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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-28-2015

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: B.A.F. D.I.S.
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Agreements with Rheinland; Action in Leeds

I was called to help repress a pirate incursion in Omega-3 on yesterday's evening, while a Bowex-IMG convoy was passing through the system. The size of the pirate fleet was astounding, as I heard that the IMG bombers had disabled two Murmillos before I arrived with the Thunderer. The remaining pirate ships were destroyed or repulsed without known losses.
I was back to the system when the convoy reached safety, as I had heard that there were Rheinland capital ships amassing around the Omega-7 Jump Gate. After passing by two silent fighters, one of their primary fleet, by Aland, I encountered a Bismarck and a few more fighters by the jump gate. Their Major suddenly ordered the Bismarck, R.N.C. Utgard, to fire upon my ship. I was confused, but always prepared. I felt pity for all the good men running the Utgard, knowing that they would all go down with their ship for nothing, but fortunately the Major was merely not in his best mental shape and their Vice Admiral, Mister Putzkammer, cancelled the order and duly apologized in the Major's name. He even invited me for dinner in orbit of planet Stuttgart, which I gladly accepted. Their apple strudels tasted good and I managed to trick them that I had no tea on board. Fortune smiled upon me once more, as the Vice Admiral offered me that the Rheinland Military also takes part in the Omega-3 safety agreement. I wanted Rheinland included, but I did not want to ask them for it, as that might make us look insufficiently strong to defend our own system from pirates.
A small Order ship appeared in the distance, but soon disappeared from my ship's scanners. The Vice Admiral and his light escort went to check it out, but it seemed that they reached an agreement, as the Military pilots returned and then escorted us back to Omega-3. I thanked them for their hospitality and went straight to Leeds.
There we faced a fleet of one Valor, the R.N.S. Pontoise, and a few fighters and bombers. The Thunderer prevailed over the Pontoise in a knightly clash. We lost two fighters and the 343rd another two, but our forces were still superior since the fall of their battleship, so we besieged the Oubli for a while. As the Gauls were unable to regain superiority and we were running low on tea, we went back to New London.


Admiral George R. Hall

- Open for Reply -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 03-29-2015

****Incoming Transmission******

From: Commander James T. Kirk
Location: Southampton Shipyard
Subject: Manchester Battle

Hello gents and ladies,
Late on my report from the busyness of my job, non the less, last week in the manchester system the HMS-Enterprise and HMS-Thunderer got word of an invasion in manchester from those foolish gallics. We moved to the scene accompanied by the HMS-Mull.of.Kintrye, and the HMS-Sentinel to find 6 gallic battleships and 1 gallic crusier, at first we were hesitant, but Bretonia does not back down so easily...

After a few minutes the fell victim to the HMS-sentinel, after that the RNS-Montpellier and RNS-Tours began to suffer and eventually both were destroyed, after that, the RNS-Pontoise fell victim too the HMS-Thunderer, the HMS-Enterprise took down the RNS-Triommphante, and the RNS-Tonnant was finished off by us all.

This is a message to all who dare invade manchester.

Given the focus during the battle I was only able tot take 1 picture of me and George's vessels, you can see here what we were up against.

Was a good sunday

****Transmission end****

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - yargo14 - 03-29-2015

>>>>Transmission Begin<<<<

From: Ens.James.Fleming
Location: Manchester
Subject: Possible Gallic/Lane Hacker Dealings

During a routine patrol, I recieved word of Gallic ships in the Manchester system. Upon arriving in orbit of Planet Wight, I detected two ships at long range, GRN|Ferdinand_Mounier and LH~Mactan.Interloper. I managed to overhear a small part of their unencrypted comms before being detected myself, as you will see from my ship's recorder HERE.

I would speculate a possible dealing of sorts is taking place between the Gallic Forces and the Lane Hackers, how interesting it is that the Gauls will easily turn to pirate scum in order to gain any upper hand they can against mighty Bretonia.

I await further orders.

>>>>Transmission End<<<<

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-02-2015



Good day Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board has been watching the progress of all of you over the last few weeks, we have come to the conclusion that certain Officers will have to be rewarded for their bravery, loyalty and quick thinking. It brings me great pleasure announcing our most recent promotions, I have worked with every one of you out in the field and am certain that you can all perform to your very best whenever the situation arises. Alas, here are the rewarded pilots.

Ensign J Fleming - Your continued dedication and hard work has paid off, you are promoted to the rank of LIEUTENANT. Your new stripes are waiting for you onboard the H.M.S Ark Royal along with a bottle of something which Captain Davids has chosen for you. Congratulations Lieutenant.

