RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 06-20-2020
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -
ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Luxury Liner Hawaii System Sigma 19
To:All Employes
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: Never let a Nomad in your Mind
Greetings Friends
Today the Velvet was on a Special tour, a Client on Freeport 11 asked for some Elixirs form the Shetland that we Brought him. the Borderworlds where Calm this day a rare thing to be. but as we entered the Omicron Delta system a Nomad Showed up on our Scanners, he was a Curious one and Followed us Cloaked because of a nearby Zonner Dreadnought. while he was Communicating over this weird nomad Mind thing, and as he did not appear hostile I thought I could help him to satisfy his Curiosity. but this was a Mistake. first, he wanted to know simple things like why the ship is my home and such, as he asked me what Love is and I showed him Memories of the Girl I Love. he sent me back images of her Paged by Diseases and other things I dont want to recall here. this one remained all the time Cloaked until the end and then Diapered as his Cloak failed and the Freeport Open Fire. I won't make this mistake Again and never will show a Nomad my Memories again, I also want to warn you never to do this. I needed a long Hug form the Girl I love after this and maybe will have a Nightmare Tonight.
[19.06.2020 18:24:45] Shanaa'kha'har: ***...{the image of a lonely gazzelle}...***]
[19.06.2020 18:25:06] 2020-06-19 18:25:05 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:25:06] Shanaa'kha'har: *(amusement)*).
[19.06.2020 18:25:16] 2020-06-19 18:25:15 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:25:27] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Greetings this is Caitlyn Cross Capitan of the Red Velvet Club
[19.06.2020 18:25:56] 2020-06-19 18:25:55 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:25:56] Shanaa'kha'har: **
[19.06.2020 18:26:09] 2020-06-19 18:26:08 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:26:09] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: i think i am followed by a Cloaked Nomad or so
[19.06.2020 18:26:45] 2020-06-19 18:26:44 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:26:45] Shanaa'kha'har: ***...'yours |metal shell| intrigue ours'...***
[19.06.2020 18:26:49] 2020-06-19 18:26:48 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:26:49] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: where is this damn alarm Clock i thought i turned it down
[19.06.2020 18:27:15] 2020-06-19 18:27:13 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:27:15] Shanaa'kha'har: *(playfull)*
[19.06.2020 18:28:16] 2020-06-19 18:28:14 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:28:16] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: oh i think its one of those nomad mind Comunication things again hello nomad i think we come in peace
[19.06.2020 18:28:56] 2020-06-19 18:28:55 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:28:56] Shanaa'kha'har: *'ours find darklings from |Red Velvet Club| intriguing'*
[19.06.2020 18:29:56] 2020-06-19 18:29:54 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:29:56] Shanaa'kha'har: *{the image of child looking into a cnadystore}*
[19.06.2020 18:30:08] 2020-06-19 18:30:06 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:30:08] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: well i hope interesting enough not to shoot
[19.06.2020 18:30:57] 2020-06-19 18:30:56 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:30:57] Shanaa'kha'har: *(curiosity) 'yours afraid of ours silencing |Red Velvet Club| song'*
[19.06.2020 18:31:39] 2020-06-19 18:31:38 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:31:39] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: if this means destroying my ship yea i am afraid of that she is my home i live on her with my loved ones
[19.06.2020 18:32:15] 2020-06-19 18:32:13 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:32:15] Shanaa'kha'har: *(curiosity) 'show us |home|'*
[19.06.2020 18:33:09] 2020-06-19 18:33:07 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:33:09] Shanaa'kha'har: *the light of the being turns a paler shade of purple, while trying to connect to the memories*
[19.06.2020 18:33:14] 2020-06-19 18:33:12 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:33:14] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: * cait thinks on Images of the Good times she had on board and Stephanie her First Officer who she loves* can you see that
[19.06.2020 18:34:15] 2020-06-19 18:34:14 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:34:15] Shanaa'kha'har: *'darklings are strange, yours do not sing in unison in the great sleep'*
[19.06.2020 18:34:36] 2020-06-19 18:34:35 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:34:36] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: * cait smiles while she thinks of the time she saw Stephanie dancing in the main Ballroom* this is my home and my loved one
