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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 01-02-2009

--Roppongi Station, New Tokyo System--

The MI7 agent stood in his office, facing the window that looked out over New Toyko. He looked tense, the lines in his face indicating a definite lack of sleep over the past few days. He looked round as his secretary entered the room with the morning's post, laying it on his desk in a neat pile. With a brief nod of thanks, he quickly lowered himself into his seat and began to search through the pile of letters and papers. Finally he found what apparantly he was looking for - a small brown envelope which he promptly sliced open with a knife. Inside was, strangely enough, a flyer advertising Tohu Sakosu's Flying Fish Sushi Bar on New Toyko. Frowning slightly, he turned the flyer over to look at the back, where the restaurant's menu was printed. For some reason someone had circled the "Koolong Fish Platter - 149 credits" in black pen.

--Tohu Sakusu's Flying Fish Sushi Bar, Planet New Toyko, One hour later--

"Konnichowa sir, have you selected your dish yet?"

"Yes...I'll have the Koolong Fish Platter please."

"Koolong Fish? Ah, yes. Excellent choice sir. Most exquisite delicacy, most rare. Caught fresh from Planet Junyo each day, cooked live, and served whole - the entire fish is edible, right down to its eyeballs..."

"Ah, *cough* yes. That sounds delicious," looking down at the price as the waiter walked away he added to himself "and for 149 credits, it had better be worth more to me than a tasty meal..."

--13 minutes later--

He looked down at the grilled fish lying on a plate before him, eyeballs and all. Looking around furtively, he made a cut with his knife, and pulled out a chunk of the rare Koolong fish meat, covered in purple scales. He put it in his mouth and chewed hard. "Tasty," he thought, "but I don't really see how this is getting me anywhere." Wondering for a moment if the flyer had simply been a random advertisment rather than a coded message, he proceeded to eat his expensive lunch. Suddenly, he looked down in surprise. There, in the very heart (or stomach) of the fish was something distinctly odd-looking. Making sure nobody was looking, he pulled it out carefully with his fingers. It was a tiny scrap of parchment that had apparantly been rolled up and fed to the fish when it had been caught on Planet Junyo. Ingenious! Carefully unrolling the tiny piece of paper, he observed a faint scribbled message:

Escape planned Sunday 2300 GMT
Need: transport, diversion of KNF, disabling of prison security
Weakening daily - this may be only chance,

--Moirisu's Pottery Workshop, Planet New Tokyo, 20 minutes later--

"Ah! My friend, it has been a long time since your last visit, come, come let me make you some tea, or do you prefer Sake now? heh."

"Not now Moirisu, there isn't time. Listen...I need a special commission. I have a message to deliver."


"Yes today. I need it delivering to Mrs Dolores Henderson on Manhattan by 5 p.m. Manhattan time."

"Do you really need to go to all this trouble?"

"Moirisu, you know how difficult it is to get anything out of Kusari these days - those cargo scanners at the border gates can detect almost anything, and since yesterday the KNF are monitoring my broadcast channels - it seems they were able to aquire a copy of my codebook from Yoko's body. I can get the codes changed, but there isn't time! Here's a list of exactly what I need......

--52 Trent Street, Planet Manhattan, 4.5 Hours later--

Dolores Henderson, an elderly woman of 67, looked down at the card in her hands in some confusion. She read over it one more time. "For your charming daughter on the occasion of her wedding. My heartfelt regards, an old friend." She looked up at the delicate glazed Kusarian vase filled with bright red flowers, which had been delivered along with the card a few minutes earlier. The delivery-boy said that he did not know who had sent them, other than that they came from Kusari. Mrs Henderson looked round as her daughter came down the stairs and entered the room.

"Jessie darling, do you know anything about this? These flowers came just now, it says they're for you "on the occassion of your wedding," but that doesn't make sense, why, you've been married nearly 15 years!"

"Hmm. Strange." She looked over the card and flowers. "I wonder if Mark might have an idea. I'm on my way to pick him up now, I'll take them with me. Ha, perhaps its another one of his jokes..."

