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GC Tea House - thierry007 - 11-28-2008

John had left his Coms on so he Heard Most of what was Happening.. John Started Speaking to Lady Kurisho on his coms. .. *Lady Im Near the airlocks... want me to Guard them? * John also Sended the Message to Saigo and ironwatsas... Weird things are happening here... will it ever be Peacefull.. not that i like peacefull... Hehehehe John seemed to talk to no one...

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 11-29-2008

"Well, the Bounty is like a few hundred billion credits, so 1% ought to be doable." Naomi responded as she turned to go after Udo. She quickly stopped as she came to a realisation.

"Wait, if he has such an insanely large bounty, odds are he's dangerous. With my luck, he has ninja-like skills or powers or something...

If you help me track him down, I'll give you half the Bounty. 50-50, right down the middle, 'kay?"
Naomi awaited Kurisho's reply.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 12-03-2008

Udo made his way through the Air ducts as quickly as he could before dropping into a maintnince corridor. He tried to squeeze through the cramped corridor, which was itself crammed full of Dead Lizard-Cats and their waste. Trying to keep his composure, he made it past a series of pipes into an open room which contained what looked suspiciously like a Whiskey still.

He kicked open a panel and emerged into the pantry, and went around the corner into the Tea House. He froze in place upon seeing Watsas.

"Meat! Come here!" Watsas yelled.

"NEEEEEEEEEIN! The nice ladies want to KILL ME! You want to kill me! Someone HALP! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Udo turned and ran toward the Hangar, with Watsas close behind.

Udo ran in a large circle through the Hangar, machine shop, cargo bay, ajacent corridors, cafeteria, and back through the Tea house and into the Hangar again. Watsas continued to give chase. Finally, Udo dove into another maintnince corridor.

"Awww COME ON!" Watsas was now very annoyed at not being able to catch and subsiquently gut the squirmy Udo. He then headed toward the armory, likely now resorting to explosives.

Udo continued to crawl desperately through the air ducts, until it finally collapsed under his weight and dropped him into the Tea house again, landing in the middle of the Holovision. Several of the GC and Consortium bar patrons helped him up and checked on him.

"The hell happened to you?" One of the Consortium soldiers asked.

"(crying) I... *sniff* ...I don't want to die! Everyone is after me! They all want to kill me und I have done NOTHING! I... I just want to go home! To herr Steinlaufer und Frau Eva und Stuttgart und all the people that do not shoot at me!" Udo replied, crying.

"Well... I guess that makes sense... If there really are people after you, the best place to be is among friends. You have to face down your fears and it always helps to have good friends standing behind you. If someone's after you, don't let them chase you away from your friends and your home. Stand your ground and give them a hell of a fight!" The cybernetically augmented soldier explained.

"Ja! You are right, strange machine person! I am going to go home to Darmstalt und fight off die Order if they come to kill me! And I will get Herr Steinlaufer und Frau Eva und Frau Iazyne und Scary Nurse Olga to fight along with me! Thank you good sir." Udo replied, apparently reassured.

Udo turned and walked toward the hangar, before turning back briefly. "Well, I will come visit maybe. And I'll be in touch with all the nice ladies that helped me here. But I must go back home to Rhineland now! To mein friends in the LWB!"

"Good Luck, meatbag!" The Consortium soldier yelled as Udo ran to his ship.

Udo briefly lingered long enough to load several industrial-sized containers of Cardimine into his ship before taking off. Watsas only ran into the Hangar to see Udo's ship fly out of the airlock into the Launch tube. His impressive string of profanities he yelled was drowned out by the sound of the mechanics and engines as Udo's Eagle left Ainu and headed back toward Rhineland.


Watsas walked back into the tea house, defeated. He then turned to watch the holovision, which was somewhat blurry due to the damage caused by Udo's behind.

"Well, atleast that's one problem solved around here. Wonder what's going to screw us next?"

GC Tea House - thierry007 - 12-03-2008

John went back to the tea house.. and Heard watsas satying. : whats going to screw us next?
Hehe dont think that negative Pile of junk. Hah! lets just drink something and Relax.. we need rest Hehe.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 12-09-2008

One Week later...

Quote:Holovision: "...after heating, place your fuel sphere inside a large bool of liquid sodium and let simmer for about Forty Five Thousand years. Then remove, serve, and enjoy."

Watsas shrugged in displeasure at the dismal selection of programming on the Holovision. He quickly changed the channel.

Quote:"The damnable Golden Chrysanthemums! They try to deflower the women of Kusari with their orange poison, they viciously attack our Samurai, they are allied with Drug Dealers and Cannibals, brainwash children to crash their ships into KNF battleships, and are probably all Nomad infested to boot.

But the above statements are all rendered irrelevent by this simple fact... They are all SOOOO Sexy! :ylove:

Now, any true gentleman will try to stress this point when encountering the GC. Even if they are foaming at the mouth trying to kill you, the rule is to always be civil, friendly, compliment their dress sense and good looks, and pay their cargo tolls, and you will likely survive. And maybe, just maybe, get something more..."

"Heh, don't count on it."

Watsas turned off the holovision and walked to the bar.

"It has been a good week without anything happening. No mysterious creatures. No KNF invasions. No Powertraders. No Science gone wrong. So stop blaming me for causing everything." Watsas stated, matter-of-factly.