[19.06.2020 18:35:14] 2020-06-19 18:35:13 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:35:14] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: yea we are diferent but not so much we all wana live
[19.06.2020 18:35:16] 2020-06-19 18:35:15 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:35:16] Shanaa'kha'har: *(cruiosity) 'show us |love|'*
[19.06.2020 18:36:16] 2020-06-19 18:36:14 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:36:16] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: * Cait Thinks of the First Date and the First Kiss with Stephanie how Steph was there for her on her mothers dieing day and the
[19.06.2020 18:36:20] 2020-06-19 18:36:19 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:36:20] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: feelings she had*
[19.06.2020 18:36:46] 2020-06-19 18:36:45 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:36:46] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait; this is love
[19.06.2020 18:36:54] 2020-06-19 18:36:52 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:36:54] Shanaa'kha'har: *(playful, triskter) {the image of Stephanie being plagued with a terrible disfiguring disease}*
[19.06.2020 18:37:22] 2020-06-19 18:37:21 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:37:22] Shanaa'kha'har: *{agonizing pain, burning sensations, angish and dispair}*
[19.06.2020 18:37:36] 2020-06-19 18:37:34 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:37:36] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: * cait gets a headache* no this wasnt very nice of you
[19.06.2020 18:38:04] 2020-06-19 18:38:03 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:38:04] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: imagine that would happen to you or the ones you like
[19.06.2020 18:38:18] 2020-06-19 18:38:17 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:38:18] Shanaa'kha'har: *'yours |love| can mean demise for darklings'*
[19.06.2020 18:38:48] 2020-06-19 18:38:46 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:38:48] OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club: Cait: maybe but its not a bad thing to love maybe you love in a diferent way
[19.06.2020 18:38:54] 2020-06-19 18:38:53 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:38:54] Shanaa'kha'har: *{the image of a creepy clown laughing}*
[19.06.2020 18:39:08] 2020-06-19 18:39:06 SMT
[19.06.2020 18:39:08] Shanaa'kha'har: *glowing intensfies*
Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions
> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-20-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: Charles Boles
* Location: OS&C|Echo-995
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
\Begin Message/
My Friends at Orbital,
I am pleased to make all your acquaintance, I am Charles E. Boles. I have been hired by Sub-Director Blackwood to perform field reports on the Omicron and Edge World Travel Market for the ongoing Further Reach Program. I'm afraid for the moment I don't have much to report other than our quick journey from the Hawaii, passing the remains of Freeport 7, and our arrival on Freeport 9. I will be in the Theta system for the foreseeable future performing an in-depth exploration of the system for Mr. Blackwood. Addtionally I do hope to get Orbitals name out with the locals by performing some for-hire charter services from Freeport 9 to the various Zoner facility spread throughout Theta.
Captain Boles
\End Message/
End File
-- Feed Terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-21-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: James Blackwood - Captain
* Location: OS&C|Offshore Account
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
\Begin Message/
This afternoon while I was aboard the Offshore Account, a Luxury Yacht....for inspection. When I had, a vision. I felt a moment of enlightenment. A moment of peace, elation... it has been years since I have experienced such peace....and fear.
It shifted among all of the various places I have ever lived, worked, existed before settling on a room from my childhood, on Planet Denver...It was so real, the trees even were swaying in the falling flurries. But then it turned dark. A man...a figure....a father was placed before me like an effigy, and burned. I did all I could to end his pain. It demanded of me so little.
OS&C|TE-Suzume and OS&C|Baltic_Sea tell me that I used the advertising frequencies to issue some sort of propoganda. Its all still so foggy.
James Blackwood
\End Message/
End File
-- Feed Terminated --
[21.06.2020 15:21:07] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the image of a man lost for wards, on a very sunny beach, his face blured}...***
[21.06.2020 15:21:31] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...(curiosity)...***
[21.06.2020 15:21:34] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: I, what?
[21.06.2020 15:22:17] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the man turns to you, sitting in the sun, like a dark silhouette}'...***
[21.06.2020 15:22:43] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{you can alsmot feel his thoughts}...***
[21.06.2020 15:22:57] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: I, who, where am I?
