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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 03-14-2007

Comm. ID: Reinhardt

It seems we have a large number of excess cruisers and gunboats. In the near future I will be evaluating you through your actions seen both in-game and on these forums. Those I feel can represent the RM the best will be promoted to captain or commander. Financial assistance will be provided should it be needed.

Do not necessarily expect to be promoted. I am not giving this away. You will have to earn it.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nanook - 03-14-2007

Message to: Rheinland Military Command
Messaging ID: Ranheim of Geiseltalsee

Kameraden! I believe a new approach is needed for the SCRA terrorists! I don't believe that we have enough men to effectively stop every attack on civilian vessels in Rheinland space from the elusive SCRA. However, I think a full-on search for SCRA leaders may be the best possible course of action. If this is done correctly, I believe that the SCRA menace will die down. Not only will their parading about our systems almost unnoticed cease, but it would be for the good of Sirius as a whole!

Yes, I know fully well that when actually spotted, the SCRA are not much of a threat, but the fact that they have the capability to evade our forces is a large threat to the interests of Rheinland corporations.
Just a suggestion for the Reichstag.

--------End of message--------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TankTarget - 03-14-2007

Message to Rheinland Military
Comm ID: Erik Lieder

"Aye, the SCRA menace when located is indeed easy Wrath is ready for all hell... Erik out"

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 03-15-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Send to "Rheinland Military"
CommID: Meric Freelamen

A good day today I would say. Erik and myself were patrolling New Berlin. Looking for anything out of hand.

We were asked by one named [A]Supremancy for a duel. We accepted, but we did not know what we were getting in too.

The pilot was in a Kusari Gunboat if I remember correctly. We engaged without a doubt. The starting battle lasted for about 3 minutes. We then took him down. It was then when the problems began.

The pilot launched from Planet New Berlin after the duel was over, and attacked us again with no reason why. We engaged in self defense. After 10 minutes of combat the pilot suicided in to New Berlin.

He launched from the base again, attacked, but we knew what he was doing this time. We fired from behind and he run. We caught up almost killed him but he ran again. He headed back to New Berlin, when Erik and I were just about to make the last shot. He docked.

He was forced to leave the system after that, we had trouble doing it, but after a long process he left.

Later on we were visted by one named Lotek of the KNF. A trader, he was scanned, and he was clean.

After, Erik and I were bored. So we decided to duel.

He had a strong loadout when mine was weak. But I did it for the fun of it.

The battle was long, the battle for fearce, in the end Erik one. Not by much, but he still won.

I will be working on a loadout soon enough. I have a source I hope to be talking to soon who will give me what I need.

All for now.

Freelamen out.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TankTarget - 03-15-2007

Message to: Meric
Comm ID: Erik Lieder

"Don't lie friend the majority of my hull was intact (Half a bar)...though it was a great duel... You are a great pilot, the military will greatly benefit from your expertise..."

Erik Lieder out

Transmission Ended

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 03-15-2007

Comm. ID: Reinhardt

Lt. Freelaman, your report seems to have a confusion. You never mentioned who fired first or why you shot at the Supremacy in the first place. Please correct this problem immediately. No actions can be taken until that time.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 03-15-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "Reply"
Reply to "Reinhardt"
CommID: Meric Freelamen

Me Wrote:We were asked by one named [A]Supremancy for a duel. We accepted, but we did not know what we were getting in too.

Does this awnser your question?

Me Wrote:The pilot launched from Planet New Berlin AFTER the duel was over, and attacked us again with no reason why. We engaged in self defense. After 10 minutes of combat the pilot suicided in to New Berlin.

OOC: This is the part where it got out of hand.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TankTarget - 03-15-2007

OOC: Yeah, there were about 6 people on the server and [A]Supremacy challenged us to a duel...and we destroyed him with ease and then he started doing stupid things and got himself kicked out of Berlin...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 03-15-2007

OOC: Well we kicked him out because of server rules, ( died 3 times ). TT kicking him out with RP is out of our jurisdiction.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TankTarget - 03-16-2007

OOC: I meant that he got himself kicked out via three kill rule DBoy...