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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 03-08-2012


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Schlachtschiff Strausberg, New Berlin System.
[font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-MC-SD-KFZ-186


[Image: Larissafinal.jpg]

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Hauptmann Larissa Schmitt, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinland Military Patrol Database
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Battle Report

[color=#FFFFFF]I thought it would be a silent day, but I was wrong. We received a distress call from a Fugitive, he was attacked by the Renegades. I had Feldwebel Weiss and Flieger Adler with me. Those two got shot down after experiencing ionization issues, but up to that moment they were doing a great job in the battle against the Renegades.

With time both sides received backup, involving the RNC as well, those however were pretty useless in the battle, as the Renegades were mostly using Bombers and Gunboats. The only reliable asset we had against them was our snubcraft. We destroyed most of them after some time, while a few managed to run away. Our forces lost some ships as well, but the damage was kept to a minimum, and everybody who was involved did a good job.

[Image: RM68.jpg]

[Image: RM69.jpg]

[Image: RM70.jpg]

[Image: RM71.jpg]


Hauptmann Larissa Schmitt,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


[color=#666666][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Loken - 03-09-2012


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Planet New Berlin, [color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-TR-01169-F.

[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Gefreiter Sabine Eisenach, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland Military
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol

Guten tag,

Towards the end of a long and uneventful patrol I was knocked out of the Stuttgart tradelane in the New Berlin system by a single Red Hessian fighter. The contact quickly tried to escape upon realization of his error but my cruise disruptor prevented him from evading his due punishment.

File 1
File 2

Gefreiter Sabine Eisenach


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lonely_Ghost - 03-13-2012

Source: Rheinland->Hamburg system-> Battleship Westfalen
Encryption: Medium
Sender: Martin Stamek
Subject: Patrol 07.

Guten tag.
Today we had strange Hessian team... Odin type VHF, and hessian's Battleship. They were standing near trade lane "Planet Stuttgard- New Berlin jupm gate" Both ships had Sekta taggs.
However, they just opened fire on me. Freelancer, who was near, sayed, that those two clowns were liberty spies... In my opinion, they were just mad. However, battleship had multiple antifighter weapons. Although, he managed to take down my sheild once, his targeting-tracking system went down, after my reinf arrived.
We took fighter easely, forunatly, with some bots from battleship. Then we focused of Battleship, which weapons decided to take a breack. He made no single shot, while we beet circling around it. With arrive of RNC-Koninsberg, this battleship turned to scrap very fast.

Enemy loses: {SEKTA}-Lucko(VHF)

Friendly loses:None

There you can see how it was.


Thats all for now.
Stamek out.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Charos - 03-14-2012

IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Frank Faust
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol #0002 "New Berlin"

Guten Tag,

This is my report about the defense of Hamburg against Liberty forces and the counter attack in Texas.

It all began with a transmission of a secondary fleet pilot in Hudson system, he had spotted several capital ships moving in. Few minutes later, several Military strike craft and capitals moved in to engage them. The battle wasn't easy but we managed to force them into retreat but they never made it.

Soon, Herr Kaiser ordered the remaining forces to regroup for a counter attack in Texas. We had enough ships to call it a fleet. After we made the jump to Texas, Liberty ships opened fire on us, luckily they didn't manage to shoot down anyone. The two dreadnoughts were destroyed with no losses on our side, the way to Houston's defenses were now clear. We moved in range and we spotted several ships that were moving in to intercept us and that's where a glorious battle took place.

Cruiser going down
Cruiser destroyed
Another cruiser going down
Carrier destroyed
Dreadnought going down
Dreadnought destroyed
Gunboat going down
Gunboat destroyed
Battlecruiser going down

Flieger Faust signing off.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Loken - 03-15-2012


SOURCE: [color=#999999]Planet Hamburg, [color=#999999] Hamburg System.
[color=#C0C0C0][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#999999]Medium, port RM-CH-TR-01169-F.

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Gefreiter Sabine Eisenach, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinland Military
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Patrol

Sehr geehrte Piloten,

This Interspace Commerce vessel was found in the New Berlin system breaking the trade restrictions on the corporation. Due to his refusal to comply with my instructions and his continued arguing long after I informed him of his error I was forced to destroy his ship and move on.

> File 1
> File 2
> File 3

Additionally, I found these transports attempting to run the Liberty embargo carrying nearly 4000 tonnes of cut diamonds. The captains showed no resistance and dropped their cargo on request before passing through into Hudson.

> File 1
> File 2
> File 3

Gefreiter Sabine Eisenach


[color=#999999][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lonely_Ghost - 03-15-2012

Source: Rheinland->Hamburg system-> Battleship Westfalen
Encryption: Medium
Sender: Martin Stamek
Subject: Action report.

