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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pandemonium - 08-17-2009

*The sound of boots are heard stomping down the corridor, a Tall well built man marches straight into the Commanders Office. Standing to attention his posture is Stiff, trying not to break a Sweat his face emotionless and cold.*

Hello Commander.

-Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kamov, pilot of the rustbucket currently moored in Dock.

The image switches to an outside camera, showing off an incredibly old and beaten Gull Transport. Plasma burns and rust spots adorn it everywhere, yet the ship looks like it has been religiously repaired every time. About a billion times over, that is...You catch a glimpse of the Wolfsburg Shipyard far into the background just before the video feed switches back.

-I am not a man of big words and inspiring proclamations. Like any Mechanic, I'm good with tools, not phrases. I don't dabble in the maze of bureaucratic paperwork, nor in the cryptic tomes of law.
I can take an order and accomplish a mission, least it's some suicide madness, yet don't expect to see any of that "SIR,YES SIR!!!" crap from me.

I mend broken stuff. I tune machines until they hum and I tinker engines until they roar like some infernal beast. I weave wires and weld armor. And there ain't a ships computer in this known universe that i can't fix. are going to war, I can see. I bet you'll be needing me a lot in the future.

Let's talk about loyalties. I hate backstabbing bastards. I don't do that. I was fired from one of those corporate vampires after slaving there for over 10 years.
And i don't like at all what these capitalist motherless dogs have done with the world.
True, I don't agree with every aspect of your Revolution, Commander. But your Coalition is something I can respect.
I hereby pledge allegiance if you will have me.

However, never forget that I am here to serve the good of the people, Commander. I will not let any Faciast stand in my way.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Othman - 08-17-2009

After hearing this response, commissar Zhukov approached Viktor, handed him the papers he would need and wished him good luck. Herr Heinz, welcome to the SCRA. Never forget that you are now more responsible than ever.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Varthog - 08-20-2009

A very young person entered Department where is recruitment office. The person was in late-thirties , which can be seen by its lines on face, all wrinkled and engraved by the hard life, and 6 feet tall. Hair was in military style which indicate that person was in military in its young days. On its face it can be noticed that eyes are bit odd than any others seen...they had something else than any ordinary recruit...they were full of grief combined with hunger for better life.

After knocking on the door , the person slowly approached the desk and saluted recruitment officer as soldier would : "Greetings, Comrade commissar". It was easy to notice that this person wasn't from any of other major houses...his accent was a bit strange...announcing letter "R" more than other recruits. "My name is Vladimir Stukov, and i am here to enlist myself into Coalition" . After a second he continued : " As you can see from my CV, i am once more here to serve the cause after being chased by Bretonnia corrupted authority. " While remembering those hard times his fists started to press each other stronger behind his back, "I was on recon/spy and spreading propaganda mission where i had to investigate Bretonnia's force and its capabilities when suddenly i was detected by approaching BAF forces ,and there i was under fire and almost shot down by them. I ejected but my co-pilot, my son , his seat was jammed and unfortunately he died as an hero for the Coalition." A tear in eyes started to manifest but stopped by steel discipline of Vladimir's nerves. " After this tragic event i crashed on hostile planet but managed to steal a small trade ship and i traveled back trough systems and returned to my home where i rested for 2 months." He looked then at Grand Admiral's picture hung on the wall and said : "Now i request to be part of glorious Coalition army once again, i will gladly answer on any questions and gladly took numerous tests once more to prove my loyalty to the Coalition."
After these words have been spoken , Vladimir placed his right arm over his heart and said:"For Revolution! For Red Dawn!"

With this i add my military picture as an Soldier on the Field.

[Image: SCRAConscript.jpg]

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Andrew_Bonesovich - 08-20-2009


Coalition Recruitment Thread - Joseph - 08-21-2009

[color=#990000]Omega-52 system
[color=#990000]Recruiting center - Administration Office

A clerk comes into the Room and hands the officer behind the desk a print of paper.
"What that?" and after a short pause "Comrade" asked the man in the uniform.
"A letter, witch came in with a supplyship from 49." replyed the clerk, without any noticable emotion in his voice.
The uniformed man looked up to him, "And what shall i do with it, then?"
"I wasent told, the comrade major sayed i should put it onto your desk"
"Please do." sayed the officer, while he put his eyes back to his work, and the clerk layed the letter into the desks inbox.