[21.06.2020 15:22:57] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{he's thinking of home}...***
[21.06.2020 15:23:15] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'show us |home|'...***
[21.06.2020 15:23:42] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the man looks into your eyes, into your soul alsmot, curious of your origin}...***
[21.06.2020 15:24:11] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'show us of yours |home|'...***
[21.06.2020 15:24:14] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: I don't remember where I was born, my parents always traveled, we had the wealth for that kind of thing
[21.06.2020 15:24:40] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Some of my earliest memories are of Planet Denver, in the snow
[21.06.2020 15:25:13] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the beach turns to a plain filled with snow, familair sounds and smells, seems like Denver}...***
[21.06.2020 15:25:28] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Yes, you even got the trees right
[21.06.2020 15:26:13] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{looking at you, the man seems to look very familair, a relative, a lost relative}...***
[21.06.2020 15:26:33] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Donny? Is that you? Its been /years/
[21.06.2020 15:27:03] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'ours sing in the void of past, present and future, yours is lost in the present'...***
[21.06.2020 15:27:44] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{The man shakes bows his head in aproval, yet when facing you again, eyes turn red, you can feel his anger}...***
[21.06.2020 15:27:56] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...(anger, rage)...***
[21.06.2020 15:28:16] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: I what? Whats going on, what are you, /who/ are you!
[21.06.2020 15:28:30] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'tell ours of what your dream of, darkling'...***
[21.06.2020 15:28:50] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Power, wealth, influence
[21.06.2020 15:28:52] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the man looks ta you with fire in his eyes, dispises you}...***
[21.06.2020 15:29:18] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{you left us to die, you betrayed all your loved ones |James| seem the man to tell}...***
[21.06.2020 15:29:41] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'ours see the darkens in yours song, darkling'...***
[21.06.2020 15:29:51] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: /I/ didn't leave them behind, /they/ couldn't keep up
[21.06.2020 15:31:17] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the man grows weaker by the minute, shriveling into nothingness, only a word obseseively repeating}...***
[21.06.2020 15:31:39] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{''Guilt"}...***
[21.06.2020 15:32:01] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...(shame, guilt, self-loath)...***
[21.06.2020 15:32:19] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: No, it had to be done, it was the /only/ choice, the /right/ choice
[21.06.2020 15:32:40] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'ours can make the song bring |peace|'...***
[21.06.2020 15:33:11] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: How....
[21.06.2020 15:33:55] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***....'yours must sing to all darklings in the sea of how |Liberty| is at fault'...***
[21.06.2020 15:35:06] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Fault? fault of what?
[21.06.2020 15:35:22] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the image of a communicator device set on all wide frequency}...**
[21.06.2020 15:36:33] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'ours dream of |Liberty| silent, and darklings feeling |Peace|'...***
[21.06.2020 15:36:46] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: *for a moment, you can feel serenity*
[21.06.2020 15:37:17] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: But how? To protest the very thing I create, greed.....
[21.06.2020 15:37:43] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'sing to the seas of |New York| of the dismay and decadence of |Liberty|'...***
[21.06.2020 15:38:08] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'sing in high voice of |Liberty| demise'...***
[21.06.2020 15:39:11] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the image of the familiar man, awaing in a room og horrors for deliverance}...***
**SYSTEM WIDE**[21.06.2020 15:39:32] OS&C|Offshore.Account: *in a strange trances like voice* a sea of decadence and disgrace, Liberty will fallllllll
**SYSTEM WIDE**[21.06.2020 15:40:29] OS&C|Offshore.Account: /YOU/ could stop what will come but /YOU/ can't
[21.06.2020 15:42:55] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the image of a puppet on strings, and a maniacal laughter can be heard}...***
[21.06.2020 15:43:42] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the familair man is happy, he is almost out of the door from the room of horrors}...***
**SYSTEM WIDE**[21.06.2020 15:44:13] OS&C|Offshore.Account: /LIBERTY/ will fall.... /LIBERTY/ is the curse....
[21.06.2020 15:44:21] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...'ours shall bring (serenity) to yours, darklings'...***
[21.06.2020 15:45:22] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{as the man exits the room, you can see the happiness on his face, alsmot feeling how you are delivering him from -
[21.06.2020 15:45:34] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: - suffering}...***
[21.06.2020 15:45:45] OS&C|Offshore.Account: James: Wait, who are you?
