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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - SpaceTime - 04-20-2012


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Low, port RM-KV-MC-PN-7638


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Leutnant Carl von Manstein, Rheinland Military

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]RM Database Zentrum
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Reports


Guten Tag,

This is Leutnant Carl von Manstein submitting some old reports and some more recent ones.

Some months ago BAF| had entered Omega-7 when the current Omega Treaty wasn't signed. They left the system however when we ordered them to and soon afterwards we eliminated the Hessian presence: [1] [2] [3]

Furthermore, a Renegade of Rorry told be a few things about Gallia before he was blown up on his gallic ship: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Samura| ships were also acting strangely. In one instance, a Samura| transport was going to Hamburg Gate while it turned when east when it saw me on it's scanners claiming that by taking this unsual route was to evade GMG (while we were inside New Berlin) it was heading to New Tokyo while it was clear that this wasn't the case: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Another time, while I was performing Intelligence assignments in Dresden, one Samura| transport didn't stop in my orders and when I ordered the other one to tell him to return it didn't comply with my orders: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

About a month ago, I encountered a FTU tagged vessel in New Berlin and I reported the incident to the RFP. More info here: [Transmission]

Outside the recently built Krupp Munitions, a "Togo" Blood Dragon Battleship penetrated the Berlin's planetary defences but soon afterwards it activated some kind of a mechanism and it disappeared from my scanners. I believe that this incident should be taken seriously and the Naval Forces be informed as well: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Three days ago, after a large and victorious fight close to Kreuzberg against RF and Rorrys, we intercepted 2 Interspace Commerce vessels breaking the embargo. Their names were Nice_Guy and IC|Phillip.Prowse. The first transport was successfully separated from it's cargo and was escorted to the nearby Bonn Station. In the case of Prowse, Admiral Landers came and assumed command of the situation. He asked the transport to drop its cargo and together we escorted it the Rheinland borders, in Bering system. More Info: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Für den Kanzler,

Leutnant Carl von Manstein,
88th Rheinwehr Brigade


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lonely_Ghost - 04-21-2012

Source: Rheinland->Hamburg system-> Battleship Westfalen
Sender: Martin Stamek
Subject: Situation/Action report

Guten tag.

Yesterday we managed to counter another hessian's attempt to strike Krupp. We recived report about IC and Hessian's capital ship while being on training. I meet our cruiser RNC-Mecklenburg and we moved to investigate situation. Unfortunatly, IC ship managed to dock before I arrived. With Hessian's we had more luck. Mecklenburg found him fast near Krupp and engaged. When we arrived, Hessian was badly damaged. Hessian's cruiser was killed in asteroid field, in attempt to flee into Sigma 13 system.
But it wanst ower. They moved Battleship in New Berlin. I requested help and with BDM agents we took this ship out. Hessian's battleship was destroyed while heading to Bonn's direction.
No loses from our side, I belive.

Enemy loses:
  • [RF]Chimaera

Friendly loses: None

Cruiser death log

Stamek out.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weser - 04-22-2012

::::Incomming Transmission::::

Source : Battleship Strausberg
Encryption : Medium
ID : Flieger Sven Diederichs
Subject : Patrol Report #1

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren of the Rheinland Military Oberkommando

Today on an routine Patrol in the Stuttgart System an Member of the Bundschuh nearly rammed my Ship when it came out of the Trade Lane it seemd that this Bundschuh agent was in a hurry soon after this an Secondary Fleet Cruiser came out of the Tradelane and opened the fire upon the Bundschuh schiff but the Cruiser was to slow to get the Sabre class Fighter . Soon after the Cruiser was gone the Bundschuh agent came back and tryed to contact me . After some minutes the Bundschuh agent Disapeared in the Nebula before i could disrupt him . After that an Bounty Hunter Guild ship undocked from Planet Stuttgart the strange thing about it was that it used Liberty Navy Transponder signals before i could interact with the Ship it disapeard into the Nebula .

Attachments : [*] [*] [*]

Flieger Sven Diederichs Out .

[color=#FFFFFF]::::Transmission Terminated::::

Rheinland Military Message Dump - kikatsu - 04-22-2012

IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Hikosaka Hebel
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol Report 002-004

Guten abend sirs.

My previous two reports did not go through this channel it seems.

March 9th.

On patrol of Southern Rheinland with Lt. Sarah Austerlitz after some combat training. The patrol was otherwise smooth until about 15:15 Stuttgart time, Austerlitz received a distress call from a group of mining ships in Omega 7 who were under attack from a Corsair Titan. Our ships responded and chased the ship away after approximately twenty minutes of combat. No ships were destroyed, the Corsair escaped into Omega 5.


