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Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Thurgret - 05-23-2010

I spent most of that in a bomber: GRN-Pierre.Montague. Enjoyed it rather more than last night, when I'd tried a Chimaera and quickly got fed up.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Richard O'Henry - 05-23-2010

never got to use my cap 8 dessie... oh well it was fun

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Kriss92 - 05-23-2010

I was raging at the end... We gave our lives over there, it was obvious that we would've won in a fair fight, but the Gods were on your side... Lucky french!

Anyway... Thanks to all KNF vessels and their pilots for participating, it was an honor to stand by you and pwn all the GRN ships that came to us... Thank you, and good luck 'till the next event

KNF-Martin.Karya out... forever...

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - ProfGiggles - 05-23-2010

I would have liked to see that last battle.
Oh well.
Thanks and kudos to everyone involved.
GRN-Leon.Laurent out.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Exile - 05-23-2010

I enjoyed that.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 05-23-2010

Final ship stats + other stats

Number of Kusari Battleship........84, up 26 | Number of Gallic Battleship........117, up 38
Number of Kusari Destroyer......103, up 29 | Number of Gallic Cruiser.............72, up 18
Number of Kusari Gunboat...........11, up 3 | Number of Gallic Gunboat............16, up 7
Number of Kusari Bomber...........89, up 16 | Number of Gallic Bomber...........126, up 34
Number of Chimaera..................61, up 9 | Number of Gallic VHF..................71, up 16

Number of Camera Ship...............4, up 1
Number of Spatial........................1, same
Number of Charon.......................1, up 1
Number of Dragon.......................8, up 4
Number of Starflier....................21, up 1

Active characters 785
Deleted characters 410
Active Accounts 266
Banned Accounts 1

Characters docked in Languedoc 1
Characters in space in Languedoc 1

Characters docked in Burgundy 1
Characters in space in Burgundy 1
Characters in space in Dauphine 2

Kusari controlled space:
Characters docked in Leeds 24
Characters in space in Leeds 4

Characters docked in Hiroshima 3
Characters docked in New Tokyo 1
Characters docked in Kyushu 1
Characters docked in Honshu 1

Battle zone :
Characters docked in Tau-23 252
Characters in space in Tau-23 87

Characters docked in Tau-31 171
Characters in space in Tau-31 45

Characters docked in Tau-29 3
Characters in space in Tau-29 2

Characters docked in Orkney 128
Characters in space in Orkney 35

People with malfunctioning navigation systems:
Characters docked in Pennsylvania 19
Characters docked in Alaska 1
Characters in space in Edinburgh 1
Characters docked in Baffin 1

A & L Guy

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Hawkwings - 05-23-2010

Was a blast playing with everyone this weekend. Big kudos to everyone who turned out, and to the admins that organized and ran it.

[KNF]IKN-Shimakaze signing off.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Guest - 05-23-2010

' Wrote:The Space Battleship Yamato took down three cruisers and seven battleships for the loss of three.

No /kill command can change the fact that we whooped some major Gallic butt. Gallia might've had the numbers to push through, but if this ratio held true for everyone then they'd better think twice before pushing into Bretonia.

I recall seeing that thing get blasted each time it undocked from the construction site along with the other BS that was docked there.

Had fun, especially in the final charge



Edit: Next up, GRN vs BAF?

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Richard O'Henry - 05-23-2010

KNF-Quartz (Kwartz)

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - socioclast - 05-23-2010

Twas fun, ye :laugh:

-bomber KNF-Ryusei