**SYSTEM WIDE**[21.06.2020 15:46:31] OS&C|Offshore.Account: /truth/ is /freedom/
[21.06.2020 15:46:41] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: ***...{the man looks very familair, is no longer the known one, if yourself}...***
[21.06.2020 15:47:02] K'Hara|Issan'kha'har: *a sudden headache, followed by peace of mind*
-- Secondary data log saved --
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 06-24-2020
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -
ID: Jonathan Seabourne
Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Hamburg
To: All Employees
Subject: A Change of Pace
Greetings friends,
I was carrying a load of passengers from Hawaii back home to California Minor (excuse me, Anaheim) when I decided to shake things up a bit and hop over to Willard Research Station. A group of scientists there was looking to book passage to some conference on Hamburg which I happily obliged. They take up more space than your usual passengers with their extra equipment and their research grants don't provide much in the way of passage, but they were an entertaining lot. Our voyage through Liberty space was uneventful and I spent most of my time pretending to understand their work while schmoozing in the portside lounge. One of them did clue me in to the fact that many of their colleagues on the LSF station in zone-21 (Chadwick I believe it's called) were also looking to head to Hamburg. With the Navy's new tradelanes through the minefield, it's a quick route to get from the east side of New York through Texas and Bering to Hamburg. Those looking for a change of pace might consider taking on this more intellectually stimulating (though not as profitable) route.
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise
> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <
Where Angels Fear to Tread
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Blackstarr - 06-28-2020
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Orbital Spa and Cruise is proud to introduce the newest addition to it's fleet.
Denizens of Sirius. Have you ever wanted to visit Kusari, but do not want to leave the borders of your own house? Then The Kyushu Princess is your answer.
The Kyushu Princess promises to bring the culture and feel of Kusari to you in your own backyard. With cruises planned in Liberty, Bretonia, Crayter, and Rhineland, Orbital Spa and Cruise plans to cater to all who cannot reach Kusari themselves.
Staircase entrance from Lobby to inner rooms
Kimono and Yukata Exhibit
The liner will also sometimes venture into the Kusari nebula and do flybys of planets such as New Tokyo and Kyushu as well as Kitadake and Aso and their amazing ring systems. Most excitingly, traditional Kusari festivals shall be held on board as well as seminars teaching ancient and current Kusari traditions..
![[Image: Q5JMBc3.png]]( ![[Image: F5oHxTt.png]](
Themed Rooms
OS&C will offer 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class packages aboard The Kyushu Princess. Standard liner accommodations are available, as well as 1st and 2nd class having options for Kusari Themed rooms.
The Kyushu Princess will have all of the luxuries a normal OS&C package offers, including but not limited to Bars, Restaurants, Casinos, Pools and Waterparks
![[Image: xWprec7.png]]( ![[Image: 31SKpEt.png]]( ![[Image: FGfOn0b.png]](
Book your trip on The Kyushu Princess today!! She will leave on her maiden voyage Friday, July 3 at 21:00 UST from her berth at Planet Curaco and will venture into Liberty take Passengers at Manhattan, make a brief entrance into Kusari with a flyby of Junyo and Seto in the Shikoku system, then it will return to Liberty to return it's passengers then return to it's berth at Curaco.
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-28-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: James Blackwood - Captain
* Location: OS&C|Offshore Account
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
\Begin Message/
My Friends at Orbital,
With my promotion within Triton Expeditions and our focus on the edge, along with the opening of another war front against Gallia I have ended my project to acquire another Gallic Liner for Orbitals Fleet.
While I for one am always disheartened when a project, of any kind, is closed without completion I am reminded of a parable my Grandfather used to tell me. It went something like this.
"Judgement comes not from success, but from failures. Most companies want to hire people that have had their failures paid for by previous companies, that is why they require N+ years of experience, it implies they made all the basic, entry level mistakes already and someone else had to pay for them."
Our failure to acquire another Gallic Liner has turned into our success with Orbital not becoming overly invested into the Gallic sector by contract or agreement with IDF which may or may not have lead to Kusari reprisals. Additionally with our focus and expansion into the Omegas and Omicrons we will be able to strengthen Orbitals Cross Sector Market Share while IDF struggles to maintain two lowly, economically block-aided liners.
