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RE: Conception - Karlotta - 05-29-2018


RE: Conception - Karlotta - 05-29-2018

And there came one of the seven angels, saying unto me:

Come hither, I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her harlotry.

So he carried me away into the wilderness, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

And upon her forehead was a name written:

Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration:

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition. And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

And the angel said unto me:

The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.

~The Whore Babylon, Book of Revelations, Chapter 17 (60 A.D)

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-08-2018

I stood in awe of the grandiose sunset view of Tirol’s mountains. Although my legs were still sore from the long walk through the wilderness, the little fireplace in the hut I was given refuge in assured me warmth and rest for the night. The food and drink that had been left for me here made me feel everything else than a refugee, having endured few of the hardships of the many others. I knew that this day, after I crossed into Austria in fear of patrols despite the absence of a border, was the turning to an era where things would unfold much faster. I ran from the bombs of America into the arms of America, and with me I had brought their tribute.

The door behind me was unlocked hastily and opened with loud creaking noises. As I turned to face whoever came in, I recognized my cousin the same moment she saw me. Her face became flushed with relief as she rushed towards me. The hug was somewhat awkward because of the cast that stiffened my entire left arm.

Thank god! I was mad with worry they’d catch you!

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-08-2018

She loosened her embrace so we could look at each other.

I had few problems getting here. Almost everyone is more worried about surviving the end of the war than they are about carrying out orders now. I made sure the Major who was guarding me will be able to blame my disappearance on bombardment. He agreed to disperse the guards if I promised to put in a good word for him after the war.

I tenderly touched her cheek and hair with my able hand. She must have been about sixteen, now about half my age. I looked forward to the day when we would get married, in little more than two years.

And you? How are you?

As good as can be expected. Mother called in a few favors, and promised some in return. Mostly our silence, and to forget things we knew.” She looked embarrassed.

How are the Americans treating you? Have they done you any wrong?

Not until now. They don’t pay much attention to civilians unless they’re suspected of hiding weapons. When mother was interrogated she mentioned what she did for Paris, about how she warned of what was planned. But she thinks the soldier didn’t believe her.

As long as you weren’t accused of anything, it’s good. Paris may still be useful later.

I wish I had your confidence. You never seem to be afraid of anything.

I smiled at her. “God watches over me.

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-08-2018

Come. Let’s sit together.

Maria uncorked the bottle of red wine that her mother had left for me in the mountain cabin. I had had trouble doing it myself because of the broken arm. After she poured us two glasses, she sat down on the rocking chair beside me and the fireplace, her knees and feet up on the seat.

Before you drink, rotate the glass in your hand like this. The accelerated oxidation will unfold the wine’s intended bouquet sooner.” She did as I instructed, and after inhaling the fumes and a toast, we took the first sip.

To the end an era, and the beginning of a new.

Maria looked uneasy.

The radio has been playing Wagner operas all day. Instead of the usual news they just said there would be an important announcement from the government tonight. Mother said they haven’t used the word “government” since 1933. She thinks… she thinks maybe there was a coup against the Führer.

At first I was surprised that she would call Hitler that. I realized she must be unsure of my thoughts and feelings on the man.

And I think Gröfaz blew his brains out.” I smiled as I raised my glass to her again, then took a long drink.

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-08-2018

Maria tilted her head questioningly, shocked.

That’s what we called him behind closed doors. It’s short for “Größter Feldherr Aller Zeiten” (Greatest Field Strategist of All Time). Something he liked to be called after the Wehrmacht took Paris. When the war went down the toilet people only called him that when making fun of him behind his back."

Maria was struggling for words. “Wernher... Now you talk as if you never were on their side. But you joined the party at the first moment!

The first opportune moment. After they came to power.” I corrected her. “I didn’t create the golden cow, I just milked it for my research.

But you did more than that! You invented rockets for them. Why would you do that if you didn’t want them to win?

I thought about reciting the speech I had prepared for the Americans. But I didn’t want to lie to her because of the future we shared together. She wouldn’t forgive me.

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-08-2018

I think my rockets probably killed less people on impact than inmates died building them. And those were doomed anyway, believe me. In the end, it doesn’t matter who wins and who dies. Pompous leaders rise and fall, and then they die, just like everyone else. Empires rise and fall, as do their fortifications and borders. What stays with us as a species is scientific progress, and that’s where my only allegiance is.

Maria said nothing. At least she was still willing to listen.

