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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 03-19-2011

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: Lieutenant Colonel Alla Alesky

Target: Rebel Forces

Subject: Discipline

Well, ladies and gentlemen it has come to my attention that in my time away from the bulk of the Rebel forces things have gotten a bit out of hand. We seem to have forgotten ourselves and where we belong; in times like these such is inexcusable. Some of you may think your lives are safe because of a numerical disadvantage the Rebels face, this is mostly true and perfectly fine.

I know full well that there are ways to punish and correct the egotistical and disobedient without turning to any kind of physical or fatal harm. You are the kind of people that place more clout into a rank or title than anything else, right Mister Miller?

At first the story was so ridiculous I couldn't believe it, I almost wrote it off as one of Wexler's subtle pranks. We won't even bring species into this. I'm more worried about the fact you had the audacity to bring unknown entities to a base that was supposed to be a "hideout" do you know what a hideout is, Miller? It's not a club, and I'd assume someone of your "caliber" would know better. I hope you're aware of what happened with the Xenos in Ontario regarding the last base.

At any rate, you essentially brought those whom none of us know to an exclusive location, while we're in the middle of a war we're not exactly winning, attempting to carryout a very delicate plan. I would say this makes you a danger to the Rebels as a whole, especially since you seem incapable of following orders issued to you. I have a huge problem with those who give orders, but can't take them.

I'm sure once you sit and think this out you'll agree with me, which is why you'll be happy to accept you're no longer a Commissar, right Lieutenant? I should elaborate and mention I do mean of the Junior variety. I suggest you stay in line, as I'm out of passive punishments.

Lastly, Captain Ling. You've been very useful with your work in New London, so we'll settle with a small reminder. It's better for everyone's health when you don't threaten the lives of your superiors. "Trust me on that." As for the rest of you, do keep your heads on straight until I return.

Lieutenant Colonel Alla Alesky

Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-19-2011

[Image: 8721nglingxian.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Captain Chun Ki Ling
Target: Highly secured to Rebel forces only
Location: **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Potential for a new base.

Reminder acknowledged, however this has already been resolved. My "threaten to kill" was merely down to not fully trusting Wexler as I did not know him or his intentions. This has been fully resolved and I have complete faith in the leadership. I am fully committed to finishing what this rebellion has started.

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DarthBindo - 03-19-2011

[Image: tim-roth.jpg]
Morn tae ye, mah fellow rebels.
Right, where tae start.....oh ai know.
Your incompetent.
I've seen Girl Scout troops with more organization.
Yer idiots, an' ye smell bad too.
I trust the Partisian fighter careening towards Lanzarote should make my intent perfectly clear.
I signed on tae join a elite military organization.
Yer not it.
In-fighting, personal grudges, a feckin civil war.
Ai'm headin' back tae the 'Sairs, whence they actually, ya know, get something done beside inane bickering and backstabbing.
Oh, an' remember.
Ai always pay my debts.
Ian Holmes, Rover Extraordinare, Ex-Junior Liuetenant of the SCRA.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 03-19-2011

[Image: SinaScraTrans-1.png]
[font=Cambria]Ian Holmes,

Our movement's fate is about to be decided in the upcoming weeks.

Resources finally gathered.

Forces finally rallied.

Bases finally operational.

The incompetent part rests on you and you alone. Which is why you have been forcefully removed before that same incompetence jeopardizes the hard work we have devoted ourself to in order to make sure that we reclaim what is rightfully ours. You haven't even spent a month in the Coalition and you think you know who we are. If I was the person handling recruitment you wouldn't have even passed it.

Your security clearance for this channel has been revoked with this message.

[color=#CC0000]Wexler out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 03-19-2011


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]Extremely High
ENCRYPTION: Extremely High
IDENTIFICATION: Commissar-Captain Robert Miller, "Lex Talionis"
SOURCE: *Location undisclosed*
SUBJECT: Oh, really?

[color=#FFFFFF]Lieutenant Colonel. If only you had eyes and ears that were not out of tune by several weeks. Or even months, we left Omega-52 so long ago are exact dates really important?

Now then, allow me to explain in as simple a manner as possible. These "unknown entities" have in fact been more than willing to tell all who listened what they were. On the day the Volkhan took power they arrived in Omega-52 in a Dromedary, broadcasting IFF codes for several pilots lost on the Resurgency mission. I admitted them aboard the station and their two representatives, Maktu and "Bobby", told me everything. They had information that would have simply been impossible to steal from us. Several of the people left behind on the Hispania had chosen neither Crete nor Malta for their home, knowing what sort of society they would be subjected to living in, and took the risk of travelling to what we know today as Primus.

They were vital to our escape from Sevastopol Depot. They have been wherever I've gone, so wherever the rebellion has been based. I'm surprised that it has taken this long for their presence to be mentioned by anybody else. If you had eyes you would have seen them sooner. If you had ears you would have heard they were here sooner.

Or should I say there? The word "here" suggests that I'm still on Dom Hryaka, which is where I also assume you are. But I'm not there any more. Neither are the Primusians and the Dromedary they have been occupying. They couldn't move onto the station because, due to background radiation on Primus being far greater than on any human-occupied planets, they had to remain in the Dromedary. Its radiation shielding has been removed, so as well as reducing its price helps simulate the conditions on Primus. I'm taking anti-radiation medication, so will be fine.

But anyway, to continue with what I was saying before. These communist Primusians that have struggled on their planet for over eight-hundred years to survive are a part of us. They've seen much more of a struggle than any of us. But the fact that you do not trust my judgement is what surprises me.