James Blackwood
\End Message/
End File
-- Feed Terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - The Stagecoach - 07-03-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: Charles Boles
* Location: OS&C|Echo-995
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
\Begin Message/
My Friends at Orbital,
I am pleased to inform you all that we have secured permission for our First Field Office in the Omicrons. I'll be spending the next few days cleaning the location and preparing it for renovation. While I intend to open a small ticket office from the get go, as we'll only be running twice monthly flights the majority of the space will be dedicated to employee comfort while I continue my survey of the Omicrons.
Captain Boles
My friends at Orbital, I'm amending my original report. I have arrived on Freeport 9. Addtionally I was pleased to be greeted by the station administrator and assigned our new Office in section 4F. I'll be spending the rest of the afternoon looking over our new location and planning out the needed renovations.
Oh and Cait, you have a friend in Delta who wanted me to say hello see attached data log.
\End Message/
End File
-- Feed Terminated --
[03.07.2020 15:48:44] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Hello, OSC ship.
[03.07.2020 15:48:52] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Afternoon
[03.07.2020 15:48:53] /time
[03.07.2020 15:48:53] 2020-07-03 15:48:52 SMT
[03.07.2020 15:49:12] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: I see that shuttle is well equipped for the Omicrons.
[03.07.2020 15:49:58] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: I back
[03.07.2020 15:50:01] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Indeed, we may be pretentious but we aren't stupid
[03.07.2020 15:50:13] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Your words, not mine. (She chuckles)
[03.07.2020 15:50:38] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Oh you know what we say, its just a little pier pressure
[03.07.2020 15:51:15] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Pier pressure? Interesting.
[03.07.2020 15:51:32] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Oh we have a whole script, its pretty punny
[03.07.2020 15:51:49] Death: [SC]-Ivan|Plutonium was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.07.2020 15:52:10] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: So, touring the VIPs around prolly the most politically unstable system in Sirius?
[03.07.2020 15:52:39] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Not /yet/ I'm here looking into expanding Orbitals Frontier Service
[03.07.2020 15:53:16] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: I suggest heavily arming your ships, and be careful about who you let onboard here.
[03.07.2020 15:53:32] Fortune's.Favour: Is that a Spa and Cruise ship?
[03.07.2020 15:53:37] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: The Nomads have infiltrators everywhere, and they occasionally show up in massive warships.
[03.07.2020 15:53:47] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Indeed, I think upper managment is working on a sturdyer liner for edge world service
[03.07.2020 15:54:08] Death: La'Row was put out of action by ~{VD}~Song.Bird (Gun).
[03.07.2020 15:54:22] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: People really want to see a nomad up close I suppose
[03.07.2020 15:54:29] Fortune's.Favour: It's been a while since I saw an OSC ship out here.
[03.07.2020 15:54:36] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Up untill it opens fire, of course.
[03.07.2020 15:54:49] Death: ~{VD}~Song.Bird suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[03.07.2020 15:54:50] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Well, I wasn't planning on /that/ but more akin to reliable transportation from the edge to the core systems
[03.07.2020 15:54:51] Fortune's.Favour: Last one I saw was the Red Velvet club.
[03.07.2020 15:55:05] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Oh, good to know Cait has been out this way
[03.07.2020 15:55:11] Fortune's.Favour: Turns out it's captain is very stubborn.
[03.07.2020 15:55:23] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Yeah, sounds like Cait
[03.07.2020 15:55:33] Death: Pallax was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.07.2020 15:55:34] Fortune's.Favour: You should tell her Fortune says hello.
[03.07.2020 15:55:49] Fortune's.Favour: Oh and that I also said she should just give me what I want next time.
[03.07.2020 15:56:16] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: *chuckles* I'll let her know, but you know what they say about women
[03.07.2020 15:56:37] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: What do they say huh?
[03.07.2020 15:56:48] Velvet|Seraphim: **Val leans in**
[03.07.2020 15:56:50] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Yeah, what do they say?
[03.07.2020 15:56:59] Fortune's.Favour: This should be good.
[03.07.2020 15:57:09] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: A womans wraith, yadda yadda yadda, I'm sure you've heard the speel before
[03.07.2020 15:57:31] Fortune's.Favour: And people say I don't know when to shut up.
