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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-08-2011

[Image: 8721nglingxian.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Captain Chun Ki Ling
Target: Highly secured to Rebel forces only
Location: **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Potential for a new base.

After the political problems in Ontario, coupled with the Xeno's betrayal - The Xi'an and the Karchov moved out from Thunderbay in order to find a new staging point. Due to the battering both ships had taken from previous engagements - neither ship was in a fully battle ready state. We set course for New London and the Somerset asteroid field.

We found a couple of old space station fragments to begin with. They were pretty shot up, but seemed in a salvageable condition - We also mapped a Molly Destroyer. I cannot understate that find comrades. I suggest a meeting between us and the Molly Republic to allow us to use the Destroyer as a staging area until we find, or build, our own.

Unfortunately, our success was short-lived as a number of undesirables found us on Long Range Scanners and began to track us down. The Xi'an and Karchov were forced into evasive maneuvers as we hid amongst the stars. The Karchov began to have a series of mechanical malfunctions due to the radiation damage it was receiving and it was forced to enter silent running and withdrew from the scene. We stayed hidden until such a time where Colonel Rhade and his strike team were available. They had successfully raided a number of traitorous Xeno fighters and arrived at the field an hour later. We then swept the field until we found the rest of the station fragments.

There is much work to be done in restoring the station to a semi-useful condition. We await further instructions.


For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-09-2011

Major Kim Ye-Jin had just been assigned to Fighter Corp from her previous position in internal security. With the loss of so many of Fighter Corp's pilots who foolishly remained loyal to the traitor, Katz, there was an urgent need for trained pilots. Since her simulator scores were just above the minimum required for Fighter Corps, she had been transferred. She wasn't entirely happy about it, but when the Volkhan said 'jump', she asked 'can I come down now?'

That was how she found herself aboard the CPW Aeon's Fall as it's new commander. The previous commander, Major Robert Thacker had been murdered by a Katzist counter-revolutionary. Despite being a decorated Hero of the Revolution, he had a reputation for having a relaxed command style, and had surrounded himself with people of similar temperament. Major Kim did not share that style. She would have to set things in order quickly if the Aeon's Fall was to be a weapon worthy of the Volkhan.

As she stepped through the airlock onto the gunboat, she saw a very large man in a nondescript jumpsuit. There was a Captain's insignia on the shoulders and a ship's patch on the chest, but otherwise he was not in a standard uniform. His demeanor was relaxed and there was a wide smile on his face.

"Major Kim welcome to the Aeon's Fall! I'm Captain Mark Smith, ship's exo."

As Captain Smith spoke, he extended his hand for a handshake. She did not take it. She glared at him for several seconds, and just as it began to get uncomfortable, she spoke.

"Captain Smith, you will address me as Comrade Major at all times, are we clear?

She allowed herself a brief moment of satisfaction as she saw the smile fall from his face. He then came to attention, as he should have in the first place.

"Yes, Comrade Major!"

"Good. You are relieved of duty. Report to station command for reassignment."

With that, she paid the hapless Captain no further attention. She turned and walked down the short corridor to the engine room at the back of the ship. In there was a pair of technicians. She looked around and saw that the ship's generator was half-disassembled, and both technicians were working on it. They did not notice her entry.

"Why is the generator all over the engine room floor?"

The higher ranked technician, a Sergeant, answered.

"Comrade Major! We detected a minor fault in the generator's containment field. Had the field failed in operation, the entire ship would've been destroyed."

"And what caused this?"

"One of the capacitors was burnt out, Comrade Major."

"When was the last time that capacitor was replaced?"

"Six months ago, Comrade Major."

"Aren't they supposed to be replaced every four months?"

"Yes, Comrade major, but the part was still in working..."

She interrupted his excuses.

"You are relieved of duty. Report to station command for reassignment."

She then turned to the junior technician.

"And, what are you doing?"

"Whatever I'm told, Comrade Major."

"Good answer. You're in charge here for the moment. Clean up this mess."

"Yes, Comrade Major."

She made her way up to the cockpit next, to finish her tour of the ship. There was no pilot or gunner there, as they had both defected to the Katzists. She would be requesting a replacement for them, along with the Executive Officer and Chief Engineer. She would clean up the ship's reputation or die trying.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - alphadog - 03-09-2011

<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%][font=System]###..Incoming...Datastream..###


ID - Natasha Lang - Report Terminal #4
[Image: md2x.jpg]
Subject - Report No.1

After my first day in my "new" Insurgent, it was time to do what every new recruit has to do... The Memorial Ceremony, the journey to the Hispania. Well prepared, I launched from Zvezdny Gorodok, and headed for Omicron Alpha. The journey brought me through Omega-5, Omega-41, Omicron Theta, Eta, and finally Omicron Alpha. Except for some Outcast Capital ships in the distance, I didn't ran into much trouble.

Finally arrived at the Hispania, I took some pictures as proof I made it there alive. See the attached files for those.

On my way back home, I was contacted by the CPW-Trotsky. Intel suggested a number of large Bounty Hunter Vessels were nearby, and I was ordered to head for Omega-11 to intercept. Together with a number of Red Hessian Capitals, we managed to catch them in Omega-3. Despite of what the intel suggested, it was only a group of bombers and gunboats. No match for the forces we gathered. After destroying several vessels, the bounty hunters ran for their lives.

