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Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Price_ - 01-05-2015

Name: Oskar Hertz

Age: 25

Short bio: Grew up on Planet New Berlin learning business from Interspace's business marketing school. Graduated with a Masters in marketing from interspace.

Why do you want to work for Daumann? I Always had an interest in Daumanns mining operations and the marketing the ore and manufacturing of Daumann.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am a master at business and corporate marketing, as well as a decent trade pilot. I can help market Daumann's ore and mining operations as well as help to limit the abilities of your competition via corporate espionage. (namely IMG and BMM)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-05-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Hertz.

Well, candidate, although little short, your referrences seem to fit our requirements. You are hereby accepted as an employee on trial period to our company.

Proceed to Room 17 on Ring's Deck C, remaining formalities will be fulfilled there and you will receive your work clothes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Vulkhard Muller - 01-17-2015

[Image: Coal-miner-Primitivo-Basa-008.jpg]
Name: Jeremy Derouix
Age: 25
Short bio: A Native to Gallia and a Miner pretty much by birth, I joined the Gallic Miner's Union, a little known group of Gallic Miners who preferred exploring Sirius for possible Ore locations rather than working for the Metal Service. However since we have entered Sirius we realized that unlike Gallia where ores are much more public property they are much more jealously guarded. So we decided to split up and go our separate ways. I have chosen Daumann due to the pristine and untapped beauty of the Omegas. Also because well, for obvious reasons BMM wasn't exactly 'Thrilled' when I showed up sporting a "Gallia Rocks" T-Shirt. The raw volatile environment is the perfect place for me to put my skills to work here in Sirius. So tell me, will you give me a chance?
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I wish to do what I can to embrace the beauty of the Omegas. If you give me this chance, you will not regret it.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? My mining skills harnessed in the fields of Gallia harassed by the likes of the Maquis and Brigands would be put to the test in this new dangerous environment.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 01-18-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Derouix.

It is not common for us to receive applications from Gallic people. Nonetheless after reviewing your resumé, we came to the conclusion that your experience as a miner in the GMU would be beneficial for us. Mining in the Omega's is not an easy task and like you mentioned it, troubles may rise quickly. We will take care of your work permit along with the other administrative aspects of your dossier with the Rheinland authorities. During this moment, please head to the ship manufacturing decks of the Ring in Neu Berlin. Your new ship and equipment's are waiting for you. One last thing Herr Derouix about the beauty of the Omega's, Icarus never made it to his destination. Dont get distracted, follow the procedures and be a security-oriented actor. Please sent us your S.K.Y.P.E frequencies for further details. Welcome in Daumann Heavy Construction.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Sal_ - 01-20-2015


Guten Tag Herr / Frau

Name: Henrik Rudolf Meinhardt - also known as Junghenrich

Age: 20

Biography: I hail from Rugen Station in Omega 3, where I have lived my entire life, up until now at the age of 20.
My parents are political figures, though I am not permitted to say who they are for safety reasons, they are often
making regular trips to New Berlin to carry outtheir business. I fear for their safety as well as the safety of others
as Rheinland becomes more dangerous.
My life up until now has involved mainly academia, having studied Aerospace Engineering at the
University of New Berlin as well as some basic trading and mining experience.

Why do you want to work for Daumann?
I'm applying at Daumann as it will give me a chance to do my part to protect my Fatherland and the
pilots within it, It will also give me the chance to leave home, gain new skills and meet new people.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
I regard myself a very driven young man who strives to be the best he can be and make a difference, I think I will be an asset to Daumann if hired.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Henrik Rudolf Meinhardt


RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 01-20-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Meinhardt.

We hereby acknowledge your application and we are please to announce you that you have been selected for the trial period. However, despite a strong and healthy patriotism toward Rheinland we felt in you, we were not sure in which department you would like to work. Yet, this simple question will be answered in time, we are sure about it. We liked your versatile experience and we are curious on what this unusual but pleasant curriculum vitae will evolve into. Rest assured that your choice of applying for DHC was a smart one and that we are sure you will give everything you have in this new beginning life as much as we will present to you every opportunity this great corporation has to offer. Herr Meinhardt, please head to the Ring. Ship and equipment will be soon ready. Also, please send us a way to contact you via the S.K.Y.P.3 network. Congratulations on your new Job.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Pepe - 01-21-2015

### Connection ON | Transmission STARTS ###

Transmission shows Herr Wurth.
He wears a pilot mask, but a lot older than any other known mask. Well, maybe even more than just a lot.
He's hands are shaking.

[Image: intercomdhcpilot.png]

Intercom displays details:
Name: Herr. Rainhold Wurth
Ship: #no data#
Location: orbit above New Berlin
Fräulein Richter, my respect.

I'm back. Again. Sorry for my absence, but it was not my fault!

*Whispering* I was kidnaped by an Amazonian cult. Oh, mein Got. It was horrible. Their rituals are so uncivilized! I had to please all that girls 19-23 years old... every damn day... *he's eyes are looking somewhere in the distance*

However, I managed to escape from that hell somehow and here I am, ready to fill my place in Ze Security Division again. Just give me few days bitte, to regain my strength.

And excuse me now, I'm a bit hurry to see Carmen, meine young but loyal frau!

*Herr Wurth raises his shaking hand and reaches OFF button.*

### Connection OFF | Transmission END ###

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 01-21-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Wurth.

What a lovely surprise to hear from you! The DHC security division couldn't be the same without you. I wish you a good and repairing rest Rainhold and come back to us whenever you desire it. Send my regards to Carmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Gakun - 01-22-2015


Name: Marc Hosenfeld
Age: 22
Short bio: Born on New Berlin. My father served in RFP and after his death, i lived with an uncle; he used to work at Daumann Heavy Construction. After University of New Berlin, I used to work in a small security group to protect farmers from local criminals at Stuttgart, but currently I have no job and i live by myself in a small apartment, so i decided to follow my uncle's steps and join DHC. I'm looking forward to work with you.

Why do you want to work for Daumann?
I knew my uncle well and he was proud to work at DHC. I'm sure I'll be pleased as he was, also, i'll be doing my part and contributing to the history of Rheinland and DHC.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
While working on security in the past, I got some compliments about my service. I intend to apply my skills at Daumann and improve them with honor.

Awaiting orders,



RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 01-22-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Hosenfeld.

It's not a secret, Daumann Heavy Construction is the primary target for many terrorists. The security division was created to counter those lost souls and protect our interests. As I'm sure the security division will gladly use an extra hand, you can consider yourself as a recruit in the division. Congratulations! Indeed, we liked your humbleness and the fact that you went to protect farmers from their foes by your own means. Please head to the Ring in the New Berlin system, your ship and equipment are out of the production line. Please also contact the Captain Franz Becht from our Gunboat fleet and the Herr Rainhold Wurth from our bomber wings. Those are the finest from our security department and will certainly help you with their experience. Good luck in DHC Herr Hosenfeld!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===