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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ChillerMiller - 02-27-2011

---Incomming Transmission---

[Image: dannyodin1.png]

Sayoko Kato
Rank: Lieutenant
Target: All Volkhan loyalists
Subject: Destruction of the Jackal

Yesterday was a huge step towards the victory of the great Volkhan, the Ikon of Ikons.
The loyalists launched an attack on the rebels to destroy on of their most important vessels, the CPW-Jackal.
The attack was led by the CPW-Karl.Marx, however the rebels had a lot of help, which made it almost impossible to fulfill our task, but in the end the Jackal got destroyed by our forces.

[Image: SCRA19.jpg]

[Image: SCRA20.jpg]

The Volkhan is unstoppable and the rebels will fall...

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 02-27-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Lt. Colonel Borodin
To: Loyal SCRA Assets
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Ontario Assault.
[Message Begins]


I ordered the Trotsky to plot a course for Ontario where we were greeted by a Libertonian Battle-cruiser. We attempted to disguise ourselves as one of the Rebels, but it seems Rhade put in a "password" that's required. Regardless, the Battle-cruiser engaged, as did a Rebel Storm.

I'm pleased to say the the Trotsky's superior agility bested the Battlecruiser, and the Storm fled shortly after-wards. It seems they're using Thunderbay as a forward post, with most of their forces in the Yukon.

Regardless, an assault is not advised, as shortly after I left, a sizeable Libertonian task-force arrived in Ontario. I barely escaped.

In other news, I'm extremely pleased to announce that one of our SCUD Pilots managed to assassinate the Rheinland Military Admiral today. It seems they're good for something after all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^ ^^^^]

[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 02-27-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]The pretty dense muppets
Comm. ID: Commissar Leon Mendel
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Spies of all shapes and sizes still die
[Image: mendal.png]

---Communications Opened---

Commander Borodin's Report has been intercepted by the Commissariat, and it is my personal belief that it is filled with disinformation with the intent to mislead the Volkhan's loyal forces.

There is no evidence in his computer records, in fact suspicious gaps appear in the logs at the duration of the battle.

We have taken Borodin into custody, and will shortly... ahh correction, we HAVE executed him for his crimes.

Continue to focus upon Freeport 14.

That is all.

Leon Mendel
Commissariat of Public Relations

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 02-27-2011

[Image: 1318ngxian2.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Captain Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Rebel forces
Location: CPW-Xi'an, Ontario
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Severe damage inflicted.

Ling's uniform is charred and shreaded..

The Xi'an has suffered heavy damage in it's battle with the Trotsky. I'm unsure if it will be fixed in time for the inevitable strike back from the Volkhan's forces. My second-in-command, Lt Yu has unfortunately died from his wounds sustained in the attack.

We are on the brink comrades, we must keep fighting - FOR KATZ!

For the revolution!

Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vladimir - 02-28-2011

Transmit to: SCRA
Comm ID: Lieutenant Ivan Petrov

Message Begins//

Glory to the Volkhan!

Civil war or not, i'm not going to forget about our numerous enemies.

Today i was patrolling the Omega-5 and in the Hammen Hole my sensors picked up a non-friendly ship around. It was one of those Reavers mercenaries, lolwly scum who can't work so they pretend to kill people for money. Due to the hostilities between the glorious Coalition Army and their little band, i've decided to terminate the enemy of the state.

Obviously, everything went well, until the burning hull of the reaver rammed my ship while blowing up, damaging the Insurgent beyond repair. Maybe they have some honor after all.

[Image: reavers.gif]

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 03-01-2011


[Image: Via.png]

Loyal subjects of the Volkhan, I appear before you to report that the war effort is going beautifully. Intelligence and counter-intelligence are working around the clock to discover the source of the Rebels' numerous hideouts and an assault shall be mounting as soon as they are discovered. Remain vigilant, Comrades; remain trusting and loving of those who provide for you, for who keep you alive. The Volkhan trusts a machine enough to allow it to command a sizable portion of the military, but ask yourself this:

What do you do to earn his trust? What makes you special?