End of report.

Attached Data:



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-10-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: Rebel Forces
Comm. ID: Colonel Stenka Razin
Priority: Medium

---Communications Opened---

[Image: ColonelRazin-1.png]

Comrades, Loyal Katzists, and fearless members of the Rebellion,

Most know me as a peace-maker. The Coalition's voice of reason and diplomacy. It is time that our reason, and sanity stood up to the chaos that the Volkhan has wrought in Omega-52.

For too long we have been rudderless, lacking both our Pack Leader, El Coyote, and the Premier's steady voice.

No longer.

I speak for Katz, I speak for the General, and it is time that we turned our attention from a subsistence rebellion, to a tidal wave that shall wash away the false Ikon!

Arm yourselves, because no one will save you.

Arm yourselves, Comrades and brothers! Arm yourselves and fight.

Omega-52 shall be free! We shall never submit, and never surrender our free will. We are Coalitioners through choice, through belief, and through our ideals we shall persevere! The Volkhan may steal your wives, children, mothers and fathers, a drone army bent to his will. But we have faith. And true faith cannot be bowed, and cannot be broken, not by a man, and not by a machine!

To our victory, my Comrades!
For the Revolution, for Katz!

Razin out!


---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sanford2 - 03-10-2011

To: Rebel Forces
ID: Yuri Popov
Priority: Medium
Subject: Re: The Rebellion*secure channel*

Video stream not found.

Da comrades, It is time we stop our running and deal with this "Volkhan" madman. We must free our brothers and sisters from his grip. The only way we can end this is by retaking our homeland, our Omega-52. Comrades, it is time we prepare ourselves for the upcoming struggle.

Comrade-Colonel, I await your orders.

For the Revolution, For Katz!
A loud pop is heard and the transmission cuts.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ChillerMiller - 03-10-2011

[color=#CC0000]---Incomming Transmission---
[Image: dannyrebel.png]

Lieutenant Valentina Koslova

[color=#CC0000]Target: Rebel Forces
[color=#CC0000]Subject: The Rebellion
[color=#CC0000]Encryption: HIGH


The Volkhan has done enough to us, his forces have caused us a lot of trouble and many of us have lost their family or some of their best friends.
We have to stop him, we have to fight to get our old life back!
Omega-52 shall be free again!

For the Revolution, for Katz!

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-10-2011

[Image: 8721nglingxian.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Captain Chun Ki Ling
Target: Highly secured to Rebel forces only
Location: **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: I feel like a Junker.

Unfortunately it appears we have hit a snag on the construction of our forward base. Or should that be reconstruction. Anyway, the storage tanks should have held at least some H-Fuel in them in order to resupply our fighters and gunboats. However, they are all completely empty and have depressurised to space. As such, we will need to work on alternative sources of supply. I am currently running parts and resources to our Engineering team in the debris field. With any luck, they will be able to re-pressurise the storage tanks for our use.

[Image: xianworking.png]

The forward staging area is still a long way off comrades.

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-10-2011

[Image: scud3.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]SCUD Control
Target: All Volkhan assets
Status: Pilot Designation "Phillip": Dead
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Another muppet dead.

These SCUD pilot's just can't get it into their thick skulls. The Volkhan wanted a raid under Katz's banner to obliterate some Outcast battleships. Instead, this idiot pilot could only manage a solitary Sabre kill. He didn't even die doing that! The muppet died by ramming the shields of some Dreadnought. He couldn't even get the shields down!

I recommend we dial up the SCUD's electric chair voltage. We will have to teach them to obey orders the hard way.


For the Volkhan!
SCUD Control out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 03-10-2011

COMM ID: Major Alexei.Stukov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
TARGET ID: Volkhan Icon of Icons
[Image: stukov.gif]

Dobriden comrades from the glorious Coalition. All Hail Volkhan today the Rakovski did and pulled one hell of a number on the outcast pests. I took command of the newly commissioned Coalition Cruiser class the Rakovski. And we went on operation to frame the Lithuania. Operation Sucseeefull we infiltrated the Omicron Alpha system the Outcast home world.

There was nothing there well we proceeded with to the Eta system were we picked up a battleship signature. So me and a Scud bomber *wispers* god I love to shock those guys. To continue we went to the Eta system and managed to caught it but it had 4 fighters to cover it. But the darn SCUD pilot die of over shocking well we activated the auto pilot. We destroyed a Outcast fighter and The Rakovski managed to make a Battleship run for its life.

And we turned to the fighters. But out of no were a Outcast Battleship jumped in without any warning. My crew remained calm and we moved to a distance and we pounder it with mortars. Then more fighter came in My man and myself didnt show any fear so we decided to enter the Omicron Eta Mine field and see if the enemy has the guts to fallow us there. Well they didn't. The cowards didn't dare to enter the field.

When we exited there was nobody around. And the Lithuania I bet is Framed Already and a Target for the Outcasts.

Stukov out

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - The Saracen - 03-11-2011


[font=Cambria][color=#000000]Per your orders, Volkhan.

Preperations for Operation: Fanaticism is near completion.

Airborne within two full days.