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141| Internal Channel - Printable Version

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-27-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Allright meine Herren,

enough of this quarrel. This frequency was set up to forward brief reports, not for having
small talks. I suggest you sort this out in "New Hope Bar". If I witness that you abuse
this frequency one more time, your next assignments will be the cleaning service on Icarus.

So, shut the hell up. Both of you.

And, Agent Kernor, you are sounding like ein nomad worshipper. This is highly disturbing
to say the least.
So, how about you take your fighter, travel to Omicron Minor and then when
you have reached the remains of Toledo and those who were once among our
ranks, consider what kind of evil those nomads can be for mankind?

And before I forget: This is not ein plea, this is ein godverdamned order!

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 03-25-2013

[Image: 141header.png]

[Image: draft_lens18785327module154994458photo_1..._MIB_3.jpg]

#5 here.

Well, I heard someone had released #9, that old bi...ah, annoy..ah wait...what was
I supposed to call her again? Ah, yeah, agent.
Okay, so, someone thought it would be a good idea to release #9 from her padded
cell and me taking care of it...Ah well.

Okay, so some other agents joined our fun ride through the southern Omicrons.
And as we came near Livadia, I tried to trade #9 for a toaster. Thus she would have
had at least a little purpose to us. Ah well, seems like too many know about her,
because no one was even interested. Damn.
As Omicron and Constantine from the primary foo...ah, fleet got bored, we payed
Omicron Alpha a little visit and say "hello" to the Outcasts.
Seems like they did not like us and welcomed us with fire.

#9's Onuris got trashed, as well as 2 additional fighters during that fight.
Don't worry, we made the Outcasts pay for that, too, but in the end we had to retreat
to Taus and guess what? A big nomad cruiser shows up. Ah. with the help of the
Miners we made sushi out of it.
After this, I headed home, with #9 ranting all around in my cargo hold.
Damnit, I should have thrown her escape pod into the next sun...
And if I am not allowed to do that, I will use duct tape!

* * * * *

After I took a break, I was called to assist in getting an ALG pilot out of Iota.
Yep, ladies, you heard right. ALG. Those little Rheinland trash dumpers.
I can only assume they either sent out that guy to look for new places where to
get rid of their toxic waste, or they wanted to get rid of that pilot. I don't know.
Result: We could not find that annoying Strudel-eater, I think he is already dead by now.

* *

That would be all about yesterday. Now excuse me, I'd like to have a...meeting
with McNab that tasty chick.

[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Sapo - 03-30-2013

[Image: 141header.png]
#8 Reporting...

I was on a routine patrol today in MU, alone, seeing as apparently #5 came down with something after his "meeting"
with McNab(!?) and that crazy CENSORED #9 is nowhere to be seen since her little adventure with #5 in Alpha...maybe
we did get a new toaster after all...that would be great...

Anyway! Back to my report then, so there I was in MU, pretty bored, when I suddenly pick up a contact on my scanner.
A few seconds later I had caught up to said contact and wouldn't you know... a "Mastodon" class transport sporting
IMG papers.

Now under normal circumstances I would just take this as a lost or perhaps not so "lost" Captain that would find
himself escorted to the nearest exit and "asked" to leave but, the ship's name was familiar to me due to a very recent meeting and considering said meeting, I thought it wise to report this incident.

* *
* * * *

So there you go, now I'm off to find #9 and fool her into paying tonights bill at the bar...

[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - McNab - 03-31-2013

[Image: hannah.png]

Yet again,

I am here to save Ensign Vlado's life. I decided to take my time, and effort to travel down to New York to see what he was upto. Again. As per normal, he was Causing the usual trouble. Terrorising the local navy here and there. SO yeah, he was doing fine. I decided to find the nearest Junker base to set up for the night so that i could get some sleep. After sleeping at the junker base, i decided to get up early and travel to the System of Alaska to get home. I thought that it would be quiet in Alaska because, as we know, people like their sleep. It was very quite intill i saw a Liberty Carrier

*Hannah Wipes her head because she still has a small bit of bloody down her head*

This Carrier was named LNS-Mt.Wyatt. I found him, and he started to question me, about why am i in Alaska and why am i down in Liberty. I simply said that i was finding a Friend, yes, Vlado went mission again. After a while of him accusing me and Threatening me, i saw that he had Several Order Pilots In his cargo hold. This enraged me. I demanded them from him, so that i could take them home but all i got from him was that 'He was following Regulations'. Bull Crap! SO i had to try and Free him. I fired everything i had at the carrier, Nova Torpedo's, My anti matter cannon and even my EMP Cannons. After 10 Minuites of me throwing torpedo's at the Carrier, i had to leave. I took far to much Damage, yet so did the Carrier.

