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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 04-17-2017


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Discovery of a new system

Good day brothers and sisters.

I started to write this report on the WV-Diaboli, returning to the Yaren Base. There I finished to write it. The daily patrol of Omicron Delta leaded me to the discovery of another, unknown system, Omicron Chi.
I Jumped in and I quickly realized that the Nav-Map couldn't help me. Long-range scanners couldn't detect anything so I had to explore the entire area and it took several time.
I discovered that this system is connected by 3 systems: Omicron Delta, Omicron Kappa and Omicron Xi. So this could be a good shortcut for some particular moment. Another waypoint that I discovered is also the presence of a Nomad Lair, surrounded by Nomad mines field, dangerous for the battleship, that yet it suffered radiation damage. So I returned to Yaren Base without looking the nomad installation very close.

-A. Sogan
Sentinel, The Core

Attachments: 3 photos


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Docent - 04-17-2017

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ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: Clydesdale class mining freighter "Core|APM-Aquarius-6|M", Newcastle, Bretonia
Subject: RE: Discovery of a new system

Respected Sir Sogan,

this jumphole connection you speak off may be of high value, both strategic and economic for further Core endevours. An expedition to this system and its alien installation may prove invaluable. Please provide the exact coordinates of the anomaly leading from Omicron Delta to said Omicron Chi. Up until now this system was phase aligned with Omicron Beta and Omicron Epsilon only. A direct path will surely boost out operations.

Pilot, The Core|APM


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 04-18-2017


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: RE: RE: Discovery of a new system

Good day, Martin McKinsey.

The coordinates of Omicron Chi jump hole in Omicron Delta system are in B5. Be careful because what I told before it's easy to get lost without the Nav-Map and the mobility is very limited using big ships.

-A. Sogan
Sentinel, The Core

Attachments: <none>


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 04-18-2017


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Discovery of a new system, second part.

Good day, brothers and sisters.

I revisited the discovered system again, and I quickly realized that it isn't a good place for snub-sized ships. The radiation damage is too much high, forcing me to return immediately to the closer jump hole I could find. While I was doing it I discovered an unknown planet and a passage into the Nomad mine field, managing to see more closer the Nomad lair and discovering that it's protected by 3 Nomad satellites.

-A. Sogan
Sentinel, The Core

Attachments: 1 photo


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Wesker - 04-21-2017

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ID: Matt Bishop
Location: Battleship Nemesis, Omicron Rho
Subject: Order Encursion
Encryption: Invincible


This place has gotten quite dusty, let me brush things off with a little adventure I had today in Omicron Delta.

While the my bottlenose was on patrol we ran into a pack of Auxesia, naturally I was about to just ignore them and go get some nice drinks on Yaren, but then something else happened. Seems that pack of Auxesia bombers was on to something, a bunch of Order capital vessels, accompanied by one of our ships wearing an Order IFF? Well, let me tell ya, me being me, I couldn't allow that. I parked my bottlenose back at Yaren, boarded the Nemesis, flew over, and blew up everything wearing an Order IFF, including that stolen Bullhead.

That'll teach those thieves never to take from us again! Or tresspass.

-M. Bishop
GuildKeeper, The Core

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 04-21-2017


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Junker delivery

Good day, brothers and sisters.

A person named "Kyle" contacted me during my activity with the Draco Mk II in Omicron Delta. He was a Junker that it wanted to deliver Premium scrap from Texas to Alabama shipyard, Omicron Rho. The communication had some connection troubles but we managed to communicate. That junker wanted to deliver the cargo to our station to "Help us against Nomads" so I allowed it. He hadn't money to pay the Omicron Rho Trade visa but selling what he had could manage to pay it. So it's happened. He went away with APM stuff telling that "He wants to sell it to Alster shipyard". I checked the Core rules and laws and it seemed good so I let it go.

