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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 06-10-2015

[img float=left][/img][img float= right][/img]

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: her Majesty Ship Harbinger ]
[Directed: 8th fleet assets and Fleet Admiral O'Brian .]

[Encryption: Medium]
[Priority: Very High]

[CommID: Admiral Charles William Davis]
[Establishing video uplink...]

Fleet Admiral O'Brian

Thank you I shall do my best and Indeed the 8th will be like a home to me since I already had command over it. Now for my first orders I will like to make a fleet rotation in the 8th. I here by relive Commander Sunderland of her Command over the Support Carrier Harbinger and I will stand as its Commanding Officer and my flagship.

Commander Olivia Sunderland will take Command of the Liberty Assault Battle cruiser the HMS Impregnable,which will be renamed to the HMS-Minerva. Commander I salute you for you good work and keep on the fight on. Man and Woman of the 8th fleet we have a lot of work ahead of us lets not disappoint.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,
Charles Davis
Bretonia Armed Forces 8th York Great Fleet

End Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 06-11-2015

***Incoming Transmission***

Sender ID: Nicole Brennan
Location: Graves Station
Subject: Dublin Battle

Evening Lads,

Today I was on Patrol in the Dublin system with Captain Davis when we came across another Bretonian fighter by the name of "Andrew. Mcarfield" I think... anyways, he had encountered 2 molly vessels. Figuring he was about to be in combat with them, we moved too his side, ordered the mollys to leave as they were in the gold field were the BMM were mining. They refused, it erupted into a battle, strangely this Andrew lad demanded us to cease fire with the mollys, captain Davis was quick to refute, so Andrew stood watch while Captain Davis and I engaged the Molly fighters. We had severely damaged one of the vessels and were moving too finish him off when he fled to the IMG Battleship Hood, which for some odd reason, opened fire us as we engaged. The damaged molly fled for repairs, and unfortunately captain Davis was forced to do the same. This left me and the other molly vessel in combat, it was a long very stressful fight, but I managed to be victorious. After that, both captain Davis and the wounded molly fighter showed back up ready for action, I toook advantage of this time to get repairs for myself given the severity of the duel.

I returned to assist Davis, when the molly vessel once again fled to a nearby base, giving us a hard time. Andrew.Mcarfield stood and watched, and continuously nagged at us to stop fighting, and threatened to assist the mollys if we did not stop, I would believe that is treason. He still stood and watched as we fought, a privateer came to assist us just as a very skilled outcast pilot came to the scene to assist the Molly fighter, I gravely underestimated his skills, and paid the price for it as I was nearly killed escaping for Graves station nearby, Captian Davi's vessel was critically damaged as well and the privateers status was unknown, however we still managed to take down one of their vessels. I wont underestimate any outcasts from now on.

Thats all for now, my ship is fine-Nicole

***Transmission End***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 06-11-2015

[img float=left][/img][img float= right][/img]

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Battleship Grimsby ]
[Directed: Reporting processing centre, Armed Forces Admiralty Board .]

[Encryption: Medium]
[Priority: Very High]

[CommID: Captain Oliver Davis]
[Establishing video uplink...]

Fellow colleges

As per the above report I would like to report on mr Andrew. Mcarfield inactions. He several times protected the molllyes and refused to engage when the Hood opened fire on us he kept blabbing all around we should not fight they are Bretonian citizens as well and all those Molly lover stuff.

Hell he even did not act when we chased the molly back to the Molly field where a station by dae name of Golden Coin was there and shot us to peaces he still did not acted and he even threatened to engage us and not the molly. I here by request to the Admiralty board that this man to be apprehended by the Military Police. So I can press charges against him in the military cort marshal. I am attaching all the relevant data on him.

Attached files

With respect,
Oliver Davis
Bretonia Armed Forces 11th Research fleet

End Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 06-17-2015

***Incoming Transmission***

Sender ID:Nicole Brennan
Location: Battleship Essex
Subject: Gallic raid, and dublin fight

Evening lads,

Today I was out on a patrol with lieutenant Roberts in dublin when we encountered a molly mining ship stealing some precious gold, we ordered him to drop the cargo when he refused, we quickly moved to attack him. He sat near a base, relying on the defense systems to save him, Lieutenant Roberts ship was severely damaged during the fight, however we managed to drop him after some time. We rushed to get repairs when we got word of some royal navy fighters near Southampton shipyard, we moved to engage, Roberts and I. We took them both down, repaired than waited with Lt. Acker, and Graves near southampton. Unexpectedly another fighter came, I moved to engage, however he was much more skilled and it didnt help that my ship malfunctioned causing me to nearly get kiled, the same happend to roberts before acker and Graves took him down.

