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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - centauri5pirate - 07-19-2009 COMM ID: DESERT MOJAVE ACCESS ID: 116261E AFTER-ACTION REPORT MESSAGE COMMENCING...... At 1030 hours this morning, I initiated a patrol in the Northern part of the Colorado System with Jonathan "Death Adder" Jones. Close to Pueblo was where we first made contact. A Junker ship with a hold full of Alien Organisims going by the callsign "Karmazyn" came into our grasp. Attempts at communication failed and he opened fire on Death Adder without warning. This turned out to be an extremely poor decision on his part. After repeated weapons fire exchanges, his hull was breached and he was shown the vacuum of space. KILL LOG FOLLOWS: ![]() We then proceeded to the Kepler Jumphole and then the Kepler Gate. The wait was not long and a Samura ship appeared with a load of goods from Kusari. Comms were opened, and once again, no reply was received. Repeated attempts at communication failed and we were forced to resort to more drastic measures. He attempted to run, unsuccessfully I might add. GUNCAM FOOTAGE FOLLOWS: ![]() Less then a moment later, a Kushiro vessel with the callsign "CTRNS-Woodstock" entered our range, attempting to run a load of goods to Kusari. He readily talked to us and we came to an understanding immediately. He jettisoned his cargo and had a rather interesting conversation with us. After 10 minutes or so, we were recalled to Ouray and we parted ways. He seemed rather sympathetic to our cause and promised to keep the goods in Liberty where they belong. Due to the fact that he was now broke, I transferred 2 million credits to his neural-net account so that he could pick up a new load for Liberty. COMM MESSAGE FOLLOWS: ![]() Desert Mojave out. END REPORT. ......END MESSAGE Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-20-2009 Alamo Base, Tau-45 Glenn Thacker stood facing the viewport in his office. Glenn walked over to his desk, pulled a bottle and a glass out of the drawer, and poured himself a small drink. He hated Liberty Ale, but the horrible taste matched his current mood. Staring at the desolate majesty of Death Valley usually helped calm his thoughts at times like this. The problem was, there had never really been a time like this before. Sure, people died on a regular basis, that was an almost unavoidable fate as a combat pilot in the Knights. Despite this, the news of David Chambers' death came as a shock. No matter what the enemy brought, David seemed to always find a way to come out on top. He seemed indestructable. Glenn thought back on past missions. Hell, all the old Serpentis seemed indestructable. Copperhead was a legend in the cockpit, the scourge of corrupt Liberty and it's foreign allies, and he was one of Glenn's oldest friends. Glenn now regretted taking the transfer to a desk job in Tau-45. Sure, as CAG on Alamo, he did a great deal whipping the fragmented, disorganized Tau-45 Guard into an almost military-grade unit, but dammit, that wasn't good enough. Glenn hurled his glass at the viewport, and it bounced off the glassteel window with a dull thunk. Why did he ever leave the front lines? If he had been there, perhaps David would still be alive to celebrate the victory over the corrupt government. He knew it wasn't logical to blame himself, and that your friends dying was a part of the game, but that didn't take away the pain. Glenn considered for a moment, then he sat down at his desk and switched on his desk terminal. He began drafting a letter to the current leader of the Serpentis wing on Ouray, requesting a transfer back to active combat status. Never again would a friend die while he sat on the sidelines. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 07-21-2009 Jonathon sat back in his chair , gazing out the viewport, contemplating the two messages he had just recieved. His world had just gotten alittle smaller.... With a quick jab of his finger, Jonathon Comms down to the bar, "please send me up a bottle of whiskey" Two messages, both different, yet both intertwined.. David Chambers , The famous Copperhead, missing in the cesspool of New york, presumed dead... At the very least, I hope so, and not a prisoner of the LPI or Navy... The whiskey arrives and Jonathon drinks down two shots in succession.... The other message, Jack Tar, our beloved Commander, has stepped down from command. For reasons we all can understand. With his final order, He has placed me in command of the Knight's of Labor. Jonathon stares off into space..remembering his first days as a member of the Xeno Alliance.......such a long time ago.... With a firm resolve Jonathon says out loud.. "We will continue what you have strived for, and We Will not let you down!" Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 07-25-2009 Location: Ouray Base Conference room B Greetings pilots, I am sure you are wondering why I have called you all here today. Today is a great day! I have the pleasure to announce that Glenn Thacker will be rejoining us. I have finalized his transfer from the CAG on Alamo. He will be retaining his previous position and rank as Special Advisor. This next announcement is a little bit overdue and is something that I felt needed rectified at the earliest opportunity. So, at this time I would like to announce the promotion of Jake "Desert Mojave" Cutter to the rank of Royal. This completes our new rank structure. Be sure to follow their commands when out on patrol. This concludes our meeting. There will be an open bar for the evening. Make sure you are you are fit to fly in the morning or heads will roll. ....and with that last announcement..Cmdr Jonathon "DeathAdder" Jones walks out of the meeting room... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - centauri5pirate - 07-25-2009 COMM ID: DESERT MOJAVE ACCESS ID: 116261E AFTER-ACTION REPORT MESSAGE COMMENCING...... AT 1830 hours today, myself and Jonathan "Death Adder" Jones initiated a patrol of the Silverton Field. A short time later, we came across two fighter craft, both of which had Xeno pilots aboard, the total count being close to 20 of our men. FOUR attempts were made requesting they drop our pilots. COMMS CHANNEL LOG FOLLOWS: ![]() With no response, they began firing on us, cleary not the wisest of choices. In less than two minutes, both ships were neutralized and our pilots were recovered. KILL LOG FOLLOWS: ![]() We then managed to rescue a civilian pod floating in Space and tractored him in. We cut the lane in attempts to thwart some foreign traders and then a Navy Cruiser showed up, followed by assorted Navy and Police fighter craft. Thinking that discretion would be the better part of valor, we thought it wise to return home to Ouray. The Navy opened up comms with me, stating he had one of our pilots, and wanted the civilian in my hold. We agreed on a peaceful trade and then headed for home, with all of our pilots safe aboard our vessels. Attached is a small comms recording of the trade... COMMS LOG FOLLOWS: ![]() The rescued pilots were returned to Ouray and are now in de-briefing. That is all. -Desert Mojave out. ......END MESSAGE *LINK TERMINATED* Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Janus - 07-27-2009 COMM ID: Madison Tate: Made it to Ames where I hooked up with DeathAdder, who kindly escorted me in to Nome and got me set up. He was called away shortly after, so after some time checking the place out, I headed out alone. It wasn't long before I hooked up with another comrade in arms, Stiletto and we camped out in New York, near the Colorado gate, keeping an eye on things. We were engaged without warning by a bounty hunter who's Ship ID I didn't manage to get. I was too busy trying to distract him while Stiletto did the hard work and brought him down. Sometime later, back in Kepler, I went to the assistance of a fellow Juvenile who was engaged by another bountry hunter. It was there I discovered that growing up on Pittsburgh gave me glaring insufficient preperation for life as a combat pilot, something I intend to rectify as soon as possible. There was one high point to the day, this time in Colorado, we came across yet another bounty hunter, ship ident XxL-fighter, this one with a hold full of our comrades. We persuaded him to release them into our custody and swiftly returned them to Ouray. However, when we resumed our partrol, the bounty hunter once again had Xeno pilots in his hold. This time he fled the scene when challenged. During this time, we'd heard a pirate issuing rather brusque and abrupt demands. On investigation, this turned out to be an Outcast sabre, ship ident EAS. As we approached, he demanded 'tax' from us. We demurred and I shortly thereafter found my shields gone. The Outcast then said we'd "Die!" and attacked full force. My Starblazer was no match for a surprise attack by a fully kitted Sabre. All in all, my first day in the Serpentis wing turned out to be an eventful one. Madison out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Janus - 07-31-2009 COMM ID: Madison Tate. Returned to New York to deliver a message to the people of Pittsburgh. Unsurprisingly, things didn't go quite as expected. Madison gets a warm reception, pt 1. Madison gets a warm reception, pt 2. A fellow Xeno makes a disovery. But fails to capitalise. A compliment from the LSF. The LPI confuses the issue. After the LPI succesfully diverted the issue to talk of ducks, I retreated to Colorado, joining Desert Mojave and Deathadder for a uneventful patrol. I later made a second return visit to New York. No attempt at meaningful communication was made as the comms channels were flooded by a Nomad and those hunting