The V2 was of little tactical use except for scaring civilians because of its low precision. Honestly, the Russian Katyushas are much more effective weapons. But the Aggregat-4 reached almost 200 km height in a test flight and will be known as the first man-made object in space.

But… it was said to be a miracle weapon.

Because I sold it as such to Hitler. He was delusional enough to believe miracles will play in his favor, because he got lucky a few times in the past. The man was rather full of himself in that respect. But now his 1000 year Reich lasted barely 12 years and will be remembered as one of the most shameful periods in human history.

Maria was silent for a while. “Is that why you told mother about his command to destroy all monuments of Paris if the Allies took the city back, so that her contacts could help prevent it? Because you didn’t want great human accomplishments to be destroyed?

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-09-2018

I could have brushed destroying the Eifel Tower and Notre Dame off as just another pathetic act. But the Louvre? That place holds items from the dawn of human civilization. The stone stele on which the Codex of Hammurabi is written. Ancient artifacts from Egypt, India, China, and the Americas that still mystify scholars today. It’s as if he wanted to destroy all evidence that proves his theories about race are bogus. Great civilizations arose in places where farming and commerce yielded food overabundance, not where the locals just happened to have a genetic predisposition towards greatness. But if one were to believe in the racial nonsense, archeology would rank the German “Master Race” at the "spear chucking savage" end of the spectrum until they were colonized and influenced by the Romans.

Maria uneasily shifted in her seat. “Do you think that it will be enough? Enough to appease the Americans, I mean. You’re still a party member, and you’ve… done things to upset them. Are you sure you want to surrender to them using the name Von Braun?” She obviously saw my rant as flip-flopping to something I thought the Allies would like to hear.

In the end, their pragmatism will prevail. It really doesn’t matter if they like me. They need my rockets. The Russians are far more advanced on the field and it will take at least two decades for the Americans to catch up, even with my help. I don’t need their mercy, because they need me. Ask a man for good will and he may give you some pocket change. Offer to destroy his enemies and he’ll give you everything you want.

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 06-10-2018

So you think the Americans will be your new golden cow to milk, then.

I don’t only think they will. I know it. Magnus has made preparations.

You sound as if you’re hoping for more war.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
I said and waited for her to make use of the education that came with our blue blood.

If you want peace, then prepare for war.

That’s right. And what is the deeper meaning?

The more both sides are afraid of each other, the less likely they are to attack.

I nodded and had another sip.

So you think your rockets will do that? But you said yourself they weren’t suited for war.

There is a new kind of weapon being developed by the Americans, which will make them much more dangerous. I can’t tell you about it now, but you’ll hear of it in about a year. If Gröfaz hadn’t alienated scientists like Einstein and Schrödinger with his racist antics, he could even have beat the Americans to it.

Maria shook her head. “I don’t know how you can be so sure about everything.

"I don’t want you to worry. Tomorrow, I’ll surrender to the American forces stationed at the village and everything will be fine. You should go home now. But before you go… I believe you’ve brought me something from your mother.

Maria hastily stood up and pulled out the family heirloom she had kept in her pocket until now. “I almost forgot.

Thank you, Maria. For everything.” I bent over to kiss her on the cheek, and she swiftly exited the cabin to run down toward the village.

I sat down again and looked at the jeweled medallion in my hand. After leaning back in the chair to place it onto my forehead, I thought of the music to activate the hyper crystal. It had been a long time since I was able to use one to access the mindshare.

RE: Conception - Karlotta - 08-08-2018

Your spacetime voyage was a success. As nomad you’ve triggered events that open the path to Nibiru. Countless classified Soviet and US space-race missions provide ample opportunities to migrate the hypercrystal nomads we constructed towards Eris, the birthmother.

And so the Solomon Kara shall continue to travel by your way. Take control of the American space program as to work in tandem with Sergey, Glavny Konstruktor of the Soviets. We divide, and rule, again. Let this be the way of our new kingdom, as it was for the one that has fallen.

The period of Earth history you roam sees the passing of new control and obfuscation strategies: From the fall of religion, a relapse to tribalism, then towards political indoctrination. Your unwitting lower-tier workforce is beginning to see technology as a tool to assert their ideology’s superiority, giving us even greater control over them.

Just like religion and tribalism, political indoctrination and the fear it spreads will occupy their minds and keep them from questioning the deeper meaning of events. But now we can progress faster and lead them more easily, using the very technology they invent in a future, like a carrot on a stick.