In the times of trial, you will be called upon to serve as a sword and shield of his will. Prepare yourself, Comrades, our victory is at hand and those who do not prove themselves will be discarded.

Hail the Volkhan, Ikon of Ikons!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 03-01-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comms ID: Commandante Sasha Orlov

Comrades! Myself and my crew onboard the Fidel Castro were conducting a regular patrol in the Omega sectors when suddenly a twisted turn of events occurred inside our very own ship. After the initial apprehension and several hours of hard-talk we finally managed to retrieve information of these so-called Coalition members.

Apparently a figure called "The Volkhan" had planted numerous agents that melded with our crew pretending to be working as engineers. Their goal was to seize control of the commanding deck, reasons unknown, they were suppoused to be given further instructions once that phase was complete. Fortunately one of my most trusted Lieutenants managed to intercept their operation before it had even begun.

Aborting our destined patrol and setting course straight back to Omega-52 in the hopes of receiving some answers turned out to be a disastrous call. I didn't even managed to pass Sevastopol Depot before two bomber wings halted our path branding us as traitors and that we were under arrest until further notice. Refusing to believe that these accusations could source from Premier Katz himself I decided to make a risky move and headed straight back to Omega-5.

Being both outnumbered and outgunned by the hounding bombers my ship was doomed to be destroyed. But miraciously I was saved by four Coalition fighters claiming to be part of "the Rebellion". After the swift battle had ended I begged these pilots for more information but they only told me that I should send a distress message to the small Coalition installation in the Ontario System. They said my questions would be answered once I reached said location.

I'm heading there as we speak, using our old routes during the Liberty Campaign I should be able pass through hostile territory with relative safety. I strongly recommend not responding to me, as I fear any incoming transmissions might be recorded. Those "agents" could have done almost anything during their time here and if they were planted in advance, then I'm sure more monitoring
preperations were made before we even deployed our ship.

I hope I wasn't told a lie, I hope... Wexler and Premier Katz are alright. I need to know where they are, Wexler's Red Wing, Premier Katz current location. Everything. You must tell me everything when I arrive!

Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-02-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: High Command
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps
Subj: Armed Reconnaissance Report

[color=#CCCCCC]Starting at 2345 hours I commenced a regular armed reconnaissance flight to Omicron Gamma. On my wing were comrade Smirnoff and Junior-Lieutenant Zilvinas Rudys. We launched from Gorodok and went through routine check-up protocols prior to moving out. After ensuring that all our ships were in top-condition and we were ready, we headed out for Omega-5.

On the way Smirnoff reported some unexpected issues with his IFF-systems, apparently being identified by our Hessian allies as a hostile. I ordered a change of course for the nearby Freeport 5 in the Omega-41 system, where I told Smirnoff to fix the problem. At that time I received word from Lieutenant Vasily Zaytsev wishing to join our recon-run. We waited up until Zaytsev was in the vicinity, then we made off for Omicron Gamma. The usual automated weapon-platforms and Corsair patrols greeted us, as expected, and they posed no issue. I lifted radio silence, and we proceeded towards Tripoli, searching for targets of opportunity on the way.

We found a lone Praetorian at first, piloted by a member of the Benitez family. Given that the other hostile contacts in the are were out of range, I figured I could spice things up with a little humor.

[02.03.818 00:04:16] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: I have the first one locked comrades.
[02.03.818 00:04:22] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: He's sitting at Tripoli.
[02.03.818 00:05:17] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: Comrades, I'm seeing more of them.
[02.03.818 00:05:48] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: But eitherway.
[02.03.818 00:05:59] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: Corsair, you know how we used to say longer ago?
[02.03.818 00:06:10] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: Have any trace of a memory left in your rotten brain?
[02.03.818 00:06:10] Corsairs_Leon-Benitez: no...
[02.03.818 00:06:15] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: Well my friend.
[02.03.818 00:06:31] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: Let me put it in the way as Ares used to.
[02.03.818 00:06:34] SCRA|Viktor.Zdroga: GET SOME!