Scooping up the vase of flowers and the card, she headed out for her Starflier at the nearby shuttle port. Her name was Jessie Beaufort-Barrington, and if the parcel had been addressed to her rather her mother, it would surely have attracted more attention from the Kusari border guards. For her husband, Mark Beaufort-Barrington, was a senior Bretonian Diplomatic Officer. He worked as a Naval Attache at the Bretonian Embassy in New York, and this was where his wife was now flying to meet him, with the Kusarian vase safely in her cargo-hold. The instant Mr Beaufort-Barrington saw the vase of red flowers and read the peculiar message, he knew what they meant. Taking the vase and rushing back to his office, he tipped the flowes and water into a bin, pulled out a hammer and carefully fractured the vase along one side. As the two halves fell apart, there on the inside ceramic, carefully painted into the pattern in a pale blue paint, done in a way that no scanner would detect it as an anomaly, were the following words.

Nelson Plan's Escape Sunday 2300 GMT
Request diversionary attack on Kyushu
White Rose

--MI7 Command Centre, Location Unkown, 5 minutes later--

" dot dash, dot dot dot, dash dot dot. That's it sir. That's the end of the transmission. Our contact at the Embassy has confirmed the message."

The older man looked down at the decoded message before him. "Good god. Call up New London at once, maximum priority."

--Bretonian Defence Intelligence Staff HQ, Planet New London, 2 minutes later--

The officer looked up sharply from the bank of monitoring equipment he was working, clutching a print-out sheet. "Sir! Leuitenant! This message just came through from MI7 Command." The young Leuitenant swiftly scanned through the 3 short lines and decided that right now he didn't much want to be stuck with responsibility for such a message. "Ensign Rogers! Get this message up to the Fleet Admiral's Office NOW!"

"Yessir!" Squeaked the tiny Ensign, and sped off down the corridors with the sheet of paper flapping in his hand...


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 01-04-2009

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Incoming transmission:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

From: Lt. Cdr. Blake Owen

Today we encountered a strange and dangerous foe outside of Planet Cambridge. Myself, Ensign Oliver, and several of the newly appointed Lieutenant Commanders (Hunter, Hobart, and Aldwyn maybe, I'm terrible with remembering names) as well as officer Thorn encountered a Wilde force of one very strange gunboat and a Rhineland bomber. The gunboat was programed with a strange computer brain that insisted on getting an artifact from the Cambridge Research Station. It had many BAF pilots held hostage, but was willing to release them freely, which it did. It then played a cryptic message and said it was programed to get something that would "bring light." Not getting anywhere, many of the pilots wanted to engage, and eventually we did. Being the only Templar, I attacked the bomber, which was piloted as though it was as maneuverable as a starflea. From behind, I only had my guns to take it down, as the mini razor was too slow, so I began chipping away at its thick armor. Mean while, officer Thorn was in a verbal engagement over rights to transport personnel from Cambridge, the trader even accused a Bretonian constable of piracy for fining him! He seemed to be oblivious to the battle that was going on only a few clicks away and refused to evacuate.

The gunboat, armed with deadly Nomad weapons, and had some sort of warping ability, jumping around the battlefield suddenly. We decided to change priority to the bomber for a moment and quickly took it down.
Together, we drove the gunboat away and it dove into the planet. The police have isolated the crash site until the research team can determine if it's safe, thankfully.

These ships carry the Wilde.Name naming convention, with very German-sounding names. All pilots should be on their guard for any returning Wilde.

-Owen out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 01-04-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Admiral Mark McKenna]

General Order № 53692

Our ships have undergone extensive upgrades to targetting system and module networking. It introduced a feature that will greatly enhance our combat performance. Full overview of the available features can be found in the manual that is included as an attachement.

Target information broadcasting
The targetting system can broadcast target information to other vessels in flight group.

To setup the system, use command:
/setmsg 1 Target #t

To perform the broadcast, use command:

All pilots are instructed to learn the new system, including this feature, and use it to its full capabilities.

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Asgardian - 01-05-2009

[Encrypted Transmission Incoming]
--Opening Frequency--
--Rachel Linda Malrone--
~ Corsair Bombardment of Leeds

As soon as I punched in to start my shift, it was all go go go. With the rescue of Commodore Stanley Nelson well under way, I was stationed back in Bretonia to clear out anything that could be considered a threat. A BPA officer contacted me with details of a possible Corsair fleet entering Bretonia, specifically the Leeds system. We were in conversation when I undocked from Planet Leeds to be confronted with a shocking sight; all the Corsairs had taken up positions around the planet, essentially blocking my every escape route. I gathered as much information as I could about the hostiles to relay to the rest of the BAF forces still rescuing the Commodore. I registered about four gunboats, two fighters, a Huntress and a massive Legate-class Corsair vessel. Knowing the enemy overpowered me by...well a lot, I chose to land back on the planet and wait for reinforcements.

