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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 02-28-2020

Your name: LPI-A.Wilson[S], LPI-A:Wilson[S], LPI-SWAT-Rikers, LPI-SWAT-Florence, LPI-Coffee.Express

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: kazutrash , OneEyed.Mary.sue, LR-Hemlock , Patala x 2 , Red.Scavenger , Horus_Hawking,

istanbul , cutratekiller , Nayarra , Nightfighter x 2, Deleiter, sas.axe

H|-SNS-Discovery, Elvis

Kote-Lotte, MNS-Anaranjafa, [EBT]-The-Real-Ones

OneEyed.Mary.sue, LR-Hemlock , Patala x 2 , Red.Scavenger , Horus_Hawking

H|SNS-Discovery, Elvis

istanbul , cutratekiller , Nayarra , Nightfighter x 2, Deleiter, sas.axe

Kote-Lotte, MNS-Anaranjafa, [EBT]-The-Real-Ones

kazutrash: Lane Hacker ID, Rhino, arrested

OneEyed.Mary.sue, LR ID, SHF Warhammer

Palata, more than three times station attacker without declarations in a row, outcast VHF, rule breaker.

Red.Scavenger smuggler, unregistered Pirate Train, Blood Diamonds cargo

Horus_Hawking smuggler with Hypnotainment Bands"

istanbul, Corsair Train Essedarius, Freelancer ID, 4225 Artifacts

cutratekiller 4735 Socialites, ignored to stop his ship. Rheinland Train 5000 cargo,

Nayarra GC Warhammer

Nightfighter xenos bomber

Deleiter sunburst, full of artifacts

sas.axe, Liberty Transport mammoth, 2165 Sorted Artifacts

H|-SNS-Discovery, Separatist Dreanought, Eliminated

Elvis, Serenity, Freelancer ID, 3555 Holidayers, Arrested.

Kote-Lotte, BWE ID, Bretonian Train "Shetlan" 4985 Artifacts, arrested

MNS-Anaranjafa, outcast destroyer, destroyed

[EBT]-The-Real-Ones, Camara, Freelancer, 69 slaves, arrested

Payment owed:
5 x 14 + 15 + 5 + 10 x 2 + 5 x 2 = 120mils.

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Lucifer - 02-28-2020

Your name: Regina Silva

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Regina.Silva

Kills: Birdie, Gunboat class, Liberty Rogues

Circumstances: We shot the boat in Pennsylvania.


Payment owed: 5.000.000

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Yaoquizque - 03-01-2020

Your name: Sanada Junko.

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Sanada.Junko

Kills: Birdie, Liberty Rogues gunboat.

Circumstances: Met the ship in California system. They asked us sirian credits, we gave them tachyon discharges.
You can send me the money, I will payback Leopold when I get the chance.


Payment owed: 5.000.000

Bounty Board Notice - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-01-2020

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Dear contractors;

Valid payments for the last four weeks have been confirmed and delivered.

Keep up the good work. Your service to the Liberty Bounty Board is always valued.

- Ferris Dufresne, Administrator of Liberty Bounty Board

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Kanzler Niemann - 03-01-2020

[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: Kenneth "Royalist" Reid
Bank Account: BHG|Royalist

Target: Sicario
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 5.000.000 S.C

Total payment owed: 5.000.000
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Lucifer - 03-01-2020

Your name: Regina Silva

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Leopold.Essen

Kills: UN|Vorfahr, Unioner Fighter

Circumstances: Leopold dueled and managed to destroy the unioner.


Payment owed: 5.000.000

Bounty Board Notice - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-15-2020

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Dear contractors;

Valid payments for the last two weeks have been confirmed and delivered.

Keep up the good work. Your service to the Liberty Bounty Board is always valued.

- Ferris Dufresne, Administrator of Liberty Bounty Board

RE: Bounty Board Notice - Fancy.Deepwater - 03-18-2020

Name: Lathan Devers

Bank Account: Warrior.Blues


XA-Retribution [◙] [◙]

Paymend owed: 5.000.000

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - James Greed - 03-29-2020

Your name: Akemi Shinkai

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Lost.Hours

Kills: Birdie, Liberty Rogues gunboat.

Circumstances: Spotted this gunship near Westpoint during an engagement. I blew it to pieces.


Payment owed: 5.000.000

RE: Bounty Board Notice - Fancy.Deepwater - 03-31-2020

Name: Lathan Devers

Bank Account: Warrior.Blues


LH~Kage,Tenshi [◙] [◙]
Shpadoinkle [◙] [◙]

Paymend owed: 10.000.000