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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-20-2016

[Image: XBLmeJP.gif]
Good evening.
I am filling the debrief report on Out-Op O3CB56189 and Out-Op 03CB56193.
As I was called to deal with a transport, supposedly loaded with nuclear devices near Planet New London, I came across a Hessian Gunboat, callsign Siberian, near the jumpgate to New London in the Cambridge System. Outgunned, I still took it to myself to deal with this immediate threat, and not long after, it was destroyed without ceremony.
The following day, I launched from the Norfolk to initiate my patrol and to investigate the rumor of a corsair capital vessel. Certainly, I found it being accosted by two Auxesia snubcraft, and after a lucky shot, the main controls of the capital vessel were destroyed, forcing it to carry on to its destruction against the New London planetary shield. Later on, I received word of a weapons smuggler nearby the Omega-5 jumphole in the Omega-3 System. With haste, I was the first officer on site where alongside the Auxesia and the smuggler, callsign Jimmy the Rat, there was also a Coalition Vidar, that displayed a complete lack of enthusiasm for a fight. Yet, a battle was brewing, since one of the Auxesia scouts in Omega-5 spotted a corsair warband in direction to the Omega-3 System. Raising the alarm, the fleet was summoned and after confirmation of an impeding attack, Admiral Hall took charge of the operation, on board of the BAF|HMS-Thunderer. The Avalon was also present, even delivering a heavy blow to the corsair raiding party. I also took part of the engagement and managed to push the reactor of one of their cruisers to a critical point, enabling its destruction.

As the Omega Systems are becoming a hotbed of piracy and increased raids from our less than stellar neighbors, I am requesting to be transferred to the 4th Assault Fleet, under Admiral Sir George R. Hall command.

For the Queen and House,

Commander Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 06-21-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commodore Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Honorable members of the Admirality Board,

Today I report a battle in Omega 3 that took place yesterday in the late evening. I was contacted by Commander Dagon, who reported that she got informations about a Corsair warband moving towards the system.
When I arrived there, calling for backup while on the move, the Corsair fleet already entered the system alongside some Gaian fighters.
Gladly we got backup by vessels of the Battlegroup Auxesia, with wich we posessed the numbers to hit on their strike wings while our capital forces were forming in Cambridge under the command of Sir Admiral Hall, this time in command of the Avalon. When the fight began we were fewer in numbers, but not in an unmanageable situation. What really weakened us was that our communication was not optimal. That led to Commander Dagon and me chasing another target than the Auxesian vessels when the fight began. When our target went in the vicinity of the enemy capital ships, wich held us away by point defense fire, we reorganized and joined the Auxesian forces.
After that the fight moved into the asteroid field near the Freeport, making it more close and unpredicteable, wich led to Commander Dagons ships destruction by an unlucky placed mine.
This gave a nearly destroyed Corsair fighter the chance to get hand on her nanobot reserves, making our position more difficult.
Soon after Ensign Jefferson and an Auxesian fighter ( A/)-Serpentis) were destroyed as well, along one of the Corsairs fighters (La.Piranha).
At this point a Freelancer with the callsign The.good.Ole' came along the way and was paid to help the Corsairs.
The fight went on, evenutally leading to another Corsair fighter bursting in flames (El.Acosador), when LtCdr Sutton and A/)-Raven came to help us against the enemy's force and after a hard fight we were able to gain the upper hand, leading to the destruction of nearly all of the enemies strikecraft (Cornelionada,The.good.Ole',GG-Daxos).
One of the Gaian fighters was able to retreat, and we did not follow its trail to not get into an ambush.

For the capital battle I can only report what I was told and read in the communications in the Armed Forces channels, But the enemy capital fleet was forced to retreat, suffering heavy damage. The Avalon was hard hit hard as well, she will have to spend the day in a dock.

In short:
A mixed fleet of Corsair and Gaian ships entered Omega 3; We were able to overwhelm them; losses were moderate in the capital battle, bigger in the strikecraft fights

BAF/ A/) strikecraft
A/)-Raven (joined late)
BAF|Lt.Cdr.W,Sutton (joined late)
BAF|Ens.Noa.Jefferson (fighter destroyed)
A/)-Serpentis (fighter destroyed)
BAF|Cmdr.Kaze,Dagon (fighter destroyed)

Sair/GG strikecraft
GG-Daxos (fighter destroyed)
GG-Black.Lion (fighter destroyed)
La.Piranha (fighter destroyed)
Cornelionada (fighter destroyed)
El.Acosador (fighter destroyed)
The.good.Ole (joined late ) (fighter destroyed)

