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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-06-2016

Message Type: Textual
Priority: High
To: Admiralty Board
From: Lieutenant McIntire
Location: HMS-Norfolk, Cambridge

Honourable Admirals,

I am reporting the imprisonment of gallic Corporate Pilots in regards to Operation Balance

Today I got orders to move from Cambridge to Leeds for capturing pilots of gallic Corporations for interrogation. So I started, flying a Challenger bomber, first to New London and then to Leeds.
I picked the Tradeline between Stokes and planet Leeds as a good point to interrogate the traffic. It didnt take long to capture eight Corporate pilots and to destroy some supplies of theirs, too.
No fights with the GRN occured although some Molly ships were interested in cutting the Tradeline aswell while i was leaving. I decided not to stop them since every gallic gun that doesnt reach planet Leeds is a little step towards their defeat.
The way back was exactly as uneventful as the way toward Leeds.
Note: My guncam had some difficulties in Leeds which kept me from taking pictures in the system, but luckily it started again later

Additional information:
visual files
// I have no screen of me in Leeds for the key failed and I only realized when I already sold the pilots

In short:
Eight gallic Corporate Pilots are now on the Norfolk for further interrogation,

Yours sincerly,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 04-13-2016

[Image: pZsJexR.gif]
Good evening.
I am filling the debrief report on patrol DBNL86719.
After joining with Lieutenant Jacob McIntire at Battleship Essex, we ran a fast patrol through the mining fields in Dublin, with nothing of note to report. Several miners could be found, but no Molly or pirate like vessels were in scan range.

Shortly after, we received a short comm burst from a civilian transport vessel that they had detected a Gallic Royal Navy signal within the New London system. With the best speed our engines could produce, we arrived to the New London system not even five minutes afterwards.

With a quick scan and more inquiries to our information source, we arrived to the conclusion that the vessel was within range or very close to the Southampton Shipyard. As we traveled to that destination, we found said vessel, one of the new XJ-3 Lynx with transponder codes fitting to the Gallic Royal Navy.

As i engaged conversation with the subject his identity was confirmed as Commandant Maurice Cornett. Transcipt in attachment. In due time, and several witty jabs at each other, we both decided to see who was the fittest with the guns in our ships.
I am appalled to report that the two years i have spent in incarceration took their toll in my reflexes and i have found myself stranded, with one of the engines of my B-1290 Templar shot down by the Commandant.

1 hour later, the S&R operations out of Southampton Shipyard found me and managed to do minute repairs on the wrecked engine and i piloted the ship back to Battleship York for full repairs.

Due to this outcome, i ask permission for a three hour daily leave to improve flight and dog-fight reflexes in the Suffolk's training rooms.

With respect,

Lieutenant K. Reidman.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-13-2016


Rank Changes:

Lieutenant Jacob McIntire has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Keep up the good work. In case you possess higher ambitions, you will have to prove your capability of small fleet command.

Special Orders:

Lieutenant Katherine Reidman: it has been decided that the QCA, or Queen Carina's Academy, is to be reopened. With confidence, the Admiralty have entrusted you with the task. Your duties are to notice adept or promising pilots in the Secondary Fleet and train them under the banner of the QCA. Every QCA pilot is encouraged to apply for the Primary Fleet, but is not obligated.
You may also help Primary Fleet pilots to polish their skills. We advise you to work together with Lieutenant David Garrand. In case that you need technical assistance, you may turn to Commander Adolf Acker. The results of this project will determine the progress of your career in the BAF.
Concerning your request, you are approved the three hour daily leave for the purpose of training.

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brien: the Admiralty have decided that you should contract Bowex or the MN to deliver at least 500 units of tea daily to the HMS Norfolk in the Cambridge System, on the Armed Forces budget.

