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5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 11-13-2016

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Mrs. Visser unfortunatly you didn't meet the requirements of the 5th fleet. Your application lacks the sufficient ammount of information we need. As a result of this your application is DENIED.

Mr. Nelson. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - theflyingrock - 11-24-2016


Name: Harvey Brown
Age: 22
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135
Biography: I was brought up in a militaristic family most of my relatives severed in the liberty navy for long stints I wish to keep this flowing though out the family. at the age of 16 I applied for basic flight training which lasted till I was 18 mean while I was studying our law's and battle's so when the time was right I would have the knowledge to be a valuable asset.
I myself was plaint side on California minor when the Gallic navy made their push I lost many friends and family when the border station was attacked and later destroyed.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?:
I wish to help keep liberty free and this seems to be done best by the 5th fleet.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?:
Ive done a bit of everything from trading to snub combat, a decent amount of RP interaction.

Your SKYPE ID: stunner7001

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 11-25-2016

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Mr. Brown. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Wolf-29 - 11-26-2016


Name: Mal Reynolds
Age: 35
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 102 kg
Biography: I was born into a military family, i spent most of my early life on warships, I developed a deep understanding of naval combat as my father was the commander of a Cruiser, at the age of 11 (some time before the nomad wars began) my parents signed my up to the Navy's training program, and after 7 years of training I was assigned as a fire control officer on an Overlord class dreadnought. When we objected to an order to destroy a civilian trade convoy supposedly carrying a threat to liberty, we found ourselves ambushed by bombers, the ship was destroyed and i was picked up by a passing bounty hunter. After this i decided to lie low, so i went freelancer, escorting the occasional trader, destroying the odd pirate raiding party until now, where i feel i should continue defending liberty, as my parents did.
What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: I am determined to continue my parents legacy in defending liberty, although i have seen first hand that the liberty navy can be corrupted so i came to the 5th.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: former second in command of the LN on another server, snub combat, a lot of capital ship practice (paticularly Battlecruisers), bit of trading, used to RP

Your SKYPE ID: Wolfsfang202

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - thisDerius - 11-30-2016

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Mr. Reynolds. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - ReactJS - 12-22-2016


Name: Michael Scofield
Age: 25
Height: 1,89 m
Weight: 80 kilo
Biography: I was born on planet Manhattan, in a military family. My mother was a structural ship architect working at Norfolk Shipyard in the New York system. She was working on some classified armour designs for plating liberty navy vessels. My father served on Battleship Missouri, under the command of Admiral Wendi White. My parents send me off to West Point Military Academy. There I was trained to be the best of the best.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: I wish to continue my family military legacy by joining the ranks of the 5th liberty fleet.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: I have done almost everything, but mostly as a miner and transport escort.

Your SKYPE ID: scofield.m.1017

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - thisDerius - 12-22-2016

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Mr. Scofield. I find your story really hard to believe as planet Mojave is uninhabitable. There are some additional errors in your Bio, but I will let you handle it.

Your application is hereby DENIED. Errors in your application are really bothering me.

You may attempt again at a later date with those errors fixed. I hope you will make your story a bit more believable.

Safe skies.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - ReactJS - 12-22-2016


Name: Michael Scofield
Age: 25
Height: 1,89 m
Weight: 80 kilo
Biography: I was born on planet Manhattan, in a military family. My mother is a structural ship architect working at Norfolk Shipyard in the New York system. She has been working on some classified armour designs for plating liberty navy vessels. My father serves on Battleship Missouri, under the command of Admiral Wendi White. He was promoted as a result of his bravery at the battle for Norfolk Shipyard in 814 A.S. My parents send me off to West Point Military Academy. Admiral Matthew Evans himself was impressed by my piloting, obeying orders skills and discipline. There I was trained by some of the greatest officers to be the best of the best.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: I wish to continue my family military legacy and protect the liberty society and borders by joining the ranks of the 5th liberty fleet.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: I have done almost everything, but mostly as a miner and transport escort.

Your SKYPE ID: scofield.m.1017

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Renzo - 01-02-2017


Name: Mike Williams
Age: 24 Years Old
Height: 183 Cm
Weight: 82 Kg
Biography: Born on the planet denver and raised with the influence of my parents to follow the laws (Like every normal family) I learned a lot from my father since it is an official LPI and I started to like everything related to the navy. In recent years, I worked as an independent escort for companies belonging to Liberty. What I sometimes had to defend them from pirate attacks. After being fired for an internal problem with the company i tried to follow in the footsteps of my father joining the LPI But some physical tests went wrong and I was rejected.
Today I present this entry form with all the correct physical and psychological exams waiting to be accepted.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: My motivation to enter is the eagerness to defend Liberty from all attack and threat and to guarantee the safety of my family like many others


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Good RP interaction. BMF transporter and Escort. As well as independent escort as described above

Your SKYPE ID: Westkeeper_94

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - thisDerius - 01-03-2017

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Mr. Williams. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

Mr. Scofield Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.