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Guild's Private Archives - Asbestos - 02-10-2010

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: Captain Stile of the Garbage-Hunter
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Gas Miner Ogashawa, Sigma-19

Konnichiwa Captain Stile!

You're halfway there! All these workers are extracting bountiful yields of plutonium from the mines of Miura, but the workers seem to be rather... expendable. Keep working for us, earn plentiful of Credits, and stay away from dealing with the Maltese to aid them in their Cardamine-distribution. Win-win situation for everyone! Except for the Maltese of course, heh. Keep up the excellent work, Stile-sama.

[Image: garbagehunter.png]

Pleasure doing business with you. Arigato!

Taro Katsuo,

Guild's Private Archives - DeathsOverture - 02-11-2010

-Incoming transmission-

Com ID: Clerk Chiyeko Shunji, GTS Kitahama Maru
Location: Isehara Terraforming Outpost
Transmitted to: Aomori Station, Honshu
Subject: Trade report.

Begin trade report
  • Ship name: GTS Kitahama Maru
  • Cargo hold size: 4687
  • Route completed: See below
  • Escorts: Kako Shimakaze, Hayato Arakaki, and Shinshiro Okuda (First leg only)
  • Resistances encountered: Single Cartel Fighter on second leg, bribed for one million credits. [Image: cartelpirate.png]
Route details:

4687 Units HFuel procured from Fujisawa Mining Facility delivered to Java Station, Tau-23
4687 Units Niobium delivered to Planet Manhattan, New York
4687 Units Luxury Consumer Goods delivered to Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo
4687 Units Robotic Components delivered to Planet Honshu, Honshu
4687 Units Basic Alloy delivered to Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site

Chiyeko Shunji

-End of transmission-

Guild's Private Archives - lionel - 02-14-2010

To: Command Staff
From: Recruit Juro Hara
Re: Patrol

Running routine patrol in our systems today while logging more time in the Karasu. One of our Kamone transports headed to Rheinland, GTS-Vladivostok. I need to refresh my language skills now we are hiring German pilots.

In Okinawa I came across two separate transports. A Guild ship headed to the construction site, all looked normal. Then a DSE transport floating near a trade lane, ship call sign Kelia. Their comm systems must have been fried there was no response. There were a few hundred scientists on board and I figured they had all the brains needed to make repairs. Seemed odd yet the DSE transponder was verified, I moved on to Sigma-19.

The Sigmas remained clear. So I decided to take a peek in Beta. Once my Karasu transitioned in Beta my scanners flashed to life. An Outcast cruiser loomed at at 9k out, MNS-Amante. I then heard a puffing sound over the comm. I think the Captain was trying say something, yet must have been inebriated on the Cardamine. The cruiser kept its distance so I scanned the area and damaged their weapon platforms.

Then after a few solitude minutes an Albatross transitioned in Beta only a 3k from my Karasu. Low and behold, there was the same DSE transport Kelia. She still had the load of scientists and cruised off toward the Outcast base. This must be a lost Captain or foul play, I warned her to turn around yet she cruised on without a reply. Unfortunately I do not have a Wasp launcher mounted so Kelia disappeared into the green expanse. I recommend we place Kelia on our watch list as those scientists may have been abducted from Isehara.

Hara out.
[Image: gmgbanner.png]

Guild's Private Archives - Elven - 02-21-2010

CommsID: Anika Steiner, GTS "Vladivostok"
Guten abend, today I've been delivering ordered H-Fuel to the Aland shipyard.
I have to say I haven't met anything intresting exept major Voelkel and his inspections.. (Yes, he found nothing) and bunch of Sails, Corsair pirates who were sitting next to Aland. I've ran through them, though.
That's all.
<div align="right](Gramma ist checked by Pitt, tell mich if smth ist wrong, 'kay?)

Transmission terminated

Guild's Private Archives - DeathsOverture - 02-25-2010

[Image: hatsumi_v2_s-header.png]

-Incoming transmission-

Com ID: Kasugai Hatsumi
Location: Fujisawa Mining Facility, Okinawa
Transmitted to: The Gas Miners Guild

I'm just submitting a report of tonight's activity.

First, I received reports of a Rogue fighter in Sigma-13. I deployed from Naha and located the pirate. The rogue seemed to be in search of a fight, because he did not comply with my orders to leave the area. I satisfied his thirst for combat... ultimately he was destroyed at his own hand, having deployed far too many mines for a ship his size to avoid.

[Image: kasu-022510_2.png]
[Image: kasu-022510_1.png]

I then deployed to Sigma-19, where I found three Corsairs. Unfortunately I wasn't mounting a cruise disruptor, so I was unable to stall them before the GMG Paramilitary forces could arrive. The Corsairs wouldn't stay and fight anyway, they seemed to have another agenda.

[Image: kasu-022510_5.png]

After that, Shinshiro Okuda and myself escorted a non-GTS GMG-affiliated transport with supplies to Aomori Station in Honshu and then our stations Okinawa. The pilot graciously paid us a tip... perhaps I'll be able to afford the luxury suites on my vacation after all... Shinshiro then agreed to escort the transport to Gran Canaria.

[Image: kasu-022510_cargo.png][Image: kasu-022510_9.png][Image: kasu-022510_10.png]

I have nothing further to report...

