistance if any. That concluded my thoughts on the situation.


Lieutenant Alla Alesky

Transmission Terminated.