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141| Internal Channel - Printable Version

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Sapo - 05-18-2013

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-ID- Mark Guerra

Reporting on this afternoon's patrol with Agent Sefegiru. It was quite uneventful to be honest. We met up in Omicron Zeta and proceeded to Omicron Delta. Once in Delta, we set course for Freeport11. At the freeport we met a couple of Zoner "Corvo" type Explorers, one Lee Bergrat and Zues. They were intersted in knowing the fastest route to the Tohoku system, we offered to escort them there and so we did. Once we left them at the Omicron 92 jumphole in Tohoku, we headed back to our patrol.

After being joined by 141|Gene Starwind, we entered Omicron Zeta again. We decided to head over to Meskhenet Station, this is where we met a Primary fleet Agent ship codenamed Order|Asuras. He informed us that he had come across a IMG Capital class ship near Meskhenet and that after he confronted the Captain of said ship he was informed by said Captain that he was merely exploring. At this point he, apparently, activated a cloak device and literally disappeared. He mentioned the ship's transponder had something to do with "AMFS", it didn't ring any bells though. We decided to patrol the rest of Zeta hoping to perhaps stumble across said ship. We were not that lucky though.

That was pretty much it. We ended our patrol back at Akabat.

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-20-2013

[Image: 2a4xs3.jpg]

Well. Where to begin.

Full testing of the Liberty Lost's Docking bays were a success, thanks to Operatives Hannah, Mark, Forlorn, Gene, and the pilot of the Phoenix-1. And also thanks to Phoenix, we discovered that our pilots diet's need to be re-evalutated. I highly suggest the removal of Bounty Hunters as part of their daily intake. I regret having to watch a feces covered Hunter corpse flying by the Liberty Lost's Command deck when Phoenix clogged up one of the ships restroom facilities.

Our mission however was successful.

We traveled to our neighbors home of Omicron Gamma and kindly requested clearance, and in such it was granted. We proceeded to check out more on Omicron Lambda and Omicron 94. And to our surprise when we found a few of these.

[Image: 2u91w0g.jpg]

I highly suggest we look more into this matter with Overwatch to organize another sweep through of the Omicron 94 system. Having nomads so close to the Corsair homeworld could either serve them as a new food source or could lead to possible infection within their Council of Elders.


[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Dead Reckoning - 06-03-2013

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-ID- Gene Starwind

Since reading up on the nets that Scrimshaw Station was up for sale and that no new administrator had been identified, I've been trying to keep up on events on that base. Just yesterday, I managed to find the new administrator. He's a Zoner, we met him and his group before in Omicron Lost as "The Hermits". Apparently the Nomads toasted their old base and they found this for sale.

I shot off a message to Overwatch detailing this and recommended he did so as well, lest the Inquisitor arrive and begin pounding on the base as a potential Core safe haven. So Omicron-92 now has a Zoner base in it, long story short. I don't expect much trouble from them at all.

Starwind out.

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-05-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
This is Commander Davids to all 141 units,

as you are already briefed, the Order has declared the so called Zoner Alliance
as hostile due to their ongoing efforts to gather and distribute nomad technology.
As such, their bases within Omicron 74 are to be sieged and their ships to be destroyed.

Yesterday, several Order assets too a first step by sieging the base at the
Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron 74. In the end we lacked proper firepower
to destroy it, on the other hand, we were able to take down some ZA ships within
Omicron 74 and Kappa.

* * * *

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-08-2013

[Image: v6jhmt.png]

Bonjour. This is Captain Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.

I have personally received some intriguing files from one of the Hemuset pilots today and I am taking the liberty of sharing the data with you.

The undercover stealth monitoring of the Taus is believed to have been foiled as Hemuset-9 was detected by a... Freelancer.

Conversation revealed the fact that the freelancer was actively searching for the Order.

Upon further inspection, Hemuset-9 noticed the fact that the pilot's eyes could glow with a white colour. Similar to how an infected's eyes glow purple. This lead the Hemuset to assume it was infected and took the necessary procedures.

A minor patrol of Outcasts which behaved hostile to both individuals, combined with the fact that the possible infected begged for assistance led Hemuset-9 to question whether he was truly infected or non. He was reluctant to take the life of a possible innocent.

A sign of weakness I dare say. It was a humane act, but a weakness nonetheless.

