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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Printable Version

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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - shcore22 - 02-09-2012

help .. pls!!

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 02-10-2012

Looks like you may have cleared the Launch Directory text field.

Make sure your Launch Directory has "C:\Users\<yourUsername>\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0\EXE\ where <yourUsername> is whatever your Windows account name is. Or, you can click the box beside the text field with the ... and select your Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0\EXE\ folder.

Hope that helps.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Corsair - 02-10-2012

This is a handy tool. Can it powertrade for me?

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - henriking - 02-21-2012

PLS help i need some help with the launch pad

is the first time i have ever used it

in discovery server i have only 1 Code ID but know i need more than 5 ships sow i need to have a second acount.

i install discovery launch pad but i dont know why it will not work when i enter the first ID that i have???

for a second acount works well but when i try to load the first ID when i start the game and go to multiplayer

the game ask me for the ID

the launch pad dont enter my ID every time i change from the second to the first acount i have to reenter the old ID manualy coz the launch pad dont enter the first ID

PLS help me i need some dam info about it

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - henriking - 02-21-2012

i have version 1.2

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - henriking - 02-21-2012

anybody can help pls???

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Lennox - 02-21-2012

Edit: nevermind

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 02-21-2012

Have you successfully launched into a multiplayer game since you've reinstalled Freelancer?

If you can provide screenshots of your problem it would go a long ways to helping you out, amigo.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - bloogaL - 02-22-2012

When i use Launchapad, the volume gets all messed up, if i turn the sound effects down enough for trade lane noises and HUD noises to be at an OK level, i can barely hear guns and shields and hull getting hit.

EDIT: Fixed it, just reinstalled and everything's fine

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - viper1701d - 02-22-2012

Question where is the link to Launchpad I'm trying to tell some people to try it but can't seem to find the link to give to them...