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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Shaggy - 07-10-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Patrol Report
From: Commander Jade Roberts
Location:Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge

Afternoon, just reporting something quiet interesting that I found on patrol yesterday afternoon in Omega 3.

From what I could see it was a base still under construction but I am not 100% sure if it has been registered. Here are the details for you.

[Grid Reference][Visual and Docking Restriction][Upon Arrival]

Shortly after we came across once again the El_Gran_Griffon Corsair Legate Dreadnought, which had prisoners onboard [Prisoners], who was firing upon Commander French. So I powered up my weapons moved in and assisted with the engagement having the "Hampshire" Carrier on standby. The fight moved into Omega 7 where the "Hampshire" followed and the destruction was made. Here is the visual evidence.

[Head to Head][Final hits][On flames][Kill Confirmed]

This is all for now.

For Her Majesty The Queen.

Yours sincerely,.....................................................
Commander Jade Roberts

- Open for Replies -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Piombo65 - 07-11-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Ensign Sid Fire
Location: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge system

Good day, BAF DIS

I Send here the report of the recent battle in Omega-3 system.

Yours sincerely,
Ensign Sid Fire

- Open for Replies -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-14-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Very High
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System

Report No. 1,861:

In command of the Thunderer, yesterday I was patrolling the Omega-3 System when I encountered a Zoner Aquilon-class carrier, by the name of Utgard, at Freeport One. I explained the captain the law about foreign capital ships, but they kept thinking that the area around the Freeport was completely theirs, although the highest ship class the station's militia may contain is the Fearless, and even those with special permission. Due to their stubbornness I was forced to open fire. Following that, the Utgard docked with the Freeport. I have some visual and audio recordings which I will include as attachments.
Long live the Queen.

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

The Utgard at Freeport 1

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 07-14-2016


Rank Changes:

Ensign Noa Jefferson has been promoted to Lieutenant. You have proven that you are capable of following orders.

Lieutenant-Commander William Reginald Sutton III has been promoted to Commander. Although your overall performance can be better, the admiralty decided that you were fit for the duties of a Commander. Again, your tidy deliveries of tea have nothing to do with this. Personally, as a clerk, I am glad about your promotion because it shortens your name.

Commander Kaze Nelson Dagon has been promoted to Captain. In case that you wish to stay at this rank or advance further, you will have to take command of a capital ship of your choice. You may speak to Commodore Jacob McIntire, Flag Officer James Kirk or Admiral Sir George Richard Hall in case that you need training.

Commander Jade Roberts has been demoted to Lieutenant-Commander. The Admiralty are not happy with your defeatism. It is harmful to the forces' morale. You should train your will and resilience.

Ensign Michael William McTavish has been promoted to Lieutenant. Your performance on the field is usually good, but you will need to be more dedicated to your duty if you wish to progress further.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-17-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Very High
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System

Report No. 1,863:

But I have to admit that the battle was rather tedious. Yes, it was an unknown system, but we were only met with token resistance. I will report the details only because it is the procedure. I hoped for more.
Our fleet was comprised of the Dauntless, one Templar , one Paladin, one Avenger and one Challenger. The jump hole appeared in front of New London, slightly off the predicted location. I sent Commander Graham to scout, who reported a clear. The rest of the fleet followed shortly. We found ourselves in the F7 sector of a dark blue nebula, above what looked like a Dyson Sphere. Apparently it does exist. The map labelled the system as Omicron Major.
As we praised the Queen and as I emitted the Grenadiers throughout the space, we learned that we were not alone, besides obviously having a few ominous tentacles to cut through. Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari and, of course, because they absolutely have to poke into every such occasion, the Order -- were there as well. We knocked together an ad hoc alliance while the Order were apparently getting pounded in the E/F6 sector. I quickly used the gap in the alliance's command to take it myself, and ordered the Houses to meet up there, which they did. I got visual to the two enormous structures. I tried to coordinate all the light craft, but there were too many, and each responded to their own wing commander, so I turned to the capital ships. That worked, and we focused fire at the generators around the alleged superweapon. They were indeed firm, but could not withstand the fire of six battleships -- six answering to me, that is -- one Dunkirk, one Atlantis, two Bismarcks and two Tokugawas. We were not able to do any considerable harm to the superweapon, so we turned out fire to the generators around what looked like a Nomad lair, if the BIS pictures are indeed that. It was too large to fall to a surprise attack, but we managed to completely destroy all the generators. Meanwhile the Dauntless got fired at by the alien forces, and we managed to destroy two gunboat-class vessels thanks to our Pulse-Mortar-Razor armament, as well as several strike craft with our point defense. After the relevant structures were destroyed, I sent Lieutenant Commander McKinley to search for a way out. The jump hole which brought us there had collapsed, so he had to find another one. I suppose he assumed that there would be one near a body of high gravity, so he headed to the planet above the sector E/F5. Luck was on his side. I headed the Dauntless there by impulse, while shrugging off the Nomad strike craft which were repeatedly diving at us, and ordered the fleet to follow. We stood guard for some time and waited for other Houses to go through. However, the engineer team aboard the ship predicted that the jump hole would collapse in precisely seven minutes from our arrival, so we had to jump before all ships (but after all ours) have left the system. I do not know what fate suffered those which remained. I had advised the Order to remain and stand guard.
We found ourselves in another unexplored, although charted system, labelled as Omicron Lost. We saw a jump hole right in front of us, which was quite odd because when a ship emerges from a jump hole, it is usually behind. I do not even know if this was the jump hole corresponding to the one in Major, but there was none behind us, and I did not want to take chances.
We also saw a large pink gas giant in the distance. The Lieutenant Commander's sense appeared to be correct again, for there was a jump hole by this one too. It led us to the already known, albeit unexplored, Omicron Delta System. We passed by Freeport 11, as it was beneath my honour to beg some Zoners for help, and instead resupplied and repaired at Yaren Station of the Core, as much as its capacity could offer. We were also revealed the location of the Omicron Rho jump hole, and another one, leading from Rho to Sigma-15. We met some ships of the Rheinland Military before entering Rho. They numbered one Bismarck, the Anatolien, two Oders and a couple of strike craft. I do not know what had happened to the other Bismarck. They were kind to escort us through Rheinland when we reached the Frankfurt System from Sigma-15. Our only loss happened in a trade lane in Frankfurt, when lucky Lieutenant Commander McKinley docked it along with the Dauntless, which caused his ship to suffer a crash. The speed was too high to use a tractor beam, so we asked a Rheinland Military pilot for help. Unfortunately he did not find the pod, but promised that a search and rescue party would find the Lieutenant Commander.
Our further way through Rheinland was uneventful, besides meeting a Red Hessian fighter in Stuttgart. The pilot was not aggressive and all he did was move around, either due to a lack or power, or intelligence. I gave my thanks to the Rheinland Military in front of the Omega-3 Jump Gate, and then returned to Bretonian space. The Dauntless is currently undergoing repairs at Freeport 4 in Magellan. Needless to mention, it is owned by the Liberty Navy, and not the Zoners. There are indications that the material spent for the repairs will amount to a cost of over 10,000,000 SC. The tea, however, is safe. I will order a specialized team to check if any alien being managed to sneak into. That would be a horrible pity.

PS: We have saved some crewmen from destroyed Liberty ships. They are currently aboard the Cambridge Research Station, examined for infestation.

Objective accomplished.
At least two Nomad gunboats destroyed.
Numerous Nomad strike craft shot down.
One (1) Paladin lost.
Lieutenant Commander Paul McKinley MIA.
Dyson Sphere existence proven.
Two unknown systems mapped.
Intelligence on Omicron Delta, Omicron Rho and Sigma-15 increased.
No habitable planets found.
A source of iridium found. Precise location unknown. Presumed either Lost, Delta or Rho.

Fire at a ganerator
Way out
Omicron Rho
Updated map
Camera shot by Commander Ian Graham (superweapon)
Camera shots by Lieutenant Noa Jefferson

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Spectre - 07-19-2016

-={Starting Message Transfer}=-

--={Message Type: Textual}=--

Comm ID]: Commander William Reginald Sutton III
Receiver ID]: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Location]: Freeport 1, Omega-3 System.

Encryption]: Medium
Priority]: Medium

Good-morrow chaps and guvs. Commander Sutton here,

Our flight today began rather smashing as we received word of some Corsair chap hanging around the Omega-3 system. Ensign Sid Fire and I proceeded towards Freeport 1, where we came across two delightful fellows: A Freelance Serenity designated the 'iPA|Sydara', and the Corsair chap we got word of, designated 'El.Corsario[TBH]'. Ensign Fire and I began to follow them, but lost track, and eventually reacquired their position at Freeport 1.

The two of us, soon joined by Commander Nicole Brennan, began a somewhat heated discussion in an attempt to talk the chap out of fighting. We might have succeeded had a comrade of his, 'Hector,Beltran[TBH]', not shown up. In addition to this Centurion pilot, we were also greeted by a Gaian chap who took to their side, as Gaians tend to do.

This proved futile, as the situation quickly boiled off into one. We made distance from the Freeport, in courtesy to the neutral Zoners request, and the fight began. Our first target was 'El.Corsario[TBH]', the chap we'd gotten word about, who was flying a Correo-class freighter. It wasn't long before it was taken out, blasted to bits by Commander Brennan's gunfire.

