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Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - mjolnir - 06-01-2008

Unplayable lag for me... with steady ping 120 now... no idea why. I left since I could never hit anything and nobody could ever hit me.

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - RingoW - 06-01-2008

Well, payed the price for holding fire to help with the lags. Dishonourable Hessians:P. Were really only 30 percent of escorts left? Thought there were 50 percent.


edit: Ah my bad. Always good to read and understand. Until 30 percent are destroyed not until 30 percent do remain. So Kapitaen Krieger will have long died until his cruiser is finished.

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - sovereign - 06-01-2008

I think the lag was far better last time, when it was two hours later. I got ~minute lag, before the event when I was vainly attempting to setup my [HG] I got something on the order of 10 minute lag. Yipes.

Then again, I have comcast. Die, you pathetic excuse for internet! You get lag on Google! AAAGH!!!

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - frozen - 06-01-2008


uh, sorry.. i missed the event... was doing some stuff regarding RL...:(

howd it go?

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - Zeltak - 06-01-2008

Good fight, though both Mjolnir and Lucas had to leave the fight because of lag. I think it would be a different end honestly if that didn't happen.

But anyways it was fun, thats what it's all about lads =)

And Lucas, you were pretty dangerous, 2 times did you razor me. Nice one!

// Vincent

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - Zapp - 06-01-2008

I'm shocked. RHA/me victory. I'm just... speechless. Lag was terrible, though.

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - Cawdor - 06-01-2008

it was quite fun indeed =)

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - frozen - 06-01-2008

um.. lukas you mean? thas my char, but i wasnt ingame...

mmm my cousin was on my account then, since thats one account i havent given to teh wurld:P

oh well. wish i can be there next time..

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - Blodo - 06-01-2008

Heh guys I keep telling you to make the event in the early afternoon GMT time or so, before the server is holding 160 people:PI wasn't lagging, but seems everyone else was.

Either way amazing event. No way will we let those transports pass, nuh-uh:PLooking forward to next week.

Kapitaen Krieger Kreuzer Events - Dieter Schprokets - 06-02-2008

Was good, but man, the lag...

i was yellow or red almost all times.