I was made a Commissar for a reason. I was awarded the Hero of the Revolution for a reason. My callsign is Lex Talionis for a reason. I have fought for Katz loyally since the very start, have made good judgements which have paid off. If people had actually listened to me during the mission escorting TOR-ONE to Toledo, that Corsair Legate wouldn't have made it into the sun's corona to destroy itself.

I must be honest. I prefer Rhade. I prefer General Alvarez. I initiate one conversation in a bar and suddenly I am having some tosh about endangering the revolution by inviting some friends to answer some questions thrown at me. Friends that have been with the revolution since the beginning, I should remind you.

I do not serve under people I do not respect. My father was a businessman, he taught me about business. He told me once: 'Respect is something you must earn. If people you're working with haven't earned your respect, then why are you working with them?' I certainly earned the Premier's trust and respect, such as he earned mine. Captain Alvarez earned my trust, just as I earned his. General Alvarez earned my respect, and I would hope I earned his. Colonel Rhade earned my respect, and just as for the General I would hope I had earned his.

Neither you nor Lieutenant Colonel Wexler have earned my respect. The rebels have been making a call to plenty of people to help join the fight, but when you meet those who I recruited you are suddenly outraged? Why is that? Are you holding racist views against the Primusians? I thought communism was about equality for all men? Yes, they are technically not men. But they're sentient. I would call them as human as you or I. Well, maybe not you.

I will return when Premier Katz has returned to his rightful place as leader of the Revolution. Until then I will continue to fight in his name and with the objective of returning him to his rightful place. If you want to contact me, contact Gerald Croft of Miller's Mining and Production. He will forward any messages to me. He is a working man of Dublin who mines the gold ore. The people we swore we would help. I think you and Wexler have forgotten what it means to be a revolutionary. I won't fight for you.

I shall fight... FOR THE REVOLUTION!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 03-19-2011

[Image: SinaScraTrans-1.png]
[font=Cambria]Former Coalition Member, Junior-Lieutenant Miller,

You seem to be rather busy boasting about your past, your former rank and your medal than to understand what it means to actually wear them. See that was probably the reason why you got put down, and also the reason why you are reacting like you do. You have failed your task with the position you had been entrusted upon and as such it was decided that you would be given a second chance, starting from the bottom again.

I hope you understand that this decision was neither made by myself or Lt. Colonel Alesky, only we executed it, not to say that I didn't support this move, clearly given your rather childish reaction.

Colonel Rhade is good at many things, but leading an entire rebellion he is not, this was the decision made by someone that was above both me and Lt. Colonel Alesky, again I hoped you would understand that. We never act without the consent of our superiors, indeed we answer to someone as well.

You speak of eyes and ears, and how supposedly Lt. Colonel Alesky is incompetent to not be briefed about your "solo-missions" which I undoubtedly suspect has almost entirely to do with serving your own ambitions. Yet you seem to not be aware of what this man single-handedly has done for the Rebellion Movement.

He provided the Rebellion with a new base of operation after the last one was barred from our hands.

He provided us with the necessary resources by contacting third-party suppliers.

He provided us with the Zoner Carrier that will be a major part of our field-operation in rescuing Doctor XiaoBei.

And you come here and tell me we are incompetent. Between all of this you have been running around talking to monkeys on a foreign planet and revealing them one of our most secret mobile stations?

You will not be back when Premier Katz has returned, because you are nothing more than a traitor.

You have decided with this final action to abandon us during our most desperate need for help.

If you were anything of a man, you would have taken this demotion and seen it as a sign, that you need to improve. What you have done here, only validates our decision. It shows it was the right one to begin with. You have fought for your reputation and your rank, nothing else.

They always say that you can see the true nature of a man, when he loses everything he once owned.

You lost everything. Your true nature was revealed.

Do not bother attempting to respond to this channel Miller, we are changing the codes.

[color=#CC0000]Wexler out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-19-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Rebel's / Miller
Comm. ID: Brigadier-General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: My Command

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Lt-Colonel Wexler is correct, his orders come directly from my lips, mi comrada. So do you dispute my leadership? If so *a pistol is raised to view on the screen* you will take your side arm, and do your final duty by putting a bullet into your brain.

I do not tolerate insolence, nor do I have time for insubordination in a time of war.

You have twenty-four hours to either return to your post, kill yourself, or surrender, after that you will be hunted down and executed like a perro.

For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 03-19-2011


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]Extremely High
ENCRYPTION: Extremely High
IDENTIFICATION: Junior-Lieutenant Katya Petrenko
SOURCE: Dom Hyraka
SUBJECT: We don't need Miller


I was one of those on that Dromedary crewed by those... monkeys. Miller saved us all from the clutches of the Volkhan. But I utterly support you in this move. He has gone too far, and no matter what actions a man has taken in history, what really matters is what is created by all of his experiences.

Miller's experiences have turned him into a revolutionary in a revolution. He'll pay for his words in blood.

For the Revolution, For General Alvarez, and For Katz!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 03-20-2011

[ COMM ID: "Mangudai" ]
[ SUBJECT: Mission Complete]

Rebel operative, named Ian Holmes, was found and terminated.

Subject was found tracing his last transmission signal.

Awaiting further assignment.

All hail Vokhan, the Ikon of Ikons!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-20-2011

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets (on both sides), Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

There has never been, nor will there ever be any officers in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army by the name of Ian Holmes, Miller or Brooks.

Any record of these individual is denied, there is no evidence in any of our databases to their existence. No domiciles maintained, nor family to support claims to the contrary.

Any such information remaining is an obvious forgery perpetrated by our enemies.

Any that say otherwise may find themselves under investigation for High Treason against the state.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса