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Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Madotsuki - 02-23-2015

  • Character Name: Richard Rozen
  • Current Rank: Flieger
  • Requesting Promotion to: Geifreiter
  • Promotion Requirements:

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 02-24-2015

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Rozen.
You're hereby promoted to Gefreiter of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Sandloon - 02-26-2015

...Incoming Transmission...
...Transmission ID: Heimrich Steifner...
...Transmission Location: Freital Base, Omega-11...

Hallo Brüder des Vaterlandes!

Ich Heimrich Steifner Anfordern Förderung!

  • Character Name: Heimrich Steifner
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:

I await your reply willingly.

Für das Vaterland!

...Transmission ends...

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Nicolas - 02-26-2015

[Image: rha_start.png]
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Major Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: Heimrich Steifner
Transmission begins:

Guten Tag, Rekrut
I proudly promote you to the rank of Flieger, you are now a full member of the Armee. Your Flieger insignia will be handed to you once you arrive on Vogtland.
Für die Volksrevolution
Hans Gukel

[Image: rha_end.png]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - miraculix - 02-27-2015

Salut, Kameraden!

Character Name: Sven Koenig
Current Rank: Leutnant
Requesting Promotion to: Oberleutnant

Promotion Requirements:6 reports within smuggeling 20k blododiamonds

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Eadweard - 05-05-2015

  • Character Name: Dominik "Roter_Ritter" Jaeger
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • Fully set up fighter[Link]
  • Report #1[Link]
  • Report #2 [Link][

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - aerelm - 05-09-2015

[Image: Wanderfalke%20-%20Header.png]
Effective immediately, Dominik Jaeger is promoted to the rank of Flieger.
Report to Vogtland Base to have the Armee transponder installed on your vessel.

Major K. Leitner
Red Hessian Army Oberkommando
[Image: Wanderfalke%20-%20Footer.png]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Laps - 05-11-2015

  • Character Name: Jana Luft
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:
Quote:Requirements for promotion to Flieger:
2 reports posted in message dump
Proof of fully set up fighter, with the appropriate ID and IFF

Reports 1 and 2 (Same page) [Link]
Fighter and IFF setup [Link]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Riess - 05-21-2015

::Incoming Transmission::
[Image: bartels_fin.png]

Rekrut Luft,

Consider your trials passed and thyself member of Flieger corps.

That is all

::Transmission Terminated::

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Eadweard - 05-21-2015

[Image: eg4sz774.jpg]

  • Character Name: Dominik "Roter_Ritter" Jaeger
  • Current Rank: Flieger
  • Requesting Promotion to: Gefreiter
  • Promotion Requirements:

  • Combar Ready Bomber (loadout will be improved soon) [Link]
  • 10 mio credits pirated [Link]
  • Some extra: BHG kill 1 (with help) [Link]
  • BHG kill 2 [Link]
  • ALG kill [Link]
  • DHC kill assist [Link]
  • 4243 Blood Diamonds smuggled to Roussillon [Link][