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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 11-10-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Primary discussions with SiN Tech have concluded, SiN Tech will be conducting construction surveys in Cambridge for the creation of a major distribution/research center and have already begun their work in the area.

In addition, RCG have been permitted the use of our message dump to provide better communication and improved response time.

Transmission Ends

SF Message Dump - Stingray - 11-12-2006

Message to: SF personnel

Comm ID: Cork

An Helghast gunboat was driven away from Cambridge today.

End of message

SF Message Dump - dude42 - 11-12-2006

ID: [CR]Colonial_One

:sleep: Good morning, I am glad to speak at the Sirius Federation House...

As you may know we are working closely with Planetform, both commercially and militarily in Britonia and the Tau systems.. Admiral Adama has informed me of increasing terrorist attacks on convoys and other Civilian craft...

To stop this problem at its source we must stop contribution to terrorism. Admiral Adama has given me intelligence that there has been an influx of terrorist-funded small arms into Bretonian space.

I apply for your support in our plan to intercept these shipments by any means, for the safety of bretonia.

* Firstly the bill would require any [CR]policing ships to ask for the ship in question to eject its cargo twice before any martial action be taken.

* This bill would then allow any [CR]policing ships to disable or destroy the ship in question after he or she has refused twice.

* This bill would ask to grant that we be able to station warships and fighters in Edinburgh and Tau-31.

* This bill will finally allow the [CR]policing ships to gather intelligence on the ship in question while in the event of the interception.

In addition I will promise that our military and policing ships will protect Bretonia's borders from Corsair and Phantom attacks. but that our primary objective will always be the protection of Planetform interests.

Thank you Federation House, I prey to receive your approval on this bill....
(seated applause)..... .... .. .. ;)

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 11-12-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Battleship Sierra, Captain Brackenbury

The ship that was comandeered by the C'Tan race was, in a sense, destroyed today. Battleship Sierra engaged The Payne after it had been taken over. However, Battleship Sierra was hit extremely heavily by the newly Nomad Battleship, crippling Sierra. However, this was not without repercussions to the Payne. The Payne, in the wake of Sierra's guns, was severely damaged in the fight. The C'Tan were forced to evacuate the vessel before they all died. The vessel was then flown into Planet Cambridge via a auto-combat mode, wreaking havoc on the area.

The planet itself is in a crisis state, and Battleship Sierra has been forced to pull away from Cambridge in the event of it blowing up right outside of the planet. This would certainly damage Cambridge even more than it has. Battleship Sierra sent in a distress call for the planet itself, and the call was answered. Three SF medical ships are flying to Cambridge right now for humanitarian relief. Other corporations and relief organizations are being sent out to Cambridge from all over Sirius, including an unexpected response from the KDR (Kusari Disaster Relief) - The largest in Sirius.

Planet Cambridge itself needs the humanitarian relief fast. Millions of fires have popped up around the planet, and firefighters are having a hard time combating them as they are made up of a strange substance. Specialists from CRI are investigating these causes, and firefighters and other first response crews are rampaging through Cambridge in attempt to put them out. Many crews have already come from New London and Leeds. Regardless, Bretonia cannot combat this itself, and help from other houses is necessary.

Before the fight, a call was sent out to Bs| for assistance in the neutralization of this threat. However, they did not respond, but rather, the Bs| in the system, flew to Omega-5. I was forced to take on the C'Tan controlled ship, which crippled Sierra. My once glorious battleship is now a few scraps. Most of the crew was saved due to the use of escape pods, and it is now being towed to be put back together and repaired at Southampton Shipyard.

If there are other problems that have been sustained from this engagement, I do not know them. However, it is expected that without the use of genetic engineering, the harvest would be useless. CRI scientists are working on a way to grow artificial food for the time being, but will also utilize the help of large food corporations.

Cambridge shall rise from its ashes, and once again become a planet of beauty and order.

Transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 11-13-2006

OOC: Out of town for two days and look what happens, yeesh. This will be quick and to the point i'm still catching up on things here and in real-life.

Transmit to: All SF Personnel, Colonial Remenant
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Mrs. President (ooc: assuming that's who I'm talking too since there's no indication of ID), your proposal seems agreeable. It would of course be assumed that in the event that CR and SF forces are working together that the SF would have jurisdiction and take charge while in bretonian space unless discussed otherwise in advance between pilots.

Transmission Ends

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Proceed with locking down Cambridge as best as possible while allowing medical aid through. Only SF, allied and aid vessels are to be in the vacinity of the planet. The lock-down will remain in place until the situation is more under control. Neutral vessels are asked to remain outside Cambridge during this time.

I WANT the ID on the Bs| vessel that ran and get me the Bs| High Command, they had better have a damn good explaination. (OOC: I'll accept a real-life situation, in which case we'll consider the Bs| vessel as never being there in the first place and edit accordingly, PM if necessary).

Transmission Ends

Transmit to: [ELF]Eris_Ascendant
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Your sympathies have not fallen on deaf ears, but your actions speak otherwise and as you know actions speak louder than words. Your actions of attacking the Payne weakened Cambridge's defense and ultimately lead to the resulting destruction and deaths caused. The Phantoms may have orchastrated the attack but you had a choice in participating. You are as responsible as the Phantoms for the attack and the blood of the people who have died rests on your hands. In order for your sympathies to mean anything consider your actions in the future, otherwise your words mean nothing and are as empty as the hearts of those who would see us dead. To show your true sympathies, stay out of Cambridge, you're not welcomed here.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 11-13-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

One other announcement, please welcome Koolmo to ranks of the SF adding a destroyer and gunboat into the mix. As per usual first round's on me.

Transmission Ends

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 11-13-2006

Transmit to: Koolmo
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

Perfect timing, Koolmo. I won't buy drinks this time as I'm pretty busy at Cambridge with this crisis. After though, I'll help out with some rounds (I'm gonna need 'em):P

Welcome again (did I say it before), and have a good time with the SF.

Transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Koolmo - 11-13-2006

Thank you, I'm sure the third and fourth round are on me, and after that, it's whoever is still standing... I will be bringing my destroyer to the defence of cmabridge, and hopefuly to help repair after this recent disaster. My Gunboat will be patrolling the Omegas and Hunting nomads and other Smugglers

Koolmo out

SF Message Dump - Koolmo - 11-13-2006

--------Incoming Transmission---------

A Face swims onto the screen, one eye covered by a black patch, a ragged swath of hair hanging down to his nose.

This is Kingpin. Although we have been at odds in the past, I would like to extend my condolances to the Peoples of Cambridge, and I shall be pleased to donate any and all Pharmecuticals or other drugs you may need for the treatment of civilians after this disaster. Other than the designated Aid shipments, our relations with you shall continue as normal.

Kingpin Out.

---------Transmission Ends-----------

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 11-13-2006

Transmit to: Kingpin
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

This would be greatly appreciated by my branch of the recovery of Cambridge. The new medical frigate SFMF-BrightHorizon will be able to ship Pharmaceuticals into Cambridge before it is to be stationed. Any donations will be accepted. However, after stationing, BrightHorizon will not be able to leave. Please contact him directly before you will be admitted into Cambridge by the SF. You are to then leave as soon as possible.

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

With the stationing of SFMF to Cambridge, it will normally operate in reserved duty. This duty essentially means that it will regularly function as a storage, but will also assist Cambridge as a orbiting medical ship. It's duty as a full medical ship will only operate in times of major battles, or crisis situations; other than this it is storage, so if you need anything stored there just contact me.

Captain Hyperwave out...