-A. Sogan
Sentinel, The Core

Attachments: 4 photos


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Docent - 04-22-2017

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ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Omicron Chi expedition - report

Ladies and gentlemen,

after Sentinel Sogan's discovery of the jumphole connection from Omicron Delta to Omicron Chi, the APM has conducted an expedition to said system. You may find the findings invaluable during further ventures.
Also any new findings or insights you can share on the subject will be greatly appreciated.

Pilot, The Core|APM


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Dave Synk - 04-25-2017

[Image: W5HsqHz.png]

ID: Tyberius Ryder
Location: ---
Subject: Mission Report

Ave esteemed and honorable Core High Command,

Tyberius Ryder reporting with the designated assignment. Until I've pressed on with my orders I took the liberty to explore the whereabouts of Omicron Delta. The contact was nothing but hostility and impertinence by the filth that plague our skies. And plague and are a joke to humanity's progress and survival. I've ran into some individuals of the so called group "Commune" while they aided their ... alien... counterparts the Vagrants. A presence of the Nomad and their manipulated wretch is a problem that will need to be solved as soon as possible. The consolidation of power within these sectors of the Omicrons needs to be done, of course when your wisdom shall consider it the right moment.

They even have the guts to claim that space "Nomad Space" as being the rightful one. Ancient times or not, the present is within our lifespan and we don't care for the lost cause of the Nomad, we deem to cleanse and purify them.

But enough with idealism, I will return to my official report. I went as specified inside the Omicron Iota system. I was.. moved to see about what the real Nomad Space means. And their systems are... in a similar manner to ours, that's very... intriguing. Lanes, jumpgates and other unknown advancements that we humans are very far behind. Another reason they are a real threat to our existence. I've encountered near a presumed planet that a lot of their kind is inhabitant "Xerna" the energy emissions of some of their drones. Which presented no problem. I managed to take the remains needed from their "fighter class" aspects.

But I didn't stopped there. I went forward towards Omicron Psi to search for more of their existence. The Ravine presented to be a very active lair of them and they quickly got alerted as soon as I've entered. I've detected also the heavier classes of their aspects, gunboats, cruisers and even the legendary rumored, Marduks. Regardless, it was clearly I had no chance to take a gunboat down on my own. Since I had little to no support of other recruits, I had to take things in my -own-. I managed to lure the Nammu with several Labraids out of the convoy and away from The Ravine.

Since I couldn't even take it alone, plus that other Nammu aspects started to appear, I only had a choice. To make the environment the support I needed, and on the far reach of the system I had a planet suitable for my immediate tactic. As the ancient "Art of War" described the outmaneuvering and out-think your opponent, so did I. They presumably thought I am an easy prey as I've simulated an engine leak to lure them more and more (the distance was of 24K so I had to give them a reason to take me down before the would lose interest). I managed to get near the planet and applied a near-atmospheric jousting maneuver that made them be pulled by the gravity of the planet and utterly burn their organic tissues to dust while I managed to retrieve the remains. It was a risky maneuver but, rewarding.

I delivered the goods to Yaren. And then I went back to Iota and saw a jumphole towards Omicron Major. And there... I realized that the Nomads were several tens of thousands of years at least.. ahead of us. I ... let's say I only saw, what I did.. in some theories regarding civilization levels, on the Kardashev scale. They have and own a Dyson Sphere... and their alertness was maximum I barely escaped there but was always on the run. Not before I took some critical snapshots of some entry locked gate, a massive power relay and an inner reactor core.

I am waiting further instructions.

Attachments for Report:
-Tyberius Ryder, Core initiate
"Dolor Transit, Aeternum Gloriae"


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - TickTack - 04-27-2017


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ID: Frank Winston
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Omicron Major expedition report


As requested below you will find a report on my expedition to the omicron major system.

I departed Yaren base and proceeded to head to the Omicron Minor system, Once in minor I Proceeded to the alien jump gate and entered omicron lota. I then proceeded to Omicron Major however my navigational system didn't seem to be of any use here. After a few moments a large number of hostile Nomads appeared and engaged my vessel. I managed to eliminate one of them and retrieve it's remains and make a speedy escape. After some scouting around I managed to find a jump hole to Omicron Lost. From there I was able to find my way back to Yaren base in Delta where I safely docked with the cargo.