The fleet arrived in Leeds about five minutes after my distress call and the battle begun. Commodore Nelson's ship was ushered through the fire-fight as myself and the rest of the fleet engaged the Corsair armada. With the enemy having so many capital ships, the solution was simple; bombers, and lots of them. Their armada fell apart, one ship at a time. I managed to get my gun-cam working, and here are some shots of the large battle outside Leeds.

More complete details of the rescue of the Commodore can be obtained through officers actually involved in the rescue. Although I haven't had the pleasure of working under Commodore Stanley Nelson, I'm sure I will have the pleasure to one day soon. Welcome home Commodore.

Ens. Rachel Malrone

[Transmission End]
--Frequency Closed--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 01-05-2009

--Incomming Transmission--
To: BAF Admiralty, for transmission to the Combined Fleets.
Source: A-Ward, Florence Nightingale Infirmary, New London.
Comm ID: Commodore Stanley Nelson

I wish first to express my deepest gratitude to all those brave BAF officers involved in the extensive operations in Kusari and later in Leeds last night, without which I would never have been able to reach home safely. I also wish to pay tribute to the unnamed MI7 agent who was instrumental in enabling our escape from prison, and who nobly sacrificed himself that we might be free, laying down his life in the course of his duty. As I flew from the prison hangar, I managed to tractor in his body which, as he has no known family, is currently in the care of the BAF. It is my express wish that he be buried with full military honours.

Whilst I have been officially discharged from the infirmary, I have chosen to remain here for a few days to watch over the recovery of Miss Windsor, whom I feel honour-bound to see safely returned to health. I should be fit to return to active flying and take up my new command onboard the HMS Suffolk by the end of the week, and intend to spend the time until then catching up on the mound of paperwork that appears to have accumulated in my absence. I intend to pay a brief visit to the crew of the HMS Steadfast later today, who no doubt will be wanting to welcome me back, and I wish to thank Captain Graham Harper for what I am sure was exemplary service in commanding the vessel during my captivity.

I know that I am due for an official debriefing with the Fleet Admiral and later with MI7 tomorrow, but I feel that there is something of which you should be informed of the utmost urgency. Throughout my captivity I remarked upon the dozens and dozens of Bretonian pilots languishing in Fuchu Prison, and there are no doubt many more at other POW camps throughout Kusari. Not only Bowex and BMM pilots, but also numerous ex-QCRF officers of whom I am certain that we have no current records. Whether this is an administrative error, or Kusari sabotage, these brave men and women feel abandoned by the nation that they spent many years in devoted service to, and I consider it a great tragedy that I was not able to take more of them with me.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the men and women of the BAF Fleets, which appear to have expanded significantly in my absence, and I look forwards to serving with you all, either old friends or new faces, over the coming weeks and months.

Yours in dutiful service to the Crown,
Commodore Stanley Nelson
5th Fleet - BAF

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 01-09-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles]

Operation Union Flag

All Command Officers

This evening Myself, Commodore Mainwaring, Lt Commander James Hobart, and Ensign Mozart participated in the first exercise in Operation Union Flag, the new Joint Training Program with Liberty Navy, undertaken in Connecticut at the LN's enviable training facilities there

We were met in Connecticut by a Liberty squad led by Admiral Talon, and with Vice Admirals Hale and Harper. The training was intense, and we had difficulty combatting the agility of the Avengers and Guardians. Quite nice ships, really.

Our Ensign brought his bomber unfortunately, and was at a disadvantage.

We then went on joint patrol exercises with Liberty Navy members, and soon learned that Liberty, especially New York, can be an utter madhouse. After assisting the Navy gents in some minor engagements, we made our way back home through Cortez.

Somewhere along the way, we lost Ensign Mozart, who was due for furlough in any event. Commodore Mainwaring indicated Mozart had found a nice Libertonian lass to bunk with, so his absence is understandable, I suppose.

All in all, a good start to the training programme, though we now owe the LN a thrashing in Connecticut.

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 01-09-2009

Yes this was jolly good fun. Those LN chaps really do know how to fight. We will gain a lot from these exercises.

The scenery was pretty nice too! I enjoyed flying round systems that I only saw once before when I was a mere lad.

I got to fly all around the Colorado system (huge!) and engage a Xeno fighter with my LN partner.

I must add that the Liberty pilots were courteous and very welcoming. All in all it was a wonderful trip.

