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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 11-19-2008

'Security', as summoned by Lady Kurisho, is quickly made aware of a situation in the lower residential decks. Unfortunately for the civilised world, 'Security' means 'Watsas'. The GC personell had decided to give watsas authority as he is designed to resist most military grade firearms, runs on the blood of the damned, and is efficient at keeping meat in check. Plus, he pretty much does whatever he is told, irregardless of how argumentative he may be.

Watsas reluctantly stood up from his seat in the Tea house and headed up the corridor.


Quote:"I see. Your new here? Well... Don't make any sudden movements, slowly get out your ID and we'll see where you belong. "

It was about at this point that Udo noticed that Kurisho had a knife to his chest. He froze in place, scared half to death at what his seemingly innocent confusion had wrought. He slowly put his hands up and continued speaking, Half Flirting, Half pleaing for his life.

"Gah! Please do not hurt me nice lady! I am friend! I love you all! I do not want to hurt you! But I do not want to be hurt! I love the GC! I love Cardimine! You are very beautiful! Please don't hurt meeee!"

Udo remained frozen in place, Terrified, as he would until the Security-Watsas arrived to deal with him.

GC Tea House - pieguy259 - 11-20-2008

Takako comes in, giggling and waving her hands in front of her face, evidently completely off her scone on Cardamine.

GC Tea House - farmerman - 11-20-2008

Miharu awoke from her guest quarters from a great sleep. "I guess the cardamine really does help you get rest," she said to herself.

She set off along the corridors of Ainu and eventually came to the tea house. "I'll have to see if I can find somewhere more permanent to stay, away from that Udo fellow. But first, I need some tea to start my day!"

She took a seat and looked around.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 11-26-2008

Naomi watched as the sanity level in the tea house rapidly dropped. With the only other people in the Tea house aside from Takako and Miharu being Saigo, one of Watsas' cybernetic minions, and several other random people, she decided to steal the Holovision for herself.

Quote:Holovision: And welcome back to another episode of Sirius' most wanted.

Our next bounty may seem calm and cool but is at heart a cold blooded menace to society. His name is one that can only inspire terror and hatred in any good, lawful citizen in Sirius. I speak of course of none other then Udo Ackermann. Feared as an ace pilot of the Landwirtrechtbewegung, destroyer of untold hundreds of Synth Foods transports and RM patrol ships.

Udo has been known to be second only to Wesley Richter in terms of pilot skills amongst their organisation, and probably has taken flying lessons directly from him. He is to be considered armed and dangerous and is wanted dead or alive on charges of attempted murder, destruction of property, treason, conspiricy against the Rhineland government, public nudity, and providing aid to a terrorist organisaion.

As it stands, the current bounty comes to a staggering $145,000,000,000.98 credits. If you have any information, call 1-888-CRIME-STOPPERS or your local RM personell.

Naomi shut down the holovision and sat staring at the cieling for a few seconds. She had seen Udo's ship and piloting skills firsthand. The bounty and the warrant in general was obviously some kind of ploy to get at the poor Rhinelander.

Although on the other hand; ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE BILLION CREDITS!?!??!!?! Naomi waited until nobody was looking and slipped out of the bar, and then sprinted to the armory to get a stunstick and a shotgun and chase down Udo.


Meanwhile, Watsas was still making his way to ensure that Lady Kurisho didn't completely gut Udo and make a mess he'd have to clean up. He arrived to find Udo desperately and futilly trying to either proclaim his secret crush for Kurisho or keep her from tearing his head off (or likely both).

"Alright, what the heck is this. I thought I said NOT to agitate the Females, Udo."

"Well, I was lost, and I asked for directions, and she pulled out a knife! Please don't kill meeeeee nice lady!!!" Udo exclaimed, clearly still terrified.

"Bah, I don't want to have to keep an eye on this meatbag all the time. Okay, how about this. Lady Kurisho, if you could keep an eye on Udo tonight, I'll take him back to Rhineland in the morning or dump him on Yanagi or something. 'Kay?" Watsas replied.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 11-26-2008

"Bah, I don't want to have to keep an eye on this meatbag all the time. Okay, how about this. Lady Kurisho, if you could keep an eye on Udo tonight, I'll take him back to Rhineland in the morning or dump him on Yanagi or something. 'Kay?" Watsas replied


"I am not a baby-sister. I was PRETTY SURE that I am third in command of the Golden Chrysanthemums...but apparently that doesn't mean anything , anymore. "

She sleathes away the knife and starts to walk down the hallway.