Ensign A Acker
- Your immense skills in the Templar have created quite an outstanding rumour.. I'll let you find out what it is but perhaps some more stripes would suit your reputation a bit better? You are hereby promoted to LIEUTENANT. I want to see Gauls floating past my Bridge in their hundreds.

Lieutenant D Garrand - You have taken to your new role very well and we see it fit to promote you to a more prestigious rank to go along with that Churchill under your command. Not to mention the countless enemies you have slain in that vessel.. You are promoted to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER effective immediately. Congratulations, keep it up.

That is all for now, that does not mean to say that some of you are far off at all from convincing us. Keep the carriage rolling ladies and gentlemen, we still have a way to go yet.

Admiral Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of the 9th, 10th and 12th Fleets
Commanding Officer of her Majesties Royal Merchant Navy
Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Bretonian Armed Forces


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-03-2015

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: B.A.F. D.I.S.
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Omega-5 Offensive

After following a Corsair transport with a cloaked Dunkirk, the Ajax, we discovered a Corsair station in the Omega-5 system. It is named Cadiz and its main structure is a large, hollowed out asteroid. We besieged it at once, but its thick walls held until a Corsair fleet appeared. The system is full of asteroids, but there is a relatively capacious area of empty space. Our fleet temporarily retreated there and handled most of the Corsair fleet with ease, as it wasn't very large. However, they brought another one, which was much larger. Their resistance was unexpected and we were forced to fall back, towing our disabled battleships with us.
It is important to mention that a few Rheinland ships, precisely one Bismarck and two Krüger Orcas, arrived from somewhere and helped us during the first engagement. I will also inform the D.I.S. that Wilde ships were on the Corsair side during the fighting.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) -- Disabled;
2) BAF|HMS-Iowa (Overlord) -- Unharmed;
3) BAF|HMS-Enterprise (Dunkirk) -- Disabled;
4) BRF|HMS-Ajax (Dunkirk) -- Disabled;
5) BRF|HMS-Mull.of.Kintyre (Crecy) -- Disabled;
6) BAF|A-HMS-Islay (Defiant) -- Unharmed;
7) HMS-Nightingale (Churchill) -- Disabled;
8) BAF|Cdre.A.Graham. (Challenger) -- Disabled;
9) 3-4 Bowex fighters or freighters -- Disabled; or damaged;
10) RNC-Lipsce (Bismarck) -- Unharmed;
11) 2 Krüger Orcas -- Disabled.

Enemy forces involved:
1) Spirit.of.Fire (Murmillo) -- Damaged;
2) A Murmillo -- Damaged;
3) Minotaur's.Madness (Praefect) -- Disabled;
4) CNS-Cotra -- (Imperator) Disabled;
5) Lilith.Aceria (Claymore) -- Disabled;
6) A TBH Imperator -- Damaged;
7) 3-4 Wilde fighters or bombers -- Disabled, damaged or unharmed;
8) About 10 Corsair fighters or bombers -- Disabled, damaged or unharmed.


Important communications:

Admiral George R. Hall

- Open for Reply -

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: B.A.F. D.I.S.
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Raid of Leeds

We were informed of two Valors and a few smaller Gallic craft in New London, but when we moved to attack them, we found out that they had already moved to Leeds and were going to Magellan. Our fleet was composed of two Dunkirks and a friendly AI fighter. They reached the jump hole before us and, just as we were sending a scout to check if they were waiting for us on the other side, one of them, named the Hellraiser, returned. As we fired at the battleship, it moved away from us, probably intending to lure us closer to the jump hole so we could be ambushed by the other one. We were not fooled. We were about to go around the jump hole when the second Valor, named the Dificille Omelette, appeared in our range. We fired at them at once and quickly caused both to retreat. The AI fighter did not manage to disrupt their engines, having only a Mosquito cruise disruptor. We met them again near planet Leeds, but now they had reinforcements in form of another Valor, the Napoleon, a Perilous named the Lame and a few fighters and bombers. We also got reinforcements though, the Mull of Kintyre and a B.P.A. Challenger. We managed to outmaneuver the Gallic fleet and break it by disabling all three of their battleships. The Mull of Kintyre, the Challenger and the AI fighters were now fighting the gunboat while the remaining Gallic snub craft were hiding behind the Oubli's turrets. Two more Valors arrived soon after, the Pontoise and the Tonnant (which always keeps reappearing no matter how many times my own ship's turrets disable her!). They were quenched after a long range bombardment with assistance of a newly arrived Liberty Siege Cruiser, and will be again, and again, may the situation demand it.
Having no more capital ships to engage, we headed back to New London while being attacked by the remaining Gallic bombers and the Lame, which was ultimately disabled. The Ajax soon started to suffer from the consequences of heavy damage, seeing the whole battle along with the Thunderer, but they were saved thanks to the Reenao and the UskokCro, an Atlantis and a Dunkirk which arrived to cover our return home. We thanked the Liberty captains when we reached Southampton, but ask them to return to Liberty when they repair and refuel their ships, as they had their own territory to defend. I was strongly craving for a cup of tea and I moored the Thunderer with Southampton immediately after.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) -- Damaged;
2) BRF|HMS-Ajax (Dunkirk) -- Damaged;
3) Wintermute (AI Drone) -- Damaged;
4) BRF|HMS-Mull.of.Kintyre (Crecy) -- Unharmed;
5) BPA)Waldorf.Salad. (Challenger) -- presumed damaged;
6) Love.Disorder (Archer) -- Unharmed;
7) [FL-ER]Cpt.Soares (fighter) -- presumed damaged;

