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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 10-03-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
To: Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Battle Report

Good Evening,

This evening I took part in the raid on Leeds. The following vessels were involved:

Primary Fleet:
H.M.S Thunderer - Admiral George Hall - Fleet Command
H.M.S Aggemenom - Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
H.M.S Invictus - Commodore Jeff Bloom
H.M.S Dauntless - Captain Charlotte Brooks

Secondary Fleet:
H.M.S Mull Of Kintyre

Intelligence Service - Secondary Agents:
Agent Thunderfin

Liberty Navy Primary Fleet:
L.N.S Durango - Vice Admiral Davies

Liberty Security Force:
L.N.S Levsky

5th Fleet:
L.N.S Delaware

Council Forces:
C.L.N Strasburg

The fleet assembled in front of R.N.S Oubli in an offensive formation. The Gauls took their time deploying their defence, they had sent us two 'Valor's to deal with. The orders were clear. I was to flank them on the right and the cruisers were to strike fro above. The remaining vessels were to be the bulk of the attack. It didn't take us long to eliminate them although we did give them the option to evacuate. A fine victory for Bretonia and her allies, the information about Leed's defences are now clear to us.

Carina, Regina, Imperatix

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of Bretonia's Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet.
Bretonian Armed Forces

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 10-04-2014

-=Incoming Transmission=-

From: Captain Charlotte Brooks
To: Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Battle Report

Good day Ma'ams, Sirs.

In the early hours of this morning I was called out to deal with a threat detected by several Armed Forces patrols. Intel suggested it was the 'Valor' class Gallic Battleship, using this information the MoD put me in the command of the H.M.S Dauntless. I spoke to the crew over the Personnel Announcement Systems giving orders and making sure the mighty Dauntless was fit for flying. After pre battle checks were made we un moored from Southampton Shipyard and headed to the last known sector the enemy was spotted. Sure enough, we found them and I ordered the gunners to prepare their weapons. I gave the Captain of this vessel, under the name of R.N.S Ultima`Ratio`Regnum, a chance to evacuate. He denied the chance to do so and payed the price. I gave the order to unleash hell onto him and we dealt with the threat quickly. We took minimal damage to the hull but one of our Secondary Armaments was damaged more than we would hope so. Luckily it's an easy switch out.


::: :::

Carina, Regina, Imperatix

Captain Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of Bretonia's Merchant Navy
Executive Officer of the 9th Ark Royal Fleet
Bretonian Armed Forces

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 10-04-2014

--Incoming Transmission: Origin: “Derwent”, Cambridge Orbit, Cambridge System. Sender: Simon Aldwyn (Former Lieutenant Commander, BAF)--

To Feet Admiral Michelle O'Brian

Ma’am. You are probably aware of my previous service record under Commodore McKenna during the Taus Conflict. I apologise for my absence of late, but I was called away on urgent business for the Crown and have been unable to re-establish contact with the admiralty until now.

Unfortunately, I am unable to disclose any further information on my recent whereabouts without direct permission from Sir Stewart or the office of the Defence Minister, however, rest assured that I am now fit for duty and awaiting re-assignment.

Sincerely, S. Aldwyn, esq.

--Transmission Ends--

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 10-06-2014

Mister Simon Aldwyn,

The Fleet Admiral is currently busy. She has, however, agreed that you may return to your previous position. You will find a various choice of ships on board of the H.M.S. Harlow in Salisbury system. As a lieutenant-commander, you may use gunboats and below. I advise you not to take command of a gunboat at once, as things, and with them technology, have changed since you were last in service.
Don't get killed. Ships are expensive.

Admiral George R. Hall

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Alexander - 10-18-2014

***Incoming Transmission

From: Ensign Jack Noah
Location: Planet New London
Priority : Low
Subject:Leeds raid

Good day ,
Today I went on my first raid as an ensign in Bretonian Armed Forces primary fleet with Commodore Charlotte Brooks who was commanding the H.M.S Sentinel and with Lt.Commander Simon Aldwyn.
As we approached Planet Leeds, we were welcomed by Gallic Royal Navy rookies (NPCs) . After we killed few officers a Gallic Navy capital ships patrol (NPCs)appeared , we killed it and with "minimal damage taken" we returned to New London .

Ensign Jack Noah

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 10-20-2014

[Image: 8KMlXjY.png]

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Today, we honour one of our senior Officers. Today we celebrate their work, and commitment to the Armed Forces, and reward them.

Captain Brooks, your extended service, work as CO of the Merchant Navy, and assistance to Admiral N Reaser have not gone unnoticed. As such, the board has voted, unanimously, to promote you to the rank of Commodore, effective immediately. Congratulations Commodore, you have done your house proud.

In addition to this, Admiral J Bloom has decided to step away from the 10th Fleet, and pass it on to Commodore C Brooks. A wise decision, and excellent choice. May the pilots of the 10th honour their Commodore today, as we all should. Congratulations Commodore.

On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, and her people in the Realm of Bretonia,

Armed Forces Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Alexander - 10-20-2014

***Incoming transmission ***

From:Ensign Jack Noah
Location:Battleship Suffolk
Priority: Medium
Subject: Patrol report

Good day,
Today I went on a patrol in Manchester system , because the system was safe I decided to jump in New London , near the gate it was a Corsairs gunboat with callsign Yacoob.Mashaj . I disrupted his cruise engine and I asked what is he doing and where he goes , but he was very untalkative and he thrustered to Manchester jump gate and he jumped in Manchester I fallowed him and because he didn't talk I start shooting him . I took half of his shield when HMS-Illustrious came to help me but it was to late and Corsair docked on Holmfirth Base.
I decided to get back to New London , as I approached Planet New London I saw a Bowex transport who was delivering Gin to Aland Shipyard.
After I took the lane to Cantebury Station when I noticed to DSE) ships how were carrying some goods to Bletchley Park , after the finished the delivery I escorted them to Magellan jump gate. That is all for today.


Ensign Jack Noah

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Alexander - 11-02-2014

***Incoming Transmission***

From:Ensign Jack Noah
Location:H.M.S. Essex
Subject:Battle report

Good day,
Today I went in Dublin with BAF|HMS-Thunderer and BAF|Cdre.Charlotte.Brooks because there was a Molly Destroyer after a few minutes of searching we found him at Hochschild Gold Mining PLC . He was trying to destroy the base , but it was to late and BAF|HMS-Thunderer killed him.


Ensign Jack Noah

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - 7AlphaOne1 - 11-03-2014


Source:Lieutenant James Peterson
SubjectTongueatrol Report

Report Date: 3 November 821 AS

Location:1.New London
2.Dublin, Graves sector


Peaceful patrol today. Heading through New London, it got a bit lonely, so I headed to Dublin. I met a BMM Miner in the Graves field, Transponder "Dubliner" . after routine cargo scans, I had a small chat and returned to the Essex.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

End Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - 7AlphaOne1 - 11-03-2014

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