Looking forward to the next!

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Colonial Remnant - 01-10-2009

On the 9th of Jnauary 817AS, the civilian transport Mercury, with a non-military cargo on board was destroyed while crossing the Kyushu system.

The Mercury had never been used for military purposes, as a vessel known to be habitually used only for the conveyance of minerals from IMG bases; and was not following the route taken by troop ships or supply ships. About eighteen of her crew, non-combatants, all Colonial citizens, were killed or injured.

A careful, detailed, and scrupulously impartial investigation by Colonial Fleet officers has conclusively, that the weaponry by which she was destroyed was of Bretonian manufacture.

In the view of the Colonial Government these facts from the first made the conclusion that the shots were fired by a Bretonian Armed Forces warship unavoidable.

The Colonial Government, after having given careful consideration to the note of the Royal Government of the 10th of January, regrets to state that the impression made upon it by the statements and proposals contained in that note is that the Royal Government has failed to appreciate the gravity of the situation which has resulted, not alone from the attack on the Mercury, but from the whole method and character of warfare as disclosed by the unrestrained practice of the commanders of Bretonian privateers during the past month and more in the indiscriminate destruction of merchant vessels of all sorts, nationalities, and destinations.

If the destruction of the Mercury had been an isolated case the Colonial Government might find it possible to hope that the officer who was responsible for that act had wilfully violated his orders or had been criminally negligent in taking none of the precautions they prescribed, and that the ends of justice might be satisfied by imposing upon him an adequate punishment, coupled with a formal disavowal of the act and payment of a suitable indemnity by the Royal Government.

But, though the attack upon the Mercury was manifestly indefensible and caused a loss of life so tragical as to make it stand forth as one of the most terrible examples of the inhumanity of space warfare as the commanders of Bretonian vessels are conducting it, it unhappily does not stand alone.

On the contrary, the Colonial Government is forced by recent events to conclude that it is only one instance, even though one of the most extreme and most distressing instances, of the deliberate method and spirit of indiscriminate destruction of merchant vessels of all sorts, nationalities, and destinations which have become more and more unmistakable as the activity of Bretonian spacecraft of war has in recent months been quickened and extended.

What is more, this attack openly violates the cease-fire agreement between the Colonials and Bretonia. As an immediate response to this outrageous act, a detachment of fighter spacecraft was dispatched to Kyushu with the goal of apprehending those directly responsible and succeeded. As it turned out upon the unit's arrival and can be proved, the belligerents were indeed Bretonian military officers, openly siding with a Kusari Golden Chrysantemum terrorist in what appeared as an act of piracy. Bearing in mind the mutual diplomatic relations between Bretonia and the Colonials, the officer in charge warned the said Bretonians three times to cease fire, to no avail. As a result of the subsequent battle, the Bretonian craft were destroyed. Neither of their pilots ejected.

The Colonial Governemnt has been very patient. At every stage of this distressing experience of tragedy after tragedy it has sought to be governed by the most thoughtful consideration of the extraordinary circumstances of an unprecedented war and to be guided by sentiments of very genuine friendship for the people and Government of Bretonia.

It has accepted the successive explanations and assurances of the Royal Government as, of course, given in entire sincerity and good faith, and has hoped, even against hope, that it would prove to be possible for the Royal Government so to order and control the acts of its military commanders as to square its policy with the recognized principles of humanity as embodied in the law of nations. It has made every allowance for unprecedented conditions and has been willing to wait until the facts became unmistakable and were susceptible of only one interpretation.

It now owes it to a just regard for its own rights to say to the Royal Government that that time has come. It has become painfully evident to it that the position which it took at the very outset is inevitable, namely, the use of privateers for the destruction of an enemy's commerce, is, of necessity, because of the very character of the vessels employed and the very methods of attack which their employment of course involves, utterly incompatible with the principles of humanity, the long-established and incontrovertible rights of neutrals, and the sacred immunities of non-combatants.

If it is still the purpose of the Royal Government to prosecute relentless and indiscriminate warfare against vessels of commerce by the use of privateers, without regard to what the Colonial Government must consider the sacred and indisputable rules of international law and the universally recognized dictates of humanity, the Colonial Government is at last forced to the conclusion that there is but one course it can pursue.

Unless the Royal Government should now immediately declare and effect an abandonment of its present methods of warfare against passenger and freight-carrying vessels, the Colonial Government can have no choice but to sever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Bretonia altogether.