Initiate, The Core|APM


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Dave Synk - 05-01-2017

[Image: W5HsqHz.png]

ID: Tyberius Ryder
Location: ---
Subject: Mission Report


I've had a run-in with a two Vagrants in the Delta system. For now I didn't began direct hostilities against them, I am just collecting data regarding why are they different than their mindless hostile counterparts that we head on with in various encounters. One was the one Kapheira and the other was an aspect that had bomber-like biological configuration. Presumably I had the necessary firepower to bring them down but I wanted to hear their "saying". One Zoner later came and lacked of communication and they swarmed him to his destruction. I stood and watch their behavior. Here is the audio log:

[30.04.2017 22:03:09] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: Hello again, I guess.
[30.04.2017 22:03:22] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: You bought a friend who turned his invisibility cloak eh ?
[30.04.2017 22:03:27] Death: Tiki was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[30.04.2017 22:03:32] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Light remembers you."
[30.04.2017 22:03:59] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: Yes, and I remember you. Moments after some friends of yours came to chase me down to Yaren.
[30.04.2017 22:04:24] Vagrant.Perseis: "Friends?
[30.04.2017 22:04:39] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: A K'Hara and some "Aoi" ship.
[30.04.2017 22:04:52] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: As much as I know, they are friends with you.
[30.04.2017 22:05:01] Vagrant.Kapheira: "We are independent from those Lights."
[30.04.2017 22:05:08] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: What do you mean ?
[30.04.2017 22:05:26] Vagrant.Kapheira: "We did not summon them."
[30.04.2017 22:05:47] Vagrant.Perseis: "We are baffled of your knowing."
[30.04.2017 22:06:12] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Oh... *turns a bit* Travis, lower the power in the guns.. for now.
[30.04.2017 22:06:21] Vagrant.Perseis: "What say you in the Void of Creation. Curious."
[30.04.2017 22:06:52] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: Are you independent from those that attack me randomly in these corners of space ?
[30.04.2017 22:07:06] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Travis, power weapons, Order attack crafts.
[30.04.2017 22:07:38] Vagrant.Kapheira: "We are not the same as the Brethren of Light and their Carriers of Light."
[30.04.2017 22:07:51] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Resume, previous status *a background voice confirmed the order*.
[30.04.2017 22:08:10] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder: You... are not ?
[30.04.2017 22:08:19] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : That is... curious and hard to believe.
[30.04.2017 22:08:33] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : You did mentioned that before... how ?
[30.04.2017 22:08:42] Vagrant.Perseis: "We are apart from -them- We differ from their knowledge."
[30.04.2017 22:08:59] Vagrant.Kapheira: "They evolved different."
[30.04.2017 22:09:00] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : You have your own mind network ?
[30.04.2017 22:09:08] Vagrant.Kapheira: Anger.
[30.04.2017 22:09:37] Vagrant.Perseis: "Irritated. Darkling of Cruelty ask many inquiries."
[30.04.2017 22:09:56] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The young aspect will take care of the Darkling of Cruelty."
[30.04.2017 22:10:02] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Hold your emotions shiny one, I am just curios.
[30.04.2017 22:10:29] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Are you talkative in the same manner ?
[30.04.2017 22:11:22] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Darklings of Cruelty appear in many facettes. Some of them are openly aggressive. Some of them are more secretive."
[30.04.2017 22:11:31] Vagrant.Perseis: "We hold no conversation for long periods. We execute to proceed."
[30.04.2017 22:11:35] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Look I don't care about your origins and all, I need to know.. who I have to shoot. I am not interesting in making m
[30.04.2017 22:11:48] Core|AV-Achillae: -more enemies, than I already have.
[30.04.2017 22:11:57] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : I have my blacklist already.