Well at least I know what to expect next time, thats all for now-Nicole.

P.S. Lieutenant Graves is quite a... figure.

***Transmission End***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 06-25-2015



Good day Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Admiralty Board has been reviewing the performances of you all over the past few months and we have decided on some promotions which will be announced shortly. First, however, I would like to congratulate you all for your bravery and hard work in the Leeds system. With the help of the Liberty Navy we have successfully destroyed the Oubli which you probably are aware of by now. Sadly, many lives were lost. We are keeping positive though and are one big step closer to victory. Enjoy your new positions.

Lieutenant Paul McKinley, your are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations, your new rank comes with bigger responsibility over our more recent Officers. Do us proud.

Lieutenant Adolf Acker, you are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. We are stunned by your work in the field, you were born to slay Gauls. We are giving you a temporary leave as well as your promotion because of your flawless performance.

Lieutenant Nicole Brennan, you are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Your commitment to the crown has been recognised, we are pleased with your progress and are giving you more responsibility to see how much you can cope with. Don't let us down.

Commodore Angus Graham, you are promoted to the rank of Admiral. Congratulations Angus, we're pleased to have you working alongside us. Continue with your work in Dublin against the Mollys, BMM are thankful for all the progress that has been made.

That is all for this time around. There are plenty more candidates in our scopes, shoot straight and don't let them get the better of us.

Admiral Charlotte Brooks
Commanding Officer of the 9th, 10th and 12th Fleets
Commanding Officer of her Majesties Royal Merchant Navy
Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board
Bretonian Armed Forces


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 06-29-2015

[Image: L6N8QLF.png?1]
[Image: FmvrTIS.png]

[Incoming Transmission]

[Source: Battleship Grimsby ]
[Directed: Fleet Admiral O'Brian .]

[Encryption: Very High]
[Priority: Very High]

[CommID: Captain Oliver Davis]
[Establishing video uplink...]

Admiral O'Brian

Reporting on the operation that took place in the Omicron sector. I took the Merchant Navy vessel Turbulence and embarked on the journey to Omicron Delta system the location specified by the Core to transfer the [Classified materials ] to us. I meet up with the Guild master Nodvet who seemed like a decent fellow unlike his lackeys however, who were busy to overwhelm the comm channel with comm Traffic not to mention the lack of discipline in escorts and such formations.

How ever our journey to Delta took us to the fallowing systems:

Now to the transfer it's self, the core decided that it would be best if they transported the cargo to Bretonian space on one of their cruisers I was not given a chance to object. The Turbulence is outfitted to carry exactly such cargo but it would seem it did not satisfy them. We reached Bretonian space where they relinquished the [Classified material] Over to my custody. On scene came Captain Pearson. From where the core took their leave, how ever I was quite bothered by the fact that many people were curious about where we were going. How ever after I told them it was classified they dropped the matter. However I suggest a reminder to all Armed Forces personal that the activities on the 11th Are classified under seal alpha-01 failure in witch results in death .

The materials arrived Safe and sound on the battleship Grimsby where myself and a research team will begin to study them. How ever the Core could not bring in their battle damaged vessel the Invictus because of the extinctive damage to its hull and structure. I will attempt to seek alternate solutions to this problem. For now the transfer is complete and we have the [Classified material] under supervision.

