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Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Davey Jones - 09-12-2006

Arbalest,Sep 11 2006, 01:56 PM Wrote:This does sound like great fun, and I'd love to participate.
I don't have anything too fancy in terms of my ship, but since there are spots open and I'll have nothing better to do on Saturday, I'll apply for one of the Terrorist spots (since the Houses all shoot me on sight).
I have a Fighter Class ship with Chain Gun Eco weapons, Slingshot Missles, Countermeasures, a Starkiller Torpedo Launcher, and Razor Mines. This ship registers as Maledictus_Umbrus on the server.

I'd be more than willing to change anything, but my net worth is still under half a million credits, and probably won't go up too much before Saturday.

I have added you to the terrorist group, what you have should be fine as long it goes with the guidelines of stated in the first post, but talk to "Fellow Hoodlum" he is your team captain for that group. He will let you know what is going on.

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - General Nakazawa - 09-12-2006

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have to pull out :(
I have to do drill for the Navy on saturday. I cant get out of it :(
Ive been looking forward to this for so long and now i cant do it.

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Virus - 09-12-2006

x.x Oi.... I thought it was this Sunday! Wow... If you didn't say that, I might've missed it. DX

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Kane - 09-12-2006

Hey, did we decide if the 'Polizei' are allowed to use the Mark II house LF's, or if we're using the regular house LF's?

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Davey Jones - 09-13-2006

General Nakazawa,Sep 12 2006, 12:12 PM Wrote:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have to pull out :(
I have to do drill for the Navy on saturday. I cant get out of it :(
Ive been looking forward to this for so long and now i cant do it.

OH! Man! That really sucks cause I know you were the one from the start that was really looking forward to this event.

I'm sorry you will not be able to make it. I hope that your Navy thing goes well. maybe the next event will work for you.

Yes I have another event for you giuys but you will have to wait a while for that one I'm a bit worn out.

Kane,Sep 12 2006, 12:44 PM Wrote:Hey, did we decide if the 'Polizei' are allowed to use the Mark II house LF's, or if we're using the regular house LF's?

I did not make a decision on the ship I told you to make your best judgment on it compared to the other ships being used. if any one has an objection to using either of those ships let kane know cause I havn't the time now to look at them personally. they both seem fine but I am not farmiliar of how they handle.

Hope this helps if I have time I will look into it further.


Here are some Rules for Pirates, Terrorists, and Police

Procedures for boarding vessels.

To get cargo from one of the liners which includes
-- Presidential family 3 total (terrorists)
-- Fugitive (police)
-- Credit Cards & Other Goods (Pirates)
You must board the desired vessel!

How to Board a Vessel

-- First get the desired liner to stop
you can do this by either bringing the hull of the liner down to 25% or less or negotiate them to stop.

-- Then one ship must pull up beside the desired liner and send a trade request to that liner.

-- The trade request must last 2 minutes or more the liner is then required to give the desired cargo in the request after the 2 minutes time have past. The liner may not end the request but the other party that initiated it may do so but with a penalty by doing so the 2 minute time will start over. The reason for doing this is that you may not attack while in a trade request. You must first disengage the request then you may fight any enemies attacking you.

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - DarkOddity - 09-13-2006

I'd like to donate my Liner to this little event, if there is still a spot open for luxury liners...

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Hyperwave22 - 09-13-2006

Quote:I'd like to donate my Liner to this little event, if there is still a spot open for luxury liners...

Well, since Nakazawa can't make it, it looks like there is an open spot for you.

Quote:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have to pull out sad.gif
I have to do drill for the Navy on saturday. I cant get out of it sad.gif
Ive been looking forward to this for so long and now i cant do it.

Sorry you can't make it, man. I hope you have fun with the navy.

Quote:x.x Oi.... I thought it was this Sunday! Wow... If you didn't say that, I might've missed it. DX

I think that I"ll clear this up right now because this part can be confusing. For where Davey lives, (Hawaii, USA), it is on Saturday, but if you live across the International Date Line in places like Australia, it will be on Sunday.


Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - MrSns - 09-13-2006

Hello every 1.. Sorry i have not posted hear in a while.

Seeing as there is only 2 ppl in the Terrorists groop (i think) I will be takeing Up a possission as a Terrorists. Davy and i have descused it. And if we dont get more ppl for this, the three event leders will have 2 take up a possiossn in the groops (davy Hyper wave MrSns).. I will also take pic's from the Terrorists pint of view..

MrSns out

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - Davey Jones - 09-13-2006

Ok hello guys

A couple of things

First If the leader of each of the groups Terrorists, Pirates, Police would please Private Mesage Me about your starting locations. What I mean by this is the system/station that you will be starting at, so that I can send one of the leaders there on game day to meet you and get you checked in. Do Not Post It In This Thread or the Forums, I do not want anyone else to know this, in order to keep it a secret.

I will be sending Davey Jones to the pirates The pirates seem well put togeather so I will not be joining you as Davey Jones just checking you guys in on game day I will most likely be following the Cruise Liners as the TheIrishman. The reason for this is that Davey is my only character that is a pirate and I don't want to get his ship again after the event "too costly."

I will be assigning the the following leaders to the following groups

-- Hyperwave - (Police)
-- MrSns - (Terrorists) may participate if needed
-- Davey Jones - (Cruise Liners) will be using "TheIrishman"

Leaders Please let me know if you are ok with this.
MrSns I know you are we talked already

**Lastly there is need of a new lead cruise liner** since general cant make it.

One last little thing about the time zone differences
I set the cruise for 6:00pm Saturday the 16th of September and that is based on United States Estern Standard Time

Here is a time table it is done to the best of my knowledge you will want to check theses times for your self to be certain, I Do Not Garantee These Times.

Time Table

US Hawaii - 12:00pm - SATURDAY
US PT - 3:00pm (Pacific Time) - SATURDAY
US MTN - 4:00pm (Mountain Time) - SATURDAY
US CT - 5:00pm (Central Time) - SATURDAY
US EST - 6:00pm (Estern Time) - SATURDAY

Mexico - 5:00pm - SATURDAY
London - 11:00pm - SATURDAY
West Central Africa - 11:00pm - SATURDAY

Berlin 12:00am - SUNDAY
Jerusalem - 12:00am - SUNDAY
Moscow - 2:00am - SUNDAY
Hong Kong - 6:00am - SUNDAY
Singapore - 6:00am - SUNDAY
Tokyo - 7:00am - SUNDAY
Sydney - 8:00am - SUNDAY

If your time zone is not here then you can figure it out from there this is all I have for time zones, if they do not meet your needs then there is nothing I can do either. Sorry if this does not help you and I hope that it clears up any question any of you may have had on times for game day.

Constellation Cruise - Official Thread - DarkOddity - 09-14-2006

Davey, if one of the existing cruise liners doesn't want to take the lead I'll take it, just PM me with what I have to do as the lead liner.