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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 10-03-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commander Ian Graham
Location: Freeport 4, Magellan System

Honorable members of the Admiralty Board,

I had an encounter yesterday that needs to be reported. I was on a patrol in Cambridge near Cardiff, when I met a Corsair. While talking with him another signal appeared, first staying distant but then closing in.
The scanners read it as Destinys.Eye, I first did not bother with it too much, but then it spoke to me in my head. I was confused first, wich allowed the Corsair to go and left me "talking"
wich this thing. It talked about the flaws of humanity and the conflicts we get ourselves into. And that its kind would purge us if we dont become like them.
It then left, leaving me confused and disturbed. I returned to the Norfolk immediately after this to get myself medically checked but there are no signs of a mental illness.
I made some guncams too wich turned out to have catched the thing.
I will add the talk how I remember it below, along with some guncams.

Guncams: ###

Ian Graham

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Shelco - 10-09-2016

[Image: 2WgfL1U.gif]

Greetings my co-officers,

this is my frst patrol report, apparently we are good at keeping things safe since this was the first incident i have seen on my patrol now.
I wanted to show our pride by taking the Serenity out of her dusty dock at Southampton and patrolled the systems New-London and Cambridge, nothing interesting, only traders but when i joined Lt.C-XII.Victor and a Bounty Hunter we started to have a nice talk until they got into Freeport 1 for a drink.
Just a few seconds later the already known Corsair Gunboat named "Mota" undocked from the station ad claimed to be the "Guard" of it, i warned him several times to get away but he didn't want at first until i got serious about it, i will contact the CoF about that.

Attachments: [x]

[Image: 3203c59822.gif]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 10-16-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
Priority: Very High
From: Agent Turnip, Code 047

The Kappa Mission was a success.

On the 14th of February, on the command of Admiral Sir Hall, I took the wheel of a Clydesdale-class under the Norfolk Fleet and left for the Omicrons using the same path that Bowex ships had used when they delivered supplies to the Core. I reached Omicron Kappa without any hindrance and unnoticed. There I met with Markus Tezaurus and his company of freelancers, which was consisted of Norman O'Connor, Inge Wexler and Noah Xonnel. Tezaurus told me that they had already destroyed the XT facility, so my help was not needed. It is now obvious that he was telling the truth, as we are not fighting a war against robots. There were only a few XT ships remaining, but they were caught in the crossfire between the escaping freelancers, the Planet Gammu AI garrison and a large fleet of Nomads. It contained two of the Marduk-class, but also an unknown warship of similar size, which was armed even more heavily. Its call sign was Ish'tar. I stayed neutral and gathered information. My scans of the Ish'tar are included in the attachments. I only fired at the young Nomads that had fired upon me, who I defeated.
We managed to escape to Omicron Delta, which was heavily defended by the Core and the Order. When we reached Freeport 11, I saw a small BDM ship there, a skirmish between Core and Order capital ships, in which the numerically superior Core prevailed, and even an LWB cruiser. Meanwhile, Tezaurus took the command of his personal Bustard-class, the Carrier_Lazurite, which was moored with the Freeport. It took some distance and prepared its jump drive. A Train-class named Dazio.Velazes was refueling it. I joined the formation with the freelancers and we ended up back in Kappa, but more than 100K away from the red dwarf. The Core Bullhead-class shown in one of the camera shots jumped with us, but they went their way and did not make any problems.
We, Tezaurus, the freelancers and I, expressed gratitude to each other, and went our ways. Although I passed through Omicron Gamma, I managed to avoid all significant Corsair patrols, and reached the Norfolk safely. I was spotted, I have to admit, but the pilots were rookies and obviously intoxicated. No one will ever believe them that they saw a BAF ship in Gamma.
The reason why I am doing this report so late is that I was enclosed in quarantine in case of Nomad or any other infection. As you can see, I am not infected. I do not know what has happened to the Clydesdale I flew, but I assume that it has been cleaned and that it is functional again. I cannot remember its serial number and it was erased from my notes. I would like to know why, if that is possible.

