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Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Printable Version

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RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Jim.Solo - 01-28-2013

[Image: 1HWlf.png]
[Image: uSg1D.png]

From: Mr. James Barnes, Director Trade Combine Division.
To: Tobias Winters.
Topic: Trainee Trade Captain.

Dear Mr Winters,

Following a satisfactory interview and induction exam, I am pleased to offer you the post of Trainee Captain. The job will be based aboard your current vessel. Although Scarborough Station is our Head Quarters, most Trade is now handled by our new station Kings Cross in the New London system.
Your duties and responsibilities will be to ensure that your ship is commanded well, safely and without any infringements on any of the laws of Bretonia (except of course those Garlic eaters the Gallians, the cross dressing Mollys, the uncivilised Corsairs, the Tree Huggers Gaians and our nemesis the brainless, drunken sirens, the Reavers!).

Your supervisors will be Stew Wolfe and Jan Peters, they will be responsible for your day to day duties. If you have any problems you can also speak to Mr Andrew Peterson, the Trade Combine Manager.
You will be entitled to four weeks' holiday in every year, in addition to the normal statutory entitlement, of which no more than two weeks may be taken consecutively. The holiday year runs from 01. September to 31. August.

Finally, I would just like to say that I hope that you will accept this offer and that you will have a long and happy association with us at Borderworlds Exports. In the meantime, you may wish to review the setup of our Transport Fleet

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this offer, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours in service to the Realm,
Mr J. Barnes
Director Trade Combine Division
Borderworlds Exports

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Harus - 02-01-2013

Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727

- What is your full name?

Chris Jacobs (CJ for short)

- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?

Weapons manufacturer on Planet Leeds, I worked in the Equipment bay.

- To what division are you applying?

Trading Division

- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?

Looking to see space in a different way, other then just from the skylines of Planet Leeds. Being a transport pilot will get me out there to see space, and make some profit on the side!

- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?

We aren't too friendly with Gateway,but if we can at all attempt to assist them.

- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?

We if possible remove it from Sovereign Bretonian Space if that where it is encountered. We keep our words professional, whilst showing them that BOWEX is better in every way then them through example.

- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?

Umm....Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - AshDent - 02-01-2013

[Image: 1HWlf.png]

From: Ms J. Frances, Head of Human Resources, Borderworlds Exports.
To: Chris Jacobs
Topic: Your application.

Dear Mr Jacobs

Following your recent application to this office, I would like to invite you to an interview with our review board on Scarborough Station at 12:00 Newcastle Time on 1.02.819

Prio to your interview you may find it useful if you read our Corporate Handbook to give you some more information.

Yours sincerely,
Ms J. Frances
Head of HR
Borderworlds Exports

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Black Widow2 - 02-08-2013

Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP)
-----ID: Brüno Gehard-----
-----SUBJECT: Bowex Application-----

Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727

- What is your full name?

Brüno Gehard

- Where do you live?

Born to Rheinland refugee parents that worked on Planet Sprague as xeno archaeologists under Professor Quintaine but were killed during the attack by das wilde agents on Sprague in 800 A.S, I am now residing in Planet New London

- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?

I previously worked for Planetform Inc. shipping mining goods and raw materials between Planet Harris, Tau 31 and BMM Station: Graves in the Dublin System, given the frog invasion economical interests in Tau 31 have been greatly affected as it has become to dangerous for Bretonian Employees to work in this area, my ship transport ship was severly damaged by gallic bombers on my last trade run to dublin and is now in dry - dock.

- To what division are you applying?

Shipping Division

- Do you already own a ship?
Albatross Civilian Transport, no longer operational due to heavy damage

- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?

I would name it Sprague after my home planet in the Bretonia Border Worlds which I hope one day we could visit again. Its hopes and spirit will live on in its name.

- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?

Due to being laid off for loss of my ship, I feel that Bowex could offer me a chance to return some pride to my family as that of an able shipping captain as an employee you cannot do much when surrounded by marauding frog bombers, also I get to support Bretonia in the face of the ongoing Gallic opression. Which we will crush!

-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikes etc (minimum of 100 words)

Well, I lived on Planet Sprague in 800 A.S with my parents til the attack and then I studied at the University of New London for 5 years, graduating with first class honours in History of Engineering and Xeno-Archaeology. Worked briefly afterwards at the Cambridge Research Institute In Cambridge, but after deciding that wasn't for me, I signed up for a Shipping License with Planetform Inc.

My likes are: History, Languages and Engineering

My dislikes are: Frogs, Pirates and Mollys


RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Black Widow2 - 02-09-2013

App Updated

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Bowex - 02-11-2013

[Image: 1HWlf.png]
From: Ms J. Frances, Head of Human Resources, Borderworlds Exports.
To: Brüno Gehard
Topic: Your application.

Dear Mr Gehard

Following your recent application to this office, I would like to invite you to an interview with our review board on Scarborough Station at 18:30 Newcastle Time on 11.02.819

Prio to your interview you may find it useful if you read our Corporate Handbook to give you some more information.