BAF capital assets
BAF|HMS-Avalon (heavily damaged)

Corsair capital assets
Falcon.Negro[TBH] (heavily damaged)
Memoria[TBH] (heavily damaged)

Visual evidence: GG-Daxos's fighters destruction

yours sincerely,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 06-21-2016


Personnel Transfers:

Commander Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon has been transferred to the Norfolk Fleet. Report on the command deck tomorrow in the early morning.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 06-23-2016




It's been a long and hard struggle the past few months but the injuries I sustained in December have since healed and I have been given the "greenlight". I am hereby announcing my return to active duty. I am not quite the pilot I once was but my mind is as good as ever, I hope I am still of some use in this bitter war. I will keep this brief as I remember the busy comms we used to experience, I can't imagine what it's like now.

I hope all is well and I eagerly await your reply.

Charlotte Brooks


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 06-23-2016

[Image: 6MjjVth.png]

Ms Brooks,

I am glad to see you making a return to active service. It has been some time since we served together.

Due to your long absence from active operations, we will restore you to active status at the rank of COMMANDER. The hope is that you will use this time to re-train as a field CO, get to grips with the vessels and pilots under your command, and provide us ample opportunities to assess your reinstatement to Command.

Good luck Commander. We wish you all the best.

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
First Sea Lord
Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces

Bretonian Command

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-25-2016

[Image: lQvMPAQ.gif]
Good evening.
I am filling the debrief report on Out-Op O344524.
Receiving the general alert for a corsair raid in the Omega-3 System issued by Admiral Sir Hall, I was delayed in the Norfolk due to an engine failure. After twenty long minutes, the repair crew managed to replace the liberty made ones by bretonian ones of similar power in a very expedient and somewhat lacking makeshift job. Even so, I proceeded post-haste to the Omega 3 System, where i was briefed by the radio operator of the Thunderer that most of the raid heavy assets had been dealt with, leaving only some corsair snubcraft to deal with. As Auxesia was already on site providing support against said corsair assets, the Thunderer's XO, Admiral Sir Hall, identified a Molly contact not far from the Thunderer position, ordering me to deal with it. Needless to say, it was dealt with. After that, I returned to the Thunderer position near Sprague, that was surveying the snubcraft battle. I was ordered to stand down and hover in close support to the Thunderer, that had seen combat and in need of repairs. Unfortunately for the Auxesia, a Hessian showed up and although surprising, both the remaining Corsair and the Hessian managed to shoot down one of the Auxesia snubcraft and force dock another. I took charge of the situation, and with command by the Admiral himself, I engaged the Hessian, making quick work of his already weary and combat damaged vessel. Lastly, the remaining Corsair snubcraft managed to shoot down the last remaining Auxesia vessel, as I proceeded to engage said Corsair. With a determined effort, keen use of my weapons and diligent maneuvers, the Corsair vessel ceased to exist. Returning to the Norfolk, my engines died out as I was exiting the last lane. Repair crews are now correctly applying the new Bretonian engines, and with luck and their good work, I will be able to be deployed within the next 8 standard hours.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

Commander Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 06-27-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commodore Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Honorable members of the Admirality Board,

Today I submit another report with the individual Gunnar.Cannonbreath as topic, as well as the Confederation of Freeports unwillingness to help justice to take place.
I was on patrol in Omega 3 when he jumped in from Omega 7, running to the Freeport where we had a lengthy fight, wich turned out bad for him.
When he was close to beeing destroyed, he docked with the Freeport, apparently the docking master was not instruckted to denie this, even tho the Confederation assured us to take appropriate measures.
He seems to be still living on it, or the least using it as shelter.
After consulting Sir Admiral Hall, the one responsible for the said part of space, I sent a comm to the Confederation, stating clearly what we expect and that we will not allow this kind of incidents to continue. I as well ordered the HMS-Sovereign to move first to the Freeport, and then to patrol the system, to give us a more clear insight in the happenings in Omega 3.