For the Guild!
Kasugai Hatsumi

-End of transmission-

Guild's Private Archives - A.N.C.M. - 02-27-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

Target: GMG Headquarters
Object: Request

Konnichiwa GMG society!

As a proud member of |KRF| I need to make long term plans so I need some help from our potential friends and allies. As you may know we serve Kusari and try to make a new age when your society rises again in houses of Kusari.

We have some bad feeling in our soul about our Emperors mentality so we try to explore new contacts and new ways to protect our people.

In our fight we need some help from the houses whom we can in this way I need to request some good willing from you.

I want to use a kusari bomber, but as I sad before I need to find new alternatives then what the naval forces can offer me.

So, I send for you this request to let me to use one of your famous "Kaichou" bomber to serve my people well.

I hope you will understand my duty and goodwilling, and accept my request.

Your friend.


***Transmission ended***

Guild's Private Archives - ProwlerPC - 03-01-2010

[Image: GMG1.jpg]

Incoming Transmission

To: Mijamoto Muszasi
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Kaichou Bomber
Priority: Normal

Message reads:

Konichiwa Mijamoto-san,

Before we continue, we are going to need to know who you actually are and your allegiances. Clearly you are associated with some friend of ours if you managed to gain this private channel. Let us know who you are and what you do.

Guild Master Raikoke

Transmission Ends

Guild's Private Archives - A.N.C.M. - 03-01-2010

***Incoming transmission***

From: Mijamoto Muszasi
To: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Kaichou Bomber
Priority: Normal

Konnichiwa Raikoke San!

As I sad before I belongs to the |KRF|, the "special wing" of kusari naval forces. (Further information:

I hope you will understand why I need to use your ship, because my nation needs my services, and I dont want to let them alone in this hard times.

I am a "simple bomber pilot" of the |KRF| who try to explore whats going on in Kusary and whats the peoples problem here. As you can see, my first opinion to serve my nation and I hope you will be our partner in this mission.

If you have any question, what I didnt answered, feel free to write me.

I hopw you will cooperate us and let me to use that famous ship.

Regards and sayonara.


***Transmission lost***

Guild's Private Archives - ProwlerPC - 03-04-2010

[Image: GMG1.jpg]

Incoming Transmission

To: Mijamoto Muszasi
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Kaichou Bomber
Priority: Normal

Message reads:

Konichiwa Mijamoto-san,

I am sorry it's taking so long to provide an answer to your request, indeed I really didn't think it would take so long myself. I'll have to keep this request on further temporary suspension for the moment. This is due to current serious negotiations between the Emporer of Kusari and GMG Council and at the moment we feel that providing a deal at this moment while in the middle of negotiations with the Emporer himself before it's conclusion would be am insult to his position. I am also curious as to why one of his loyalists would consider GMG tech over the KNF issued ones. I hope you will remain patient as we conclude our next meeting with the Emporer and we'll get back to this request.

Arigato for your patience,
Guild Master Raikoke

End Transmission

Guild's Private Archives - Asbestos - 03-08-2010

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: GMG Private Archives
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Aomori Station, Honshu

Konnichiwa my brethren!

I have news, disturbing as they may be. The other day when I was enjoying the beautiful view of the Crow Nebula just outside of Gas Miner Naha, a pair of KNF vessels came thundering in from Honshu. Rarely the Naval Forces enter Sigma-13, but I had no objections with their unexpected visit. One of them piloting a Chimaera, and the other a Kusari Gunboat.

They were approaching me at Naha, and I was readying myself to answer a hail, but to my utter surprise I was not hailed, but accused!

[Image: wilde1.png]

The Chimaera pilot accused me of murder! Supposedly, I had killed the Naval Forces lieutenant Daisuke Shimada! In Shikoku of all places! Many days had passed since I last visited that very system in accompany of the Sarufutsu!

The KNF pilot persisted insulting my honour by calling me a liar, when I explained to her that I had nothing to do with the murder of Daisuke Shimada. Added by the threat of violence, I would have no more of it. Not even a KNF officer, honour-less that she might be, may march into my home while calling me a liar and doubt my honour. I demanded satisfaction!

[Image: wilde2.png]

I challenged the KNF pilot to a duel, so we may settle the affair of honour. We met at the clearing mid ways from Naha and Yanagi. A ferocious battle ensued, and blows were dealt to both ships. The Gunboat, overseeing the duel, mysteriously vanished, not that I paid much attention to it in the heat of battle! Both our ships were crumbling, when I was hit by an unlucky shot, disintegrating my ship. My escape pod barely had time to eject. However, from the view of my escape pod, I could see how the Chimaera was struck by a mine I had just released half a second before my unfortunate destruction. The explosion produced a bright flash which blinded by eyes, and just like that, the Chimaera was no more.

[Image: wilde4.png]

George Austin-san picked up my escape pod, and brought me back to Naha. Patrols that were sent out to investigate the clearing and searching for remains, found nothing but scrapped Eagle and Chimaera parts. No escape pod to be found.

Nothing was heard from the KNF after the incident, so we might be dealing with deserting or rogue Naval Forces, how unlikely that may be! As such, I urge that every citizen of the Guild acts cautiously when confronted by Naval Forces, especially when encountered in the Sigmas or Okinawa. But careful, but always pay your proper respects to the samurai of the Kusari Naval Forces!

Long live the Guild!

Taro Katsuo,