"Watsas-san, you know as soon as you say that, something is going to go horribly wrong." Naomi replied, while busily reading a Spaceship accessory Catalog.

"Bah, should have thought of that. I guess I'm going to patrol the station to catch whatever has been wrought before it screws up something important." Watsas stated, before grabbing a stunstick and leaving the Tea house.

Naomi stood up and walked to the bar, getting a cup of sweet Cardimine-laced tea and sipping it down slowly.

"Slow week, eh? Seems nothing interesting has been going on recently. Maybe we should do something fun, like go on vacation or tourment the KNF or something."

Naomi took another sip of tea and stole the holovision, flipping through several channels before settling on some kind of soap-opera.

GC Tea House - farmerman - 12-09-2008

Miharu entered the tea room and glanced around. Seeing Naomi watching the holovision, she walked over and joined her.

"Hey there Naomi, how are you doing?" she asked. "Oh, you have some cardamine tea so you can't be too bad!"

Miharu reached into a bag she was carrying with her and pulled out a hat.

"I brought you a hat from the trip I made to Yanagi with Saigo the other day. You looked like you could use one. Plus, you've been so nice since I've arrived." she said, handing the hat to Naomi.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 12-09-2008

"The damnable Golden Chrysanthemums! They try to deflower the women of Kusari with their orange poison, they viciously attack our Samurai, they are allied with Drug Dealers and Cannibals, brainwash children to crash their ships into KNF battleships, and are probably all Nomad infested to boot.

But the above statements are all rendered irrelevent by this simple fact... They are all SOOOO Sexy!

Now, any true gentleman will try to stress this point when encountering the GC. Even if they are foaming at the mouth trying to kill you, the rule is to always be civil, friendly, compliment their dress sense and good looks, and pay their cargo tolls, and you will likely survive. And maybe, just maybe, get something more..."

'' Deflower???? Deflower???....What kind of perverts are they trying to make us out to be? "

She throws a shot glass at the Holovision, missing it.

"' Allied with Drug Dealers is one thing. At least you can trust a Dealer......but allied with Cannibals?? ''' She looks around the bar, like she is looking for ONE person.

''' Is one of you feeding the Harvesters or Something??? I sure would like to know where this reporter gets the idea in thier heads that we are with Cannibals. '''

An idea comes to her mind....she clicks on her coms link

''' IRON !!!!!! Where are you??? I got a job fer ya. Go kidnap us the low life reporter. Roast him slow until he tells us who his sources are. '''

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 12-09-2008

Naomi nodded at Miharu in approval and took the hat. And glanced at it, clearly finding it hideous. Though she put it on to make Miharu happy.

"Thank you, Sister Miharu. This is... well... I appriciate it. Ooh, would you like some tea, by the way?"

She walked over to the bar to get some more tea, overhearing lady Kurisho's rantings as she passed.

Quote:''' IRON !!!!!! Where are you??? I got a job fer ya. Go kidnap us the low life reporter. Roast him slow until he tells us who his sources are. '''

"Umm... that guy isn't a reporter. He's a political satirist... from Liberty. He was playing a character. He probably made all that up on the spot." Naomi stated.

As she said this, Watsas could be seen jogging toward the hangar bay outside the bar, carrying a bunch of weapons to his ship.

Naomi sighed as Watsas' ship took off. "Well... atleast he's gone for a couple of... hours. I don't know."

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 12-10-2008

He's a political satirist... from Liberty. He was playing a character. He probably made all that up on the spot."""

A political satirist ?? Well, I hope one of his characters can act his way out of the pending doom that is headed his way.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 12-14-2008

Naomi shrugged and sat down, watching what appeared to be a spaceship race in Dublin. Several of the other patrons were placing bets as the ships flew about on the screen.

"Lady Kurisho, you have to be careful about what you say to him. He tends to interpret things litterally. And He'll do whatever you say..."

Naomi looked at the ship-race on the holoscreen.

"Hey, I'll bet you a thousand credits that that Gonzolaes guy or however you pronnounce the name beats Dexter Hovis again." She stated to Kurisho, abruptly changing the subject...


Meanwhile, in Los Angeles...

A knock was heard at the door of the luxury penthouse of one Tony Johannson, a popular late-night political humorist and talk-show host. Tony himself was watching... himself... on the holovision, even laughing along with the crowd at his own humor.

*Knock Knock*

"What? Dosen't anyone care about other people's privacy? Go away! Ya lousy schmuck..." Tony commented angerly at the door...

*Knocking continues*

"Okay, Okay! I'm commin'. This better not be someon' beggin' for another autograph..." Tony walked over and opened the door.

"Pizza Delivery." Watsas commented. Wearing a hat and overalls over his armor, in some farcical attempt to make himself look like a pizza delivery man.

"Eh, I didn't order any Pizza. Get lost." Tony replied.

Before he could close the door, Watsas pulled out a Syrenge and jammed it into Tony's neck. Quickly causing him to fall unconcious.

"Muwhahahahahaha!" Watsas bellowed, before placing Tony into a large gunny-sack... along with anything else of value he could lay his hands on. Watsas made a clean getaway, with nobody else noticing.