This action the Colonial Government contemplates with the greatest reluctance, but feels constrained to take in behalf of humanity and the rights of neutral nations.

Alexander Wingates

President of the Colonial Remnant in Sirius

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 01-10-2009

...Incoming transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
Subject: Weekly reporting

Day 1 (Bretonia Space, Leeds system)
James walked into his office glancing around as if he is searching for someone. He sat into his big leather chair and relaxed a bit. Hard week behind him flashed through his eyes tossing him in some kind of trans. Headaches were slowly stopping, due to medication or he finally experienced a change of personality. Lets finish this...He said while starting to dictate his report
First day began like usual, but due to stop of my headaches my mood has gone up drastically. While doing my routine patrol through Leeds system, my scanners picked up a familiar and "friendly" ship. But my experience told me otherwise, fact that he flew in a pirate transport outside of regular trade routes forced me to intercept. Unfortunately I was right, my scanner picked up 4000 units of counterfeit software. Ships captain off course refused to eject the goods, and later even attempted to kill me. I was surprised with this act of aggressiveness but I was surprised more with the explosion of the same ship. All goods and the captain were sadly destroyed. That was my first encounter for that day. Hours later my commanding officer redeployed me to New London system to investigate recent Corsair activity. As usual Praetorian and gunboat corsairs class ships decided to have a "picnic" in London. Traders reported their presence near Southampton. They were found, but I myself had slim chances of defeating them, my prime objective was to survive until my reinforcement arrives. After some time Rodney Trotter once again came to my aid and both of corsairs were destroyed shortly after.

Day 2 (Bretonia space, Cambridge system)
It was a quiet and calm day In Cambridge; well at least it seemed so until someone reported a corsair presence in Omega 3. I myself do not have anything against honest working corsairs, but this one was racketeering there and I had to put an end to it. He was a reckless one and was found and destroyed immediately, restoring peace and clearing the trader routes between Rheinland and Bretonia. But Corsair infestation continued. Upon my return to Cambridge I got a distress call from our defenses, four corsairs tried to breach our defense perimeter. Mr. Owen, HMS - Tartar and I immediately set course on intercept. Due to Tartars size and terrain sort to say we were outnumbered at first. But situation got even worse with destruction of Owens ship, but to my luck bounty hunter Herr Lt.Grubber came to my aid. He earned his bread by destroying three corsairs and fourth one was shot down by HMS - Tartar.

Day 3
Something was wrong today, all connections with Rheinland space were interrupted and we were dispatched to investigate. Discovery was amazing yet terrifying. 8 corsairs ships in their "Full glory" were extorting money. We immediately engaged them and it was an even and bloody fight that lasted for hours but in the end we came out victorious. Our only losses were two templar class ships but both of the pilots survived. This all couldnt be done off course without valuable help of HMS-Rodney. Afterwards we stationed some of our patrols in Omega 3 to prevent the possible future threats and reestablish the traffic between Rheinland and Bretonia. But Corsairs didnt gave up, s corsair gunboats were sighted near Cambridge, thanks to our previous assembled patrols four challenger class ships were dispatched immediately to deal with this new threat. We cleaned the Cambridge of corsair infestation once more establishing peace in Bretonia. Later that same day Gaian pilot tried his luck against us. It was a she by the name Nastarum. At first it seemed we had everything under control but her skills were obviously greater then ours so she managed to make some new holes in my Templar. It could have been worse and later that day I regretted my own words. Wilde entered Cambridge system. Due to our inexperience with the infected ones we carefully surrounded their ships, two of them to be exact. Our lads were captured in their cargo, and they were willing to release them for some kind of artifact that is supposedly located on Cambridge but our policy forbade us to negotiate with possible threats so we with sadness decided to destroy the infected. I came home exhausted and happy to be alive, one more bad memory carved into my memory.

Day 4
Early in the morning I encountered a gunboat, captain of that ship was already known to Bretonia authorities by his stench and aggressive behavior. He was located in Edinburgh system and after long chase Ens. Carter spotted the target. More ships came to Carters aid including a bounty hunter which once again earned his bread. Later that day I ran upon a smuggler also know as OTC Counterfietcarlos who tried to transport stolen gold to his Crete. We off course couldnt let that happen so we destroyed his vessel.
Later that day hacker battle**** was intercepted in London system, and I am not making this up. We gave him opportunity to leave Bretonia but captain refused, and by that act he signed his death wish. Lt.Cdr. Simon Aldwyna, Ens. Carter and I destroyed it with no prejudice.