Camera Shots:
Remaining nuclear devices on Tezaurus' ship (two Marduks and the Ish'tar visible in the distance)
Internal equipment of Tezaurus' ship
External equipment of Tezaurus' ship
External equipment of Tezaurus' ship, 2
External equipment of Tezaurus' ship, 3
Internal equipment of the Ish'tar (its stern visible on the right; the ship estimation is incorrect, it is much stronger)
External equipment of the Ish'tar
The Ish'tar's unknown artillery cannon (its flank visible on the right)
The LWB cruiser and her internal equipment
Core versus Order (the BDM ship is visible helping the Core)
Internal equipment of the Carrier_Lazurite
External equipment of the Carrier_Lazurite
External equipment of Carrier_Lazurite, 2
Stored equipment of the Carrier_Lazurite
Stored equipment of the Carrier_Lazurite, 2
Cargo on the Carrier_Lazurite
Return through the unexplored reaches of Omicron Kappa

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 10-20-2016

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
Priority: Very High
From: Lt. Victor Steiner.

Good Evening Gentlemen.

I have come to report upon two interesting developments that occurred while I was on Patrol in the Cambridge system. It should be noted however that I was not present for the Incidences that I am about to report, I do trust the information as being accurate however and can confirm that both are true, if a little hard to believe.

The first account took place within the borders of Rheinland (Stuttgart). A BMM transport by the name of Royal.Britannic was making a return Journey through the system when he was attacked by a wing Nomad fighters. While we are all aware that reports of wilde are not uncommon within Rheinland, the pilot assures me that These nomads were not wilde, but in fact Nomads. He also states that before they attacked, his comm systems picked up ''The screams of the damned''. He was very clear on this point.He engaged briefly before fleeing back to Bretonia.

upon fleeing from the Nomad fighter wing, the trader picked up what appeared to be a Jump Hole construction device. He has since turned it over to me and I can confirm that 1) it is Alien in origin and that 2) it is part of a set, of how many I do not know. I have since posted it and myself at Battleship Harlow and am Awaiting orders.

Yours In Service:
Lt. Victor Steiner

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 10-23-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
Priority: High
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall

An unusual alien ship was spotted in New London itself yesterday, very much resembling the Ish'tar, recorded first in Omicron Kappa. I took command of the Avalon and headed there. It was destroyed quickly by a combined fleet of ours and of the Liberty Navy. We took some losses, the notable ones being two Crecy-class. A surviving Crecy, the Pride, managed to take possession of two crates of jump hole generator parts, and I successfully acquired one from a Core ship, the Bin.Exe2, by a barter.
However, the captain of the Pride appeared to be less loyal than we expect from our captains, and ran off with both crates. Hopefully I will receive the name soon, so we can catch him and his crates.
Perhaps also worth mention is that I disabled some Valor later in Leeds, using the Sovereign. It was merely one of many and the captain, although braver than most, did not stand out from the average. Nomads and treason excluded, it was a standard day, which I ended with a cup of oolong, as usual. It is only a matter of time how long that traitor is going to hold out without tea.

Camera Shots:

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 11-04-2016


Today I bring some unfortunate news. Enemy battleship RNS Tonnant was engaged around planet Leeds at approximately 7 bells (11:30 PM) by my self and three others. HMS-Poseidon, BPA) Officer Paul Hastings and BMF|FS.TheAnvil (name of the pilot is unknown at this time).
I my self had already begun to engage the Tonnant before my fellows arrived.

Shortly after the Arrival of the HMS-Poseidon, officer Hastings arrived accompanied by the BMF| ship. Unfortunately the HMS's engines were playing up and our mighty Dunkirk was destroyed far quicker than she should have been. Still, With Officer Hastings in a VHF and myself and the BMF| in bombers, we managed to harass our target and whittle him down to roughly half hull strength. Yet soon after that, Officer Hastings was destroyed. My self and the remaining pilot did what we could until I was forced to withdraw. As I was doing so, the Tonnant's fighter support arrived and I order a total withdraw.

Next time we shall be more prepared.

Yours in service:
Lt. Victor Steiner.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 11-04-2016

Good Morning Gentlemen

I would like to continue from my report above. As mentioned, RNS Tonnant managed to force our lads into a withdraw yesterday. Today she was found in the Magellan system. Once I had confirmed that it was her, I called our allies from Liberty into assist. I was quickly joined by LNS-Reaper, LNS-Zagurik, Olympus. Engagement of the Tonnant took place at roughly 2 bells (1:00).