*Hannah wipes her head, yet again*

I had to run to the Omicron Minor Jump hole as fast as i could. I had to leave those Agents behind because i was not powerful enough. I was foolish to try and take it on, but i did. I ran and i ran. Everything started to fail. First my Navigation systems went. I had to get out by my own recognission of Alaska, Omicron Minor and Omicron Zeta. My Communication Channel started to flicker. Not everything i said was heard. I had wires all over the cockpit. There was a Fuel Leak and my Oxygen levels were low! I soon came into Contact with Captain Forlorn d'Autoine. He Ordered me to Planet Akabat. I could not reach it there so i had to re-divert to Phoenix Space Port

*Hannah Takes a small sip of water*

At Phoenix Space Port I meet two, very friendly Phoenix Zoners who helped me out and they also repaired my ship. I owe these guys a drink or two. Their names, well they have flown out of my head. I honestly cant remember those names. It must of been the knock to my head i received. After, both me and Captain Forlorn d'Autoine travelled back to Omicron Mu, Planet Akabat I am currently laying in my bed now, recovering from today's events. Thanks to Vlado, all of this has happened. I almost died thanks to him! Oh well, you cant change the past now.

Hannah Signing off

[Image: 141_en11.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 04-06-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Commander Davids hier.

As some of you may have already noticed, Order Overwatch has contacted
some of our zoner friends to ship in needed supplies to Akabat.
The recent OSI convoy with munitions was just ein part of it.
In order to get more supplies for us, I have set up initial talks with a organisation
called Zoner Humanitarian Researchers. Battleship Icarus has met with some of
them near their complex. As I promised not to disclose its current location, you
will not be briefed about it for now.
Anyway, it seems like their current status makes them a perfect choice
for our own projects. Maybe even for Defibrilator, though that is yet to be discussed
on the higer ranks.

One more thing: During my travel to the Zoners, I stumbled upon a meeting
between the Master of the Warhound Brigade and ein Haimen AI vessel.
I am not sure what it was all about, but there seems to be
some joint venture going on again.

* * * *

All agents are advised to keep an eye on these Haimen tagged AI vessels.
I don't like the fact that they are working on ein project with the Brigade.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mister_X - 04-09-2013

[Image: 5eH53oG.png]

Good day,
During my last patrol near Freeport 11 I came across a rather strange vessel. It was an Osiris class battleship manned by what appears to be a Zoner crew. When I asked the captain as to how he came in possesion of the vessel, he replied that he had permission form the Order High Command...When I asked him to show me the permission or direct me to where I can find it he failed to respond and later claimed it was a former Corsair vessel which he had purchased... Upon scanning the ship I found some nomad remains in the cargo bay...I asked the captain to hand them over and after a brief debate he wanted to destroy them but I persuaded him that the Order can have better use for it in our research so he handed me the nomad material which I then delivered to Meskhenet Station...

Proof of their affiliation and ID

Cargo scan of the Osiris

Taking over of the nomad material

Ensign Dunham signing out...

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 04-23-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Greetings from Yukon, agents.

In case you wonder what this means, let me explain.

Yesterday we were contacted by ein member of the Liberty Police. Don`t ask me
how he was able to do so, but it happened.
Said Libertonian mentioned the Tundra being sighted somewhere in Alberta, so
I took Kernor with me to investigate this rumor.
Ja ja, I know will most likely say "Its a trap." Nun, we did not find the Tundra in Alberta
or surrounding system, but we weren`t ambushed by Liberty forces either.

Kernor and I will investigate this issue a few days more. Until then, One Four One
will be managed by Colonel Freud and Captain d'Autoine during mein absence.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 05-12-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Commander Davids speaking.

Since Kernor and me are back from Yukon, it's time we get some things rolling again.

First off, I have ordered the Feral to a long range mission to several places.
The crew of the Feral will obtain necesarry dataabout systems
and store them for our use Its scanning system will be made of good use.


First part was our own system, Omicron Mu, as we still don't know enough about it.
With due time, the Feral will deploy to several other locations, which are not to be
revealed, yet.

That would be all for now.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Szpaku - 05-12-2013

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Loc : Akbat ,Shuttle bay ***
*** Priority : Medium ***

* Video transmission begins *

[Image: g6K2E0C.jpg]

Im here again! Flyin and being the most cheerful person around from the looks of it!
So we want to see it theres anything new in Rheoi.. Rhin Rheina..
Awww... Lets name it Green land
So We were there in a group of
Me In the shuttle loaded with all the equipment
Forlorn in his fighter
and Constantine from the primrary fleet also in a fighter
We decidet to not venture inside the Core worlds of
... Green land so we went to the Omegas instead
Over there we meet many individuals
Some more or less talkative
From the most interesting I should probably
describe the GC Lady Red and the Wilde
with a code name of " Gheist"
Shamely my logs got eaten and I cant seem to find them
So no logs for today!!!

No guncams for you today
I hope to fly out with you guys more You all could use a cheer os something
*Mumbles* Group of grumpy old guys*
Im off!

* Attachments *

No attachments found

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Narcotic - 05-18-2013

[Image: nAKf0dp.png]
Omicron Mu, unknown SOURCE
Status report: MIA SUBJECT
141|Ares SHIP ID

This is an automatic message, informing the Order Overwatch about the disappearance of agent Aaron Lemuria.

The pilot's last neural net log is attached below:

[Image: FE9OKZp.png]
[Image: H9aQoHl.png]