Guten tag.
Another wave of criminal showed up in Stuttgard system. 3 gunships with RR marking were spoted in our space. 2 of them jumped to New Berlin. One managed to escape. Other two were destroyed.
Last gunship tried to make a trap for our fighter, lucky, that we had some big guns with us. In fackt, trap caused them lose of another 2 gunships, who decided to give a hand to enemy of Rheinland. Red Hessian's and Freelancer's (probably pirate papers) GBs went down.

Also, I would like to mention. In pursuit, we noted something like depot in nebula. We had not time for investigation, because, seems that pirats understood their mistake, and moved fight away from sector.
No future information available for now.

Enemy loses:
  • Vendetta|RR

Friendly loses:Still investigating.

Guncam shots:

Stamek out.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 03-17-2012

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Westphalia , Bermen System
Encryption: Very High
Submitter: Fahnrich Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report / Recon Report 025

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag Mein Kommandant.

Kommandant, I must say today was an interesting day. For the first time I conducted a recon patrol in enemy Territory, Specially the New Hampshire system at the edge of Liberation space. It all began in Stuttgart system, where Admiral Landers gave me premission to form a small recon group to go on a mission like this. I set out to form my group, Sarcasticlly enough I found a lone hessain bomber in the Stuttgart system trying whatever he can I guess to annoy our local presence. I chased the bomber down in the Hamburg system later on and eradicated him. With the hessain dealt with I formed my recon group, it was only me and Feldwebel Klaus Weiss; rather small group as it was, but it was good enough for me. We moved out to the New Hampshire system. We discovered that Liberty presence in that system is somewhat Heavier then we first thought. I was able to take images of the 2 Battleships stationed in that system, and not only that we Investigated some of the local planets in the system. Sadly when I moved into the ice field with Klaus Weiss we discovered derelict Rheinland Fighter floating around in the field. There were no lifesigns aboard, so Klaus stripped off what he could find off the fighter and we moved on. The recon was a success and we encountered no hostile patrols.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image
Eighth Image

Confirmed Kills
Hessain Bomber Killed By Fr.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Charos - 03-20-2012

IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Frank Faust
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol #0003 "New Berlin"

Guten Abend,

This is my report about the skirming in against the Hessians in Dresden, that took place a while ago.

We received a distress call from the Polizei patrol in Dresden. When we arrived, we spotted a Hessian battlegroup consisted of fighters, bombers and a cruiser. Frau Einach and I intercepted the Hessians and managed to take out several of their strikecraft, leaving the cruiser un-escorted. Herr Landers and the Altenau were there to provide support incase larger ships arrived to counter us.

Unfortunately, during the battle the hessian cruiser managed to escape inside Vogtland's defenses, where my ship was shot down.

[Image: Freelancer2012-03-2016-47-49-79-1.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2012-03-2016-47-48-46-1.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2012-03-2016-47-46-76-1.jpg]

Flieger Faust signing off.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lonely_Ghost - 03-22-2012

Source: Rheinland->Hamburg system-> Battleship Westfalen
Encryption: Medium
Sender: Martin Stamek
Subject: Patrol 08/Action report

Guten tag.
Some active days were in New Berlin system. First, two stranger piraten, with MAD marking. They were zpoted near Dortmund station. Fast scan's resoults showed non-sirius assembled zips. Unfortunatly, I was fighting them wizout buckup, and wiz low amo. Zey retreated to Sigma 13, and made no more harm to our fatherland. Then, our old friend- {SEKTA}-Thunder were detected in New Berlin system. Wiz gut teamwork, we blowed zat ship only with cruiser, bomber and two fighters. RHA craft managed to escape into debris field, and we lost contackt. Sure, he had lozt all will to fight.

Und right on next day, another action. First- Freelancer transport with Military Vehicles on board. He agreed to unload his cargo at planet New Berlin, and all Military Vehicles were returned. Pilot had no counter force against my actions. Information about this zhip I recived from one of our Battlezips, guarding New Berlin.
Then, I moved to Stuttgard system and help our cruiser to deal with Jokerz|. It was antifighter gunship, and skilled captain there. But seems he made another mistake. While fighting, we picked up signals from instalation. Right in same sector, as before. Soon after, bomber with Jokerz| marking appeared. Im not sure, but seems, that they got a hidenout somewhere there. Right, after bomber was destroyed by our cruiser, gunship moved back. Soon, we tracked docking signals signatures, and then lost contack. I ordered to drop a beacon there, because we had no opportunities for recon.

Enemy loses:
  • {SEKTA}-Thunder

Friendly loses:0


Stamek out.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vulkhard Muller - 03-22-2012

i would like to report a traitor in your midst

Adolf Bernauer has betrayed rheinland while i was engaging a trader bound for New York in Hamburg he told her she was free to go(she also had cardamine on board) i was about to fine her and demand her cargo(after she was trying to bribe me) he showed up told she was free to go and to flash her boobs out of the cockpit is this realy what the Rheinland Military is about??? accepting Bribes???

Vulkhard Out