Day 5
Today few corsairs were sighted near Trafalgar base. It was time for some revenge, for they have annoyed us long enough. They had one cruiser two Titan and one Praetorian class ship in their possession. But our skills were unmatched for them and they slowly died one by one. Our losses were minimal and once again we survived. I bring you more happy news, OTC LosCorruptos was finally caught. This time he paid for all his illegal activities after which he promised he will stay out of Bretonia space .We all hope he will respect what he promised.

Capt. Nelson was finally located after 2 months of captivity in one of Kusari camps. Bretonia Forces organized two wings for his escape, one in which I was to make a diversion so the other one could save our Captain from imprisonment. At first sight our diversion group looked like it could run over everyone we stumbled upon and we were right. Kusarian forces had to retreat and our diversion was effective. Captain Nelson retuned in one piece to Bretonia. But while our fleet was in Kusari space, Corsair scum used this opportunity and attacked bretonia with massive fleet. But their ego got to them and every each one of them was destroyed.

Day 6
While doing a routine patrol in Tau systems we discovered a Kusari Naval Forces bomber. It was either me or him and in the end with luck I was the one that survived.
Smuggler SEUR was caught while transporting Counterfeit software, and after long time of persuading him to eject the cargo, Ens. Carter and I had to destroy him.
Later that day, Molly was sighted in Dublin system, well actually he sighted me. After two hours of fight he was finally killed. Many more pilots tried to destroy our way of living I will mention only few of them. Gaian named Destructor, Two Corsairs gunboats, two titans and one praetorian, Mercenary. All of them tried but neither one succeeded.

Day 7
Day started as usual, routine patrols but no encounters. I thought maybe they took some time off, but I was wrong. While eating cookies and drinking tea in my bomber Communist entered the system. Mandalorian mercenaries already engaged him and I made haste to help them. But soon as I arrived he changed his target to me. Both of our shields were down, it was all about aim now. We activated most powerful weapon on our bombers, but he had a tactic. SNAC from both ships cut the space while traveling towards our bombers, but just before it hit him he somehow powered his shield up and survived while I had to eject. But time was precious; Mercenaries transported me to planet where I acquired new ship to deal with the Kusari threat. Naval Forces gunboat captain decided to attack me. . Odds were against me but somehow I managed to destroy that ship along with his crazy captain. With this I end my weekly report. Long live the Queen!!!

James Hobart.

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - teschy - 01-12-2009

--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- Source ID: Ens. Pierce Quinn ---
--- Subject: After Action Report: Sunday, 10th of January, 817 A.S ---

=== Uploading Data ===

What a glorious day for the Armed Forces and Bretonian Empire!

Today we've struck a mighty blow against the Kusarian Shogunate. Our forces managed to obliterate the enemy fleet, with few casualties. It all began with a swift reconing of Tau 31, where the Kusarians were amassing their fleet, and heading for Dundee.

Admiral Drake Kaiden has immediately gathered a countering force, and we proceeded to Dundee, to intercept the KNF ships. The battle was about to begin...

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1101-56-18-87.jpg]

Just a few moments before the fight, a wing of privateers came to our aid, and so the fight began. The enemy force consisted of 7 ships, whilst ours had roughly 9. The odds were in our favor, and in the first minutes of the fight, I managed to break the ice and destroy two of the enemy vessels.

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-05-49-90.jpg] [Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-08-08-70.jpg]

The moments after came with no progress, but the fight was still in our favor.

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-20-53-48.jpg]

Ensign Jacob Carter scored against two of the kusarian ships as well, before diving into an enemy mine.

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-24-13-23.jpg] [Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-41-55-51.jpg] [Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-44-26-68.jpg]

As the fight went on, our Admiral had a critical system malfunction, triggering a mine to explode too soon, blasting his Hussar to pieces. One of the privateers recovered his escape pod, whilst another fell at the hand of a kusarian. Also, one of the enemies fled.

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1102-51-51-23.jpg]

The remaining two boogies lasted for a good while, until my torpedo launcher came back online, calibrated and ready to blast them out of space.

[Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1103-01-31-03.jpg] [Image: th_Freelancer2009-01-1103-02-44-39.jpg]

- 3 casualties
- 6 enemy ships destroyed
- 1 enemy ship escaped

=== Data uploaded ===

--- End Transmission ---