March 17th.

Ge. Martin Stamek joined me on patrol of New Berlin. There was a report of a Reaver in the area, but they eluded sensors for the duration of the patrol. At approximately 15:20 New Berlin time a Daumann ship reported a pirate gunboat in the area. My ship moved to intercept it near the Frankfurt gate, but could not stop it from jumping. I pursued the Kusari ship into the nearby nebula cloud as Stamek and a pair of military fighters took the trade lanes to cut it off. The hostile pirate ship was destroyed at 15:53 local time, no losses on our side.


April 22nd.

Took my ship out on a patrol of New Berlin. There were a few ALG ships that were busy supplying Krupp with fuel supplies, but otherwise the patrol was silent. Flight time log requirements met.


Flieger Hikosaka Hebel.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weser - 04-22-2012

::::Incomming Transmission::::

Source : Battleship Strausberg
Encryption : High
ID : Flieger Sven Diederichs
Subject : Patrol Report #2
Guten Tag Damen und Herren of the Rheinland Military Oberkommando

Today on an Patrol through the New Berlin System i accidentaly run into an Hessian Fleet that took position on the Trade Lane from Bonn Station to Brandenburg Border Station . After some reeinforcements arrived we tryed to push the Hessians back but we failed at the attempt we lost many ships their Battleships kept us under heavy fire and we were forced to retreat . We regrouped at Planet New Berlin where the Hessian Fleet arrived in some Minutes they began to bombard Krupp but our Soldaten hold them off and finaly pushed them back but we lost many gute Männer and Frauen . Some of the Hessian ships like the [RF]Battlestart got destroyed by Polizei and Militär bomber wings the rest of their fleet retreated , while retreating more Hessian ships got destroyed like the 2 Gunboat class Vessels HerrKaputt and Heimdar . Thanks to the fast respond of the Polizei and Bundesgrenzschutz Officers we managed to survive and defeat the Hessians again , It'll take an while until they recover from that but Krupp wasn't damaged thanks to the Shield .

Attachments : [*] [*]

Flieger Sven Diederichs
Out .

[color=#FFFFFF]::::Transmission Terminated::::

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 04-22-2012


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-MC-1358-M.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland military database
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report

Guten Tag

Today, we recieved an information about corsair activity in the Frankfurt system. There were no other soldiers around only me and leutnant Alois Dermen so we had to check it out by ourselfs.
Everything looked pretty empty, but in the end when we wanted to give up and return to Berlin, we managed to track down the signal and met the corsairs.

They were flying two fighter class ships, definetly corsair made. Futhermore there was a rheinland trader who was caught by them. The situation looked critical becouse the trader was already on fire.

Trader in danger

I am sorry but I couldnt help him out and the transport was destroyed. When the corsairs noticed my presence, they tried to run as fastest they could.

[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: no no no you will stay here...
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: ANdale hermana
Corsair-Valeria_Benitez: This was a generous corsair and... a very stupid trader
[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: i can only see stupid corsairs..
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: We will leave problema
[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: you want to play on mouse and cat, ja?
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: No we leave

But that was not an option anymore, justice had to be done. Without much words I started the chase and opened fire on the heavier one.

They used a jumphole anomaly and we appeared in a cloudy system, later I found out its the sigma 13 system.
On the other side I already met Leutnant Dermen and feldwebel Weiss. The order was clear, track down the corsair so he cant escape too deep.

Chasing the corsair

But after some seconds we arrived at a station in a radioactivity field and we could hear that the corsair was allowed to dock on it.

Corsair near a station
Corsair requesting to dock
Corsair docked

A GMG vessel who was also looking for the corsair told us, it is a junker base called Yanagi. After this we left the the system and returned to Rheinland.

Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Narcotic - 04-22-2012

***Incoming Transmission***

[color=#006600]SHIP ID:
LOCATION: Krupp Munitions, New Berlin
FROM: Sarah Simone Braun
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #13

Patrol Report Description:

[color=white]Guten tag,

this evening, I recieved an emergency call from Krupp stations, being under heavy attack.
So I jumped on my Bergelmir (with cloaking device), and undocked from Moselle, going for Planet New Berlin. It appeared, as if I got there too late. Nearly the whole 2te fleet got destroyed in just a few minutes. Nevertheless, I moved inside the enemies range and made myself a view of the situation. But before I got to Krupp Munitions, I helped the Rheinland Federal Police to destroy a Hessian Battleship and and a few Gunboats. Right after, I arrived at Krupp, where I saw a small fleet shooting at Krupp. I tried to distract a Hessian Cruiser from the base, in firing at him. Although I've been under fire by several enemy figthers, I managed to get the Cruiser away from our base (with help of the Niflheimr). But soon, the Niflheimr cloaked again and after a few more minutes harassing the cruiser, I cloaked away, heavily damaged by the fighters.

