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5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - M1cha37 - 01-13-2017


Name: Isaac Clarke
Age: 25
Height: 179cm
Weight: 74kg
Biography: My parents they were always poor, soo i graduated from Highschool of Manhattan in Systems Engineer specialized in Capitalships to make some money for my family.
My parents Poul Clarke and Octavia Clarke were both Libertonians, my father from Planet Houston, and my mother from Planet Manhattan.
My fathers died in the USG Ishimura accident 2 years ago, and i was the only survivor. since then i joined the Liberty Police in hope to some day find the culprits that caused the accident that killed my parents and get my justice.
Now that I have found the culprits of the accident, i feel in peace, with the felling that i was born for more than be just Liberty Police member.
Thats why i wanna join Liberty Navy to fight alongside my comrades for my homeland and help them whenever I can.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: Liberty Navy was my first Navy i ever joined in Discovery, and for me its the best


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: 2 years ago i played full time navy with snubs and Capital ships in patrol and raids. And trading also.

Your SKYPE ID: m1cha37. .

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - thisDerius - 01-18-2017

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Mr. Clarke.

Due to several noticable errors we found, your application is hereby DENIED.

You may attempt again at a later date with those errors fixed.

Safe skies.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - ABlix - 04-21-2017


Name: George Denton
Age: 26
Height: 192cm
Weight: 85kg
Biography: Having been born on Manhattan to a relatively (for Manhattan) poor family, George sees a career in the Navy as an opportunity to make a name for himself. Graduating from West Point George's training focused mostly upon threats like piracy. George has served with the Liberty Navy for a while now, running patrols around the borders with Rhineland since the end of the conflict with that House hunting down smugglers and pirates who attempt to bring contraband items from uncivilised systems to Liberty, trying to make a quick buck at the expense of public safety.

George has held only low-level posts so far and has seen relatively little large-scale combat, however with conflict between Gallia and Liberty seeming to be unavoidable after the Gallic invasion of Leeds, George feels that now is the perfect opportunity to make that name for himself.

George has been known to be zealous in reporting any infractions amongst his colleagues that would tarnish the image of the Navy, which has not won him many friends, and therefore George longs to join the 5th Fleet, as he feels that the 5th represents the best the Navy has to offer and that he would be a good fit considering part of their duties is to ensure the rest of the Navy are living up to what the people of Liberty expect of them.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: In his time in the military, he has seen the threat that Gallia poses to all of Sirius and wants to be a part of the Liberty forces that defend the rest of Sirius from Gallic aggression whilst protecting Liberty from those who would threaten her, from within and without.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: I played Freelancer about a decade ago, I've played on Discovery for a week getting to know things, and it was a member of the 5th who helped me out when I first started on Discovery.

Your SKYPE ID: live:aroundblix

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 04-21-2017

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Mr. Denton. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED. Please head down to West Point for briefing.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Stoner_Steve - 05-14-2017


Name: James Blake
Age: 39
Height: 6’
Weight: 195
Biography: James was born in 775a.s on Planet Los Angeles to Conny and Earl Blake. James had a relatively quiet childhood and early teen years. But with conflict on the horizon Earl encouraged his son to join the jr. ROTC, which he did on his 16th birthday. There he was introduced to atmospheric and space flight. James continued to rise within the ranks of the jr.ROTC ending up with the rank of petty officer first class at the age of 18 when he graduated from high school. Less than a month after he was enlisted and training at Westpoint. Within the academy James continued to advance in rank taking specialty classes on command and tactical awareness. After graduating from West Point James was granted a commission into the Liberty Navy with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and assigned to The Yukon. For the next 10 years James rose up the ranks, generally in the position of tactical operations. It wasn’t until Operation Royal Flush that James was given a field commission of Commander and placed on the LNS-Yosemite. Durring the following battle James’ quick thinking resulted in not one but two credited kills. At the completion of the operation James was granted a full commission at at the Commander rank and placed in the California Secondary Fleet assisting with the defense of Willard Research Station.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: After meeting with Admiral John Sader outside of Norfolk he suggested to me that I put in an application for a transfer into the 5th fleet. Given my long tenure within the Secondary Fleet I do feel like now is a the best time to transfer into a main fleet in order to continue my career.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: A lot, It ranges from OSI, IRG, .:j:,. to OSC|, Rogues, and others.

Your SKYPE ID: jakub.davis / Jakub(Nemo)

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 05-14-2017

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Mr. Blake. The high command has reviewed your case and decided that you and your crew's transfer request is hereby ACCEPTED.
You are to report to the 5th Fleet headquarters in zone 21.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Goatman - 05-19-2017

Name: Adam Watson III
Age: 35 born Feb. 10th 791 A.S
Height: 1m77cm
Weight: 81 kilos

Born on planet Houston, i was raised in a family with a strong military tradition. My father, grand father and before served liberty and now it's my duty. I grew up in Belmont district. Wasn't very popular back then. I was more of a loner and what you can call a nerd and got often bullied. Maybe it's was simply because of dad job in the navy. Moving from planets to planets don't make it easy to make friends! At some point, i did hated my father!

I left houston to finish my degree as the Manhattan High Technology Institute while my father was still serving. I simply wanted to leave it all behind and start a new life. By tradition, i should have joined the Navy but didn't wanted to be like my dad.

Instead, i simply got the first job available i could find on a ship. I ended up serving on a DSE ship named the Great white and was assignated to the logistic. I became officer by default because nobody wanted to job. I learned why the hard way. I wasn't really cut out for such waste of time doing paper work when i knew could do better.

After few weeks of reflexion, i finally sent my candidature to West point Academy. I was , accepted. Pretty sure my father pulled some strings there but any dad would do the same right? Curiously, even if i didn't wanted to be in the navy, during the Basic military qualifications, i almost felt at home with the officers bullying us and pushing us to the limit.

Then the real deal started when i really attended the leadership courses. Wasn't the best student, i won't lie about it.I didn't graduated first of the prom nor the last. I was happy to manage to do it like my father, his father before him and so on. Seem like you can't run away from fate. Since then, i made peace with my dad.

I serving in the reserve after serving for a short time the main fleet. I left to solve some family problems before return to full active duty. Now that my mother rest finally in peace after a long disease, which is a relief for both me and my father, i'm ready to join back the main fleet.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: After talking with Admiral Sader, which convinced me that i was wasting my talents in the secondary fleet, i request a transfers and wish to be assignated to the 5th Fleet with my current rank of Lieutenant.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Been around since 4.84. I feel more at home in a bomber shooting big stuff or in a transport getting shot at!
Your SKYPE ID: you already got it

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 05-19-2017

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Mr. Watson. The high command has reviewed your case and decided that your transfer request is hereby ACCEPTED.
You are to report to the 5th Fleet headquarters in zone 21.

I wish you the best of luck.

Welcome within our ranks.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - -=VanDer=- - 06-02-2017

Name: Jack Wellson
Height: 1,73 m
Weight: 60 kilo
Previous Jobs: Trader
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark
Short Bio: I was born on Planet Manhattan in a wealthy family. My father was doing some major jobs for Deep Space Engineering so yeah I had almost everything. I was expected to continue my father's job but trading isn't my thing.. I'm more into helping the people.
So I went to study at Westpoint Millitary Academy, but sadly even with my high accomplishments I wasn't recruited in the navy. I started as trader escort thought I'd be satisfied with that job, but I like doing bigger things.. So today I saw the message that the 5th Fleet is recruiting, I got up and here I am applying to join you.. I think with my experience on the field I can help the 5th Fleet accomplish everything it stands for.

Reason for joining the Fleet: wanna kick the pirate activity out of Liberty (and I wanna join the Secret Division)
Have you ever been on any Liberty Faction: Liberty Police, LN-88th fleet
Skype: mohanad.hassan33

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 06-03-2017

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Sub-Subject: Denied

Mr. Welson. Due to several noticable errors we found, your application is hereby DENIED.

Safe skies