Attached files

With respect,
Oliver Davis
Bretonia Armed Forces 11th Research fleet

End Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-08-2015

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System

I had heard many complaints of the new Invincible-class performing poorly in combat and two days ago my preparations for a test were finished. I assembled two carriers, myself commanding the Venerable from the Auxiliary as the Avalon did not have the suitable armament, that being two Cerberus turrets and four tertiaries. The other carrier was named redrussian (I am not responsible for the naming). We were supported by a destroyer, HMS-Spearhead, a BPA fighter and a BIS fighter. The fleet headed to Leeds. After a short waiting near the planet, we had visual of a Valor-class, {B}RNS-Versailles. All our scanners were picking up unidentified signals, which meant that there was another capital ship cloaked somewhere near. The Versailles was supported by two fighters.
While we were waiting for the cloaked ship to run out of fuel, they attacked. As our carriers were firing at the Versailles, RNS-Cygne, another Valor-class, revealed itself near the redrussian and opened fire. The Venerable quickly rallied into her defense, which for some reason caused the Cygne to change its target and attack us instead. We were the Versailles' target from the beginning. The Venerable, however, performed much better than I thought and we managed to avoid many shots. Although she is wider than the Dunkirk-class, she accelerates as fast in a strafe despite her larger mass, the mass which allows her to take more hits. I admit that I would always rely more on a Dunkirk-class, but the Invincible-class in fact performs a lot better than I was told. We were able to withstand fire from two Valors.
TheCygne was put out of action by focus fire. After that the redrussian dauntlessly turned her prow towards the Versailles, which left the Venerable alone and returned fire. I was expecting flames to start emerging from the redrussian, but she held firm and it was the Versailles that fell. The Venerable charged at it in the last moments and passed through the exhaust fumes where the it once stood, victoriously.
Both of our carriers were heavily damaged. We started hunting for Gallic automated patrols in order to loot their nanobots.
A certain Ferdinand Mounier who piloted a Lynx managed to escape during the battle and soon he was back, but now in command of a Valor-class, GRN|RNS-Montpellier. Despite the severity of the situation, the moral was high. The carriers lured the Montpellier away from planet Leeds and its defenses, while the Spearhead moved forth to attack it. I was unaware that the Spearhead was a new warship and that their crew and captain were inexperienced, otherwise I would not have sent them to face a Valor-class alone. Additionally, some of their internal systems appeared to have been assembled with too much haste, which prevented her nanobots from reaching the damaged parts on time. Our destroyer was disabled as we were on our way to flank the Montpellier. I tried getting us out peacefully, but captain Mounier refused to negotiate. Instead it disabled the redrussian, which was so bravely facing them. However, it took a lot of damage from both our ships in the process and it failed to disable the Venerable as well. In her stead the Montpellier succumbed to the raging flames. It was only the six nanobots that we had looted from the automated patrols before that saved us from the same fate.
Meanwhile, a Freelancer fighter that we had hired before, piloted by Miss Siara Solatra, was ending its duel with the Gallic counterpart, Defragmentation. The outcome was as close as the previous, but this time it favoured the Gaul. The Lynx managed to flee and all they could do was mutual taunting with the BIS agent. As my ship was heavily damaged, I decided to retreat and retain my victory. Along the way the Venerable has, with the agent's assistance, put two automated Valors and eight automated Perilouses out of action. I awarded my crew with a cup of tea for each when we reached Southampton.

Allied forces involved:

1) BAF|A-HMS-Venerable (Invincible) -- Damaged;
2) redrussian (Invincible) -- Disabled;
3) HMS-Spearhead (Crecy) -- Disabled;
4) BPA)Mr.Smith (fighter) -- Unharmed(?);
5) BIS)John.Davis (fighter) -- Damaged(?);
6) Siara.Solatra (freelancer fighter) -- Disabled.

Enemy forces involved:
1) {B}RNS-Versailles (Valor) -- Disabled;
2) RNS-Cygne (Valor) -- Disabled;
3) GRN|RNS-Montpellier (Valor) -- Disabled;
4) GRN|Ferdinand.Mounier (Lynx) -- Damaged;
5) Defragmentation -- Damaged.


Admiral George R. Hall

- Open for Reply -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 07-30-2015

***Incoming Transmission***

Sender ID: Nicole Brennan
Location: Battleship Essex
Subject Molly Incursion:

*Puts Ice patch against forehead*

Evening chaps,

So as usual I was on my patrol through New London when I encountered a Molly vessel, It seemed to be the same one I had encountered previously, as he was harassing a Bowex transport I demanded him to leave, however he fled further into the system and then ran to the Dublin system, another pilot and I moved in pursuit, however it led us to one of the Molly outposts in dublin, the Armed forces pilot I was with moved to engage, however he was damaged, I then moved in myself to finish the job, i had him on the run further, but did not anticipate the bases defense systems, and thus I suffered for it my ship was nearly totaled, and i barely managed to get back in once peice, the impact from one of the defense cannons nearly sent me out of the cockpit. However lesson learned, it wont be the same next time.

Encounter in Dublin
Encounter in New London

***Transmission End***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-13-2015

[Image: C0SIzcm.png]

Robinson here,
I've received orders from my superiors to transport 680 marines to San Diego Border Station, California. The Gallic forces were preparing an ambush in Magellan system in order to disrupt any ship entering Liberty, so we had to prepare accordingly. Royal Sovereign is a heavily armored and armed Dunkirk class battleship, launched during the war with Kusari, equipped with the latest technology Bretonia has to offer as well as cloaking device, and this mission was a great test of its capabilities. Our staging point was Suffolk Great Fleet, where we waited the marines to come on board. Once preparations were made and all systems were clear we set course to California.

