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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

Incoming Transmission
Viktor Zdroga
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: Geeeeeeez

[Image: scout7.png]

Don't call me Candy again, suggar.

Also, I would like you to not post those pictures in my school. That would be bad.

If you ground me, I will do nothing, I like groundings, they are fun. Hah! Got you now eh?

Anyways, you won't get to spank me ever again after this. I HATE you dude. Not cool.

Hope you don't have a nice day.

[font=System][color=#33FFFF]Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-17-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Scouters
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Alvarez
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Cindy-Fella!!!
[Image: Aljehandro-Alvarez.png]

---Communications Opened---


Cut it out and say you're sorry! You're gonna get the whole wing grounded!

Alejhandro Alvarez
Scout XO

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-17-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: The Scouts, especially Cinderella
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps, Straw Dogs
Subj: Cindy, Candy, Cindy, Candy and candy.

[color=#CCCCCC]I'm glad we understand one another Cinderella. Now I've actually heard something interesting about young Alvarez' recent doings.

And to be honest, I think because you've managed to make yourself to be a little pain in my backside, you still should get some form of punishment, so from now on, for one week, you will be doing young Alvarez' homework for him and addressing him properly with the title of "His Majesty the Cruiser-Slayer Alvarez." All the time.

And don't worry. You won't be grounded and I won't arrange for your candy to be taken away.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

Incoming Transmission
His Majesty the Cruiser-Slayer Alvarez
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: OH MY GOSH
[Image: scout7.png]
[font=System]DUDE, can you belive this?

Oh My God.

I hate him, I HATE HIM.

I hope he dies. I will NEVER apologise.

Now give me your homework.

[color=#33FFFF]Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

// Double posted. Deleted

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

[font=System]Incoming Transmission
To: Viktor Zdroga
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: Fine

[Image: scout7.png]
You can call me Cindy. I don't care.

You can take my candy. I don't care.

You can stop spanking me. I don't care.

But this? THIS?

You know what? I won't even waste my voice with you, old man.

Sooner or later you'll realise what mistake have you done.

Hope you are well. Yours, Cindy. Kisses Kisses.

PS: I send you a box of chocolates, hope you like it.

[font=System]Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-17-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: The Scouts, especially Cinderella
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps, Straw Dogs
Subj: Relax.

[color=#CCCCCC]Easy kid, easy. You're talking all big but you're still a kid. See it the good way, it could have been much worse, and you're getting a mild treatment for mild annoyance.

Now if you're a good boy and take a moment to think, you might realize that it's only for your own good. You want to be a big boy, no? And to become one, you need to get some good old-fashion discipline chiseled into your forehead. Afterall you wouldn't want to end up as a...



I thought so.

And thanks for the chocolate by the way. But does you sending me that mean that you've lost interest in candy? Because I'm pretty sure the others wouldn't mind sharing yours if you don't want it.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ryummel - 03-17-2011

>>Incoming transmission.
[Image: 1625kjk.png]
Junior Lt. Sergei Lazarev
>>Target: Rebel forces report terminal
>>Subject: Secondd strike against a Volkhan patrol in Omega-50
It was time to check the surroundings of Omega 49 again. I stumbled upon a Molly Council member in Dublin. At first he showed hostility towards me, asking if I was in any way related to the Volkhan. It wasn't hard to settle this situation after I told him I was fighting for Katz. Looks like we shouldn't worry about being attacked by the Mollys this time, although I noticed the Council is divided in a few organizations so I don't know if every single of those guys would leave us alone. Then I checked Leeds, nothing relevant. Back at Omega 49, I launched another recon mission into Omega 50. As I expected, I found a Volkhan loyalist near Planet Sal.
The ship callsign was "SCRA|Marcia.Vargas" which was an Odin fighter wit standard Coalition loadout, Mini Razor and the ability to empty the nuke launcher ammo in less than two minutes. She was kind enough to give me the chance to surrender at the beginning, which I refused. She fought until I completely shredded her ship. Threat level: Medium.
After this, I returned to base. That would be all, Lazarev signing off.
[font=agency fb][color=#FF6666]/*Attached files:[Image:]
[font=agency fb][color=#FF6666]End of transmission...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: AWESOME
[Image: scout7.png]

So, I first went to Omega-50, Nothin' there, then Omega-49, just a Zoner who cares about them anyways? After that I went to Dublin. That Mobius one dude was following me, I just ignored him, sometimes saying bad stuff about him ye know, the usual. The Leeds, nothin' there. Then Magellan, nothin' there. Then California, nothin' there. So I'm thinking dude, no one in the universe unless that Mobius one jerk? Damn...
So FINALLY I went to New York, hell yeah baby. There I just cursed everyone... Was totally bad-ass. Hope I do this again, was AWESOME.

I totally got Mobius when I told him his mom was in my bed. Fell me? Hah! I totally nailed him!

Then some freaky dude sended me a message like "Want candy? I got candy! Come! I give you some!" But meh, was in no mood for candy...

Also, people thing I'm Alvarez girlfriend... DUDE, I'M A BOY. WHAT THE HELL?

Alvarez, Hope we are still friends. Hugs bro, hugs.

After that, I just returned home, safely, fun day.

Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 03-18-2011

[Image: jaycescout.png]
Source - Mendel Junior, Scout Commissar
Subject - Motivation!

All scout units! I have noticed a lack of motivation in our ranks, so I have decided to take action! From here on, there will be updates of images to your home computer consoles, to be set as your background, for the Volkhan! Here is number one:
[Image: Untitled.jpg]

Signal lost