Another thing; I delivered around 120000 marines to Battleship Strausberg in the past three days. I guess you all know, what the reason behind that is...

Here are some guncam shots:

Massacre on the system comms.

Jorm going down.

Hessian Gunboat killed by me.

Hessian forces, camping at Krupp.

Starting suicide commando.

The tide has turned against them!

That was all.

Additional Info:

  • Patrol lenght: 1 hour
  • Participants: RFP, [RM], recruits
  • Scaned ships: -
  • Found contraband: -
  • Hostile sightings: ~15
  • Killed hostiles: About the half.
  • Kills by me: 1

Braun over.

Viele Grüße,

Sarah Braun

***Transmission terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 04-23-2012

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
Encryption: Moderate
Submitter: Leutnant Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 28

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag Kameraden.

Simple and basic report. Corsairs were in the Frankfurt system disrupting the local tradelanes, and there has been reports that several transports have been attacked. I moved in the system with Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz und Feldwebel Klaus Weiss. When we were first spotted the enemy fled like the cowards they are into the Sigma-13 System. One was able to escape while the other was gunned without mercy by me. With the threat taken care of Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz had to leave for other duties. As for me, I lead another system wide patrol of the Munich system and Hamburg system, With Feldwebel Klaus Weiss, Recruit Vulkhard Muller and Flieger Erich Hartmann. We encountered local Traffic in the Munich system, but otherwise no hostiles. Interestingly enough we found an Order Gunboat in the Hamburg system. He gave us a chase and tried his best to avoid our patrol, but in the end we were able to halt him. The problem was solved peacefully with the Gunboat leaving Rheinland Via Husdon. That is all.

<div align="right]Derman, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image

Confirmed Kills
Corsair Fighter Killed By Lt.Alois.Dermen

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DUZIK - 04-24-2012

IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Erich Hartmann
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin

Guten Tag, commanders!
In frankfurt system was spotted the group of RR members in an amount of 6-7 people on ships such as a VHF and Gunboats. Me, two Rheinland Federal Police officers and one RNC Battleship went in search of pirates. We found them in Frankfurt system near New Berlin Jump Gates. RNC Battleship was in fight with them. I decided to assist RNC. During the fight one RR member was killed by RNC. After that we fall back to New Berlin system, because of severe injuries. Police officer arrived and continued to fight with pirates. Later pirates retreated.

I went to repair on Planet New Berlin. There I spotted two traders and Zoner Gunboat with The Order ID. We have already had a meeting with this Zoner. Last time he was catch by RM patrol. We escort him out of Rheinland space.
At this time he said that he was escorting traders. I said him that no one can fly in Rheinland space on the ship higher than VHF without the permission of the authorities or authorities representatives. I asked him to leave Rheinland and not enter it on his Gunboat. He leaved.

Flieger Erich Hartmann

End of Transmisson

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Uncle Bob - 05-04-2012


Guten Tag , Rheinland Leaders

I am Bob leader of a group known as the }NPP{ , yes we have attacked your ships in the past in Texus alongside the Libs *spits* don't get me started with them .

Now back to the reason why I have sent this transmission , recently we have encountered a bit of a problem in liberty space for more info on that problem private coms would be best , in short they are corrupt with the LR ad pirates in there back pockets .

Now we are not ok with this and thats why we are seeking a new place to call our home , we are a mixed group of pilots who have done some horrible things in the name off liberty , so we would like to ask permission to travel in Rheinland space to have a look around explore a bit and get to know the locals a bit better as well .

Perhaps if all goes well we can convert our ships and gear to soot the Rheinand way of life and join you against whom ever you deem a valid target .

As for our time in your space exploring and such we shall adapt to your rules while in your space and assist all who may need help , just point us in the right direction so we can recover from the tainted liberty space .

we await your reply , and hope for a co-operitive outlook for us all .



***ends transmission***

Hay if you reply can you please send a PM instead as my tread tracker seems a bit slow , as well not sure if this was the correct place to post