Departure cover:
1) Reenao (Atlantis) -- Unharmed;
2) UskokCro (Dunkirk) -- Unharmed.

Enemy forces involved:
1) ~Hellraiser~ (Valor) -- Disabled;
2) RNS-Dificille.Omelette (Valor) -- Disabled;
3) RNS-Napoleon (Valor) -- Disabled;
4) RNS-Lame (Perilous) -- Disabled;
5) GRN|Ferdinand:Mounier (snub) -- presumed damaged;

Additionally in the second engagement:
1) RNS-Pontoise (Valor) -- Disabled;
2) RNS-Tonnant (Valor) -- Disabled;
3) Punisher|Cavaillon (Cougar) -- Disabled;
4) Punisher|Guillotine (Cougar) -- Damaged;

Additional in pursuing our retreat:
1) Inspecteur.Grenouille (Cougar) -- Damaged;
2) (Cougar) -- Damaged.


Admiral George R. Hall

- Open for Reply -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 04-12-2015

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Harbinger]
[Directed: Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty board.]
[CommID: Commander Olivia Sunderland]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: Talia_Gladys_2793.jpg]

Greetings Admirals of the Armed Forces. Today was the Harbingers first day on offcial patrols as we took place near the Dublin gate to monitor and assist any fighters and patrols in the area we recived word of a skirmish against a pirate fighters against one of our own. Since out bay was dryed out of fighters as most were on patrols the Harbinger went on its self to investigate, however there was no sign of the said skirmish but as we were in the vecinity of the shipyard, My XO began acting strange agrissive depressed at the same time (It was an ugly picture and I cant find words to discribe it).

The reason for his behaviour how ever became clear after 10 minutes when nomad entity decloaked 5k from the harbingers front deck. We imidetly went on full alert and called in several armed forces guboats and ships from the London defence fleet. Unfortinetly Civilian traffic was not evacuated on time and they fell under its evluence forcing them to assault it with their transports, the alien was a very tought one and we only lost one civilian vessel a Bowex shire. I have placed my XO under observation and my doctor said he will make a full recovery, about the alien how ever did we get it I am not sure my science officer tells me its dead I am not sure whether or not we can "kill"these things.

Data storage

Sunderland out

Olivia Sunderland
Bretonian Armed Forces 12th Exploratory Fleet

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-15-2015

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, OBE
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: A skirmish in Leeds

On yesterday's afternoon I set the Thunderer's course to Leeds, along with the Strasburg, a Council battleship. We found two Valors and one Obstinate. Instead of attacking us, they preferred waiting for our attack at the Oubli, which proved to be their mistake. We were reinforced by an Outcast fighter and a fighter of the Police Authority during the battle, as well as by a Council gunboat. We disabled one Valor and the Obstinate, while the other one managed to escape.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) -- Damaged;
2) CLN-Strasburg (Redemption) -- Damaged;
3) A Council gunboat -- Disabled;
4) BPA)Mr.Smith (fighter) -- Presumed unharmed;
5) |+|-Isabel:Ramos (fighter) -- Presumed unharmed.

Enemy forces involved:
1) Opuestepica (Valor) -- Disabled;
2) Wheel.of.Fortune (Valor) -- Damaged;
3) Vasart (Obstinate) -- Disabled.


