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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Silver - 03-06-2012

The hooded woman walked in the bar. With a double tap, the bartender came asking what was her drink.
With a small mutter, a bottle of whisky was produced, a credit exchange made and the steps to a small dark booth were heard.

Sticks and stones will break my bones.

She sat, and with a quick flip of the wrist, opened the bottle and started gulping.

Kings and Queens will fall from their thrones.

She giggled.

A good day to die will come.

She smirked.

Anythin'. Anywhere. All to the beat of the drum.

She gulped more whisky.

I'm bored.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 07-30-2012

It had been too long since Lev had been back to 14. He knew what was going on with the bar, in as much as he talked to his manager Luis every couple of days and he got the numbers each morning from the night before, but he hadnt stepped foot into the Cave since he had left with Mal on that pilgrimage. Mal.... Lev had spent the better part of the last 6 months morning the Old Man's death. It had hit him hard. No matter how far out Lev got, it was Mal who was there to keep him tethered to reality, which is kind funny sounding to most people who knew Mal. Lev had sunk a small fortune into his Freeport 420 venture, but after Mal had passed, he just couldn't motivate himself to get it off the ground. He had that Juggernaut sitting around now, he didn't even know what to do with the damn thing.

Lev walked up to the front door of the Bear's Cave, it had been almost a year since he left with Mal. He opened the door and walked in, a few of the staff were still around from the year before, but most of the people were new faces. One tried to ask Lev if he needed anything, waving the poor girl out of his way, he walked up to the office without a word to anyone.

When he got to the office, things looked a bit different, although Luis hadn't taken over his desk, he had set one up in the corner of the office and everything in the room was very tidy. Lev opened a pouch on his jacket pulled out a spliff and lit it. It was time to see where life went, he thought to himself as he let out the first exhale of smoke......

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 07-16-2013

He was a bit more weary for wear, his hair a bit longer, his beard a bit more scraggly, his eyes a bit more worn. Lev Shestov had been around. As he puttered around his office on the second level of the Bear's Cave, his mind often wondered. Back to Mal, back to that lovely Liberty Admiral lady, back to a more carefree time. But that had all changed when Mal showed up and asked for his help. He had never been the same, but slowly, things were getting back to normal. He was drinking less, smoking more and generally taking better care of himself that he had for the last year or so. Depression can be a bitch ya know? Lev had at least gotten rid of that Freeport 420 beast. Lost a bundle on it, but that was of no mind to the man. Lev never worried about money, the bar was less an investment and more a place to hang out and smoke. But he had started taking a more active hand in running the place. The staff had done a great job while he was mired in the pits of darkness, but this was his place, his vision, and he needed to be at the helm. Groggy and high from his normal wake and bake, he went and opened up the door for the staff who slowly started to arrive. Once his manager Luis arrived, he went back to the office to smoke some more and sign some papers. I killer combination.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Zelot - 08-02-2013

Otis Jetho walked into the smokey bar, and headed for a table in the back. Sitting down with a view of the door, he settled in. He figured he probably had a wait ahead of him, if the girl showed up at all. She seemed so prideful over the comms, typical for a Kusari Naval Officer, and a woman at that. He ordered some food and a drink and sat back. Waiting was always the hardest part of these thing, but Jetho had been through this thing once before, and he knew how bad it would be, he just hoped this woman would accept the help.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Yaoquizque - 08-02-2013

Several hours passed until an officer stepped in this strange place, standing in the entry for a moment while gazing around.

It was indeed an odd 'bar'... Could one even call it this way?
Pah... She allowed herself to roll her eyes before heading to what seemed to serve as a counter in this place.

The bartender observed this rather young looking woman. He raised an eyebrow by an inch, noticing how haggard she looked like.
"Well... Here is one lady who certainly earned a fine pick-me-up, hmm?"
"A tea will be fine."

Leaning on a elbow while mechanically stirring a spoon in her tea, she took a look around once again.