Note: is this last one a legitimate order? I am sorry, I am merely a clerk. It seems somewhat odd, I am obliged to check.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-13-2016

Message Type: Textual
Priority: High
To: Admiralty Board
From: Lieutenant Commander McIntire
Location: HMS-Norfolk, Cambridge

Honourable Admirals,

The subject of this report is a skirmish with the Mollys that took place in Dublin the day before, aswell as some potentally important sightings of foreign vessels

The first contact we had with them was one of them appearing on our screens near Southampton Shipyard. We ( BPA)Yctor and me ) percecuted them to the Dublin jumphole. Whilst we did that we lost formation and had to regroup in Dublin. When we sucessfully regrouped we moved to Graves for we expected them to make trouble there. Soon enought we got reading of them again, but since we were outnumbered we waited for reinforcements while holding them on.
(first two Mollys: [M]-Blodwyn,O`Driscoll; [M]-John.Lass; the one joning in Dublin: [M]-Greyhound )
While we were there another vessel was close to us, an Sabre VHF wich seemed to be of Kusari origin (Otousan|Aoi) It stood by and seemed rather disappointed when he thought it would not come to a fight.
Shortly after we got reinforcements in form of Lt.Lowden.Graves and Lt.Jade.Roberts, we engaged for the fight. The Mollys got backup by a Hessian fighter ( callsign jujM ) so the fight was a rather balanced one. While we fought, another vessel joined the Sabre ( Vautour|Aoi ). They seemed pleased by the violence. Also a Nomad appeared, which I didnt see engaging myself due to my ships destruction later on.
The fight began to move away from Graves as more combattants poured in (listed below), moving to the Golden Coin, a Molly base which took us under heavy fire. Nevertheless we were able to take some of them out. While I took on to disable [M].Blodwyn,O`Driscoll I got too close to one of the base defences which sent me out of my ship in an escape pod.
I was told later that the fight didnt turn out good for us, with the two strange vessels engaging the remaining forces aswell.

Inbound forces

Gateway|-GSE-Navajo (held in reserve first)
William.Jackplane (held in reserve first)
Murky (held in reserve first)

Molly forces:
[M]-Lewis.Harry.Stone (joined in at the Golden Coin)

Other enemy vessels:

Additional information: I have not many guncams but this one pretty much sums it up
visual file

In short:
We had a fight first with the Mollys, later apparently with other, unidentified forces; the Mollys were forced back to their Base; we had heavy losses; foreign enemy vessels and a Nomad were inbound

Yours sincerly,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Shaggy - 04-16-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Operation Balance
From: Lieutenant Jade Roberts
Location: BPA Newgate, Manchester System

Good afternoon Defense Intelligence Staff,

I would just like to send in a report for Operation Balance. The wing that went into the war front of Leeds consisted of.


I would like to say we put destroying into the Gallic Navy Ships and took many prisoners for today. We also submitted a Samura Kusari Train for a cargo scan which was outside Planet Leeds but was clear. I left the captured prisoners at Birmingham Station where they would be transported accross in a prison vessel due to the high ranking officers captured. This includes 1 Fleet Admiral, 1 Cruiser Commander, 4 Royal Navy Pilots, ontop of that I managed to rescue. 2 Cruiser Commanders and 15 Gunboat Captains.

Attaching files now.


Yours sincerely,.....................................................
Lieutenant Jade Roberts

- Open for Replies -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 04-16-2016

[Image: pZsJexR.gif]
Good evening.
I am filling the debrief report on Out-Op MNLE65867.
As a general alert was sounded, i departed the Harlow where i was in transit, in a 'loaned' Challenger. I quickly changed the transponder and offered my help to the units responding to alert. The honorable BAF|HMS-Dauntless was on point coordinating efforts and i flew to its position, orbiting Planet Wight. From there, i provided scouting intel throughout the whole op, alongside a BPA officer. Two of our fighters were dispatched from New London, ready to corner any more opposition that would appear. I scouted Planet Leeds, Stokes and Glasgow, before doubling back up as i picked a surge on my long range scans from a position near Stokes. A Valor decloaked right in front of me, and i sent a report on location and strength back to OpComm BAF|HMS-Dauntless proper. A Gallic bomber also appeared and was trying to prevent me from disrupting the Valor's movement. Quickly dispatched, the Dauntless rose to the challenge and engaged the Valor (RNS-Meduse), as i provided disruptor support to prevent a close-up tactic on the Dauntless, as the BPA provided fire support. Not long, the Valor's hull buckled under the combined pressure created by the Dauntless weapon systems. Before providing S&R to the gallic life pods, i engaged the bomber that was also shooting at the Dauntless.
Short work, really.

After S&R on the life pods, i find myself with 18 officials in my hold, sleeping and awaiting a destination, before heading out to my two days leave.
Operation Balance seems fitting.