[03.07.2020 15:57:38] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: Isn't it a woman scorned?
[03.07.2020 15:57:45] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: But not as bad as I thought
[03.07.2020 15:58:15] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Oh I suppose that is the phrase, either way I try to stay on Caits good side, she signs the paychecks
[03.07.2020 15:58:26] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: For my department anyways
[03.07.2020 15:58:33] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: (She chuckles) Good luck with that.
[03.07.2020 15:59:27] Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm: Lund: Alright, I have to go check something out on the Freeport. Take care you lot. Dont let the squids sting!
[03.07.2020 15:59:47] Fortune's.Favour: Good luck.
[03.07.2020 15:59:55] 2020-07-03 15:59:55 SMT Traffic control alert: Z)ZDS-Autumn.Storm has requested to dock
[03.07.2020 16:00:14] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: Nice lady
[03.07.2020 16:00:29] Fortune's.Favour: Not if you are a squid.
[03.07.2020 16:00:34] Fortune's.Favour: Or with the Core.
[03.07.2020 16:00:52] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Well, I best be off, need to get the field office going on 9 now that we got permission
[03.07.2020 16:01:06] Fortune's.Favour: A field office in Theta huh?
[03.07.2020 16:01:10] Fortune's.Favour: Good to know.
[03.07.2020 16:01:28] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Indeed, offering twice monthly flights to the Hawaii
[03.07.2020 16:01:33] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: For now anyways
[03.07.2020 16:01:55] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Of course from the Hawaii there are any one of a dozen other locations you could visit within the Orbital Network
[03.07.2020 16:02:09] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: Always got to advertise
[03.07.2020 16:02:26] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Its totally /not/ tied to my annual bonus
[03.07.2020 16:02:46] Fortune's.Favour: Typical Corpo.
[03.07.2020 16:03:30] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Oh its got a pretty nice benefits package
[03.07.2020 16:03:43] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: But I can't get to into that, best be off, ta-ta folks
[03.07.2020 16:03:53] Fortune's.Favour: Stick around the Edge long enough you are gonna need those benefits.
[03.07.2020 16:04:07] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: No doubt, see you all around
[03.07.2020 16:04:25] Velvet|Seraphim: Val: Safe skies
[03.07.2020 16:10:08] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Well, what are the odds of running into you here!
[03.07.2020 16:10:18] Sun.Koken: It is my station.
[03.07.2020 16:10:29] Sun.Koken: Hello, Captain Boles I presume?
[03.07.2020 16:10:39] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: The one and only
[03.07.2020 16:11:28] Sun.Koken: Well, Welcome to Freeport 9. There is space on Section 4F for your office.
[03.07.2020 16:11:45] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: I must say rather good of you to let us open a small office here
[03.07.2020 16:12:03] Sun.Koken: A small office is nothing.
[03.07.2020 16:12:16] Sun.Koken: But I failed to see the negatives in your proposal.
[03.07.2020 16:12:31] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: I'll make a note of the location before I land. and indeed
[03.07.2020 16:12:54] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: While it will only be twice monthly service it is rather easy for us to ramp up service to meet demand
[03.07.2020 16:13:15] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: But to put it kindly we are simply dipping our toes in the water so to speak
[03.07.2020 16:13:20] Sun.Koken: Ah
[03.07.2020 16:13:27] Sun.Koken: Well, it is nice waters to dip your toes in.
[03.07.2020 16:13:46] Fortune's.Favour: Wouldn't be so sure about that.
[03.07.2020 16:13:52] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: It was my first choice, with the Hawaii only a short flight away it was the best choice
[03.07.2020 16:14:10] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Otherwise we'd need to look at a refueling point too and that just gets costly
[03.07.2020 16:14:14] Sun.Koken: Your pessimistic gets the best of you mister Harper.
[03.07.2020 16:14:33] Fortune's.Favour: I am merely a realist Miss Koken.
[03.07.2020 16:15:00] Sun.Koken: I shall leave you to your new office Captain, good luck with your endeavors.
[03.07.2020 16:15:08] Sun.Koken: **Sun smiles and does her customary Buddhist bow**
[03.07.2020 16:15:15] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Indeed, and should you want a free flight out to the Hawaii let me know
[03.07.2020 16:15:20] 2020-07-03 16:15:20 SMT Traffic control alert: Sun.Koken has requested to dock
[03.07.2020 16:15:30] Fortune's.Favour: Pretty sure they can fly themselves.