Why did she even come here? She didn't trust one bit that arrogant -knowing it all- male. She was pretty sure he was the one who called the Naval Forces.

First in Tau 29... And then near Freeport Ten. Coincidence?

And then there was Ishikawa. She just lost contact with him in 37. Of course... He was behaving strangely since that discussion they had. But still.

She suddenly felt the urge to return to her Chimaera and try to contact the headquarters... Just to know if he came home.

Right. She would wait five minutes. No more...

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Zelot - 08-03-2013

Otis saw the woman walk in, it had to be her, he thought to himself. The military demeanor, the haggard look. It couldn't have been anyone else. He walked over to the bar where she was standing.

"Commander, I'm glad you decided to join me. Why don't you join me over at my table." The woman nodded and followed him to the table, both of them sitting down across from each other.

"Commander, from what you said, you think Kusari has a problem, but what I think you are missing is that if what you say is true, not only Kusari has a problem, but all of Sirius has a problem. I was around the last time the jellies tried to pull this. It almost tore Sirius in half. You see young lady, if they have got their tentacles on the KNF Admiralty, they are most certainly trying to get them in similar places in the rest of the houses of Sirius. You think your going to do something about it all by yourself now do you? You think you can do it in isolation? How has that been working for you so far hmmm?"

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Yaoquizque - 08-03-2013

"Oh so now you aren't laughing at my face when all i'm doing is taking the risk to tell you the truth? Delightful."

The officer looked around quietly, as to assess which danger she could be facing in a few minutes and, seemingly satisfied, went back to observe him.
"And i appreciate it, especially after i had to cross Kusari and Liberty space to reach this god-forsaken hole. Funny how Naval Forces always seemed to know where i was, isn't it?"

She considered him for a short while before speaking again.

"Whatever... Look, 'boy' : I'm just a soldier. Well... In all modesty, the best pilot in all sirius" She took a pause to observe his reaction and then kept going.

"But that's it. If you are really that interested, you should talk to our leader, the great Admiral stupid himself."

She then added after a disenchanting laugh :
"The one responsible for the mess we are all in today."

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Zelot - 08-03-2013

Jethro chose to ignore some of the rancor and spite coming of the commander.

"So, it's not just you in this little fight? Well, if you have got some organization, you should put me through the man upstairs. IND has one of the most comprehensive intelligence networks in Sirius. As to why to meet here? No one will be looking for either of us here. I don't ever really want to be seen with you again by the KNF. I have business interests to care for. But if what you say is true, none of our interests are safe."

Otis sipped on his drink, waiting for the girl to think it over.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Yaoquizque - 08-03-2013

The officer seemed to reflect for a short while.
"Hmm... Here is what we will do. How long does it take for you to fill your wonderful transport with supplies like H-Fuel, food, water, oxygen..."
She kept talking without giving him time to answer.
"Do it and contact me back. I will then give you a rendez-vous point... And you will be able to meet Sakamoto."

Finishing her tea, she then stood up, leaving some spare on the table.
"You know what to do. Enjoy."

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Zen_Mechanics - 08-22-2013

The bar went to total silence as he slowly stepped in to walk towards the bar, his outfit made the locals shiver , they could almost hear the jaw music in the background, he then wandered around the bar not feeling excited as he was looking on the locals, he must have scared them off. The stranger does not drink and he therefore dismissed the human pleasure of it but neglected to find other pleasures hey may find worthwhile, this proved to him to be a futile exercise. He then notices there's full glass on the table and a lone man eager to drink it, he looks frustrated and humiliated, or at least what he thought he was. He began to walk towards the table and he tapped on this persons shoulder, the stranger offered him this tea but he was more anxious to know what happened to him. He then removes his mask and say " So, women issues my friend? Only a woman can cause that look on your face, a face of annihilation and.. lust. Perhaps you can tell me what was that all about, I am a good listener" - the stranger turns his head and says "OK creepy stranger.. where should I start"