--Out-Op MNLE65867 Roster--

BAF|HMS-Dauntless - OpComm
Lieutenant K.Reidman (on leave)


With respect,

Lieutenant K. Reidman.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-16-2016

Message Type: Textual
Priority: Medium
To: Admiralty Board
From: Lieutenant Commander McIntire
Location: HMS-Norfolk, Cambridge

Honourable Admirals,

Im just reporting additional prisoners here, which were captured in the above mentioned operation.

In numbers: one Fleet Admiral, five Gunboat Captains, 6 Royal Navy Pilots.

Additional information:
visual files

Yours sincerly,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-18-2016

Message Type: Textual
Priority: High
To: Admiralty Board
From: Lieutenant Commander McIntire
Location: HMS-Norfolk, Cambridge

Honourable Admirals,

The subjects of this report are the happenings of the last day,

I started with normal patrol duty, when I saw an APM built battlecruiser in the orbit of New London (+). After a little talk I escorted him out of Bretonia and he agreed to request a permission for entering Bretonian space before entering again.
Luckily the help of the HMS-Thunderer, which held itself in position to assist in the worst case, was not needed.
Shortly after this I met up with Ensign William Sutton, who joined in in the patrol.
We first moved through Manchester to Magellan and after that we went to Cortez, where we saved a trader from beeing pirated, although the pirate (callsign Jaded.Dragon) could get away into the asteroids.
Before we reached planet Curacao we got a distress call from Dublin, regarding a hostile ship in the area.
We immediately went to help there, but when we reached Dublin we couldnt find the vessel in question. So we were on our move back, when we got reading of an Outcast dreadnought (callsign Arrosa) right between the Essex and the jumpgate.
We were able to lead it out of Bretonian space, with assistance of the HMS-Indomitable, an Invincible Carrier. It left in direction of the Taus.
While we were busy with the Outcast I got a message from a pilot of the Imperial Navy ({343}Kitabatake.K-Shoi), who was in sight of the vessels which were first seen in Dublin, but now had moved to New London. We hurried to meet up with him and when we reached New London we saw a lot of vessels which seemed not to be regular Gallic forces, since they not only used the Lynx but aswell ships of Liberty, APM and later Rheinland origin.
We gathered forces in the orbit of planet New London and prepared to move in.

Our forces consisted of:
BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves ( who had technical problems with his fighter )
BAF|LtCdr.Adolf.Acker (held in reserve first)
HMS-Indomitable (held in reserve)

Enemy forces:
...others (later on even the GRN moved in)

The fight was quite a big one and I havent seen the final outcome since I was their second target, which sent me out of my ship at some point.
But in the end all enemy forces were gone from New London, although it took some time.
Added to that one of the Freelancers who was present called the enemys Wilde, which would make some sense looking on what gear they used and their broken way to speak.
When he said that we got support by nearly every ship nearby, which led to some chaos.
Also one of these ships has been part of the attack in Dublin some days ago (report #1,823 )

In short:
APM battlecruiser and OC dreadnought escorted out of our space; Enemy froces were fought out of New London; Unknown hostile froces are maybe Nomad infectees

Yours sincerly,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-25-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London System

Report n°1828:

Not long ago I headed to the Leeds System in command of the Avalon, an Invincible-class. My target was the Sacre Bleu, a Valor-class. I found them at Planet Leeds. They requested me to move my ship back, or surrender her. I refused and gave them the counteroffer to evacuate their ship and let us destroy it, us leaving their pods at the place for their patrols to pick up, instead of taking them as prisoners of war. Following their refusal, we proceeded to attack them. They were under cover of an automated patrol consisting of one Valor-class and four Perilous-class, but our target quickly left their cover, perhaps confident in their advantage. or in the Poseidon, another Valor-class which appeared shortly. Our mortars were quick to penetrate the shield of the Sacre Bleu, while ours was holding. We damaged our target very heavily with controllable damage done to us by both ships when our target retreated behind the Poseidon in order to disperse damage. Both ships were firing mortars and Warwolves at us, mostly missing, but our mortars were out of range to finish off the Sacre Bleu and we were not able to get closer, as that would expose us to primary turret fire from the Poseidon. Instead, the Avalon commenced fire at the Poseidon herself. The ship was disabled after some time. The Avalon was very heavily damaged, but so was the Sacre Bleu. We were very close to breaching their hull, when a Warwolf salvo hit our engine, which we had to keep turned towards the ships in order to maintain range. The Avalon's lighting blacked out. We were lucky that the Sacre Bleu had to hurry for emergency repairs, otherwise we would have been prisoners of war. One of the Avalon's engines was eventually restored, but to barely enough capacity to limp the ship to Southampton. She is currently undergoing extensive repairs. Before our power generator engaged emergency shutdown, the radio operator had ordered the tea and personnel to be evacuated, by the procedure. The ship did not have enough power to tractor the tea back, nor the crew, so I regretfully inform the DIS that the Gauls, after tasting it, might want to take Curacao soon. After tasting the tea, of course. I doubt that they would be pleased with the men, at least in that manner. Men are an expendable resource anyways, so I am not worrying about them.