Pausing, she says: " If you can't find a place for the....meatbag, you can always try airlock number 3. I am pretty sure that it's a 'One-way door'. "

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 11-27-2008

Quote:]" If you can't find a place for the....meatbag, you can always try airlock number 3. I am pretty sure that it's a 'One-way door'. "[/color]

"Well maybe I will!" Watsas replied

Udo froze in place and turned a ghostly white at this comment. Before turning and fleeing into the station.

"NEEEEEEEEEEEEIN! I AM TOO YOUNG TO DIE! AAAAAAAAAAA!" He screamed as he ran aimlessly about the station.

"Oy, meat! Come back here! See, now you've gone and scared him!" Watsas pulled out what appeared to be a cattle prod and chased after the fleeing Udo. "Come back! Before you break something important."

Watsas quickly ran out of sight after Udo.


As quickly as Watsas left, Naomi ran up the hallway and stopped in front of Kurisho

"Lady Kurisho, quick question. Have you seen that rhinelander anywhere? He has a HUGE bounty on his head. I need to find him to... uhh... warn him. Do you know where he is, sister?"

GC Tea House - farmerman - 11-27-2008

Miharu was quietly roaming the halls of Ainu, getting used to its layout. Given the high amounts of h-fuel in the area, she wanted to make sure she knew exactly what to do in case of a fire. Or in case the KNF showed up. It's always good to be prepared.

Unfortunately, she wasn't prepared that day as it seems she had taken a wrong turn. As luck would have it, she heard running and screaming.

"Mr Udo, is that you?" she asked. "I, umm, I can't recall where my new room is. Could you help?"

At least she hoped it was the strange Rheinlander and not an invasion by the KNF. She prepared to attack though, just in case.

GC Tea House - Phate - 11-27-2008

With a flash of light, that dissipated in the Shiden Cloud, Phate's cargo train popped into the system as it does once in a week or two these days. Lane Hackers are unusual guests on Ainu, but given the lack of GC ships coming to Leiden recently, someone has to make the supply run instead.
With a clanging noise, the docking clamps secured the ship now attached to the mooring point. While the crew was overseeing the Luxury Consumer Goods (stolen from Liberty shippers) being unloaded, Phate fixed his tie and slowly walked into the bar, ordering a drink.

Then he found a free table near the viewport, sat down and stared into the multi-hued cloud outside. Enjoying his time off, as always.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 11-27-2008

Watsas continued to chase Udo for about ten minuites through the hallways of Ainu. Udo continually screaming and crying about his immenant demise, Watsas cursing up a storm as he became increasingly frustrated at Udo's superior locomotive articulation. Finally, Udo saw his chance for escape, an air duct. He quickly pulled off the grate covering it and dove in, crawling into the vent shaft. Watsas attempted to follow, but quickly realised he was too bulky to possibly fit.

"Bah! Come back here Udo! Why are you running?"

"NEIN! The mean lady wants to KILL ME! I don't want to die! I'M TOO YOUNG!" Udo yelled as he crawled deeper into the shaft

"Well too bad, because the mean lady is cuter then you and runs the place. Now COME BACK HERE!" Watsas replied.

Udo was already out of earshot by this point.

"Hmm... where did I put my physics manipulator? The Bar!" Watsas said to himself, getting an idea on how to flush Udo out. He turned and went toward the Tea house.


Upon arrival, he began searching high and low for his Phyiscs Manipulator gun, which was sitting on the table where he had been sitting earlier. Now it was gone, apparently.

"Hey, Phate. Have you seen my physics manipulator around here? I need to get that scrawny rhineland guy out of the air ducts so I can kill him like Kurisho told me. It was sitting right here, where did it go?

And what are you doing here anyway?"

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 11-28-2008

As quickly as Watsas left, Naomi ran up the hallway and stopped in front of Kurisho

"Lady Kurisho, quick question. Have you seen that rhinelander anywhere? He has a HUGE bounty on his head. I need to find him to... uhh... warn him. Do you know where he is, sister?"

""He Should be easy to track. They ran down that hallway. Just follow the sounds of either screaming or the Stations alarms. I am pretty sure thoses two will wreck something in the station in a few more stastions.

If that doesn't work....use the stations internal sensors. Look for the one bio signal that doesn't have an ID card on it. Lastly, camp out by airlock numbver 3. I got a feeling it might get used before the hour is over.

Oh, and if you do catch him. I want 1% of the bounty. Just one percent.