[30.04.2017 22:12:16] Vagrant.Kapheira: "Bystander. Leave at once."
[30.04.2017 22:12:31] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Void of Creation is a void of Light."
[30.04.2017 22:12:38] Vagrant.Kapheira: "You are not welcomed here."
[30.04.2017 22:12:55] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : I ... am not welcomed here ?
[30.04.2017 22:12:59] Vagrant.Perseis: "Bystander ignores your demand, elder one."
[30.04.2017 22:13:04] Vagrant.Kapheira: *Kapheira slowly begins to glow.*
[30.04.2017 22:13:16] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Light will purge the Bystander."
[30.04.2017 22:13:18] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : You refer to that interloper... a Zoner friend.
[30.04.2017 22:13:39] Vagrant.Kapheira: *An energy peak leaves the nomad shell.*
[30.04.2017 22:13:49] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : *observes intrigued*
[30.04.2017 22:13:57] Tip: Exercise restraint when pirating another player. While there is no set limit to the size of your demand, consider the player on the other side of the screen. Likewise - piracy is another form of roleplay encounter and should be treated as such by the traders. Do not take such encounters personally and do not fall to the assumption that pirates are there to grief you.
[30.04.2017 22:14:03] Death: Souls.Reign was put out of action by LNS-Chattahoochee (Gun).
[30.04.2017 22:14:05] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Well... this is a note to be taken..
[30.04.2017 22:14:11] Vagrant.Perseis: *Perseis glows brightly and energizes its power*
[30.04.2017 22:14:38] Vagrant.Perseis: "Bystander will be vanquished from the Void of the Light."
[30.04.2017 22:15:37] Death: Ilmarinen was put out of action by Vagrant.Kapheira (Missile/Torpedo).
[30.04.2017 22:15:41] Death: LNS-Chattahoochee suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[30.04.2017 22:16:02] Core|AV-Achillae: *Ryder nods and takes some notes an a PDA he handles*
[30.04.2017 22:16:15] Vagrant.Kapheira: "Darkling of Cruelty, you are to leave at once. Anger."
[30.04.2017 22:16:16] Vagrant.Perseis: "Joy. We persist for the Light."
[30.04.2017 22:16:34] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Why did you attacked him ?
[30.04.2017 22:16:50] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Void of Creation is ours. It belongs to the Light."
[30.04.2017 22:16:52] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : You guys need to learn how to control your emotions more.
[30.04.2017 22:16:56] Vagrant.Perseis: "Darkness infects the purirty of the LIGHT."
[30.04.2017 22:17:01] Vagrant.Kapheira: "Anger."
[30.04.2017 22:17:09] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : And -where- do you want me to go
[30.04.2017 22:17:12] Vagrant.Perseis: "Frustration."
[30.04.2017 22:17:15] Vagrant.Kapheira: "Leave."
[30.04.2017 22:17:48] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : I will.. appreciate the fact that you didn't started shooting me. I pose a real threat actually.
[30.04.2017 22:18:06] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : And what I intend to do onwards might, affect the shapes of the Omicrons.
[30.04.2017 22:18:14] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : But I will remember this.
[30.04.2017 22:18:16] Vagrant.Perseis: "The dark cruelty is bold. Amused."
[30.04.2017 22:18:37] Core|AV-Achillae: Ryder : Dolor Transit... Aeternum, Gloriae..

What they didn't know, that my finger on the weapon discharge was always on and that I stalled them, not necessarily being interested of their kind, they are Nomads after all. And they are clearly in opposition with our advancement and progression, I was curious to what made them different and I took some good scans on their ship. I've put it through some filters that I had during my Navy days and compared the results of what I knew about the Nomads. They indeed seem to a have a different biological architecture and resonate at different frequencies, thus making them more effective in what they do.

Nevertheless, perhaps Kapheira, since it's the one that talks, perhaps a field commander or something, we could attempt to capture it, and extract some key information. They put an emphasis on "killing the Light" meaning their kin, because they are linked in some ways. And I think they feel each other's pain. We can use that. Be advised on them, and always be weapons ready.

For the Imperium.

-Tyberius Ryder,
Core Imperium Knight