it. The trip did however bring up my 8hrs in the cockpit of my 'blazer. ![]() Madison out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shadowjman - 08-02-2009 ****INCOMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Dwarfpipe AA-REPORT MESSAGE COMMENCING... Dwarf reporting here. Fairly eventful day here, halted a few Traders from exporting our goods to the other nations, As well as stopped two smugglers with a full hold of the well known drug cardimine. But that aside, there was something that intrigued me today. I ran into a peculiar Bounty hunter who's name i will not release because i don't wish his enemy's to know where he operates, nor his Allys to shun him. At first sight on the scanner i thought "aww dam, got myself a fight on my hands..." But that was not the case. he had every intention of killing me, Before i entered into very well thought out conversation. with valid points on both sides. the conversation goes something like this... ME: "Well hello there hunter, by chance do you have any coffee?" BH: "Not for you..." ME: "dam, long day. was hoping some one would be so kind as to give me some" BH: "i don't generally deal with my paychecks" ME: "you know i don't believe that killing people for money is a good thing to be doing, i suggest a new line of work." BH: "and senseless violence and destruction of innocent traders is?" ME: "we Xenos don't fire, not without proper warnings. and we don't just fire on whomever we please." BH: "But you still kill those who are making an honest living." ME: "giving the laborers to make the good little and selling it for a high profit is hardly an honest living, you kill people that you have no idea if they are innocent or not. you see people as a paycheck" BH: "i do my work to put food on the plate. your 'good intentions' get you know where in the end greed will always prevail" ME: "and that is the thing we are trying to change, the wealth must be spread amongst the many, not secluded among the few." BH: "and you would isolate your home to make it equal? destroy outsiders that come through here? innocents just looking for a place of refuge" ME: "the outsiders take our hard earned jobs. and run us out of our home." BH: "but you are with little food and resources...does this not bother you?" ME: "no, because i know that it will be a better place when all is said and done. you have no true reason for fighting" BH: "i fight to but food on my table, i am wealthy because greed has gone well for me." ME: "your greed is a double edged sword, one side you will prosper and have money, but the other. will get you killed quicker than you can comprehend." BH: "we live to get as much of one side of the blade before the other comes around." ME: "sounds like you don't care if you die without cause" BH: "making an impression on this galaxy is not a care of mine...Money will always be here in some form or another. your people, and your cause will eventually die out." ME: "that may be so, but i will try my hardest to keep that from happening. because i live for a prosperous working class. and a galaxy free of enslavement." BH: "the Xenos have been around for a long time, with no change in the way people do things." ME: "as have your bounty hunters. you may have killed one, but there are 10 more in that persons place. and you have made many enemy's doing this." BH: "you have many enemy's as well. more than myself i dare say." ME: "that is the price we pay for our cause im afraid" BH: "indeed" ME: "i have reports of a hacker in the system" BH "well i guess that's lucky for you that you aren't worth as much as them..." ME: "we aren't? that's depressing...oh well. I'm going to go whack the hacker." BH: "i dare say then, i guess i will have to beat you to it." Well that is pretty much how it went, in the end the hacker blew him up. And i killed the hacker. a good day indeed. a bounty hunter gone, a hacker ship dismantled. and the trade re-directed. That's if for this report. -Dwarfpipe ****END TRANSMISSION**** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Bass_masta992 - 08-02-2009 **Incoming Transmisson** **CommsID: XA-Stiletto** Dwarfie forgets to inform that I too was there. By the way, I HATE Liberties other free radio stations. **End Transmission** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - NewHealthRock - 08-02-2009 ..INCOMING TRANSMISSION.. Comm ID: XA-Didacus.Jules Origin: Nome Base It has taken me some time, but I have successfully made my name known to the repairmen of both Nome and Ouray. But I am afraid this ship has seen the last of its days. A severe engine failure made my last trip rather short, and it seems as though the ship itself has given up hope. A total of nine hours flight time was achieved however, and I sadly believe it is time to, with permission, move on and leave this ship behind. ![]() ..TRANSMISSION ENDS.. |