The shooting started, and we went loud. The following engagement lasted approximately half an hour. During that time-frame we managed to destroy half a dozen snubcraft, all except one belonging to the Corsairs. The one that didn't was a so-called "Black Dragon" with the Kusari Farmer's Alliance markings and IFF signature. It got torn apart by us just the same. To top it off, we made several other snubcraft of the Corsairs retreat, presumably crash-landing on Crete. At the beginning of the fight, about five minutes in, we were however facing an Osiris-class battleship of the Corsairs. I didn't mention it at first, seeing as its gunnery crews must have been drunk, as aside from maybe downing my and my comrade's shields once or twice in total, it didn't do anything to us, so it was rather irrelevant. Once the fighting was over, with only said battleship remaining, we proceeded to gather the usual telemetry and scan data. We then headed back to Gorodok the way we had come.

On the way back I was about to start a discussion with my comrades regarding the flying skill of the Corsairs present in that engagement, however after checking the Nanobot and Shield Battery supplies of my comrades via tactical uplink, I decided otherwise. Words weren't necessary.

Those guys had sucked. Regardless of that, comrades, I feel that given the behavior of the Corsairs we might want to refresh their memory of our Fighter Corps by having us fly more of those armed reconnaissance missions into their territory in the near future. If I may add, I almost feel sorry for them.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ChillerMiller - 03-04-2011

---Incomming Transmission---

[Image: dannyodin1.png]

Lieutenant Sayoko Kato
Those loyal to the Volkhan
Subject: Ontario strike

Konnichiwa comrades,

We have scored another succesful strike against the rebels, who are located in the Ontario syste. The Karl-Marx led our strike force. The battle took place in the are of Fort Severn, near the Alberta jumphole.

The Karl-Marx was busy shooting the enemy capital ships, while the fighters were busy shooting the fighters. We were able to destroy some of the rebels, as well as some of their supporters from the Liberty Navy. A random pilot of the Virulian Enclave supported them too and shared the same destiny.

We had to retreat after some reason, because of the increasing number of both rebels and Liberty Navy, but this mission was a success.

All hail the Volkhan, Ikon of Ikons!

[Image: SCRA21.jpg]

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-05-2011

Robert sat on the bunk in his quarters. His eyes were closed, and the only things he felt through the vodka-induced fog and the constant pain from his implant was the tears on his face and the metallic taste of the barrel of his favorite revolver. He recalled what had brought him to this sad state.

The Coalition had become the very thing it's detractors had long accused it of being. A repressive dictatorship from above, rather than a true nation of the people. Gone, even, was the option of rebelling. Before he had a chance to escape, the Volkhan's goons had gotten to him, and had escorted him to the medical bay at gunpoint. He had been roughly placed on the operating table, and soon after the anesthetic had taken effect. When he had woken up, his thoughts were no longer his own. There was now a subtle influence in his mind telling him that the Volkhan was the savior of the Coalition, rather than the megalomaniacal counter-revolutionary that he was. The more that Robert had resisted, the more pain the implant had caused him. What was most insidious, however, was the pleasure it caused during the moments he actually thought well of the Volkhan. It took all his willpower to remember his loyalty to Premier Katz.

Worst of all were the dreams. In them, the message of the Volkhan was repeated louder, and ground it in. So much so that it took a force of will for him to not believe it. Even in his sleep, he wasn't free. He began to drink during his off-duty time, trying to make the dreams go away. He noticed that it dulled the pain as well. He knew he couldn't continue like this. The constant pain of disloyalty to the Volkhan was unbearable, and he knew he would disappear soon if he didn't come around. In the end, it wasn't worth losing his soul for. The Coalition he knew, loved, and fought for was dead. It was only fitting that he died with it. It would be his last duty to his Premier.

Major Robert Thacker, decorated hero of the Revolution twitched his finger, and the pain was gone forever.

(//No, I'm not leaving the Coalition. I'm making a new character, as I discussed with Alvin earlier.)