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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - ian - 07-07-2008

thats the thing though the ID doesnt allow bombers:(

Price: 50000 - Gaian ID
Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Gaians. Pirate ID grants its owner right to scan other ships and demand cargo (not allowed for cruisers and battleships), engage bounty hunters and lawfuls, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on unlawful side, and trade. Pirate ID owner cannot ally with lawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers (limited), Battleships (limited)
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime."

somehow they can gather resources to purchase or build a battleship but not a bomber strangly

where are the pirates? - Exile - 07-07-2008

Bomber's arn't a sepperate class yet...Their under figthers.

where are the pirates? - ian - 07-07-2008

oh ^_^

where are the pirates? - Exile - 07-07-2008

Im sure that should make your pirating alot easier:laugh:

where are the pirates? - sobuor - 07-07-2008

well i'm a pirate but i'm not very well funded better for me to keep off radar as much as i can but i pass by bufalo base from time to time to resupply so you may beable to find me there

where are the pirates? - me_b_kevin - 07-07-2008

after some recent thought, i think the lack of pirates may steam from:

-restriction on pirating in big ships
-no ship restriction to most of the enemies of pirates

if i wanted to make a pirate character these two things would probably keep me from doing so. i remember how it was before the restriction was placed on pirating in caps. back then there didn't seem to be many lawfuls around. now it's reversed, i have no idea what would fix it.

to me it seems the majority of the population of Discovery seem to gravitate to the factions that allow capships.

sure the skilled players (excluding myself) can compensate by using bombers. the amount of skill needed to be successful is great i found after trying my hand at them myself...and failing.

to steam the surge in pirates, the rule of pirating in caps was placed, now the surge is reversed. it would seem we have an issue of it having to be either one extreme or the other. can there be balance? i would think/hope so, how to do it though will be a tough one.

where are the pirates? - Varyag - 07-07-2008

sorry, no bombers for Gaians. Do you know how bad useing THAT much H-fuel is for the sirius ecosystem! Stick to those hybrid light fighters.

where are the pirates? - Exile - 07-07-2008

Yeah, recycles figthers and fuel:laugh:

Well, yeah Kevin. I'm guessings thats just it. But then again, there might also be the "lone Pi-rat" aspect. Its quite hard to catch a trader when your all alone, and have to decide between a big gun or CD. Heh, remember my lone days. Unioner waiting by the tradelane. Wasn't fun i tell you. (Well, it was, else one wouldnt do it...Confusing myself now.)

Work in groups. Thats the key and door.

where are the pirates? - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 07-07-2008

Well, i'm sitting at Trade Lanes, wait till someone shows up, then shoot the TL. Usually they then sit right infront of my little Gunboat. Then i say "hello my dear". Fast and easy.

where are the pirates? - El Nino - 07-07-2008

' Wrote:sure the skilled players (excluding myself) can compensate by using bombers. the amount of skill needed to be successful is great i found after trying my hand at them myself...and failing.

That is a bit true, I find in my two lowlier traders Parchenon and Firefly, i've succesfully defeated bomber pirates on number of occasions...

With the right arments, space will tramble at your feet... //Spoiler, 4x Coloada del cid + Supernova spoiler//

If you go for more conventional Outcast setup, Inferno and general weapons, lvl 9's for example, you will get a sizable battle, (if a trader is so inclined). Wich you should win, but there are no guarantees...

IF you're in a gunboat, things should be pretty straight forward...

If you're in a VHF you're kinda the underdog......

The problem is that traders usually are equiped to the max. Lvl 8 fighter armor, adv transport shields, mk4 turrets. The pirates rearly are, If we would seriusly stick to RP, most would bearly get a Mini-Razor... And probably only Hackers and Corsairs would have shield busters... (oh and the Outcast Inferno)... Any pirate without shield busters would be at a disadvantage right away..

If a trader wants to, he can make your pirating attempt a living hell...

Another attempt at answering the original question... By the time you can afford a profitable pirate, you can also afford a much more profitable trader...