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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Jacques Brissot - 09-05-2011

income transmission...
link establish..
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[Image: 93531888.jpg]
ID: Jacques Brissot
[font=Times New Roman]Bonjour!

for IMG bounty board

[color=#FFFF00]Tau 23
some disturb a piece of tau 23,outcast fighter

Beliar ID

money : 2 mil

to [color=#FFFF00]SMP|Bank


Au revoir, friends..
screen off...
link terminated...
transmission ended...

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Sava - 09-05-2011

' Wrote:
[font=Agency]Mr Morris please submit your reputation with IMG in order to complete all the requirements of your application request.
ID: Phillip Morris

Reputation list uploaded:
[Image: imgrep.jpg]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Jacques Brissot - 09-05-2011

income transmission...
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screen show a face...
[Image: 93531888.jpg]
ID: Jacques Brissot

[font=Times New Roman]Bonjour..

[color=#FFFF00]Tau 23
, today

for [color=#FFFF00]IMG
bounty board

some QCP| pirate transport was on wrong place in a wrong time ....


money: 3 mil

send to SMP|Bank

til next job..

Au revoir!
screen off...
link terminated...
transmission ended...

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Veygaar - 09-06-2011

<div align="right][Image: Murphy2a.png]

A Corsair Gunboat strayed to far from home. Met his inevitable dirty death...


May we mourn at the death of a human, but rejoice in the cleansing of evil....

3 million to Saint-|-Aequitas

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - VoluptaBox - 09-06-2011

::incoming transmission

Name: Alexandre Berchet.
Call-Sign: Gendarme (and variations).
Ship Type(s): Mostly using civilian ships, the only exception being my former Council Heavy Fighter.
Identification: #
Weapons Loadout: Once again, civilian guns, with the exception of some Council guns.
Reputation: #
Some things about myself: Former combat pilot for the Mouvement de Liberation Gallois, suffered an injury that caused me to be dismissed from combat service. An office job didn't quite appeal to me, thus I resigned and looked for new opportunities elsewhere.

I wish to claim bounties in this/these IMG Bounty Board Zone(s):
Taus & Orkney X
Southern Bretonia X
Omegas X
Independent Worlds X

I wish to claim bounties for the ICMG Bounty Board:

Yes X

I agree with the Terms of Agreement stated in the Combined IMG & ICMG Bounty Board
Alexandre Berchet

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Jacques Brissot - 09-06-2011

income transmission...
link establish..
screen show a face...
[Image: 93531888.jpg]
ID: Jacques Brissot

for [color=#FF0000]IMG
bounty board
omega 7 some corsairs disturb a miners
Sails taget ship

Sails kill, correo



Corsair GB


money : 3+3+2+2+2 =[color=#FFFF00]12 mil

send to SMP|Bank

for a ICMG bounty board


money: 15 mil
send to SMP|Bank

Au revoir..

screen off...
link terminated...
transmission ended...

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - SpaceTime - 09-07-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: David Cooper

Name: [color=#FFEB46]David Cooper
Call-Sign: Freedom's.Price (and variations)
Ship Type(s): Roc - CTE-19000 Civilian Bomber (mainly)
Identification: Freelancer
Weapons Loadout: Standard EMP loadout
Reputation: click
Some things about myself: I come from Liberty and I am a person who loves the danger and space fighting. I also hold IMG in high esteem and I really wish to work for the Guild. I would also request my name in the registry to be kept concealed.

I wish to claim bounties in this/these IMG Bounty Board Zone(s):
[X] Taus & Orkney
[ ] Southern Bretonia
[ ] Omegas
[X] Independent Worlds

I wish to claim bounties for the ICMG Bounty Board: (put an X in the box you want)
[X] Yes
[ ] No

I agree with the Terms of Agreement stated in the Combined IMG & ICMG Bounty Board
David Cooper
<div align="right][font=Times New Roman]C[color=#FFE344]onnection Disrupted...
Transmission Terminated

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Independent Miners Guild - 09-07-2011

[color=#33CCFF]Central Independent Miner Guildfunds

Mr Morris you are now registered. Good hunting.

Hammer "Arty" Solotov, the BHG| is already registered in our Bounty Board, you don't need to individually register your ships.

Alexandra Ujo, your name is being added in our database. Good luck.

Alexandre Berchet, it's good to have Council freelancers working for us. Welcome aboard.

David Cooper, you now are registed in the IMG Bounty Board.

To all parties: Those companies/individuals who haven't claimed a kill the last 3 months, will be removed from the registry.

[Image: imgpayments792011.png]

[font=Times New Roman][color=#FFFFFF]Matthew Koster, Bounty Board coordinator

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Sava - 09-07-2011

Incoming transmission....

ID: Philip Morris

I've got 2
[color=red] outcast bombers in Tau-31 today:

[color=red] [MSC]-Hoerchen-

ID&time both burning Destruction1 Destruction2

[color=yellow] 4 mil to Buster_Morris

Regards, Philip Morris

End of transmission.

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Mao - 09-07-2011

[Image: Tananiel.png]

Name: [color=#FF0000]Teneniel & Loruna Night (Night Sisters)
  • [color=#FF0000]Teneniel.Night
  • Loruna.Night
Ship Type(s): Both of us fly the IR-7 "Raven's Talon" Very Heavy Fighter
Identification: Mercenary ID
Weapons Loadout: Civilian / Experimental
Reputation: File IMG00001
Some things about myself/the company I represnt: We're experimenting.

I wish to claim bounties in this/these IMG Bounty Board Zone(s):
[x] Taus & Orkney
[ ] Southern Bretonia
[ ] Omegas
[x] Independent Worlds

I wish to claim bounties for the ICMG Bounty Board:
[ ] Yes
[x] No

I agree with the Terms of Agreement stated in the Combined IMG & ICMG Bounty Board

[font=Monotype Corsiva]<div align="right][color=#FF0000]Teneniel Night