Admiral George R. Hall, OBE

- Open for Reply -

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Commander Seeley French
Location: Aland Shipyard, Omega-3 System
Subject: That godforsaken system called Omega-3

I have been trying to bring those rascals and scoundrels the local pirates to reason all day, but alas, a Churchill advances not as rapidly as their fighters rout. They even tried to use Freeport 1 as their shield, knowing I will not risk injuring innocent civilians -- or risking that I risk.
I left them fleeing for their petty lives and returned to the Norfolk. They were handled later by the 13th fleet and a bounty hunter.
But oh, great tidings! A whole fleet of enormous, glowing, blue ships suddenly appeared near Freeport 1! The first thing they did was fire in the no-fire zone. All my efforts not to hit the Freeport now seemed in vain, or would, if I was not there again to defeat the fearsome hordes. I did receive a bit of help from our secondary fleet and the IMG, but I was in charge there!
Some IMG bloke detected a Nomad Lair 20K North of Aland Shipyard after that, so we headed there to destroy it too. In accordance to our expectations, it was defended, and defended formidably.
But not formidably enough, ladies and gentlemen! We handled a a whole garrison, and when another one came, we handled it too! Unfortunately some of all that slime and alien body parts or whatever that was floating in space covered the whole front screen of the Indefatigable, and as I could then see absolutely nothing other than a lot of pink in front of me, I turned the autopilot on and headed to Aland to have it cleaned.
I just want to have some ale after all of this. I am not even sure that it was not a mere dream. A lot of ale.

Allied forces involved:

I don't know, many various ships. It included the BAF|HMS-Indefatigable, a Churchill, under my command. I can't remember any losses, at least not important ones.

Enemy forces involved:
When I revised the count and revised it again, it turned out that more of them were destroyed than were present, so I will stick to my memory: many.

Commander Seeley French

- Open for Reply -

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, OBE
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Nomad invasion of Omega-3

A grave situation affected Omega-3 yesterday. The pirates and Corsairs seemed as nothing compared to that. We were even forced to rally them on our side which they, apparently having some reason, accepted.
Bretonians, Humans, there are some things far more threatening to destroy us all than our own quarrels. Some of you might remember 801 AS. It was when another intelligent species showed us how determined they were to take what is ours.
Their determination stayed as strong as it was, but their military might seems to have renewed. The Slomon K'Hara, widely known as the Nomads, had built a lair, an almost moon-sized, discoid object, about 20K North of Aland Shipyard in Omega-3 system. Practically in our backyard, and we did not even notice. Until yesterday, at least. Perhaps it was there all along, but ran out of cloaking device fuel yesterday. I do not know, it is one of the subjects that our scientist will be discussing about these days.
When I received reports of Freeport 1 being under attack, I headed the Thunderer there as quickly as the trade lanes could carry her, arriving to find out that the attack was, to my joy, not only repelled but vanquished. Our forces were even bringing the battle to the enemy. We joined them right away and fired our Heavy Mortar at the lair as soon as we were in range. It appeared to be as tough as it looked though, and it even received a new garrison, which surprised us. They seemed to have advanced cloaking technology. Nevertheless, their defenses were quenched by human concord, allowing us to put full pressure on the lair. Its walls were thick, but not indestructible. The explosion lit the whole area and scattered parts of odd material around. I hope the spot will not become a center of an illegal artifact mining operation.
The Thunderer, unbelievably not even scratched, returned to Aland with the rest of the fleet. The checks concluded that the ship's crew did not have any systems of Nomad incubation. We had picked some alien organisms, but those were tightly stored in our cargo hold. We gave a small portion of them to two Order gunboats which arrived later, and brought the rest to the Cambridge Research Station.
I feel right that I have allowed the IMG to keep the Rockabill and two cruisers in Omega-3. I think that this event might replace all the small talk on tea parties for a few days.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) -- Unharmed;
2) BAF|A-HMS-Enterprise (Dunkirk) -- Unharmed;
3) Blaster (Dunkirk) -- Damaged;
4) IMG|Rochabill (Zephyr) -- Damaged;
5) IMG|Biscayne.Bay (Sagarmatha) -- Presumed damaged;
6) Z-Othello (Fearless) -- Presumed unharmed;
7) BAF|HMS-Indefatigable (Churchill) -- Unharmed;
8) Core|AV-Mixcoalt (Bottlenose) -- Presumed unharmed;
9) Fatality (Murmillo) -- Disabled;
10) A few Armed Forces, Bowex, Gateway, IMG, Core, Rheinland Military, DHC, civilian, Corsair, pirate snub craft -- unharmed, damaged or disabled.