After stubbing out the cigarette

"Dear sirs,
I am Sergei Gohel, and i hearby devote my life to the war against the Alliance Forces that are occupying the majoraty of the Sirius Sector.
Their greed and the orpession of the alliance governments have long enough poisend our people, and i will do my part in our salvation.

[Image: 98726761.jpg]
23 Years ago i was born on Planet Erie, live with an Name like mine had never been easy in the intollerant Liberty society, especialy for someone how was raised in a traditional religious fashion, whoes famaly originated from a country back on earth, that was supporting the Coalition.
I never minded the bullying too much, never new a difference, until i enlisted at the university of california, and meet up with others like my, wearing the face and the beleaves of the baltic people. Studdying our history and learning about all the things that had happend to us, i became political.
Assisting in the publication of a left extreme jurnal and participation in several political demonstrations i learned the loving and protectiong arm of the Liberty Gov.
Two of us were send to Sugarland, with the notice, one with a nose like theirs would not last two days in Huntsville, and we never heard of them again. Foundry accident was the word. And another one of us dissapeared in Sugarland.

After this I scraped what ever credit i could find an bought an old Starflier and launching papers out of Pennsylvania, to meat up with the Coalition.
Two weeks of travaling i found my way to Planet Grancanaria, were i am awaiting you reply.

I cannot fight the fashist liberty government with words, and i cannot fight it alone.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - cmfalconer - 08-22-2009

A new duty commissar came on duty to a line outside the office. Emil Andreyev sat behind the plain, old-styled desk in his office and rubbed his eyes. How did they ever talk me into this duty? he thought as he eyed the stack of applications already on his desk.

Emil keyed the intercom on his desk. "Alright, send the first one in."

As he listened to Vladimir Stukov's impassioned speech, Emil felt a little for the guy. He wasn't the jaded shell that some other commissar officers were. Stukov finished his story, and handed Emil the picture.

Emil looked for a while at the picture, nodding his head. Then, he casually flipped the holograph back to Vladimir as he leaned forward.

"Tell me this Comrade. You've apparently spent some time in the spies of the Coalition, though my records indicate nothing of the sort." Emil looked directly at Stukov without a hint of emotion for several seconds. Waving his hand in the air he said "Never mind that for the moment. The Coalition is very good at rooting out spies who think themselves clever enough to infiltrate us."

"But I'd like you to answer me one question. Whom do you believe is better, the Queen of Bretonia or the President of Liberty? And 'neither' is not an answer I will accept. Go outside and contemplate your answer before I will hear it. Dismissed."

Emil watched Stukov leave, and leaned over to key the intercom, when a disheveled man barged into the office. Quicker than expected, Andreyev had a pistol out and pointed dead at the man's chest. The man introduced himself as Vyacheslav Nikitin and rambled something about sleeper ships. Emil never really believed recruits talking about sleeper ships that were not from Coalition space. He pulled the hammer back.

Watching the brash young man waiting for an answer, Emil watched as a clerk handed him a piece of paper. Still training the gun on Stukov, he glanced at the paper, saw the name 'Gohel', and tossed the paper into the trash Why can't these people follow directions? We don't take idiots on the SCRA. But as for this guy

"Give me one reason, Mr. Stukov, that I should not kill you where you stand for barging into my office like that?" If it were any other commissar, you'd be falling dead in a pool of your own blood right now."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Joseph - 08-22-2009

After no reply from Recruitment office, Sergei tried to contact SCRA once again, for final decision.
He had already strange feeling about all this, praying for god and for his life that he made right chose about filling those paper's and sending them to red's.

After days of waiting, Sergei was depressed and willing to give anything to be one of them he went as a person once again to SCRA recruitment office for results.
In his mind he was thinking that his going to get bullet or his going to become one of them...

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Varthog - 08-22-2009

Well comrade commissar neither is better, Queen of Bretonnia and its citizen are all full of pride , they do not use their knowledge and brain ...pride is their doom. The thing about Liberty is something different they rely on their so called funds and influence on other Sirius major houses. They hunger for profit , for credits... no honor in that sort of thing, also they do not realize that if they can fool others with their money they can too be fooled and that is their doom.

Well comrade commissar my intentions are not against Coalition , but if is your wish to execute me i will gladly kneel before you and die for the glorious Revolution... the only thing worth now is Revolution and it is worth dying for it.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Herastean - 08-22-2009

While the influence of alcohol dissipated, Youri prepare a new question, waiting with apprehension that the commisar would say or ask.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Andrew_Bonesovich - 08-22-2009