Yours sincerely,
Ms J. Frances
Head of HR
Borderworlds Exports

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Black Widow2 - 02-11-2013

(02-11-2013, 03:26 PM)Bowex Wrote:
[Image: 1HWlf.png]
From: Ms J. Frances, Head of Human Resources, Borderworlds Exports.
To: Brüno Gehard
Topic: Your application.

Dear Mr Gehard

Following your recent application to this office, I would like to invite you to an interview with our review board on Scarborough Station at 18:30 Newcastle Time on 11.02.819

Prio to your interview you may find it useful if you read our Corporate Handbook to give you some more information.

Yours sincerely,
Ms J. Frances
Head of HR
Borderworlds Exports

Allo Ms Frances, I am afraid I have been very busy today and so was not able to make the interview for the scheduled time above. Perhaps we could reschedule for tonight or maybe another time this week in the late evening.

Thanks, Bruno

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - cleric42au - 02-12-2013

-----ID: Morgan DeLeah-----
-----SUBJECT: Bowex Application-----

Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727

- What is your full name?

Morgan DeLeah

- Where do you live?

Aboard my ship, I was born on Erie but after what I have learned recently I can't go back so I live aboard and run my freight.

- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?

I used to run a small planetside freight company running parts to Erie Spaceport mostly. We started with 3 vehicles and slowly grew to 28. Sold the business and bought an old CSV from LPI impound auction. Been learning the trade lanes since.

- To what division are you applying?

Shipping Division

- Do you already own a ship?
CT-49 Gull at the moment saving up for a Firefly, see a few of them as I trade new Cambridge alot.

- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
My ship is 'The Commonwealth' due to old family ties to the old Bretonian Empire on Sol. I have my families extensive library on board an have learn of the Canadian's and Australian's who were part of the Commonwealth, which itself came out of the Bretonian Empire on Sol.

- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?

Due to the families history on Old Sol and my own new found dislike of Liberty I guess I want to earn the right to call Bretonia home for me and my family should I ever decide to settle down on a planet again. I know I have alot to learn but I also know that a company with BOWEX's great history can teach me what I need to know and maybe give me the opportunity to earn my own great reputation by doing my best to add to that history.

-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikes etc (minimum of 100 words)

Well as you know I grew up on Erie from a family of low level Liberty government officials; I recently found out that the government there had been dumping chemicals near our town as they want an excuse to claim it off the Zoners and expand the starport due to the trade that was booming do to our towns hard work. The death of my mother in such pain due to the pollution, I mean Zoners are people too no one desirve to die like that. Then when the medical team just said "Her fault for living with Zoners." That was it I left and vowed never to return to Erie.

My likes are: History, Old Sol Music and Cooking

My dislikes are: Trade and Jump Gate hogs, pirates and Liberty Government officials


RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Bowex - 02-12-2013

[Image: 1HWlf.png]
From: Ms J. Frances, Head of Human Resources, Borderworlds Exports.
To: Morgan DeLeah.
Topic: Your application.

Dear Mr DeLeah

Following your recent application to this office, I would like to invite you to an interview with our review board on Scarborough Station at 18:30 Newcastle Time on 13/02/819.

Prio to your interview you may find it useful if you read our Corporate Handbook to give you some more information.

Yours sincerely,
Ms J. Frances
Head of HR
Borderworlds Exports

RE: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal (iRP) - Swollen_Cortex - 02-14-2013

----ID: Tim Hart----
----Subject: Bowex Application----

Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2728

- What is your full name?

Tim Hart

- Where do you live?


- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?

I used to be a good old fashioned, tree surgeon working for the upperclass recluses but after so many breakthrough's in technology my skills became obsolete; that and a deep yearning for space which up till now has been a mystery. I am also highly qualified with Hydraulic's and Industry grade laser's.

- To what division are you applying?

Shipping Division

- Do you already own a ship?
After the huge loss of work my only source of money to buy a ship with was the sale of all my obsolete Aborist gear; so the only available ship to me was a basic grade starflier but i am working my way up to anything better with all my waking hours spent on it

- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
With all the advances in synth technology i feel that if the natural world is being forgotten at least my ship will bear the name of nature. 'The Dawn Redwood'

- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?

Money, fresh start and money. (Though a bit of sight seeing won't go a miss)

-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikes etc (minimum of 100 words)

I have always lived on leeds, with my parents working on higher yield crops through crossbreeding with spores collected from alternative planets which cannot support carbon based life forms. This highly intellectual upbringing was wasted on me with my love of the outdoors and manual tasks; as soon as i had earnt enough money through dead end jobs (which there were quite a few) i became an self-employed tradesmen doing private work for the rich with their private aboretum's and orchards. At 32 years of age I now feel like it has all been a waste of time, so i intend to leave it all behind to give Bowex 100%

My likes are: Nature, Machinery (Heavy Plant), Literature and Sports

My dislikes are: Leeds and self-employment