Enemy forces involved:
1) K'Hara|Nergal (Marduk) -- Disabled;
2) K'Hara|Xul (Marduk) -- Disabled;
3) K'Hara|Amathaunta (Nammu) -- Damaged;
4) K'Hara|Nil'iji (fighter/bomber) -- Disabled;
5) About 10 Marduks -- Disabled;
6) About 40 Irras -- Disabled;
7) About 40 Nammus Disabled;
8) About 60 Nomad fighters -- Disabled.


Admiral George R. Hall, OBE

- Open for Reply -

- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, OBE
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Corsairs in Cambridge

Right after the Nomad situation in Omega-3 was taken care of, the same Corsairs who fought along with us started pirating again, in Cambridge. A BPA officer located a Praefect which the Thunderer quickly destroyed, but then we spotted more of their ships on our radar. We got more ships to reinforce us too, and we handled all Corsairs but one snub, which managed to escape.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) -- Damaged;
2) Bowex)Teutonic (Challenger) -- Damaged;
3) BPA)Waldorf.Salad (fighter/bomber) -- Presumed damaged;
4) IMG|Bad.Wolf (fighter/bomber) -- Presumed damaged;
5) IMG|Baby.Duck[R] (fighter/bomber) -- Presumed damaged;
6) Tessa.Wallace (fighter) -- Disabled.

Enemy forces involved:
1) Ralvek (Praefect) -- Disabled;
2) Desgarron (Imperator) -- Disabled;
3) Miguel`Hierra (Panther) -- Disabled;
4) Not.Mia.Rivera (bomber) -- Damaged.


Admiral George R. Hall, OBE

- Open for Reply -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 04-21-2015

[Incoming Text Message]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Harbinger]
[Directed: Fleet Admiral Michile O'Brian.]
[Sender ID: Commander Oliver.Davis]

Respecfully Admiral Michle O'Brian,

One mouth ago a BIS agent found a black box drifting around Leeds orbit,that belonged to the HMS-Leeds a ship portthat was part of my uncle's Admiral Charles Davis battlegroup that vanished 2 years ago. I would like to formely request a report on that Black box and its contents, what happened to that ship two years ago and what happened to that Battlegroup ?
With respect Commander Oliver Davis.

[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces 1st London Defence Fleet

[End Message]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Hellion - 04-27-2015

-= High Encryption =-

***Incoming Transmission***
Priority: High
To: B.A.F. High Command
From: Ensign Cameron Bradley
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Nomad activity

During patrol mission from New London to Newcastle system, Lieutenant Commander David Garrand and I have spotted two Order vessels jumping to New London from Newcastle jumpgate. We proceeded to approach them, but they had already entered cruise speed sequence. Lieutenant Commander Garrand asked them to cut their engines so they did. During the conversation, Order vessels mentioned a quite interesting fact. They said they've spotted a Nomad Nest in Newcastle system and warned us to take extra precautions as there may be a great Nomad danger for citizens of Bretonia, as if Gallic invasion wasn't already enough... If I may suggest, a detail scan of Newcastle System is more than needed- including both Battleships and Templars which can manoeuvre a lot better in numerous Newcastle asteroid fields.

We await your commands.

Valid proofs attached below:

[27.04.2015 14:48:26] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Cut your engines!
[27.04.2015 14:48:45] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: How about we go a bit further and I can do aaalll you want, sir.
[27.04.2015 14:48:45] Order|William.Storgen: Looks like, guardians behind us.
[27.04.2015 14:48:50] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Order Vessels, cut your engines!
[27.04.2015 14:49:13] Order|William.Storgen: Something wrong, officer?
[27.04.2015 14:49:17] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: We wonder what are you doing in our home system
[27.04.2015 14:49:42] Order|William.Storgen: Coastal, should we tell them about foundation?
[27.04.2015 14:49:47] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
[27.04.2015 14:49:47] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[27.04.2015 14:49:49] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Far away from home? What do you search here?
[27.04.2015 14:49:52] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Wait first.
[27.04.2015 14:50:00] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Foundations?
[27.04.2015 14:50:08] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: You better speak up
[27.04.2015 14:50:20] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Well.. We're not exactly here to cause you trouble.
[27.04.2015 14:50:32] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: In fact we were already on our way back.
[27.04.2015 14:50:48] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Well...
[27.04.2015 14:50:49] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: On your way back to Omicrons I hope?
[27.04.2015 14:51:02] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Tell me more about this foundations
[27.04.2015 14:51:18] Order|William.Storgen: Hmpf...You're surprised...How many you know about...some...object in newcastle?
[27.04.2015 14:51:24] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Yeah well..
[27.04.2015 14:51:31] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: What kind of foundations?
[27.04.2015 14:51:33] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: What kind of an object?
[27.04.2015 14:51:47] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: You see.. putting it short.. you have a huge spinder nest right next to your backyard.
[27.04.2015 14:51:49] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: Both are good pilots
[27.04.2015 14:51:54] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: //spider* xD
[27.04.2015 14:51:57] Order|William.Storgen: What kind? It's simple - very dangerous.
[27.04.2015 14:52:05] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: What a spider?
[27.04.2015 14:52:17] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Who isn't here? heh
[27.04.2015 14:52:18] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Hell this informations...
[27.04.2015 14:52:19] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Commander, you can do better than that now.
[27.04.2015 14:52:32] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: Nomad objects?
[27.04.2015 14:52:57] Order|William.Storgen: I recommend you overwatch Newcastle system
[27.04.2015 14:53:13] Order|William.Storgen: And you can find some interesting
[27.04.2015 14:53:14] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: We actually were on our patrol mission to Newcastle when we spotted you two
[27.04.2015 14:53:32] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Correct Ensign.
[27.04.2015 14:53:43] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Well... can you bring us to this "spider nest"?
[27.04.2015 14:53:46] Order|William.Storgen: Did you fly in South asteroid field?
[27.04.2015 14:53:58] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Currently not.
[27.04.2015 14:54:44] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Well Commander.. i wouldnt suggest that to you.
[27.04.2015 14:55:17] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Hmm...
[27.04.2015 14:55:22] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Hmm
[27.04.2015 14:55:37] Order|William.Storgen: As I saw, Nomads are everywhere now.
[27.04.2015 14:55:49] Order|William.Storgen: Even in Bretonia borders
[27.04.2015 14:56:17] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: Wasn't there a Nomad nest in Dundee system?
[27.04.2015 14:56:34] Order|William.Storgen: Nah, it's not Dundee
[27.04.2015 14:56:52] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Nomads in Bretonia
[27.04.2015 14:57:00] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Time to contact the Highcommand
[27.04.2015 14:57:06] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: I may be wrong. Haven't been there for a long times. It was dangerous enough the first time
[27.04.2015 14:57:09] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: You do seem to have a probelm with the Nomads. I suppose at this time you Brets could use some help maybe.
[27.04.2015 14:57:29] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: As in lately you brets seem to have a problem with everything..
[27.04.2015 14:57:34] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Ensign, safe this transmission protocol
[27.04.2015 14:57:46] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: Roger, commander
[27.04.2015 14:58:02] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Rest is classified for now.
[27.04.2015 14:58:25] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Allright Order. Thanks for this informations. You didn't break any Bretonian laws.
[27.04.2015 14:58:31] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: So you are free.
[27.04.2015 14:58:37] Order|William.Storgen: And remember: Newcastle is Red Zone with high risk of Nomad invasion
[27.04.2015 14:58:43] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: "free"
[27.04.2015 14:58:44] O'Rhu|WF-Coastal.Brake: Indeed we didn't. Safe skies.
[27.04.2015 14:58:57] BAF|LtCdr.David.Garrand: David: Safe skies
[27.04.2015 14:58:57] BAF|Ens.C.Bradley: Cameron: Enjoy your flight

Ensign Cameron Bradley

***Transmission closed***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 05-02-2015

[Image: 6MjjVth.png]


Both of you. I want to make this quick. Commander. Your promoted to Captain. Ensign. Your promoted to Lieutenant.

Now that's out of the way. D9 is hereby confirmed as Wild, infected, agents. We all saw them dock with, what is according to our data here in command, a nomad structure. It fits the description perfectly. You may have heard briefly of the 11th Fleet. You won't know much as it's highly classified, and the area around it is restricted, even to you.

Not anymore. Your both transferred to it. Thanks to the item you picked up Roberts, I've had no choice. Your CO is Admiral Norma Clark, but you'll be reporting to me. Our task now is to protect Bretonia, no matter what. Today I laid eyes upon that structure myself. I hadn't seen it beyond pictures and reports, and hoped beyond hope that it wasn't true. I was wrong, and I want to do something about that.

Let's protect Bretonia and her people. This is what we signed up for.

O'Brian out.

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces
Bretonian Command