Allied Units:
1) BAF|HMS-Avalon (Invincible: Disabled).

Enemy Units:
1) RNS-Sacre_Bleu (Valor: Very Heavily Damaged);
2) RNS-Poseidon/SRB (Valor: Disabled)

Camera Shots:

Yours sincerely,.....................................................
Admiral Sir George R. Hall

- Open for Replies -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-26-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London System

Report n°1829:

The Avalon has been avenged.
Today we attacked them again in the Leeds System, but this time I was in command the more combat-capable Dauntless, at least in these conditions. I am saying we because I also brought a fleet with me. The capital vessels it consisted of were the Matilda, a Dunkirk-class, the Oxford, an Invincible-class and the Lancaster, a Crecy-class.
We were greeted by an automated Valor patrol at Planet Leeds. The Matilda had problems with their radar, not being able to see the enemy, so the ship was damaged and had to restart its systems. The Oxford was damaged due to the captain's choice to charge at the enemy. Eventually the enemy's turrets were quenched. We encountered cruiser patrols as well, but those were handled easily. I have not managed to save the fleet admiral, but I have taken some cruiser commanders and gunboat captains in custody to Battleship York.
Shortly after the engagement with automated patrols at the planet, I received, from our BMM scouts, information about three crewed Valor-class at Stokes Mining Station. The fleet headed there. We found only two of them and they seemed to be rather disorganized, being approximately 5K away from each other and both heading away from us. Following reports of strange radar readings and after registering some ourselves, the Dauntless engaged the cloaking device disruptor, discovering the third Valor, a bit further than 2K away from us, heading towards us.
The Dauntless quickly turned away. The enemy ship did not take long to fall, under fire by three battleships and isolated from other enemy ships.
The two remaining Valors managed to establish cooperation in the mean time and turned towards us for a counter-attack. The Sacre Bleu, which you might remember, took a cowardly way out and managed to escape us seconds before their hull would be penetrated. I am viewing this as a successful revenge because they showed their true worth by leaving the last ship in the mercy of our cannons. I tried, by the Dauntless' radio operator, to halt the fire and negotiate terms with the captain, but it was too late. The last of the Valors also succumbed to the pressure.
We suffered no losses. After that I gave the command over the fleet to the captain of the Matilda, he being the most experienced. I myself, along with the Dauntless, headed to search for the tea lost from the Avalon yesterday. As my search brought no fruit, I returned the Dauntless to the Manchester System for repairs. I do not know what our fleet went through later. I only know that all ships returned to controlled space.
I also do not know what has happened to the tea. I can conclude, with confidence, that it has been consumed. Whether that is a good thing or not, I suppose we shall find out soon.

Allied Units:
1) BAF|HMS-Dauntless (Dunkirk: Damaged).
2) BAF|A-HMS-Matilda (Dunkirk: Damaged);
3) HMS-Oxford (Invincible: Damaged);
4) HMS-Lancaster (Crecy: Unharmed?);
5) BMM-Alpha.Four (Fighter: Unharmed?; CD support);
6) BMM-Nicholas.Pryde (Fighter: Unharmed?; CD support).

Enemy Units:
1) RNS-Sacre_Bleu (Valor: Heavily Damaged);
2) RNS-Poseidon/SRB (Valor: Disabled)
3) RNS-Meduse (Valor: Disabled)

Camera Shots:

Yours sincerely,.....................................................
Admiral Sir George R. Hall

- Open for Replies -