Attached visual evidence: 1&2

yours sincerely,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-07-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Very High
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System

Report No. 1,856:

Yesterday at approximately 21:30 o'clock a BPA officer named Orion Wampler caught a Zoner Nephilim-class, the Uzed, of the organization called ORIZON, in the Cambridge System, by the Poole Jump Gate. They were supposed to pay the minimum fine of 5,000,000 SC and leave our space, but reportedly they did not want to cooperate, so I was called for some gunboat diplomacy with the Thunderer. The captain apparently did not fear us, and in fact, the Dakun, another Nephilim-class, arrived to the scene instead. The still anonymous captain of the Uzed referred to the Dakun as "reinforcements". Through my radio operator, I attempted to convince the officer to let them leave without a fine, as their lives were worth much more, but then I realized myself that two battleship-grade vessels would not traverse into our space simply because they were lost. This was suspiciously coincidental with our recent problems with Freeport One, so I let the situation develop on its own instead, so I could comprehend their intentions easier. They kept refusing our inflexible demands and, not to my surprise, the Dakun fired a Heavy Mortar at the Thunderer, and the Uzed shot at the officer's fighter with point defense. We did not have the time to react, so the Heavy Mortar hit us, but our shield held. The officer was unharmed. The Thunderer quickly fired back. Thanks to the officer's effective cruise disruptor support, the Thunderer's compact size and trained crew, and due to the Zoner ships' incompact size, expectedly untrained crew and inexperienced captains, we were able to overcome the assailants. The Thunderer suffered moderate damage. Some of their Heavy Mortars, which each of the ships sported three of, managed to land on our hull while I was distracted by the insufficiently hot tea that I had been served. I hold the overly slow waiter responsible and I have already fired him. Nevertheless, our own reserves of nanobots were enough to repair it and we only had to resupply them at the Norfolk. I transferred the saved members of the Zoner crews to transports there, which were headed to Planet Cambridge. Medical examinations aboard the Research Station and interrogations by the BPA determined that none of the men and women were infected and that they knew nothing of the captains' intentions, but were merely following orders. Neither the officer not I found the captains' escape pods.

I deem this to possibly be the Confederation's response after we had stationed the Sovereign to monitor Freeport One. I am going to inform the War Cabinet and ask for orders. The Admiralty will receive the carbon copies. I have included some visual and audio files in the attachments of this report.

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Allied Forces:
BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk, Damaged)
BPA)Orion.Wampler (Fighter, Presumed Unharmed)

Enemy Forces:
ORIZON|Uzed (Nephilim, Disabled)
ORIZON|Dakun (Nephilim, Disabled)

The Dakun has hit the Thunderer with a Heavy Mortar, the Uzed is opening fire at Orion Wampler
The Dakun is disabled
The Uzed is disabled

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 07-08-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commodore Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Honorable members of the Admirality Board,

This report is filed about another incident regarding two Zoner Capital ships.
I got informed about them passing through Cambridge, into New London. Naturally I immediately moved with the HMS-Elephant towards their presumed locatin, accompanied by the BAF|A-HMS-Matilda., the BPA)HMS-Edinburgh and BPA)Orion.Wampler.
The BPA officers found one of them while they were on the move to Manchester, chasing them into theBirmingham Ice Field. There they were able to stop them, demanding them to give a reason for their unregistered entering of Bretonian space. They seem not to have given a proper reason, since when the Elephant and Mathilda arrived at the scene the Zoner vessels already opened fire on the Edinburgh.
We were forced to engage them, but when we were about to disable the first a heavy Ionstorm hit the system and all ships in the area had electronic failures.
When the storm stopped, the vessels were not there any more, most likely having drifted away and run when their systems were back up.
The transmitters identified the vessels as ORIZON|Dakun and ORIZON|Uzed.

In short:
Two unregistered Zoner capital vessels of the Juggernaught class enterd Bretonia; they were chased down in Manchester; They opened fire on the BPA, forcing us to assist the officers; Our forces took no damage; Their forces were damaged, one heavily, but were able to retreat due to an Ion storm

On a personal note, I think vessels of the affiliation ORIZON| should be monitored very closely, every officer in the field should be informed that he has to expect violent acts from their side.

yours sincerely,
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 07-08-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commodore Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Honorable members of the Admirality Board,

This time the news are more pleasing. When I was on a patrol throught New London I got a private comm from a vessel with the callsign "Leprechaun".
He claimed to have several Armed Forces pilots in his cargo hold, threatening to kill them if I wouldnt pay him one million credits.
I offered him two if he handed them over to me personally, so I could guarantee for their safety. He accepted the offer.
Se we met near the anomaly leading to Dublin on the New London side.
I asked him what he wants to accomplish by threats like this, wich lead to a lengthy discussion, in wich he showed that his actions werent really what he wanted to do, and he even seemed to see that we got mutual enemies, namely the Corsair plague.
I think this might be a sign for a calming of the conflct in Dublin, since I had discussions like this with other Mollys before, wich all seemed to see that this is a stuck conflict, leading to unnecessary losses on both sides.
But most important he handed the pilots over to me without a payment, as a sign of good will. I decided to let him go, but not without telling him to try make people see that throught this war they gain nothing, but loose much.

yours sincerely,
Jacob McIntire