One might assume that with support, the Tonnant would be doomed. Alas it was not so simple, LNS-Reaper suffered from engine trouble before the battle even took place and had to land on the Freeport to make repairs while the rest of us engaged. As soon as we did, RNS-Geparde and RNS-Corsica showed up to support the Tonnant. Shortly after their arrival, the Council Battleship Boreas arrived to lend a hand, yet she could not prevent both the LNS Zagurik and Olympus being destroyed. Fortunately I managed to even the odds a little by destroying an already badly damaged Tonnant. Our remaining forces then proceeded to destroy the other two Gallic vessels, RNS-Geparde was destroyed by the council ship and the Corsica by LNS-Reaper.

I am happy to report that Magellan is safe once again, and that our defeat in Leeds was avenged.

Yours in Service:
Victor Steiner.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 11-04-2016

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

[img float=right][/img]

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System

To start this report without much talk, I had to lead the meeting with the captain of the Montana today, since Admial Hall did not arrive in time, for whatever reason.
While assembling Commander McKinley was contacted by the Lord Commander of the Hellfire Legion, I dont know the exact content of the talk since there are two different versions. Nonetheless we got awareness of a Hellfire fleet of unknown size approaching Bretonia along with the Montana and another Dreadnaught that was entering Manchester without beeing granted access.
Lacking informations of what to expect I requested a battlegroup to move to Manchester to make sure the Bretonian borders will not be attacked by anyone.
A Gallic scout saw our group gathering, but left shortly after.
I contacted Locklear, assuring myself of their intend. He apparently did not intend to enter Bretonia and offered to host a talk with the Montana in Cortez, wich I refused since the Montanas captain contacted us in this very moment.
At this time a Gallic fighter attacked one of our bombers, I left the fighting command to Commander McKinley on the HMS-Holmfirth.
The Montana did not appear at the meeting point, even after we waited for some time, making us rely on long range communication and taking us the option of taking the crew into costudy. Confronted with why she saw fit to move a battlegroup to our doorstep she answered she needed "assurance" and when I asked what her version of fleeing from the Navy was, she told me that their ships were not used onthe Gallic front and this made them flee, also an insult by Admiral Sader seems to have played a role.
I personally think this sounds like a lie, since no one would be so silly to take those things as reason to flee from the Navy, making everyone on the Gallic front their enemy and making fighting the Gallics effectively near impossible.
Either they hide the real reason, or they actually are people that dont know what they are doing.
Either way, given the situation I informed them that they are to not enter Bretonia or they will be turned over to the Liberty Navy.

On a sidenote, Hall appeared on the scene later, he apparently was held up by some "important business"

yours sincerely
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Piombo65 - 11-08-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very high
Priority: High
From: Lieutenant Commander Sid Fire

Good day BAF DIS,

I Send here the report of the recent battle in Leeds system.

Sid Fire
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 11-09-2016


Rank Changes:

Commander Paul McKinley has been promoted to Captain. You have shown good command and resourcefulness on the Southern Front. You may request command over the available Dunkirk-class, the Gaia. Bare in mind, however, that with rank comes responsibility, so if you relax and stagnate, you will be transposed to the Leeds Front right away.

Lieutenant Noa Jefferson has been promoted to Lieutenant-Commander. You seem to have grasped what you have been taught about small wing command. Now put it to practice. If you are successful, you will be able to progress further.

Lieutenant Albert Steiner has been promoted to Lieutenant-Commander. We have found your performance in fighters lacking, but you have done compensatingly well in bombers. Hopefully the experience you have got in them will help you command a capital ship more effectively. You may request a Churchill-class if you think that you are ready.

Lieutenant James Valenski Winter has been promoted to Lieutenant-Commander. Although your direct combat skills could be better, you have shown tactical resourcefulness and good planning skills. The Admiralty has concluded that you will hurt our enemies from an office more than any Lieutenant can in the field. Improve what you are good at, but do not disregard what you are not, in case that you wish to progress further.

Ensign Richard Mace has been promoted to Lieutenant. You have shown that you can follow most orders. This is why you are no longer a mere recruit, but have in mind what this means -- there is no longer an excuse for you to disobey an order.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board