[03.07.2020 16:15:52] Fortune's.Favour: As you said Sigma Nineteen isn't that far away.
[03.07.2020 16:16:03] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Part of the charm of a vacation is not needing to plan anything whatsoever
[03.07.2020 16:16:11] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Yes, two jumps, a bit of flying
[03.07.2020 16:16:16] Fortune's.Favour: Except for the vacation itself.
[03.07.2020 16:16:23] Fortune's.Favour: And where you are staying.
[03.07.2020 16:16:26] Fortune's.Favour: Etc etc.
[03.07.2020 16:16:39] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: A service we do offer *chuckles* I'll be landing here, need to claim the new office and such
[03.07.2020 16:16:55] Fortune's.Favour: Enjoy it while you can.
[03.07.2020 16:16:55] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: See what we are working with, mop the floor
[03.07.2020 16:17:06] OS&C|Echo-995: Charles: Indeed, ta-ta
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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 07-04-2020
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -
ID: Jonathan Seabourne
Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Kyushu, Kyushu
To: All Employees
Subject: An Unsettling Encounter
Greetings friends,
I had another reminder of why I try to avoid Bretonia space (aside from my Gaian "guests" who tend to Breezewood's menagerie). I was passing through on my way to deliver some VIP's from Curacao to Kyushu when I was stopped in New London near the Manchester gate. A pirate named Decimus seemed cooperative enough, wanting a $4 million "tax" to proceed unharmed. I started to comply when he made an additional demand: one of the ship's exotic dancers.
I made it clear to him that the girls are independent contractors with voluntary agreements, not the ship's sex slaves to barter off on the captain's whims. The pirate offered to knock $1 million off the price so he could "have some fun with her." Needless to say, we did not have any takers on board to fly off with some random pirate. I counter offered $5 million and everyone flies away happy, which he accepted.
We may play fast and loose with ransoming indy liners, but Breezewood takes care of her own when practicable. Fortunately, Decimus didn't force me to make the choice every Captain dreads. In any event, I feel a little dirtier just for having shared an orbit with him. Piracy is business. I get business. This was something far darker, and I am glad I avoided it.
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise
> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <
Where Angels Fear to Tread
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Blackstarr - 07-04-2020
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -
ID: Asami Tamura
Location: OS&C Kyushu.Princess , Planet Curacao, Cortez System
To: Flight Logs
Subject: Maiden Voyage of The Kyushu Princess
The Maiden Voyage of the Kyushu Princess was an astounding success. We Unberthed fom Curacao without issue and proceeded to go to Manhattan. From there we took clients on a flyby of the planets in Shikoku system and dropped the clients off on the Golden Dragon Casino in Shikoku. At Shikoku we met with Caitlyn and the Red Velvet Club and she escorted us back to our berth on Curacao. We did have some issues with our communication's system after meeting up with the Velvet, but our IT personell were able to fix it promptly.
Comm ID,
Asami Tamura
Captain of Kyushu Princess
> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <
OS&C|Kyushu Princess
RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 07-05-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: James Blackwood - Captain
* Location: OS&C|Offshore Account
* To: OS&C|Kyushu.Princess
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
\Begin Message/
Captain Tamura,
With the start of one of our most ambitious projects yet. The The Sirius Wide Rally. I was hoping I would be able to enlist your assistance with reaching out to the Hogosha regarding Stage 4. As I want to move the location of Stage 4 to the Golden Dragon Casino, instead of its current circuit between the Luxury Liner Hawaii and Planet New Tokyo.
Should they be agreeable to negotiations I will authorize you to permit the Hogosha, or an organization of their choosing (subject to approval), the entitlement of Stage 4 (a 200 million credit value). As the stage entitlement sponsor, they'll benefit from having their name directly attached to the most popular form of racing in Sirius. As the title sponsor of the top series in Orbital, they'll also gain tremendous brand exposure and loyalty from the sport’s fan base.
Would you be willing to reach out to the Hogosha on Orbitals behalf for these negotiations?
James Blackwood
\End Message/
End File
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