With that, we focused fire on the Gaian Anaconda, who proved a rather stubborn lad to take down. The two fighters that remained, the Gaian and the Centurion, focused on Commander Brennan, who eventually fell to her own mine. Not long afterwards, Ensign Fire also fell to his own loadout error, leaving just me against the Gaian and Corsair. I put in a good few shots, blasting the Gaian to bloody shrapnel with my mines, and focused on the last target. He proved just as stubborn as I did, the todger. In the end, however, I ended up falling to a mid-space collision. I put in a load of bloody good hits, and I'm certain the todger was cursing his way back to Crete.

Allied Forces:
BAF|Cmdr.William, Sutton (Fallen)
BAF|Cdr.Nicole.Brennan (Fallen)
BAF|Ens.Sid.Fire (Fallen)

Enemy Forces:
Hector,Beltran[TBH] (Damaged, but destroyed)
GG-Wasp (Destroyed)
El.Corsario[TBH] (Destroyed)

Guncam Shot of Gaian


Also, on a side note regarding the requisition of my Crayterian "Nyx" VHF, I have completed my evaluation of the craft.

Long live Queen Carina, and bless her Armed Forces.
May the tea we drink choke the enemies of our realm.

William Reginald Sutton III
Bretonian Armed Forces

-={Message Tranfer Complete}=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kanzler Niemann - 07-22-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Very High
From: Lieutenant Henry Talbot
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System

Greetings everyone, this is my first report to Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff. Today I had a quiet uneventful patrol in Cambridge when I reached a emergency call by a BMM vessel in Omega-3, arriving at the Freeport Corsairs and Hessians were fighting. The Hessian managed to take out the Corsair and went away into space, later he returned with some reinforcements and attacked us in the Ice Cloud. I managed to take out both Red Hessian Army vessels.


Henry Talbot
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kanzler Niemann - 07-23-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: High
From: Lieutenant Henry Talbot
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Greetings everyone, today I had a emergency call by Bretonia Police Authority Pilot Yctor who was chasing two Molly Pilots within the Molly Asteroid Field, they had some of our comrades taken hostage. After a discussion with them, we both know that they wouldn't hand out our Pilots and we decided to use lethal force, We managed to take out one of them, the other one flea to Arranmore Base and managed to dock with the other Pilots.

God safe their souls.


Henry Talbot
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 08-02-2016

[Image: Uz3Y9VY.jpg]
[Image: FmvrTIS.png]

[Incoming Transmission]

[Source: Her majesty ship Enterprise ]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty board/Minister of Defence.]
[Encryption: Very High]
[Priority: Very High]

[CommID: Commander Nicole Brennan]
[Establishing video uplink...]

Good day sirs and madams ,

The other day alongside Admiral Hall on the H.M.S-Thunderer we encountered what seemed to be a Corsair fleet invading the Cambridge system in difference to the Red Hessian Raids we've been seeing for the past few weeks.

They brought a battle freighter and a fighter, both were destroyed by myself. Admiral hall and a "Crecy" class destroyer from the secondary fleet struggled with the two Murmillo class battleships. In response I called up James, commanding the H.M.S-Enterprise, the fleet was obliterated at the arrival of the Enterprise. After that, I went to planet Cambridge for some tea.


With respect ,
Nicole Brennan
Bretonia Armed Forces 4th Assault fleet

End Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 08-03-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commander Ian Graham
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

Honorable members of the Admirality Board,

We had a clash with the Mollys today in Dublin. I was called in as reinforcement since their estimated numbers were higher than ours. When I reached Dublin I took command of our group, consisting on Lieutenant Graves, Ensign Cuttingham, the HMS Tiger and myself.
I decided to move to Graves station, where we got first contact with the hostiles.
We moved closer, and soon one opened fire on us when we were about to engage ourselves.
The Tiger stood back to guard us from reinforcements, while we engaged their fighters.
They fought hard, leading to two losses on our side. First BAF|Ens.A_Cuttingham went down, but he bought us the time to nearly take out the first opponent. Shortly after [M]-Johnnie.Kamikaze was shot down, wich evened the odds again.
After some more time we were able to take [M]-Blodwyn,O'Driscoll, even though Graves took some serious damage in the process. He went down shortly after (BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves).
That left me with the last fighter, [M]-John.Lass. After some time I was able to take him down. Only their bomber ([M]-Black_Beard) remained.
He rejected my offer to go, so I engaged him as well. After a short time his ship went down as well.
After this the Tiger and me moved back to the Essex.

In short: We had a firefight with the Mollys;

Our Forces:

BAF|Ens.A_Cuttingham (destroyed)
BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves (destroyed)
HMS-Tiger (reserve)

Their Forces:

[M]-John.Lass (destroyed)
[M]-Johnnie.Kamikaze (destroyed)
[M]-Blodwyn,O'Driscoll (destroyed)
[M]-Black_Beard (destroyed)


Ian Graham