- On our way to Magellan we've been warned about a heavy ambush made by Gallic Royal Navy. The Luberty Navy were trying to stop them but more and more ships were reported to be destroyed. We've received call for help and at this point it was impossible to reject. Close to Freeport 4, at 12k from it, Valor class RNS-Ressentiment was fighting two class Siege Cruisers from the Navy. We've headed this way and provided all the assistance we could give in order to take down this beast. Shortly, the Valor was destroyed but our ship's secondary propulsion systems took some damage. Thanks to our cloaking device we've been able to reach San Diego Border Station safe and unnoticed. Our mission was successful and the marines were delivered on the battlefield. We took a short break to repair our damaged systems in space.
- On our way back home we've located 3 class Valors from the Royal Navy that were fleeing back to their staging fleet, hammered by the Navy. One of them decided to fight and the Navy requested assistance due to the lack of any battleships in the vicinity. The ship was destroyed and thanks to our reinforced ablative armor the damage inflicted to us was negligible. We received orders to pull back to Bretonia so we left our allies to deal with a gunboat and few fighters - our further assistance was not needed to handle the minor threat.
- Our current position is at Birmingham Station, Manchester where we shall remain to repair and provide protection to the passing transports for the time being until ordered to repeat our mission again.

That will be all for now,

Captain Lucius Robinson,
Commanding Officer of HMS - Royal Sovereign,
Armed Forces Primary Fleet

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-06-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Maximum Encryption =-

Priority: Maximum
To: Admiralty Board; BIS HC
From: Admiral George Richard Hall OBE
Location: HMS York, New London System

Honourable High Commands,

I am bringing momentous tidings. I took command of the Dauntless earlier today because I had been informed of a Nomad incursion in the New London system. That appeared to be true, but the Nomad I encountered in orbit of New London itself, very close to Waterloo, was a lot friendlier and, hopefully, more benign than I thought. It was a Nammu-class. The ship spoke to me as a human would. By its words, it was housing a mind of a Zoner captain by the name of Quinton McHale who was, I quote, "flying for the Triple Hazard Pay" when he encountered the Nammu in deep Omicrons. What happened next is a mystery to me, but the specialist aboard Sunderland were forwarded the task of researching it, as well as everything in connection to the vessel. I have escorted it to the station avoiding trade lanes, as we traveled at least 14K away from each. We made an exception at the Newcastle Jump Gate, which I made sure to be clear of traffic. There were no incidents, but I have to mention that a ship of the FL-ER company appeared while we were passing by the Northumberland Ice Cloud in Newcastle, although at distant 13K from the Dauntless. The Nammu was always at less than 1K away from us, except while we were checking the Newcastle Jump Gate. The vessel already knew of Sunderland, as well as the Drake System and the Wilde, and claimed to have come in possession of the information aboard the THP Shikoku from information brokers, obviously while it was still in human form, and claimed that the person responsible for the leak was one Wallace Binghamton. Some problems might also arise from the fact where I found the Nammu as the ship was visible there for some time, but I hope that those in charge can think of something to cover up the event. I must emphasize that the ship was not my responsibility before I encountered it.
Pilots Owen McFarland and Anduin Lothar were accompanying us during the operation, both in service of the BAF secondary fleet and piloting snub craft. McFarland parted with us early on and stayed at planet New London. Lothar stayed with us until Sunderland. The pilot remained with the Nammu while the Dauntless was checking the entrance to Newcastle. Although the pilot did not have a cloaking device disruptor mounted, we were able to separate as the Nammu did not have any cloaking batteries, and its device was second rate.
Additionally Lothar, although promising before we entered Newcastle, to keep the whole encounter and everything about Sunderland and Drake secret, directly denied the same after the issue had been taken care of. I advise that he is quarantined and his memory erased. McFarland, by my judgement, knows as much as anyone who was passing by New London while the Nammu was present.
Relevant camera shots, scans and the recorded conversation are included below. Long live Queen Carina I.

Camera Shot 1
Scan 1
Scan 2
Scan 3
Scan 4
The cargo and ammunition storages of the vessel were empty.

Yours sincerely,.....................................................
Admiral George R. Hall OBE

- Open for Replies -