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Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - Printable Version

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Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - I_m_rdy - 01-08-2008

Sent you the questions, good luck.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - kettch - 01-09-2008

kettch here. :crazy:

being wish to join your brotherhood; skills as pilot not perfect but willing to be learned by good pilots. spent many days roving planets but get bored of the land, so stole ship and being roaming stars since. am lonely, so wish have friends and accomplices for not-so-legal goings-on.

ive been playing freelancer (or mods of it) for about 2 1/2 years off and on. ive got a fair amount of experience, and am a decent pvper... not the best, i can hold my own against some better pilots until help shows up.
dunno how the time commitment is going to work- im in college and also training to be an officer (USMC) so i may be busy to play too much. that also means come july, when i ship off to officer training school, im not going to be playing probably at all for almost 6 months at least. so if thats an issue, feel free to let me know. but i have been able to manage playing freeworlds (star wars mod) until the server shrank (damn EVE :angry:).

looking forward to being plunder the galaxy with new friends and ships. please being tell me if able to fly for brotherhood.

kettch out.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - fpsdoug - 01-10-2008

--Open Message Program--
--Program Opened--
--Send to TBH Recruitment Center--
--Begin Message--

Hola amigos, the name's Antonio Banderas. I come straight from my first year of flying with me license. I am 19 years of age and raring to go for the TBH cause. Been quite uneventful since I got my flying license and am looking for some action against our sworn enemies and to join the cause for defense of our home. I am most experienced in a Praetorian bomber but am looking to try that Taiidan over at FP 11 along with the good ol' Titan. I will now end my letter of recruitment brothers.

Jesus Martinez, out.

--Sending Message--
--Message Sent--
--Closing Program--

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - sharpneli - 01-10-2008

Safe travels to you all.

My name is Jack Denton, I'm not a corsair by birth. But I've been flying with them from time to time. Lately I've been rather unvelcome to Bretonian space, and after one incident I've been looking for a way to avenge them.

That is why I'd like to join The Brotherhood, I am aware that I'm not a corsair but I do hope that my good reputation with them goes some way to help my acceptance into The Brotherhood.

Currently I'm tradingght piracy on bretonia to build up some financial base. The incident I mentioned earlier also caused my cash supply to seriously drop. I'm also somewhat proficient fighterpilot. Basically your average fighter.

I've played freelancer from time to time since it was published. Not too much on multiplayer side though.

Jack Denton

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - Lucend - 01-11-2008

All three test questions sent.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - Ors - 01-11-2008

Hello fellow corsairs,

I am Or Marquez, an ex-Liberty Police man. I decided that the lawful boring life of a policeman are not for me and i'm looking for a more interesting (and lucritive) way of life.
So, i changed my way of life and my old ship, and started getting the favor of the corsairs.
Now, after winning the favor of the corsairs, i wish to join the brotherhood and progress in the wold.

i'm pretty new to the online multyplayer part of the game (about a month and a half) but i try and willing to learn from the best.

Hope you look in favour upon my request,
Signing off,

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - majkp - 01-11-2008

Antonio Banderas, you have passed, welcome to the Brotherhood!

Or Marquez, I am sending you the questions right now. Send your reply to any of the Elders...

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - majkp - 01-11-2008

Or Marquez, you have passed, welcome to the Brotherhood!

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - OldTimerAL - 01-12-2008

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Opening Comm ***

Hola Corsairs and kind. This is Captain Matei V. of the Smuggler Train B***A**A. I have traveled a lot and have seen a big part of the universe. I had grown bored of the smuggling business so I past it to my son along with my ship and crew.

That was several years ago before he was brutally tortured and later on killed by Outcast scum who took his ship. I have been seeking revenge ever since but seeing as I have barely flown a fighter i started teaching myself i was able to get into the Outcasts and tried to find out who killed my son, but unfortunately they figured me out before i could get to the man responsible. While fleeing Malta i killed several Outcasts. After a lot of thinking about revenge and nothing else i decided to go to the Outcast's most hated and greatestsa enemies and one of the few i could trust the Corsairs. Then while on Crete i heard of an old fellowships among the Corsairs which i tried to find unsuccessfully until now. And at the present moment and for the future i am hoping to join the The Brotherhood , but not until I prove myself worthy !!!

OOC: hoping to hear from you soon:)

*** Comm closed ***
*** Transmission Ended ***

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - HellRaiser - 01-12-2008

' Wrote:--Open Message Program--
--Program Opened--
--Send to TBH Recruitment Center--
--Begin Message--

Hola amigos, the name's Antonio Banderas. I come straight from my first year of flying with me license. I am 19 years of age and raring to go for the TBH cause. Been quite uneventful since I got my flying license and am looking for some action against our sworn enemies and to join the cause for defense of our home. I am most experienced in a Praetorian bomber but am looking to try that Taiidan over at FP 11 along with the good ol' Titan. I will now end my letter of recruitment brothers.

Jesus Martinez, out.

--Sending Message--
--Message Sent--
--Closing Program--

Antonio u got me there:)