Even with the person's call for help, he hesitated to escort it into the Omicrons to avoid any unwanted risks the 141 could suffer by having him and thus, Hemuset took the person on Freeport 10 where he is currently awaiting further orders from our High Command. This smart choice is worthy of praises.

That is all. Hemuset shall be briefed once a decision has been taken. Au revoir

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-10-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
D'Autoine, I must say this sounds rather strange.

I want you to find out what this is all about and it's totally up to you how you
want to handle it. If you need additional support, tell me.
Am I clear?

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-25-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Commander Davids to all agents.

As you are already aware things in Omicron 74 last longer then expected.
Now there is one more thing you will have to pay attention to.

Just recently the Corsair Empire stepped into the conflict with the Zoner Alliance.
Though it makes it complicated as different corsair groups have their own view
of Omicron 74.
While the Corsair Brotherhood and the Sails engaged the Zoner Alliance,
minor groups and individual Corsairs tend to keep a more hostile attitude
towards the Order in general.
Especially the ECG.

You know what 141| is up to achieve. We want to improve the relations with the
Corsair Empire again. Not all like this.

I am giving out following orders to One Four One, active from now on.
  • Keep an eye out for Corsair ships within Omicron 74 while our operation in there is stil active.
  • Corsair vessels are not to be engaged on sight. Nontheless, keep up your
    guard, but do not provoke them.
  • If Corsair vessels don't show their clear intentions, try to obtain that information if possible.
  • If you get attacked by Corsair vessels, you are free to defend youselves.
    Any evidence of these attacks are to be reported to me immediately!
    This especially counts for attacks by the ECG!
When possible, try to persuade other Order vessels of this as well. We don't need
another enemy while we deal witth the Zoner Alliance!

Moreover, I am deploying some of our bombers within range of Omicron 74.
Make use of them.

That would be all for now.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-28-2013

[Image: v6jhmt.png]

Captain d'Autoine reporting here.

Yesterday our patrol encountered a Capital Vessel party belonging to the Liberty Navy.

The hostile fleet managed to enter restricted space known as Omicron Iota. They were caught shortly and cargo scans revealed that the commanders of these ships captured Order pilots while also possessing Nomad Biologics.

The captured pilots were freed by us with no violence as the fleet complied with out demands. Still, they denied the disposal of nomad biologicals. Further investigations proved that they were there in order to capture more of the said objects.

Alien threat was imminent, and our squadron attempted to convince them to leave the system for their better safety and handle us the biologicals. They were too foolish to comply and so, I gave my squadron the order to convince them through hostile actions as no other option was available.

Unfortunately, it was too late. A very large nomad fleet appeared out of nowhere while the Liberty Fleet approached one of their installations. This alien fleet was gargantuan, composed of three entities the size of a battleship and other skirmishing units. This isn't something that was encountered recently, as if this threat decided to rise again.

Needless to say, the Liberty Fleet was decimated in a matter of seconds, pity they didn't listen, non?

Unfortunately, my vessel suffered a major malfunction in the operation. The entire squadron managed to retreat as the threat was too big to face.

Data has been uploaded below.

That was all. Au revoir!

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[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Szpaku - 06-29-2013

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*** ID : Rose Striker ***
*** LoC : Meskhenet ***
*** Encryption : Medium ***

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[Image: TaqTyY0.jpg]

So today was a nice day!
Form the basic quiet and nice patrols on my Gunnboat we also managed to get a jump aside from the typical monotonny
Not only my killing that poor squid and save some some of our less lucky agents in battle
We also took our time to help out the Phoenixes in supplying their base with fuel
because noone wants to see theur hime burn huh?
Well that should be all of what I have to say today

*Waves* Byeeeeeee

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Szpaku - 07-02-2013

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*** ID : Rose Striker ***
*** LoC : Meskhenet ***
*** Encryption : Medium ***

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[Image: TaqTyY0.jpg]

Today was a very work-full day
I was doing my typical rounds over Zeta when I got hails from our beloved Sefegriu near Meskhenet getting attacked by nomads
So I cruised there and found her fighting
I jumped in and helped as soon as I could
And it seemed I got all the Kills back there
If I recall corectly there were 3 Nomad fighters and 1 Gunboat
and my hullside camera broke from an asteroid (Damn junk)
But you can ask Sefegriu she will confirm

Thats all for today

*Waves* Byeeeeeeeee

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